ios unlock-keychain issue in jenkins-pipeline using groovy file - ios

In the company they run many builds from blueocean/jenkins & they use iOS & MacOS
Many build fail with the error below randomly
error message :
Warning: A secret was passed to "sh" using Groovy String interpolation, which is insecure.
Affected argument(s) used the following variable(s): [sshPassword]
See for details.
+ security unlock-keychain -p **** login.keychain
Sending interrupt signal to process
so I go to the documentation link but it didn't really help or/and I misunderstood it
I found the too lines in a groovy file
security unlock-keychain -p ${sshPassword} login.keychain
security set-keychain-settings -lut 1800 login.keychain
to me this is just looking good but this error make jenkins jobs to crash on different builds but always when this error occurs, so I guess this is the root cause.
how can I fix it ?

ok in fact, this runs on a setup that pop up a GUI windows.
So It needed to send someone on-site, to answer it.
to be sure machine is really ok, he also rebooted it.


Allow certain apps to access the keychain using command line

I am trying to automate a cert installation on a bunch of different Mac boxes so that I can build on any of them using Jenkins. I've seen that you can do an import:
sudo security import certName -P password
And you can also allow applications to use the keychain at installation time:
sudo security import certName -P password -T /usr/bin/codesign
But is there a way to modify existing installations from the command line so I don't have to reimport all the certs that I have imported already? Or is it okay to just reimport everything by running the second command on all the boxes, and it will just update the existing cert installation?
Basically, the overall problem I'd like to solve is to prevent the prompts asking for passwords every time I run a build that say "codesign would like to access the keychain", etc. And then I have to enter the password and click "Always Allow" to prevent it again. But every time I update the cert, I have to go through this process again.
Has anyone ever automated this entire process before? Installing the cert and allowing apps to access the keychain without prompting for a password.
I'd also be happy with allowing any applications to access the keychain without a password. I'm not sure if a flag like that even exists, but it would be a big help if this was possible.
It seems that these three lines were what I needed (answer found here: security / codesign in Sierra: Keychain ignores access control settings and UI-prompts for permission):
security unlock-keychain -p password kaychainName.keychain
security set-keychain-settings keychainName.keychain
security set-key-partition-list -S apple-tool:,apple:,codesign: -s -k password keychainName.keychain

xcodebuild stuck at codesign step when being run in Travis CI

I'm trying to get an iOS archive build to work on Travis CI, after having setup certs and private keys for signing without issues. All goes well until the point where signing occurs, at which point the build gets stuck, until travis CI kills it after timeout:
/usr/bin/codesign --force --sign 15E2916907037CFB777FC5F494A6CA252EF0895C --preserve-metadata=identifier,entitlements "/Users/travis/build/RestComm/restcomm-ios-sdk/build/Build/Intermediates/ArchiveIntermediates/restcomm-olympus/InstallationBuildProductsLocation/Applications/"
No output has been received in the last 10m0s, this potentially indicates a stalled build or something wrong with the build itself
At first I thought it was issue described here, so I added the -A flag in my 'security import ...' commands but to no avail.
Any hints?
Some more details:
I create a new keychain where I add Apple's cert, together with my development & distribution certs and private keys
I set that keychain as default and unlock it prior to any build action
Tried to use travis_wait to allow the codesign step to run for more than 10 minutes just in case, but still after 40 minutes it continued to be stuck. It's like it's waiting for some user input (in the UI maybe) that never arrives?
Thanks in advance,
I solved same problem by following steps that is described here.
a) change argument for all your security imports to keychain from -T to -A
security import ./scripts/certs/dist.cer -k ~/Library/Keychains/ios-build.keychain -A
b) after all imports execute command set-key-partition-list
security set-key-partition-list -S apple-tool:,apple: -s -k <keychainPass> <keychainName>

