VLC Scene Filter for Stream - stream

Hi I am receiving a stream on VLC through another PC. The Stream is working on ubuntu 16.04 but I also want to use the scene filter that saves frames to a folder. I am trying to use the scene filter in VLC but it is not working any suggestions will be greatly appreciated. Many thanks in advance.
Scene filter Image


Problems when capturing video using AVCaptureVideoDataOutput and AVCaptureAudioDataOutput

fellow developers!
I am working on an application for photo and video shooting with the ability to apply filters of the Core Image to frames right during shooting. Rendering and displaying frames using MTKView/Metal.
Everything seems to work well, but I ran into an unpleasant problem: Randomly, from time to time, video recording turns out to be "broken" and the native video player does not open it. In order not to clog up the space here, I pulled the problematic pieces of code into a separate project and posted them on GitHub: https://github.com/VKostin8311/LiveEffectCamera.git .
I hope someone can help me. Thank you in advance!

Generating Video from images

I am working on generating .mp4 Video from array of Images with some transition effect. Is there any Library of SDK is available for this. Please help.
Please check the below video URL about what I am looking for.
This video I have generated from one demo I got on Github but it is only playing the images with the transition effect but I want to generate .MP4 video.
If anybody knows the solution please help.
Thank you in advance.
You can achieve what you want by using AVVideoCompositionCoreAnimationTool and AVAssetExportSession from AVFoundation Framework to create video from images with animation.
Here is nice tutorial under the section Roger Rabbit, Eat Your Heart Out — Add Animation to Videos

OpenCV: Making GPU pyrlk_optical_flow.cpp work on video input

It seems that the pyrlk_optical_flow.cpp sample code (opencv\samples\gpu) only works on two still images.
If so, do any of you know of examples of how to convert the code from still image input to streaming video or webcam input?
Any help is appreciated. Thank you.

How to build a video wall with multi-streams

I am attempting to make a mosaic display for our video wall. The mosaic will play video files (wmv) in a matrix view (probably 4x2). I am looking for a programmatic aproach to stream multiple videos using mms.
I have accomplished something similar using vlc mosaic plugin, but it terminates when the first video finishes playing. I am interested in running the tool in a loop.
Here is a vlc mosaic example: https://gist.github.com/1367589
First question, what is the easiest technology that I can implement this in, DirectX SDK, Windows SDK for Media Foundation, OpenGL, libvlc?
Are there any tutorials for multi video playback coding?
VLC and gStreamer are good options for this and have support for picture in picture videomixing.

how can we start and stop the webcam in opencv?

I am trying to capture images from webcam using opencv. When i call cvQueryFrame() the image is read and the cam starts. I want cam to stop because it will be used by other application.
Can anyone help me with this?
Thanks a lot.
Isn't cvReleaseCapture() working ?
I would just stop the frame query, (stop the loop you use to capture frame) and then simply release the capture...
Is it what you are searching for ?
Here is the documentation
