Xcode apparently does not create the app’s dSYM file - ios

I am developing an iOS app. Sometimes when I execute the development version on a test device that is not connected to Xcode, the app crashes.
I later connect it to Xcode and display the device logs, and can see the crash log.
Unfortunately, my Xcode Version 12.5 (12E262) does not symbolicate my app. Apparently, Xcode does not find the required dSYM file, although I have set in Targets/Build Settings "Debug Information Format" to "DWARF with dSYM file".
I have read the docs „Adding Identifiable Symbol Names to a Crash Report“, particularly the section Locate a dSYM Using Spotlight. Accordingly:
In the „Binary Images:“ part of my crash report, my app is shown:
0x104c30000 - 0x104dd3fff ShopEasy arm64 <2f9607e3500937bdb7f84ad8f4c103d5> /var/containers/Bundle/Application/8CC841E3-385A-4779-97AF-1399E4D108F5/ShopEasy.app/ShopEasy
However, if I open var in the Finder, the folder containers is empty.
When I search in Terminal for the UUID using
mdfind "com_apple_xcode_dsym_uuids == 8CC841E3-385A-4779-97AF-1399E4D108F5"
it does not find anything.
Any help is welcome!

I am not sure if this is really the solution:
In Target / Build Settings, Debug Information Format was set to DWARF with dSYM File.
I reset it to DWARF only, and then set it again to DWARF with dSYM File.
Now my crash logs are symbolicated.


DSYM and binary required to symbolicate? Or just DSYM?

Started using Crashlytics and am curious why only the DSYMs have to be uploaded and not the full .app binary to match. I was under the impression that to symbolicate you needed a binary with matching DSYM file. Is that not the case? Basically trying to figure out the magic of how Crashlytics symbolicates when all I do in my app is run the post-build script that uploads the DSYM
Mike from Fabric and Crashlytics here.
A dSYM file actually contains all the debug symbols of your app needed to symbolicate the crash report. This is why we recommend having your Debug_Information_Format set to "Dwarf with dSYM". We also generate a unique build id so that even if the build and version number don't change, the dSYM uploaded for that build remains accurate for any crash reports that need to be symbolicated.
You can also read more information on this from Apple, but the most important part is this: "As the compiler translates your source code into machine code, it also generates debug symbols which map each machine instruction in the compiled binary back to the line of source code from which it originated. Depending on the Debug Information Format (DEBUG_INFORMATION_FORMAT) build setting, these debug symbols are stored inside the binary or in a companion Debug Symbol (dSYM) file."
As noted above, the symbols can be in just the dSYM file, hence our recommendation for the setting of Debug_Information_Format.

Empty dSYM folder in Xcode archive

I've Googled this extensively, and either the situation someone's experiencing involves a different Xcode version (and therefore different build options), or a presence of a dSYM file.
So, here's the situation. I received a crash report through Xcode. It's just memory addresses. Trying to open it in project gives me the same memory addresses. Thought about manual symbolication but for that I need my dSYM file corresponding to the archive I built. But when I 'Show package contents' for the archive I built in finder, its dSYM folder is empty.
My Xcode settings at the time of archiving were:
STRIP_INSTALLED_PRODUCT: Yes Switching to No makes no difference.
DEPLOYMENT_POSTPROCESSING: No Switching to Yes makes no difference.
Also, I selected 'Include symbols' when uploading the archive to iTunes Connect.
The process for deployment with Apple is confusing-as-hell enough, without having to worry that when a crash does happen, the resport is in fact readable!
So my questions are:
1) Why was my archive missing a dSYM file?
2) If the dSYM file would've been generated, where could it be?
3) If I really do not have a dSYM file, can I still somehow get human-readable symbol names? I've got the original archive I uploaded and access to source code for that build.
3a) If I Product>Archive again (and assuming this time a dSYM does get generated), can I use this dSYM file instead? Or will it have a different UUID, causing it to be incompatible with the crash log cause...well...Apple?
Xcode version: 6.4
Here's what my crash log looks like in Xcode Organizer:
I upgraded to Xcode 7.3 before trying this but it may also work for version 6.
The solution to question (1) is to set the following in project build settings:
On XCode 8.3.2, select Yes on Generate Debug Symbols
For question 1), I also don't know. It may be a bug of Xcode. You can archive
the same code again, then generate a same dSYM file.
For question 2), you can search 'dSYM' in the folder '~/Library', because 'dSYM' file output in there generally. If not found, try searching it in the entire disk.
For question 3), you must have the system library symbol file that the crash log listed in 'Binary Images' section. You can find it in '~/Library/Developer/Xcode/iOS DeviceSupport'. If not found, you can connect an iPhone with the same OS version showed in the crash log to Xcode. After Xcode finished processing it, the system library symbol file of the iPhone can be copied to the folder. Then, you can re-symbolicate the crash log.
For question 3a), For the same app code, different Archive may be have a different dSYM file(UUID). If you use it to symbolicate the crash log, the symbolicated crash line is very close to the real crash line, so this can also help you to infer the real cause of crash.
From your screenshot, there only one line from your app code not be symbolicated. Now, you can generate the dSYM file of your app through using the app code which causes the crash to archive again. After you generate the dSYM file, use command line dwarfdump -u yourApp.app.dSYM to get UUID of it,Then check the uuid if contained in the first line of 'Binary images''. If NO, you can modify the UUID in the first line of 'Binary images'' to same as the new UUID which got from dwarfdump -u XXX.dSYM, Note the cpu architecture. Finish this, you can re-symbolicate the crash log in Xcode, or use command line symbolicatecrash crashreport.crash yourApp.app.dSYM. Note, you must guarantee the version of your app code same as version in the crash log, if not, the result is unbelievable.

