Qualcomm DSP: hexagon-sim with command line arguments - signal-processing

I am profiling c code on a hexagon simulator with the following tool:
Qualcomm/Hexagon_SDK/3.5.3/tools/HEXAGON_Tools/8.3.07/Tools/bin/hexagon-sim --timing --profile binary.hexagon
The binary is built with the hexagon-clang:
I am, however, unable to pass command line arguments to my binary when running
Does anybody know how to do that?
I tried:
Qualcomm/Hexagon_SDK/3.5.3/tools/HEXAGON_Tools/8.3.07/Tools/bin/hexagon-sim --timing --profile binary.hexagon argument1 argument2
Qualcomm/Hexagon_SDK/3.5.3/tools/HEXAGON_Tools/8.3.07/Tools/bin/hexagon-sim --timing --profile binary.hexagon 'argument1 argument2'
Qualcomm/Hexagon_SDK/3.5.3/tools/HEXAGON_Tools/8.3.07/Tools/bin/hexagon-sim --timing --profile 'binary.hexagon argument1 argument2'
But that all just gives the error:
More than one non-option on command line!
Cannot determine executable - aborting.

You should use -- for that.
Like so:
hexagon-sim --timing --profile binary.hexagon -- argument1 argument2
From "Hexagon Simulator User Guide", Qualcomm doc 80-N2040-17 P:
Running the simulator
Command switches are used to control various
simulator options. A switch consists of one or two dash characters
followed by a switch name and optional parameter. Note that switch
names are case-sensitive. Switches must be separated by at least one
space. The command switch (--) when delimited by spaces on either
side is used to separate the command arguments of the target
application from those of the simulator. For example:
hexagon-sim --rtos q.cfg a.out -- 10 // 10 is target app arg
hexagon-sim --rtos q.cfg -- a.out 10 // alternate form


Rule in snakemake using singularity: unterminated quoted string

I'm running a snakemake pipeline that for a specific rule loads a container:
rule counts:
outdir= (os.environ["OUTDIR"] + "/counts/"),
indir= (os.environ["INDIR"] + "{sample}"),
name = lambda wildcards: SAMPLES[wildcards.sample]
(os.environ["OUTDIR"] + "counts/" + "{sample}" + "/outs/web_summary.html")
cellranger count --id={wildcards.sample} --transcriptome={params.transcriptome} --fastqs={params.indir} --sample={params.name}
mkdir -p {params.outdir}
mv ./{wildcards.sample}/ {params.outdir}
Dry run looks fine, the rule itself I'm sure it works (tried it without the container). However, when I run it with docker I get this error:
Activating singularity image /some/path/.snakemake/singularity/c288fbc3fef5771f055a688c6678c24d.simg
/bin/sh: syntax error: unterminated quoted string
[ 1.228141] reboot: Power down
And then it waits for the missing files, and fails.
I think the answer to this situation might be related to this previous question, but I have tried everything i can think of in terms of escaping characters (except for the wildcards and variables within curly brackets because I'm guessing it should be fine, and if not why am i even using snakemake :-( ). The paths for the directories I'm using are valid and exist, the name and wildcard "sample" are in the shape "sample_123", nothing fancy.
It's also worth saying that there are no single or double quotes in any of these variables.
Thank you!!
Software and OS:
I am in macos catalina 10.15.5, running snakemake 5.20.1, and I have been using the beta version of singularity for macos (3.3.0-rc.1.658.g7427b73f1.dirty).
Running singularity outside Snakemake:
I tried running the singularity outside snakemake, the software that I'm trying to run starts, but then complains that there is no disk left on space (which is not true). I'm running the singularity as sudo singularity run -B "$(pwd):$(pwd)" docker://marcusczi/cellranger_clean
I think this latest error might be either 1) I'm not running singularity as I should..? Or 2) A false statement of what is happening since cellranger (the software I'm trying to run) often has misleading error messages.
Minimal reproducible example:
If you install snakemake, you should be able to reproduce my error when running snakemake -j1 --use-singularity in the same directory of the Snakefile.
rule all:
rule counts:
cellranger count --help
echo "hurray!" > {output}

cordova build error when `node cordova/lib/copy-www-build-step.js` in build phase

