Vaadin chart not using up correct width - vaadin

In Vaadin 14.6.1, I have created a horizontal layout with 2 charts (and some other stuff). The charts are not using up the correct width -- they seem to not "pick up" on the right width (see screenshot below). I set the width to 100% etc. Also, this problem disappears if I use a simpler component, such as label, instead of charts (from Highcharts). I've experienced a similar problem before, but in more complex settings (e.g. a user adjusts the splitlayout and the underlying chart does not resize). But in this case, it's an even more reasonably straightforward scenario (i.e. no adjustment by user of the width of any layout) and yet Vaadin doesn't seem to pick up the right width, at least when using charts. Is this a known or reproducible issue? If so, any workaround?

Charts indeed behave badly with some layouts. I have noticed two cases. The other is the Board component, where the workaround is just simply wrap Chart inside Div, i.e.
Div div = new Div();
// and then add div to Board
SplitLayout is more tricky. You need to call Chart to reflow after splitter has been moved. Something like the following finds all the charts and forces them to redraw.
splitLayout.addSplitterDragendListener(event -> {
getUI().ifPresent(ui -> ui.getPage().executeJs(
"Array.from(window.document.getElementsByTagName('vaadin-chart')).forEach( el => el.__reflow());"));
Note, if you have only one chart or have conveniently the references to chart instances you can do
chart.getElement().executeJs("$0.__reflow();", chart.getElement());


Is there a way to auto-scroll horizontally in a Vaadin Grid?

Currently using Vaadin 23 and was wondering if it was possible to use scroll horizontally within a Grid programmatically, much like some of the built-in functionality with scrolling to the top or bottom row. However, in this case I would like to scroll using a column as reference (while maintaining the current vertical scroll position).
One idea would be to put a component into the column header, and then scroll to that component. Something like:
Grid.Column<SamplePerson> emailColumn = grid.addColumn("email");
Span emailHeaderText = new Span("Email");
Button scrollToEmail = new Button("Scroll", e ->
It doesn't work perfectly, as the header component does not cover the whole column width, but it might be good enough.

Move Grid save and cancel buttons from far right, maybe left justify

Is there a way in Vaadin 7 or Vaadin 8 to move the save/cancel buttons to under the last editor column? Or maybe to left justify them? Right now they are right justified under the last column. I would even take left justifying them under this same column. Visually, it is far from the last thing the users edited, so some users get confused. The way I am clarifying it for users right now is by making the Grid as narrow as possible, but it wastes screen real estate.
This will be very difficult in generic case, where column widths can be freely adjusted or their widths are automatically calculated by content. However if you set your columns fixed widths, so that you can make assumptions based on that within your specific application, there is a solution.
Just noting, that the Editor has div, with class name "v-grid-editor-footer", which has the same width as the Grid. So the editor footer does not have logical cells, that would be aligned with Grid's cells. And that is the challenge here. Furthermore the buttons you are refering to are wrapped in a child div of the previous one, with class name "v-grid-editor-buttons"
However you can try to add css rules in your theme in the following way.
.v-grid-editor-buttons {
position: relative;
left: -300px; // Adjust this value experimentally so that it fits your need
Below is a screenshot the css applied to Vaadin's Sampler.

Delphi Resizing Form messes up components

I created my form and it looks fine in the standard size when ran with the program, however when I maximize the form, the components get messed up. I anchored the components on the left and right, however a giant gap is created in the middle of the form and I don't know how to fix it. When in the 'Design' view of the program, all my components are touching from me trying to fill the middle gap. I tried aligning, anchoring and searched online for a while with no luck. Any clue?
Form in standard size upon running program:
Form in full screen with giant middle gap:
From the form's OnResize event, you can compute the width and left property values for the component to fit the new size. You can adjust the width of components or distribute the distance between components to get the look you want. Or a combination of the two.
It is also possible to put the components on two lines if the form's width becomes too small. Or use a scroll panel so that the user can scroll to see what is not possible to show correctly given the width.
All that requires coding. Parts can be done using panels and align the panels.

HorizontalSplitPanel - Adjust the splitter position based on component width

Is there a way to add more than 2 components in HorizontalSplit panel without nesting it?
Splitter position should be based on the space allocated for the component. There is nesting of horizontal split panel but the splitter position is not set based on the component visible space
If you want a separate resizable split area for each of those components, then no, you cannot do that with just one split panel and nesting is indeed the solution. If you are fine with just one split, then you can add a layout instead of a component and just keep inserting more components to the layout.
You can use splitPanel.setSplitPosition for adjusting the split position. If your desired split position isn't static and your contents don't have fixed sizes, you could possibly use a tool like SizeReporter add-on for querying the content sizes. Note that this will undeniably cause some flickering, because you need to add the component to the layout before you can measure its size.
A horizontal splitpanel allows one component on the left and one on the right side.
Nothing more
What do you want to achieve?
If you add two layouts to HorizontalSplit there is nothing stopping you in adding more than one component to those layouts. You can also add new SplitLayouts to existing splitlayouts if you want that.

Text and Image together in a fixed width overflowing-column component in iOS

I want to combine text and images in a view (not using UIWebView) and I want to make the content appear according to the width of the inner view predefined by me. If it's content overflows the content size of that inner view, I want it to overflow to the next view (column right next to the previous one).
Summary: I want to combine both text and images like a newspaper page; fixed width columns all next to each other.
I am trying to create a custom UIScrollView but it becomes more complex in every step and I don't feel safe about this method.
I am using RichTextBlock component in Windows 8 where I can easily add Text or Image objects. I hope to find a similar component but I still haven't.
Are there any other easier methods or ready-to-use libraries made for a similar thing?