Download dSYM fails "Missing App Version"

When I try to download the dSYM from the organizer, it gives me this error :
Missing App Version
An app record for “co.**” was found but a matching version for “1.0.3” build “10” was not.
I have enabled Bitcode. It's a swift app with Swift and Objective-C pods. Xcode Version 7.2 (7C68)
When I right click on the archive and look at it's package contents in Finder, I see a dSYMs folder. I zipped it and uplaoded it to Crashlytics, but it still shows dSYMs missing for all my builds. It even has App.dsym with some dsyms with UUIDs and others for my pods.
Is this an XCode bug?
I see somene has posted a similar question for tvOS on the apple developer forum but there are no answers there. I am not allowed to ask a question there for some reason :p
I haven't added a build to iTunesConnect yet, is that necessary to download dSYMs? Where does XCode download the dSYM from? Could it have something to do with the fact that my bundleId is of the form co.someString and not co.someString.someOtherString? I guess not, I'm just looking for anything.
Is disabling bitcode the only way to be able to get the dSYM for me?
Sounds like your dSYM file doesn't match the application binary, even if app version number and build number would be correct. Every time you build (archive) app, you get new and different dSYM file, too.
You cannot use just any dSYM file from any archived project, even if you made no code changes between archives. You must get the exactly correct archive and dSYM from within it.
Here's related info from HockeyApp, similar service to Crashlytics. Even if they are diff services, symbolicating crash reports is similar problem.

What is the proper "Strip Debug Symbols" settings in iOS for release versions?

I've been getting a bunch of crash logs for my (largely c++) app on iOS. My problem is I can't seem to ever symbolicate these crash reports properly.
What is the "proper" setting for stripping debug symbols for release on iOS? I get that you'd want to strip the debug symbols so the download size of the app isn't ridiculously large.
But the problem is that it seems to make the crash reports virtually unreadable.
Do dSYM files on the xcode archives get sent and eventually downloaded by the users?
Or is it simply something to be kept for future symbolicating purposes (done locally on my own machine, on xcode)?
Or is it simply something to be kept for future symbolicating purposes (done locally on my own machine, on Xcode)?
This. Your "release" config (or whichever config you use for distribution) should have the following setting:
Symbols Hidden by Default: Yes
Xcode will still generate a dSYM folder which is what you will use for symbolicating crash logs. There are 3 ways to handle symbolicating:
Use Xcode. For this you need to use the Product -> Archive feature whenever you release. Once an archive is created, you can select "Export" then "Save for iOS App Store Deployment". After this you can drag crash logs into the left side of the "Device Logs" window and Xcode will symbolicate them for you.
Manually symbolicate using the symbolicatecrash tool located inside your Xcode.app folder. This is useful if you've released code to users but don't have an Xcode archive. You need to be sure that the crash log matches the binary and dSYM or it will not work.
Use a third party tool that collects crash reports and symbolicates them for you. Examples include Crashlytics, Bugsense, or HockeyApp.

How to symbolicate crash log Xcode?