Error when attempting to run UI automation script from jenkins

I am using Xcode 6.1. And i need to run a UI automation script from jenkins as a post build action. The command that i use is shown below.
instruments -t $TRACETEMPLATE -w $DEVICE $APP_PATH -e UIASCRIPT $SCRIPT -e UIARESULTSPATH $RESULTS_PATH | grep "<" > test-reports/test-results.xml
When i run that the following error is thrown by jenkins.
Failed to authorize rights (0x1) with status: -60007.
2014-11-12 16:31:30.685 instruments[488:2607] -[XRSimulatorDevice prepareConnection:]: Unable to authorize simulated daemon (99637): 8
Instruments Trace Error : Target failed to run: Permission to debug was denied.
Any help is much appreciated.
The user that invokes Instruments must have developer permissions. The user must be in the _developer group.
Security permissions allowing the user to access Instruments must be set. See the man page for DevToolsSecurity
The user must be logged in to a window server to use the simulator. How to do this will depend somewhat on your Jenkins and OS configuration for that user. In older versions of MacOS creating an SSH connection back into the machine and running Instruments through that connection typically worked. YMMV.
Note that any of the above steps escalates the rights for the Jenkins user, which was security implications.
I got an almost identical error message to yours, and it seemed to be because when Jenkins is launched as a Launch Daemon, it doesn't have access to the screen, even if you log in as "jenkins".
I found the solution from reading this discussion:
You can either launch Jenkins from Terminal with java -jar jenkins.war, or you can create a Launch Agent, which runs as the logged-in user and has access to the user's screen.
I achieved the latter solution by moving /Library/LaunchDaemons/org.jenkins-ci.plist to /Library/LaunchAgents/org.jenkins-ci.plist and removing the UserName key and value from the plist. Now Jenkins doesn't start automatically when I boot the machine, but it does start when I log into the desktop, which is required for running UI Automation tests anyway.
It appears that Jenkins still can't actually launch the Simulator app, but if Simulator is already running, the UI Automation scripts proceed just fine.
I also got this error message. Moving service from LaunchDaemons to LaunchAgents didn't solve the problem. My solution was as following:
remove the service by deleting /Library/LaunchAgents/org.jenkins-ci.plist file
create an iOS application using Automator tool. (Which I think exists by default):
I chose "Library" -> "Utilities" -> "Shell Script".
Enter the content of /Library/Application Support/Jenkins/
Put export JENKINS_HOME=/path/to/jenkins at the top.
Save the app somewhere
Go to Preferences -> Users & Groups -> choose your user -> Add the saved app.
This way, jenkins is run as an application after login and it has all the privilages of any other application.

Jenkins iOS build using credentials and developer profile

We are using Jenkins as our CI server for our iOS team with the following setup:
Master server on OSX, not running any job
2 slaves on OSX running our integration jobs + UI Testing
Currently all signing identities and provisioning profiles for the apps are uploaded each slave which makes the administration a tad tedious and adding a new node to the cluster even more painful.
To work around this we've looked into using the credentials plugin with Developer profiles and import the profile as the first build step on all iOS jobs but are faced with to main issues:
The import developer profile seems to work the first time (at least for creating the keychain entries) but the job fails with a "no matching provisioning profile" error, even if the developer profile contains all the provisioning profiles required by the target.
Second run on the same job always fail with a "Keychain already exist" error
We've tried some work arounds for the second issue adding a shell build step removing the particular keychain but are still faced with the first error. If we manually install the profile on the slave the build passes but this defeat the purpose of using the credentials plugin.
What do you guys think?
I think the newest version of the credentials plugin now first removes any existing keychains with a matching name before importing, as seen in the log output below.
$ security delete-keychain jenkins-MyAppsBuildName-iOS
$ security create-keychain -p ******** jenkins-MyAppsBuildName-iOS
$ security unlock-keychain -p ******** jenkins-MyAppsBuildName-iOS
Because of this fact, I don't think you will have an issue anymore with duplicate keychain errors on the second run.
As far as the issue relating to the provisioning profile not being found, add the following line inside the execute shell command and run a build on jenkins.
security list-keychains
Take a look at the console for that specific build and you should see a list of all the keychains that are currently in the scope of the shell.
If you do not see "jenkins-MyAppsBuildName-iOS" as a listed keychain, this is why you are having the signing issue. Because the keychain is not listed, it is never even being searched through to find the proper signing identity/profile.
Solution: Warning: it's hacky
I'm not 100% sure why this is happening, but from other threads it appears to be a permissions issue.
Luckily there is an easy way around this.
In the execute shell command add the following:
security list-keychain -s jenkins-${JOB_NAME}
This will reset the keychain list to include the keychain needed to successfully build the project.
To verify that this now lists the proper keychain, you can add the following lines to the shell command:
security list-keychain
security list-keychain -s jenkins-${JOB_NAME}
security list-keychain
Now compare the output of the first list-keychain command with the second list-keychain command in the console. Make sure that the jenkin's build keychain is listed after the second security list-keychain output.
Warning: This will permanently change the keychain list on the system, so it is probably a good idea to reset the keychain after the build completes. You can accomplish this by settings the default desired keychain values in the xcode configuration inside of Jenkin's System Configuration section. After doing so, make sure to tick the check box "Restore OS X keychains after build process as defined in global configuration" under build environment inside of the Jenkins job's page.
Additional info: In my example I set the keychain-list to only include the keychain generated from Jenkins, but you may decide to also include the standard system and login keychain's by modifying the line as such:
security list-keychain -s jenkins-${JOB_NAME} login.keychain System.keychain
Keywords: Jenkins, iOS, slave, node, Xcode, plugin, credentials, .developerprofile

