Get List of values Macro Container Umbraco - umbraco

I have added a Macro Container into my page. Now in the CMS I selected all the Macro's that I wished to be added to the Macro Container field as shown below
Now I'm fairly new in C# and Umbraco I was thinking of retrieving the value using the below code
foreach (var m in node.GetPropertyValue<IEnumerable<Object>>("macro")) {
var n = m;
Now I thought it will display in an Array or List form but somehow I got a string of all the content of the Macro's I added
Any idea on how to retrieve those in a list? I'm thinking of looping through all those item to be displayed in my cshtml file. Really appreciate your help on this one.
This is the component of the Macro I used
Update V2:
The approach I was using was to specify the actual name of the Macro. Like #Umbraco.RenderMacro("StockistStoreLocatorPartial") but what I want is more dynamic like what if the name of the macro comes from the list

can you share your document type with us? Or what is the data type of this "Macro"?
Besides, I wonder if this would fit what you need.


ComboBox with hidden keys

Is it possible in vaadin 12 to have comboboxes such that it displays a user-friendly value but behind the scenes it stores a hidden code? I found this example from 5 years ago but it doesn't apply to Vaadin 12 comboboxes:
(If there's a good, reasonably clean way to do it, please point me in the right direction! I would think this is a common sought-after feature)
Items are assigned to ComboBox either directly using setItems or indirectly through setDataProvider.
The item itself is not sent to the browser and shown in the dropdown. Instead, for each item ComboBox generates a string label that is shown in the UI and an internal id that is used on the server for mapping back to the original item instance when the user makes a selection.
The generated id is internal to ComboBox and has no external meaning. In particular, it's not based on any value in the item itself such as the item's primary key in the application's database.
The label is by default based on doing toString() for each item. You can customize how the label is created by assigning an item label generator callback that receives an item instance and returns the label string to use for that item.
If you for example have a combo box for selecting persons, then you could configure it in e.g. this way:
ComboBox<Person> personSelector = new ComboBox<>();
personSelector.setItemLabelGenerator(person ->
person.getFirstName() + " " + person.getLastName());
If I understand you correctly, there is built-in feature in ComboBox for this, the method is called setItemLabelGenerator(..), which allows to define e.g. lambda expression that returns String which is used for ComboBox items instead of the property from underlying data object.
The linked Forum discussion you found is about similar thing in our previous generation of the framework, there has been some renaming of the API here.

Vaadin: How to remove item from DB container grid

How do I remove a row from a container/item/grid/db/entity/bean/class/object/ID?
Also, what's the difference between all these?
Everyone seems to say these as if they were interchangeable.
Can I get a simple explanation of how these all work together?
I've been through dozens of youtube videos and tutorials, but I still can't see the big picture.
Simple task: Delete one row from a grid.
But then it starts getting bigger and more complex with nested beanitem container property field entities and I just can't make sense of it.
Thank you for all of your help in advance!
The Grid, Table or any other Vaadin Component used to present set of data use some implementation of the Container to store your data. A Component is a part of your User Interface, the <div> in your DOM which is seen by your end user. The Vaadin Containers contains your objects. The most widely used containers are:
IndexedContainer - default container for Grid and Table. You usually add items by calling addItem method on either container or related component. The disadvantage of using this type of container is that you are usually obligated to set appropriate properties (think of columns) on both items and the container itself,
BeanContainer - is able to receive Java objects that follows JavaBean convention. Thus it is able to automatically infer properties of your component,
SQLContainer - contains data stored in database. Constructed using SQL query. Can be setup to automatically update your database based on changes made by user in UI.
Items and IDs
Adding single items to some containers may look a bit complicated. There are a few ways to do this. They are described very well on a Vaadin website. Basically the ID is an unique object that you use to access corresponding Item. The Item is represents the single row in your component. Every Item have properties. You can access and make changes to your items in container using their IDs i.e.
Usually, you don't operate directly on containers. The components expose basic Container interface methods via their API. In example implementation of AbstractSelect.getItem() component currently (Vaadin 7.5.9):
protected Container items;
public Item getItem(Object itemId) {
return items.getItem(itemId);
(AbstractSelect is a super class of other Vaadin components like Table and Grid)
It gets more complicated with properties of the items. Every Item have some properties (columns). And every Property has its corresponding ID. Using property ID you can access the value of the item in the specific column. The following code presents above - it adds one item with one property and sets its value:
Table table = new Table();
table.addContainerProperty("column1", String.class, "defaultValue");
Item item = table.addItem("uniqueId");
item.getItemProperty("column1").setValue("Black Friday");
Notice that it is perfectly safe to use String literals as IDs since underneath they are compared using equals()

