I'm new to confluence and I have a task - jira

I am a new user of confluence, I participate in an workflow in witch customer support receives bugs, I report them to a central team of developers. Now, the thing is I am trying to create a way for the customer support team to have more visibility on the issues that I report, as in to quickly find out the status of a certain issues. What I have in mind is a confluence page consisting of a table of the issues extracted from Jira but I am having trouble reaching the exact end product that I have in mind. For example is there a way for me to make a column to this table so I can add comments for some issues? or can I categorize the issues by which pack of developers are they assigned to. Mainly I want to know if there is an alternative way of going about my situation and I don't see it because of my lack of experience.

Rather than adding comments in Confluence I would suggest you instead add them to the Jira tickets and then display them on Confluence.
The Jira Issues macro allows you to chose the fields you display. You could, for example, add a 'Confluence comment' custom field to your Jira tickets and make sure this is shown in Confluence.
As for categorizing issues, this is best done by using filters. The approach would be as follows:
Decide what categories you want
Create a filter for each category
Use the Jira Issues macro multiple times, once for each of the filters


TFS 2015-2017 Assistance

I am new to TFS and know the basic concepts. In my case we have customized TFS a lot which contains around 17 collections, custom fields in work items etc.
I have some queries for which I require some answers. The questions might be generic, but any help or suggestions on the below queries would be great.
Following are my queries:
1.) Show Work Item ID in a specific format. Can it be done
2.) Auto Fill custom fields for a work item based on a category / linked bugs (analogous to Relative Path column type)
3.) While raising a WI through Visual Studio development tool, the datepicker only takes date value and not time. The same work items when raised through web portal the datepicker gives time value as well.
4.) Auto Fill the efforts spent in Child Work items (summation of all child link items in the parent)
5.) Reminders to be sent if iteration / scrum set date crossed. Also check for Work Items as well, if set date is crossed.
6.) Create Queries which can query across all collections / verticals. Currently queries can be made only against each entire collection, but not across all collections. Do we have any mechanism to query against multiple collections?
7.) Email alerts customizations in TFS.
8.) Can the collections be merged into 1 default collection.
I have tried to find few answers from my end as well, and would like to know, if it is correct.
1.) Work Item ID cannot be shown in a specific format as it is system generated
2.) For Auto Filling of Work Item fields, it cannot be done. Manual approach is the only way (unless there is a way to pre-populate fields
3.) One can only query for all projects in a single collection. But it is not possible to query against multiple collections and get the results.
So require assistance on the above queries and also validate the answers I have got for few of my questions.
Any help or suggestions or relevant links would be great.
Thanks In Advance!!!..
Please kindly check below inputs
You are right. This is by designed. You can not change to use other
format of work item.
Yes. This could not be done at present. It's still a user voice, but
on the Roadmap. Support for calculated fields and roll-ups.
Sorry, not get your point.You could use the DateTimeControl type to give users a calendar picker to select a date for a DateTime field. By using this control, you can quickly select a date and time for the field. For details.
You could do this from a sprint backlog or task board. Details
please take a look at our official tutorial here: Rollup of work
and other fields
We do not have this kind of build-in time reminder for work items.
However, as a workaround, There is a dashboard widget that uses #me
in its query.
You can also cobble something together using the REST API and a
scheduled build. Calling a work item query and sending email is
pretty easy from PowerShell.
No, they are using different database. You are only able to query
across team projects int the same project collection.
It's able to do this but with a little bit complicated. For detail
info, please take a look at this link: Customize TFS 2015 alert
There is no default way to do this. I do not think there is a
possibility of merging two TFS collections other than creating a new
collection, creating the team projects and use a tool such as TFS
integration tools to move the team projects from the source
As you can see, history will be rewritten with new dates, changeset
and work items ids etc, if you are trying to merge collections.

Is there a way to show commits on subtasks of stories in a Jira scrum board?

