We are trying to Import HSM-protected keys to Azure Key Vault (BYOK)....
We could generate a KEK and download the KEK public key
We have the following queries
We are trying out SoftHSM on Windows 10 machine to generate HSM/Target Key ...Can we import softhsm target key to Azure Key Vault..
Can you please let us know the steps to achieve the above?
any suggestions on this?
Are we on the right track ..any guidance is appreciated
It seems not to support SoftHSM, there are the supported HSMs here.
I've got a Dart application that consists of both client and server components. There are a couple of source files that are needed by both client and server. I'm trying to find a way to share them effectively without publishing a library to pub.
I've read through these docs but it doesn't say how to share a library if you don't want to publish it to pub. I'd like to do something like:
import 'package:../../Shared/lib/shared.dart';
But that doesn't work ("Target of URI does not exist").
What options do I have here?
Ah, I figured it out. I have to declare a dependency in my pubspec.yaml like this:
path: ../shared
Then I can just do this:
import 'package:shared/shared.dart';
I am looking for a dart package in order to implement key exchange protocol (Elliptic-curve Diffie–Hellman) in a Flutter application. So the flow will be like this:
app generates a key pair during login and sends the public key to
server (so a new key pair is generated for every login)
server sends back its public key that it just generated
app generates a secret key from its private key and server's public
app includes the hmac of all subsequent messages sent to the server
I tried using the ed25519_dart package for the key generation, but it doesn't work. My app doesn't even start due to integer literal can't be represented in 64 bits error, which is also pointed out by the dart analyzer.
I also took a look at pointycastle, but it doesn't seem to support Diffie–Hellman.
The Diffie–Hellman package also doesn't work for me. Provided example throws this exception in the first line:
FormatException: Invalid radix-16 number
Any idea how I could achieve what I want to do in a Flutter application?
The error I am assuming is connected to BigNum and Dart 2. Pointy Castle has a branch on GitHub where they are switching to Dart 2.0.
Here are some ways you could get a keypair:
Use a native SDK (Java, Kotlin, or C++) and use a platform channel
Use the pointy castle Dart 2.0 branch
Try flutter_sodium package. It works with Dart 2 but is a work in progress.
Hopefully, this helps. I am trying to figure out the best way as well!
I deployed spring-cloud-dataflow-server-cloudfoundry to SAP Cloud Fondry with environments below:
And import stream starter apps using bulk import applications.
And I create stream using "time-source-rabbit-1.3.0.RELEASE.jar" and "log-sink-rabbit-1.3.0.RELEASE.jar".
But I cannot deploy stream.
The status is "partial" fianlly, and apps' runtime are failed.
My question is:
1. Whether spring-cloud-dataflow-server-cloudfoundry can be used in SAP cloud foundry like I used?
2. When deploy stream in cloudfoundry using spring-cloud-dataflow-server-cloudfoundry dashboard, should I set any other necessary properties?
Thanks in advance.
Looking at the manifest.yml, it appears that org, space, and domain weren't replaced with SAP-CF specific values. Pay attention to the following note in the ref. guide.
Now we can configure the app. The following configuration is for Pivotal Web Services. You need to fill in {org}, {space}, {email} and {password} before running these commands.
If you have them replaced with your environment specific properties, the next step is to check the SCDF-server's logs. There will be particular details as to why the deployment failed if it did.
Now to answer your questions.
For #1, it is hard to say without logs or environment details. We don't actively test against SAP distribution of Cloud Foundry. As far as the distribution is compatible with Diego 1.7.1 and over, it should work. We also publish the CF compatible versions in project site. Perhaps this could be useful to compare the SAP CF environment and its foundation versions.
For #2, no, you don't need any other properties.
I am not finding a way regarding how to connect to sharepoint 2010 cloud and read a list using groovy scrip .I googled a lot but did not find any clue.Kindly suggest me an idea or any resource how to do that? Thanks in advance.
Easiest way to test in Groovy:
String restUrl = "http://sharepoint/myrestendpoint"
println( url.toURL().text)
Refer to this for a more formal approach:
I have problem creating tls-trust-store for connecting to the gmail account via IMAP in Mule ESB
If I delete "path" and "storePassword" fields in the imaps:tls-client and imaps:tls-trust-store tags I
can connect, but them I have to delete it every time I've change anything in the xml, cause Mule recreate this fields.
I've tried to get the key via openssl and create key via keytool application - but I've not succeed.
Can anyone help me with the right way how to create such things?
Mule recreate this fields
Mule doesn't alter your XML configuration ever. You're apparently dealing with Mule Studio bug that makes it remove valid XML configuration elements. This is a known faulty behaviour of Studio that is generally well known and being worked on fixing.