I am a web developer with no experience in iOS development. Now I'm using Cordova to build iOS app. Because I have no knowledge about iOS or Xcode, it is very hard for me. I always get error like the following output when I built in Xcode or built in command line.
Error info in Xcode build:
Run custome shell script 'Copy www directory'
PhaseScriptExecution Copy\ www\ directory /Users/jyjin/Library/Developer/Xcode/DerivedData/myios-auhioanpfinvvvcrnvoaioslreyr/Build/Intermediates.noindex/myios.build/Debug-iphonesimulator/myios.build/Script-304B58A110DAC018002A0835.sh (in target: myios)
cd /Users/jyjin/workspace/gitProject/Cordova/FirstProject/platforms/ios
/bin/sh -c /Users/jyjin/Library/Developer/Xcode/DerivedData/myios-auhioanpfinvvvcrnvoaioslreyr/Build/Intermediates.noindex/myios.build/Debug-iphonesimulator/myios.build/Script-304B58A110DAC018002A0835.sh
/Users/jyjin/Library/Developer/Xcode/DerivedData/myios-auhioanpfinvvvcrnvoaioslreyr/Build/Intermediates.noindex/myios.build/Debug-iphonesimulator/myios.build/Script-304B58A110DAC018002A0835.sh: line 2: 27158 Segmentation fault: 11 node cordova/lib/copy-www-build-step.js
Command PhaseScriptExecution failed with a nonzero exit code
Error info in command line build:
The following build commands failed:
PhaseScriptExecution Copy\ www\ directory /Users/jyjin/Library/Developer/Xcode/DerivedData/myios-auhioanpfinvvvcrnvoaioslreyr/Build/Intermediates.noindex/myios.build/Debug-iphonesimulator/myios.build/Script-304B58A110DAC018002A0835.sh
(1 failure)
xcodebuild: Command failed with exit code 65
I have read a lot of solutions on websites, and finally I found that there were some script in build phase:
NODEJS_PATH=/usr/local/bin; NVM_NODE_PATH=~/.nvm/versions/node/`nvm version 2>/dev/null`/bin; N_NODE_PATH=`find /usr/local/n/versions/node/* -maxdepth 0 -type d 2>/dev/null | tail -1`/bin; XCODE_NODE_PATH=`xcode-select --print-path`/usr/share/xcs/Node/bin; PATH=$NODEJS_PATH:$NVM_NODE_PATH:$N_NODE_PATH:$XCODE_NODE_PATH:$PATH && node cordova/lib/copy-www-build-step.js
after checking out the error message several times, I tried to remove && node cordova/lib/copy-www-build-step.js in Build Phases, it builds successfully, but with no page effect expected in html (Cause no www resource copied I think).
and I tried to check out some env PATH value in copy-www-build-step.js,so I wrote some log code in copy-www-build-step.js, but have no idea how to print js logs in Xcode. Then I found cordova-plugin-console, but npm doc said it is duplicated, and contains the last version for Cordova, and mine is also the latest.
Oh, God!One week passed... I just want to build an iOS app. It’s so hard to play. The ghost knows what I experienced:Configuring certificates, profile, building a Cordova app from scratch, even spending $99 to buy an apple developer account...
Just want to play an iOS app by myself in my free time ... Hope someone can help me ~~
-- From a desperate Chinese boy !
just update cordova-ios to latest version:
npm i cordova-ios#latest
you can see this problem being solved in this PR: #600, they changed the script from javascript to the old shell version and fixed the problem.
Workaround without updating the library
Enter in xCode in the Build Phases tab and click on "Copy www directory" phase, so change the script to:
"__PROJECT_NAME__ " is the name of xCode project.
After this download the copy-www-build-step.sh script and put it inside the "__PROJECT_NAME__/Scripts/" path.
Oh! I have fixed it~
Firstly, check the script:
NODEJS_PATH=/usr/local/bin; NVM_NODE_PATH=~/.nvm/versions/node/`nvm version 2>/dev/null`/bin; N_NODE_PATH=`find /usr/local/n/versions/node/* -maxdepth 0 -type d 2>/dev/null | tail -1`/bin; XCODE_NODE_PATH=`xcode-select --print-path`/usr/share/xcs/Node/bin; PATH=$NODEJS_PATH:$NVM_NODE_PATH:$N_NODE_PATH:$XCODE_NODE_PATH:$PATH && node cordova/lib/copy-www-build-step.js
currently error is xcodebuild: Command failed with exit code 65. This is the first error, the && should be & when running in the mac.
And then, the error turn to be Command /bin/sh failed with exit code 127.And I found xcode error message: node: command not found.
So I run find /usr/local/n/versions/node/* -maxdepth 0 -type d 2>/dev/null | tail -1 in the command line. and get the node result path /usr/local/n/versions/node/11.12.0
node -v // v10.15.3
So I remove all script in build_phases, and give it node path for my real nvm node path, change build_phases like below:
/Users/jyjin/.nvm/versions/node/v10.15.3/bin/node cordova/lib/copy-www-build-step.js
Build success!
Summary! cordova auto build_phases script maybe not suit your environment, make sure build phase can get your node path!