We are migrating from an in-house tool to Jira for managing our scrum board, and we have concerns that I have been unable to resolve by searching the Internet. But you folks are smart, right? ;-)
Our current scrum board shows the usual swim lanes across state columns (for todo, progress, review, done). Each swim lane represents a user story, and has a link to (and a snippet of) the user story description in Jira. It also has a number of 'tickets' (these would be subtasks in Jira lingo) that start in 'todo' and move across to eventually end up in 'done'.
So far, Jira can do all of this, too (although creating sub-tasks is rather a lot more work in Jira than in our in-house tool). However:
When we commit code, we include a ticket ID in the commit message, and thus each ticket displays a list of commits that were done to complete that particular ticket / partial story. I haven't been able to find out how to do this in Jira -- if it's possible at all. Instead, it seems one must open a sub-task to see if there are any commits on it?
Each commit also shows its review state, which gives us an excellent overview of how close to done a ticket really is. I haven't been able to find out how to do this in Jira -- if it's possible at all. Instead, it seems one must open the sub-task, and drill down further into Fisheye(?) in order to see the review state?
In total, our tool provides a one-screen overview of the state of each user story, ticket, commit, and review state; and it's very lightweight to pull in new stories (from Jira) and add tickets. We fear that Jira is not able to provide such a one-screen overview, forcing us to open Fisheye in order to know whether a given commit has passed review.
Is it really true that Jira must be this cumbersome?
For reference, here is what a single ticket (subtask) looks like in our system:
And if you look at the whole scrum board, it's actually quite easy to get a feel for the number of commits on individual user stories and tickets, and the ratio of pending/passed/failed code reviews:
I agree with your fears when you say
We fear that Jira is not able to provide such a one-screen overview
In my experience (7+ years with Jira/Agile) I've not seen a such condensed view of information about a sigle user story even on a swimlane with relative cards.
Also in the Atlassian marketplace there seems to be no good plugin to solve your issue, even partially.
To make such move from your in-house tool to Jira retaining all you have there, I fear you should develop a custom Plug-in using Jira SDK to integrate with the agile boards.
It may be enough to start by developing a custom field to show what you need from a "ticket" (ie sub-issue) and trying to insert it into one of the three "slots" available for cards (I mean Rapidboard card layout configuration screen).
If you wanna try, start from here.
Another option to create a new custom field would be the Adaptavist Scriptrunner plugin. It will ease the building of custom fields: your new field can be written also in Groovy rather than plain Java. I've used it to build an extended status custom field (just to give the user an immediate big picture of it) that informs him in plain english and with stylish css colors why an issue is blocked or anything else relevant, getting data from other fields or linked issues that are not immediately visible to the user. IMHO, it is very similar to your problem.

JIRA Agile: How do I assign multiple users to a single subtask

I'm using the JIRA Agile plugin.
I've created a task with a few subtasks inside it and I want to assign multiple users to one subtask.
Any idea how this is possible without rebuilding JIRA from source then tinkering the code?
There is an Atlassian page that covers this topic.
The options they discuss may not match your requirements though. They seem to be focused on the situation where the users you assign to an issue are consistent and part of a group.
One option is to create a custom field of type 'group picker'. Another option is to have a user defined on JIRA that actually represents a group of users and has a mailing list email.

TFS 2012 Add custom Dictionary

We're about to implement TFS 2012 and I've been having some fun customizing some work items to aid us in our reporting. One issue we have is our reporting based on clients.
Our Product Backlog Items keep our requirements, however, we need to report our requirements per client (government regulations). Some requirements will affect all clients, some will only reflect certain ones. I've been able to add a global list of clients along with a multi-select option and that part is working great.
The issue is we need to also note the requirement number for each selected client. I know I can go in and add a field for each 'Client Requirement', but as that list gets bigger, that screen will be insanely huge.
Does anybody know of such a way to implement something of the sort?
One option would be to create a custom Work Item Type for Clients. Then link your PBI's to the appropriate client WI's. When you create a link you can enter a link comment also which you could use to capture the client-specific requirement number.
I would create a custom "Client Requirement" work item that has the list of clients to select and includes a field for Client ID. You can then either use the related link type or create your own, maybe "Implements \ Implemented By" so that you can create a Reporting Services report that pulls the ID's

TFS task with more assignees

What is the best way to store a task for multiple users in TFS 2010 ? I can only assign one for one task.
(for example: when I plan a demo to all developers)
(this is a scrum Msf Agile project, where the task is part of a user story)
I'm sorry to tell you that you can't assign multiple users to a single work item out of the box; At the same time, I do not recommended trying as this, as it does not fit the model in TFS. The conventional / recommended way to handle this type of scenario is to create multiple tasks; one for each developer in this case. You can easily accomplish this by copying a set of tasks using MS Excel. Another option (given the example you used) is to create a "Meeting" work item that has multiple drop-downs - one for each person that would attend meetings like for a demo or a technical review.
Yet another option is to create a custom control to format and store a list of users. This would likely be relatively complex to maintain, as you have to distribute it to each user's machine (it will need to be installed locally), and last I checked you would need 2 versions; one for the Team Explorer user interface and another for the Web Access tool that most people use to create work items from a web page on their TFS server. Future updates to TFS could possibly break your custom control. It is rarely worth the effort. Another downside is the you would likely be limited by how you can use MS Excel to work with the data you store in the field that the custom control works with. If you want to look into this further you can find some examples in the following CodePlex project: http://witcustomcontrols.codeplex.com/
You might consider your true goals in tracking such things as meetings and other items you want to assign multiple people to. Tasks are the heart of tracking progress of user stories in the MSF Agile Template. Tracking meeting attendance does not typically relate directly to a User Story, for example; so it won't typically assist you to determine how much close you are to being "done" with a User Story. If you want to take advantage of the existing reports, then you should organize your tasks so that they roll up as child work items to User Story (or Bug) work items.
Short story: you can't. Work items in the Process Template of Microsoft are designed to target nobody or only one User.
Now you can customize the Process Template to change this.
Take this post for instance, the customization works for group. But I don't recommend you to do so because TFS is basically not designed for that and you may end up disappointed.