Running xcodebuild from a forked terminal

I'm trying to setup an automated build server for an iPhone application. I'd like to be able to have nightly adhoc beta builds so that testers can follow the development.
I've setted up xcode successfully xcode to perform adhoc builds and I can also launch the build from the command line:
xcodebuild -configuration AdHoc -sdk iphoneos2.2 clean build
The problem I'm having is that the following line doesn't work from a forked terminal (using nohup or screen) and failed with the following
CodeSign error: Code Signing Identity 'iPhone Distribution: XXXXX' does not match any code-signing certificate in your keychain. Once added to the keychain, touch a file or clean the project to continue.
I've checked my environment variables in my shell and in nohup or screen and didn't found a clue.
I guess my problem is that the forked terminal can't access to the keychain but I have no clue on how to allow it.
Thanks for your help
I had te error User interaction is not allowed and solved it by unlocking the keychain first
security unlock-keychain /Users/yannooo/Library/Keychains/login.keychain
I've also tried to put my certs in the System's keychain and it was working.
My final solution was to put all my iPhone related certs in a dedicated keychain named iPhone.keychain using the Keychain Access application
security list-keychains -s /Users/yannooo/Library/Keychains/iPhone.keychain
security unlock-keychain -p keychainpassword /Users/yannooo/Library/Keychains/iPhone.keychain
There are two (possibly three!) components to this. One is the keychain must be unlocked. Second, there is an access control list inside the keychain that tells which permissions are given to applications in the unlocked state. So even if you have the keychain successfully unlocked, if the ability to access the private key and sign with it isn't given to /usr/bin/codesign then you will still get this message. Finally, if you are on Mac OS Sierra, the default partition ID assigned to keys is incorrect in order to be compatible with the codesign binary.
The solution is as follows:
1) If you have access to the Keychain Access GUI, then you can manually grant every program or /usr/bin/codesign access by right clicking on your private key, selecting the "Access Control" tab and then selecting the "Allow all applications to access this item" radio or the list of "Always allow access by these applications" list.
2) If you are encountering this error, chances are you are trying to run codesign for a non-login user. In this case, you clearly don't have access to the "Keychain Access" GUI. For these cases, you verify the sign authorization missing for application <null>, which apparently means all applications, or specifically /usr/bin/codesign by using:
security dump-keychain -i login.keychain
However, you cannot add or modify access control attributes in interactive mode for some reason --only delete! You actually have to manually delete the key and re-add it to the keychain specifying the -T flag.
security import login.keychain -P "<password>" -T /usr/bin/codesign
Where -T specifies
-T Specify an application which may access the imported key (multiple -T options are allowed)
3) If you are on Mac OS Sierra, modify the partition ID to include the apple partition. Presumably, this is the namespace assigned to codesign because it was distributed by Apple.
security set-key-partition-list -S apple-tool:,apple: -k "<password>" login.keychain
NOTE: The apple-tool partition is inserted by the security tool, so the command above preserves that partition. For more information on this aspect, see:
Another solution :
Open the Keychain Access
Right click on the private key
Select "Get Info"
Select "Access Control" tab
Click "Allow all applications to access this item"
Click "Save Changes"
Enter your password
Could you use security list-keychains -s ${HOME}/Library/Keychains/login.keychain inside the build process to explicitly add your login keychain to the search list? It seems like from the forked Terminal, the build process doesn't see your user keychain. That could make sense if the keychain search list is based on your current security session - a forked terminal session would leave the login session just as if you ssh over the loopback connection.
update for people running into similar issues with Jenkins:
If you set up your Mac to launch jenkins via LaunchDaemons, you need to make sure to add
<true />
So the whole ci.plist would look like so:
<?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8"?>
<!DOCTYPE plist PUBLIC "-//Apple//DTD PLIST 1.0//EN" "">
<plist version="1.0">
<true />
I've been stuck wit the same issue as many people above have.
Specifically I experienced the issue when running from a Jenkins shell
script I got the same ** User interaction is not allowed ** error.
When running from an ssh shell, my script worked fine.
The difference that most people have also seen is that if you run
security list-keychain you'd get:
$ security list-keychain
But when running in the ssh shell, I'd get:
$ security list-keychain
And most people will have all their keys/certs etc. in the user
account keychain. Like some folks suggested it's easy to make a new
key chain that is distinct from the user key chain, and reseve it for
your XCode signing stuff. I ended up putting mine here:
I think the issue is that for my setup (and possibly for yours too),
you're running in a different security preference domain (system
vs. user). Finally -- here is how I got my sysiphone.keychain to show
$ sudo security list-keychains -d system -s "/Library/Keychains/sysiphone.keychain"