Dyldinfo commamd not found

mac os 10.13.4
I write the command 'dyldinfo' in shell, but is wroing
-bash: dyldinfo: command not found
hope you help me
On recent versions of macOS you can run the tool with xcrun dyldinfo (as long as you have Xcode installed)
First, make sure you have either Xcode or Command Line Tools installed.
If you have one of those, you can find dyldinfo in /Library/Developer/CommandLineTools/usr/bin.
So, to run it, type this into your bash:
You can check the dyldinfo path using following command:
$ xcrun --sdk dyldinfo
Showing that the command dyldinfo is under the path:/Applications/Xcode.app/Contents/Developer/Toolchains/XcodeDefault.xctoolchain/usr/bin/dyldinfo, which means commands like dyldinfo belong to Toolchains of Xcode. Therefore, 'dyldinfo' cannot be used as a separate shell command. Instead, you must invoke it by using xcrun <sdk>.
$ xcrun dyldinfo
Usage: dyldinfo [-arch <arch>] <options> <mach-o file>
-dylibs print dependent dylibs
-dr print dependent dylibs and show any recorded DR info
-rebase print addresses dyld will adjust if file not loaded at preferred address
-bind print addresses dyld will set based on symbolic lookups
-weak_bind print symbols which dyld must coalesce
-lazy_bind print addresses dyld will lazily set on first use
-export print addresses of all symbols this file exports
-opcodes print opcodes used to generate the rebase and binding information
-function_starts print table of function start addresses
-export_dot print a GraphViz .dot file of the exported symbols trie
-data_in_code print any data-in-code information

Why can't ld called from MSYS find (existing static) library when arguments are read from a response #file containing backslashes?

This is basically the same issue as in mingw ld cannot find some library which is exist in the search path, MinGW linker can't find MPICH2 libraries - and I'm aware that there are heaps of posts on StackOverflow regarding the issue of static and dynamic linking with MinGW - but I couldn't find anything that explains how I can troubleshoot.
I am building a project with a huge linker command like (via g++) on MinGW, in a MSYS2 shell (git-bash.exe). The process fails with, among others:
/z/path/to/../../../../i686-w64-mingw32/bin/ld.exe: cannot find -lssl
I add -Wl,--verbose to the g++ linker call (to be passed to ld), and I can see for the -L/z/path/to/libs/openssl/lib/mingw -lssl:
attempt to open /z/path/to/libs/openssl/lib/mingw/libssl.a failed
/z/path/to/libs/openssl/lib/mingw/ssl.dll failed
attempt to open /z/path/to/libs/openssl/lib/mingw\libssl.a failed
But this is weird, because the file exists?
$ file /z/path/to/libs/openssl/lib/mingw/libssl.a
/z/path/to/libs/openssl/lib/mingw/libssl.a: current ar archive
(... and it was built with the same compiler on the same machine)?
Weirdly, once it attempts to open with forward slash .../libssl.a, once with backslash ...\libssl.a - but at least the first path checks out in a bash shell, as shown above?
It gets even worse if I try to specify -l:libssl.a -- or if I specify -L/z/path/to/libs/openssl/lib/mingw -Wl,-Bstatic -lssl -- instead; then all attempts to open are with a backslash:
attempt to open /z/path/to/scripts/other/build/openssl/build/mingw/lib\libssl.a failed
attempt to open /z/path/to/libs/openssl/lib/mingw\libssl.a failed
To top it all off, if I look it up manually through the command line using ld, it is found ?!:
$ ld -L/z/path/to/libs/openssl/lib/mingw -lssl --verbose
attempt to open Z:/path/to/libs/openssl/lib/mingw/libssl.dll.a failed
attempt to open Z:/path/to/libs/openssl/lib/mingw/ssl.dll.a failed
attempt to open Z:/path/to/libs/openssl/lib/mingw/libssl.a succeeded
Does anyone have an idea why this happens, and how can I get ld to finally find these libraries? Or rather - how can I troubleshoot, and understand why these libraries are not found, when they exist at the paths where ld tries to open them?
OK, found something more - not sure if this is a bug; but my problem is that I'm actually reading arguments from a file (otherwise I get g++: Argument list too long). So, to simulate that:
$ echo " -Wl,--verbose -L/z/path/to/libs/openssl/lib/mingw -lssl -lcrypto " > tmcd3
$ g++ #tcmd3 2>&1 | grep succeeded | grep ssl
# nothing
$ g++ `cat tcmd3` 2>&1 | grep succeeded | grep ssl
attempt to open Z:/path/to/libs/openssl/lib/mingw/libssl.a succeeded
attempt to open Z:/path/to/libs/openssl/lib/mingw/libcrypto.a succeeded
... it turns out, if the very same arguments are fed on the command line, then static library lookup succeeds - but if the arguments are read from file through the # at-sign, then static library lookup fails?! Unfortunately, I cannot use on my actual project, since even with cat, I'd still get g++: Argument list too long ... So how can I fix this?
MSYS has special handling of directories as arguments when they are used in the shell. This translates e.g. /<drive_letter>/blabla to the proper Windows style paths. This is to accomodate Unix programs that don't handle Z: style directory root.
What you see here is that MSYS isn't performing this interpretation for string read from a file. When you think about it, it's very logical, but as you have experienced first-hand, also sometimes annoying.
Long story short: don't put Unix style paths in files with command arguments. Instead, pass them through e.g. cygpath -w, which works in MSYS2 (which should be the MSYS that Git for Windows 2+ comes with).
Ok, with some more experiments, I noticed that:
-L/z/path/to/libs/openssl/lib/mingw, the Unix path specification, tends to fail - while if we specify the same, except starting with a Windows drive letter, that is:
-LZ:/path/to/libs/openssl/lib/mingw, then things work - also from an arguments file with # at-sign:
$ echo " -Wl,--verbose -LZ:/path/to/libs/openssl/lib/mingw -lssl -lcrypto " > tmcd3
$ g++ #tcmd3 2>&1 | grep succeeded | grep ssl
attempt to open Z:/path/to/libs/openssl/lib/mingw/libssl.a succeeded
attempt to open Z:/path/to/libs/openssl/lib/mingw/libcrypto.a succeeded
I guess, since the shell is MSYS2/git-bash.exe, entering full POSIX paths on the shell with /z/... is not a problem, because the shell will convert them - but in a file, there is nothing to convert them, so we must use Windows/MingW convention to specify them...