Orchard CMS conditionally hide widget and suppress zone

I am trying to conditionally suppress a widget from its driver. I basically have logic that if met, should display the widget and if not, should suppress it. The widget loads properties from the current page content item, and based on some properties should display or hide. I've got all the logic working, the only part left is suppressing the actual output.
I've tried returning null from the driver, however this simply outputs an empty widget (with its wrapper). How do I completely remove the widget from view?
Finally, the zone that this widget is placed in should suppress if none of the conditional widgets display.
Is this type of flexibility possible in Orchard? Preferably from my custom module not my theme, I'm trying to separate functionality from styling.
Here is the context of my situation and what I am trying to accomplish. I'm sure there is a much cleaner way to do this within Orchard than how I have naively designed it the first go-around: My client's copywriters tag pages as they see fit (using the Tags module/part). I have created 2 custom content types, "Testimonials" and "Offers", both with tags themselves among other properties [these are managed by a different team of copywriters].
On most "inner pages" of the website (I'm using a layer to determine the appropriate pages), the page's sidebar gets a "Testimonial" widget and a "Offer" widget. These widgets both operate the same, although independently of each other:
They grab the tags of the current page, then pull a random [Testimonial|Offer] that has any matching tags as well. There are 4 cases that can happen given any inner page: a testimonial is displayed and the offer is hidden (testimonial tag matched, offer tag didn't), the testimonial is hidden and the offer is displayed, both the testimonial and offer displays, and finally neither displays. The first 3 use cases are working great, the 4th is what I'm having difficulty with, as the sidebar [zone] still displays even if both widgets do not (returning null from their respective drivers).
A bit of context about widgets: widgets are supposed to be pieces of contents that are visible on some or all pages of the site, and that provide information that is not directly related to the main content item on the page (if there is such a thing).
As a consequence, what you are describing should not be implemented as widgets (all that you had to do to make it work attests to that further), because they are really part of the content item. Instead, you should have implemented a part or a field. You can then simply place the shape for this part of field, using placement, by specifying a top-level zone: <place the_shape_name="/the_zone_where_you_want_it:1"/>
Unfortunately I've had to use a bit of a hack so that I could move on with the project as I'm under an aggressive deadline, but if there is a better method and/or solution I'll test as I get the chance and mark as the answer.
To get it to work, I overwrote the Widget.Wrapper.cshtml file within my theme. There, I assigned a variable to the Display(Model.Child) call, and if the result is an empty string simply return. This removes any empty widget wrapping tags. (I personally feel Orchard should behave this way by default):
var child = Display(Model.Child);
// -- NOTE: shape tracing breaks this logic!
if (string.IsNullOrWhiteSpace(child.ToString())) {
Then simply replace the #Display(Model.Child) between the header and footer with #(child)
I then added the following method to my Layout.cshtml file.
Func<dynamic, IHtmlString> CollapsableZone = x =>
var display = Display(x);
string zoneName = x.ZoneName;
if (string.Equals(display.ToString(), string.Format("<div class=\"zone zone-{0}\"></div>", zoneName.HtmlClassify()), StringComparison.CurrentCultureIgnoreCase))
return new HtmlString(string.Empty);
return display;
Simple function that assigns the display call to a variable, checks if it is an empty zone tag, and returns. I then create variables for each zone assigned to the value of the function above. I replace all the #if (Model.ZoneName != null) with #if (!string.IsNullOrWhiteSpace(zoneVariable)), and replace the calls to #Zone(Model.ZoneName) with #(zoneVariable).
This is working for the time being. It is quite a hack and brittle solution but I've had to move on to other things.

How to create a dictionary list type property for document type in Umbraco?

I am quite new to Umbraco. I want to create a new property in my document type. This property is a list which contains items like dictionary type which has a key and a value. User can select multiple of these. For example
My document type is "Product", The property I want to create is "Related Items". Each related item will have an name & a url.
Can someone please give me an idea how to do this?
You can use the default data types of Umbraco for it: (The wiki doesn't seem updated, but an the ultimate picker will get you the result you need, for example) You can do this in the developer section, create a new one from the defaults and add it to your document type afterwards.
You can also build a custom one, wich is becoming more and more easy, but the approach of doing it is now different in the new umbraco 7 version. Which version are you using?

Knockoutjs native template binding and simple array of strings

I'm trying to understand native knockoutjs template binding, especially foreach binding.
Just wondering how to access current item using native bidning? With jQuery.tmpl it is possible using something like $item / $data. How to do the same using native template binding when data source is the arrays of primitives so each item has no named fields? Here is the JSFiddle with two examples, the first - using native binding where data source is array of custom objects, second one - binding to an array of strings. I'm unable get it working, looks like I'm missing something obvious?
Basically I'm trying to understand native bindings and be able refactor following example using native binding: JSFiddle: Comma separated list of checked items so I would be able keep an observable variable which represnts a comma separated list of checked items.
You can use $data to access the raw value like:
Here is the other fiddle updated: Not sure the exact functionality that you want to support in it.
I am not sure if this is already answered from the amazing Niemeyer (thanks for all of your help in the Knockout Community!), but I made a jsFiddle to show storing the actual Person objects Selected in an observable array.
I am not sure if that is what you are trying to do, but maybe someone else is researching this looking on how to do this exact thing: bind the actual objects into an observable array, not just the ids (although, i added that too to remind me).
Example of a Checkbox List Selected Object Binding:
