How to create Symbolic Link to local Swift Package - ios

I have a Swift Package Xcode project that I'm making some changes to and I want to add a symlink from my App to that project so I can test it out while changing it. Can I link my app like that (just for testing) or would I need to always push a new version to GitHub?


Why does flutterfire configure not replace my old GoogleService-Info.plist file?

When I first run flutterfire configure in my flutter app, 4 files were generated. firebase_options.dart, google-services.json, firebase_app_id_file.json and GoogleServices-Info.plist.
When I tried to use flutterfire configure again to link my app to a development version of my app (following this thread), I was only prompted to change 3 of the files like this:
The google-services.json file already exists but for a different Firebase project (betacentre-dev). Do you want to replace it with Firebase project thinking-digit-343408? ยท yes
After selecting yes for all of them, only GoogleService-Info.plist was unchanged, yet it is clearly crucial for firebase to work (since flutterfire configure added it in the first place, and it is referenced in this guide and also this guide, and it contains identifiers for my firebase project, and my app still communicates with the original project).
Is this a bug? Why is it behaving this way?

Creating a new iOS application from an existing iOS application

I got a good app source code which I want to extend its functionality and make a new app in the store, Can I do that and get it approved?
If I can do so what is the steps I should follow, I cloned the source code, Should I make an new Xcode project and copy the files to it? or I can change the Bundle Id or I don't have to?

Selected folder doesn't contain a config.xml in phonegap

I am using windows 7 .my antivirus is now disabled. I want to build a hybrid app. i downloaded phone gap. when i creating new phone gap project their shows "Selected folder doesn't contain a config.xml ". I tried lot of time but i cant able to create a project .after seeing this message selected folder contain 4 folders but it is empty. I want to built a hybrid app but i am stuck in beginning please help me to solve problem.
i am attaching screenshot of project creation and error message .1st screen shot is how i created project.2nd one is error message when i click create project.3rd one is empty folders created in selected folder for creating project.
When i select a folder with config file it show below error...
It helped me to create the project through the PhoneGap CLI and then just add the project in the Gui. That worked for me
Install phonegap Cli with npm: npm install -g phonegap#latest
Go to your project folder and create the project: phonegap create testproject
Start the PhoneGap Desktop App and add the existing project
We've pinpointed the issue, there seems to be have been a recent change to the template and it seems to have a compatibility issue with the connect-phonegap create API which is used by PhoneGap Desktop to create projects.
We're currently working on a fix.
In the mean time you can also use the PhoneGap CLI as an alternative.

Create New XCode Project With Existing Package Name

I am currently using Cordova (non CLI). I want to make a new Cordova project for the same code with CLI. If I make it with the same package name, will all the certificates transfer over and work with it? If I make an update to app on App Store will it work if I create this new project?
By package name, if you mean app ID then yes.

How do you create multiple iOS apps from one Xcode Project?

I have a Sencha Touch 2 app wrapped in a native shell with PhoneGap. I have already created the native Android app. With my native Android app I have one Project and one apk for that Project. I have managed to create several apps from the one apk. I use the apktool to unpackage the apk then use some Perl script to update the index.html file with some global JS variables and I change the package name in the Smali files to make the app unique. Then I repackage the apk and sign it. The only difference between each app is the name and the url to send requests. This variables are set in the index.html. I would like to do the same for my iOS app. Is there a way to do this without creating multiple projects? Each app needs to be unique so I can have multiple instances on my device.
This is what you need to do. Using your XCode project, create an ipa file. Now you can create mutiple copies of of your ipa file, change their bundle ids and resign them using a tool like iResign . Bundle Id identifies an app; so when bundle ids change and the app is resigned, you get a different app altogether!
Since now you have different bundle ids for apps in different environment, you need to use a plugin like wizUtils plugin and read the bundle identifier in your JS code and in a JS switch case statement, you can set dev and prod configurations(in your case service URLs) depending on the bundle id. So this way you don't have to change anything in the source code when you do the build for other environments.