Password: *****
$ security list-keychains -d system
... and magically things started to build in Jenkins. Wow... that was
about 4 hours down the drain for me. Sigh.
Ok, the problem was two things for me, 1st was unlocking the keychain;
security unlock-keychain login.keychain
Second was (empty) passphrase,
security import blahblahbackup.p12 -k login.keychain -T /usr/bin/codesign -P ""
A had a little problem later, when the script is triggered from a web script or sth. like that. It just sees /Library/Keychains/System.chain. So i found a dirty workaround (which may lead to security issues but ok for me);
setup pubkey ssh login (from user that wants to call build script, to actual user which has certificates and will run xcodebuild) in my case, it's same user. Apache is working as someuser and everything for build is setup on someuser.
and my php script (for triggering build) was calling ~/build-script. I've changed that like this:
ssh someuser#localhost ~/build-script
so it works in a real tty, and all keychain is accessible, everything works fine.
As another poster says,
security list-keychains -s "~/Library/Keychains/login.keychain"
But I think you only have access to the login.keychain when you are logged in, in the GUI context (I just tested on a system via SSH and screen, but which I also happen to be logged into via VNC).
It is apparently possible to use launchctl to select the GUI context and run the program, but I suspect that only works for the "logged in user" too.
If you try 'security show-keychain-info keychain-file' then you'll get the following error:
User interaction is not allowed
And that's a phrase to search with for some more info.
The other solution is to put the certificate into your System keychain!
I've looked at the security command an it appears that the keychains assigned to my terminal are not the same when forked. If I launched the security command in terminal I have:
$ security list-keychains
whereas when using screen I have the following output:
$ security list-keychains
Since my build certificates are stored in the login keychain, the code sign error I have looks normal.
Does anyone know how I could assign a keychain to a terminal? I've tried this without success
security login-keychain -s /Users/yannooo/Library/Keychains/login.keychain
Any ideas?
I am using Atlassian Bamboo 2.7 and OS X 10.7.3 Lion and I've tried every approach found in the thread but I was still getting the "user interaction not allowed" error.
The problem was that, in a remote terminal session (as "superuser" such as in the case of Bamboo or another automated build system), the keychain that needs to be unlocked containing the signing certificates are different from what you would normal see (such as was shown by Yann in here) when you are not superuser.
What ultimately worked for me was to do the following:
log in as System Administrator as described here
create the signing-only keychain (e.g., ios.keychain)
add the signing certificates to it (along with the WWDRCA certificate)
Verify it by going su and running security list-keychains on the terminal. You should see the ios.keychain among the list. (sudo security list-keychains won't show the same thing):
sh-3.2# security list-keychains
I've found that you still have to add ios.keychain to your search scope before doing the unlock-keychain command. In your build script, have the following lines run:
# the -s option adds $KEYCHAIN to the search scope, while the -d option adds $KEYCHAIN to the system domain; both are needed
security -v list-keychains -d system -s $KEYCHAIN
security -v unlock-keychain -p bambooiphone $KEYCHAIN
Unlocking the login keychain did not work for me. Creating a separate keychain using Keychain Access (called iOS) and then adding these commands to the build did work (when running Jenkins as my own user):
security -v list-keychains -d system -s ~/Library/Keychains/iOS.keychain; security -v unlock-keychain -p password ~/Library/Keychains/iOS.keychain;
This looks more promising, though:
If you're running security list-keychains and seeing your custom keychain appear SOMEWHERE in the list but it still doesn't work, it could be that you're running into the issue I had whereby the keychains are checked in order from the search list, and since I wasn't unlocking login.keychain in my SSH session, it would fail there rather than move to the next keychain in the list, which was the custom one I wanted to unlock.
Setting the search list to a custom keychain which you unlock with security unlock-keychain works. Using this method from Yann's answer will also remove your login.keychain from the search list.
To preserve login.keychain:
security list-keychains -s ~/Library/Keychains/custom.keychain ~/Library/Keychains/login.keychain
This way, when using the GUI session at the machine you will still have access to login.keychain items, but code signing will check the custom keychain first, which succeeds if you've unlocked it.
If you're executing xcodebuild as root (which you are when you sudo), you need to log in as root and put your signing certificates in root's keychain. Then unlock the keychain with security as above.
I did:
delete login.keychain from list
create own keychain in $HOME/Library/Keychains/
add it to keychain list (I did not specify any specific domain)
set it as default
call security unlock-keychain on it
add global signing certificate (WWDRCA) to it
import private key and both Development and Distribution certificates to it
If there's login.keychain, I still get "User interaction not allowed" error.
Thus deleting login.keychain using security delete-keychain finally helped!