Xcode 5 organizer had a view which would list all the crash logs. and we could drag drop crash logs here. But since Xcode 6, I know they have moved devices out of organize and have a new window for the same. But I do not find a place where I view the crash logs which i drag-dropped in Xcode 5 after upping to Xcode 6. Anybody knows the answer ?
Writing this answer as much for the community as for myself.
If there ever are problems symbolicating a crash report, one can overcome them as follows:
Create a separate folder, copy Foo.app and Foo.app.dSYM from the corresponding .xcarchive into the folder. Also copy the .crash report into the folder.
Open the crash report in TextEdit or elsewhere, go to the Binary Images: section, and copy the first address there (e.g. 0xd7000).
cd into the folder. Now you can run the following command:
xcrun atos -o Foo.app/Foo -arch arm64 -l 0xd7000 0x0033f9bb
This will symbolicate the symbol at address 0x0033f9bb. Please make sure to pick the correct value for the -arch option (can be obtaned from the first line in the Binary Images: section, or figured out from the Hardware Model: in the crash report and the app's supported archs).
You can also copy the necessary addresses (e.g. a thread call stack) from the crash report directly into a text file (in TextEdit, hold Option and select the necessary text block, or copy and cut), to get something like this:
Now you can save this into a text file, e.g. addr.txt, and run the following command:
xcrun atos -o Foo.app/Foo -arch arm64 -l 0xd7000 -f addr.txt
This will give a nice symbolication for all the addresses at once.
Before doing the above, it's worth checking that everything is set up correctly (as atos will happily report something for basically any supplied address).
To do the checking, open the crash report, and go to the end of the call stack for Thread 0. The first line from the end to list your app (usually the second one), e.g.:
34 Foo 0x0033f9bb 0xd7000 + 2525627
should be the main() call. Symbolicating the address (0x0033f9bb in this case) as described above should confirm that this is indeed main() and not some random method or function.
If the address is not that of main(), check your load address (-l option) and arch (-arch option).
If the above doesn't work due to bitcode, download the dSYM for your build from iTunes Connect, extract the executable binary from the dSYM (Finder > Show Package Contents), copy it into the directory, and use it (i.e. Foo) as the argument to atos, instead of the Foo.app/Foo.
You can refer this one too, I have written step by step procedure of Manual Crash Re-Symbolication.
Crash Re-Symbolication
Move all the above files (MyApp.app, MyApp-dSYM.dSYM and MyApp-Crash-log.crash) into a Folder with a convenient name wherever you can go using Terminal easily.
For me, Desktop is the most easily reachable place ;)
So, I have moved these three files into a folder MyApp at Desktop.
Now its turn of Finder, Go to the path from following whichever is applicable for your XCODE version.
Use this command to find the symbolicatecrash script file,
find /Applications/Xcode.app -name symbolicatecrash
Xcode 7.3 and newer (Xcode 8, ..., Xcode 14, ...): /Applications/Xcode.app/Contents/SharedFrameworks/DVTFoundation.framework/Versions/A/Resources/symbolicatecrash
Add the found symbolicatecrash script file's directory to $PATH env variable like this: sudo vim /etc/paths.d/Xcode-symbolicatecrash and paste the script file's directory and save the file. When opening a new terminal, you can call symbolicatecrash at any folder as commands located in /usr/bin.
Copy symbolicatecrash file from this location, and paste it to the Desktop/MyApp
(Wait… Don’t blindly follow me, I am pasting sybolicatecrash file in folder MyApp, one that you created in step one at your favorite location, having three files.)
Open Terminal, and CD to the MyApp Folder.
cd Desktop/MyApp — Press Enter
export DEVELOPER_DIR=$(xcode-select --print-path)
 — Press Enter
./symbolicatecrash -v MyApp-Crash-log.crash MyApp.dSYM
 — Press Enter
That’s it! Symbolicated logs are on your terminal…
Now simply, find out the Error and resolve it ;)
Ok I realised that you can do this:
In Xcode > Window > Devices, select a connected iPhone/iPad/etc top left.
View Device Logs
All Logs
You probably have a lot of logs there, and to make it easier to find your imported log later, you could just go ahead and delete all logs at this point... unless they mean money to you. Or unless you know the exact point of time the crash happened - it should be written in the file anyway... I'm lazy so I just delete all old logs (this actually took a while).
3a. Make sure the log file has the extension .crash (rather than .txt or .ips)
Just drag and drop your file into that list. It worked for me.
For me the .crash file was enough. Without .dSYM file and .app file.
I ran these two commands on the mac where I build the archive and it worked:
export DEVELOPER_DIR="/Applications/Xcode.app/Contents/Developer"
/Applications/Xcode.app/Contents/SharedFrameworks/DVTFoundation.framework/Versions/A/Resources/symbolicatecrash /yourPath/crash1.crash > /yourPath/crash1_symbolicated.crash
There is an easier way using Xcode (without using command line tools and looking up addresses one at a time)
Take any .xcarchive file. If you have one from before you can use that. If you don't have one, create one by running the Product > Archive from Xcode.
Right click on the .xcarchive file and select 'Show Package Contents'
Copy the dsym file (of the version of the app that crashed) to the dSYMs folder
Copy the .app file (of the version of the app that crashed) to the Products > Applications folder