waff wiki function in ns-3 does not get parameters

In ns-3 simulator documentation they provide a simple bash function to ease your life:
function waff {
cd $NS3DIR
./waf --cwd="$CWD" $*
cd -
This function is supposed to execute the ./waf program situated in the ns-3 root folder but inside the folder you are actually situated into.
So in the case of ~/project$ waff --run first waf will run the first script in the ~/project folder.
But if I try to run any simulation by adding one parameter to the script's command like ~/project$ waff --run "first --PrintHelp" it throws an error
waf: error: no such option: --PrintHelp.
It only works when I actually run the scripts from the root folder without the waff function.
How to modify the function to make it expand the $* to an argument between double commas?
Well, I feel embarrased because the solution was way easier than expected.
If anyone using DCE has the same problem, it's as easy as quoting the $*:
./waf --cwd="$CWD" $*
./waf --cwd="$CWD" "$*"
This function works for me with bash (supposed you defined the environment variable $NS3DIR) :
function waff {
cd $NS3DIR >/dev/null
./waf --cwd="$CWD" "$#"
cd - >/dev/null
Proof it works is :
$ waff --run "wifi-simple-adhoc --help"
Waf: Entering directory `/home'
Waf: Leaving directory `/home'
'build' finished successfully (2.013s)
ns3.22-wifi-simple-adhoc-debug [Program Arguments] [General Arguments]
Program Arguments:
--phyMode: Wifi Phy mode [DsssRate1Mbps]
--rss: received signal strength [-80]
--packetSize: size of application packet sent [1000]
--numPackets: number of packets generated [1]
--interval: interval (seconds) between packets [1]
--verbose: turn on all WifiNetDevice log components [false]
General Arguments:
--PrintGlobals: Print the list of globals.
--PrintGroups: Print the list of groups.
--PrintGroup=[group]: Print all TypeIds of group.
--PrintTypeIds: Print all TypeIds.
--PrintAttributes=[typeid]: Print all attributes of typeid.
--PrintHelp: Print this help message.
$ waff --run wifi-simple-adhoc --command-template=" %s --help"
Waf: Entering directory `/home'
Waf: Leaving directory `/home'
'build' finished successfully (1.816s)
ns3.22-wifi-simple-adhoc-debug [Program Arguments] [General Arguments]
Program Arguments:
--phyMode: Wifi Phy mode [DsssRate1Mbps]
--rss: received signal strength [-80]
--packetSize: size of application packet sent [1000]
--numPackets: number of packets generated [1]
--interval: interval (seconds) between packets [1]
--verbose: turn on all WifiNetDevice log components [false]
General Arguments:
--PrintGlobals: Print the list of globals.
--PrintGroups: Print the list of groups.
--PrintGroup=[group]: Print all TypeIds of group.
--PrintTypeIds: Print all TypeIds.
--PrintAttributes=[typeid]: Print all attributes of typeid.
--PrintHelp: Print this help message.