Edit the Info.plist and edit the CFBundleShortVersionString and CFBundleVersion under the ApplicationProperties dictionary. This will help you identify the archive later
Double click the .xcarchive to import it to Xcode. It should open Organizer.
Go back to the crash log (in Devices window in Xcode)
Drag your .crash file there (if not already present)
The entire crash log should now be symbolicated. If not, then right click and select 'Re-symbolicate crash log'
Xcode 11.2.1, December 2019
Apple gives you crash log in .txt format , which is unsymbolicated
With the device connected
Download ".txt" file , change extension to ".crash"
Open devices and simulators from window tab in Xcode
select device and select device logs
drag and drop .crash file to the device log window
We will be able to see symbolicated crash logs over there
Please see the link for more details on Symbolicating Crash logs
Follow these steps in Xcode 10 to symbolicate a crash log from an app build on the same machine:
Inside Organizer, locate the archive where the app is based on.
Click on the Download Debug Symbols button. Nothing will appear in your Downloads folder, but that's OK.
Connect the build machine to an iOS device.
Select the device in Devices and Simulators.
Click on the View Devices Logs button.
Drag-and-drop the crash file to the left panel. The file must end with a .crash extension, otherwise the drag fails.
Switch to the All Logs tab.
Select the added crash file.
The file should automatically symbolicate, otherwise use the right-click context menu item Re-Symbolicate Log.
You need access to the .dSYM package (folder) that contains a DWARF file, and you should open the .crash file with an editor.
Looking at the backtrace section, you should see something like this:
13 TheElements 0x0000000100f62ca0 0x100f5c000 + 27808
14 UIKitCore 0x00000001843e3044 -[UIApplication _handleDelegateCallbacksWithOptions:isSuspended:restoreState:] + 356 (UIApplication.m:2328)
Binary Images:
0x100f5c000 - 0x101673fff TheElements arm64 ...
Note the long address in the stacktrace section, the 3rd column (0x0000000100f62ca0)
Note the short address in the 4th column (0x100f5c000)
Note the architecture in the Binary Images section (arm64)
Execute the following:
$ atos -arch <arch> -o TheElements.app.dSYM/Contents/Resources/DWARF/TheElements -l <short_address> <long_address>
You should get a result like this:
-[AtomicElementViewController myTransitionDidStop:finished:context:]
Authoritative source: https://developer.apple.com/library/content/technotes/tn2151/_index.html#//apple_ref/doc/uid/DTS40008184-CH1-SYMBOLICATE_WITH_ATOS
Note: if for any reason you don't have access to the .dSYM file, you can recreate the .xcarchive using Xcode>Product>Archive, but make sure you are building the exact same code. Then you can extract the symbols from inside the .xcarchive package.
Make sure that your Xcode application name doesn't contain any spaces. This was the reason it didn't work for me. So /Applications/Xcode.app works, while /Applications/Xcode 6.1.1.app doesn't work.
From Apple's docs:
Symbolicating Crash Reports With Xcode
Xcode will automatically attempt to symbolicate all crash reports that it encounters. All you need to do for symbolication is to add the crash report to the Xcode Organizer.
Connect an iOS device to your Mac
Choose "Devices" from the "Window" menu
Under the "DEVICES" section in the left column, choose a device
Click the "View Device Logs" button under the "Device Information" section on the right hand panel
Drag your crash report onto the left column of the presented panel
Xcode will automatically symbolicate the crash report and display the results
To symbolicate a crash report, Xcode needs to be able to locate the following:
The crashing application's binary and dSYM file.
The binaries and dSYM files for all custom frameworks that the application links against. For frameworks that were built from source with the application, their dSYM files are copied into the archive alongside the application's dSYM file. For frameworks that were built by a third-party, you will need to ask the author for the dSYM file.
Symbols for the OS that the that application was running on when it crashed. These symbols contain debug information for the frameworks included in a specific OS release (e.g, iOS 9.3.3). OS symbols are architecture specific - a release of iOS for 64-bit devices won't include armv7 symbols. Xcode will automatically copy OS symbols from each device that you connect to your Mac.
If any of these are missing Xcode may not be able to symbolicate the crash report, or may only partially symbolicate the crash report.
The easiest process to symbolicate crash logs:
preserve the xcarchive file from the organizer during IPA building process for future use.
When the crash occurs, collect the crash logs from affected device. The extension should be .crash. If the crash log is in .ips format, just rename it to .crash.
Double click the xcarchive from the stored path to make it appear in organizer(if not present already).
open in xcode window->devices and simulators -> view device logs -> all logs -> drag and drop the .crash file.
Wait for 5secs. Bang! the application calls in stack trace will be symbolicated!
You may still see a lot of symbols though! those are internal library and framework calls.
This is the easiest one, tried and tested!
I was struggling to have the crash report symbolicated through atos but I was reluctant as the process seems cumbersome, But I found the crash report in the Xcode-> Window -> Organizer->Crashes(in left-side menu) Xcode will automatically download the crash logs and will symbolicate automatically, From there you can easily find the reason of the crash.
