SwiftUI how to build multiple navigation links - ios

I'm using a custom NavigationButton from this answer to be able to load data for a specific view when navigating to a new view from a list. It works great, but the problem is when I attempt to use it inside a ForEach loop I end up with the multiple navigation links with multiple isActive #State variables that are all being told to push a new view, which causes SwiftUI to navigate to the new view then automatically back to parent view (bug). How can I preserve the functionality of being able to fire code to run while navigating to a new view without triggering the bug.
ForEach(workouts) { workout in
action: {
//load data for Destination
destination: {
workoutRow: { WorkoutRow(trackerWorkout: workout) }
struct NavigationButton<Destination: View, WorkoutRow: View>: View {
var action: () -> Void = { }
var destination: () -> Destination
var workoutRow: () -> WorkoutRow
#State private var isActive: Bool = false
var body: some View {
Button(action: {
}) {
ScrollView { // Fixes a bug where the navigation bar may become hidden on the pushed view
NavigationLink(destination: LazyDestination { self.destination() },
isActive: self.$isActive) { EmptyView() }
// This view lets us avoid instantiating our Destination before it has been pushed.
struct LazyDestination<Destination: View>: View {
var destination: () -> Destination
var body: some View {


How to keep SwiftUI from creating additional StateObjects in this custom page view?

I'm creating an app that allows for content creation and display. The UX I yearn for requires the content creation view to use programmatic navigation. I aim at architecture with a main view model and an additional one for the content creation view. The problem is, the content creation view model does not work as I expected in this specific example.
Code structure
Please note that this is a minimal reproducible example.
Suppose there is a ContentView: View with a nested AddContentPresenterView: View. The nested view consists of two phases:
specifying object's name
summary screen
To allow for programmatic navigation with NavigationStack (new in iOS 16), each phase has an associated value.
Assume that AddContentPresenterView requires the view model. No workarounds with #State will do - I desire to learn how to handle ObservableObject in this case.
struct ContentView: View {
#EnvironmentObject var model: ContentViewViewModel
var body: some View {
VStack {
NavigationStack(path: $model.path) {
List(model.content) { element in
.navigationDestination(for: Content.self) { element in
ContentDetailView(content: element)
.navigationDestination(for: Page.self) { page in
AddContentPresenterView(page: page)
Button {
} label: {
Label("Add content", systemImage: "plus")
ContentDetailView (irrelevant)
struct ContentDetailView: View {
let content: Content
var body: some View {
As navigationDestination associates a destination view with a presented data type for use within a navigation stack, I found no better way of adding a paged view to be navigated using the NavigationStack than this.
extension AddContentPresenterView {
var contentName: some View {
TextField("Name your content", text: $addContentViewModel.contentName)
.onSubmit {
var contentSummary: some View {
VStack {
Button {
} label: {
Label("Add this content", systemImage: "checkmark.circle")
Controls the navigation and adding content.
class ContentViewViewModel: ObservableObject {
#Published var path = NavigationPath()
#Published var content: [Content] = []
func navigateToNextPartOfContentCreation() {
switch path.count {
case 0:
case 1:
fatalError("Navigation error.")
func navigateToRoot() {
func addContent(_ content: Content) {
Manages content creation.
class AddContentViewModel: ObservableObject {
#Published var contentName = ""
func createContent() -> Content {
return Content(name: contentName)
Enum containing creation screen pages.
enum Page: Hashable {
case contentName, contentSummary
What is wrong
Currently, for each page pushed onto the navigation stack, a new StateObject is created. That makes the creation of object impossible, since the addContentViewModel.contentName holds value only for the bound screen.
I thought that, since StateObject is tied to the view's lifecycle, it's tied to AddContentPresenterView and, therefore, I would be able to share it.
What I've tried
The error is resolved when addContentViewModel in AddContentPresenterView is an EnvironmentObject initialized in App itself. Then, however, it's tied to the App's lifecycle and subsequent content creations greet us with stale data - as it should be.
Wraping up
How to keep SwiftUI from creating additional StateObjects in this custom page view?
Should I resort to ObservedObject and try some wizardry? Should I just implement a reset method for my AddContentViewModel and reset the data on entering or quiting the screen?
Or maybe there is a better way of achieving what I've summarized in abstract?
If you declare #StateObject var addContentViewModel = AddContentViewModel() in your AddContentPresenterView it will always initialise new AddContentViewModel object when you add AddContentPresenterView in navigation stack. Now looking at your code and app flow I don't fill you need AddContentViewModel.
First, update your contentSummary of the Page enum with an associated value like this.
enum Page {
case contentName, contentSummary(String)
Now update your navigate to the next page method of your ContentViewModel like below.
func navigateToNextPage(_ page: Page) {
Now for ContentView, I think you need to add VStack inside NavigationStack otherwise that bottom plus button will always be visible.
struct ContentView: View {
#EnvironmentObject var model: ContentViewViewModel
var body: some View {
NavigationStack(path: $model.path) {
VStack {
List(model.content) { element in
.navigationDestination(for: Content.self) { element in
ContentDetailView(content: element)
.navigationDestination(for: Page.self) { page in
switch page {
case .contentName: AddContentView()
case .contentSummary(let name): ContentSummaryView(contentName: name)
Button {
} label: {
Label("Add content", systemImage: "plus")
So now it will push destination view on basis of the type of the Page. So you can remove your AddContentPresenterView and add AddContentView and ContentSummaryView.
struct AddContentView: View {
#EnvironmentObject var model: ContentViewViewModel
#State private var contentName = ""
var body: some View {
TextField("Name your content", text: $contentName)
.onSubmit {
struct ContentSummaryView: View {
#EnvironmentObject var model: ContentViewViewModel
let contentName: String
var body: some View {
VStack {
Button {
model.addContent(Content(name: contentName))
} label: {
Label("Add this content", systemImage: "checkmark.circle")
So as you can see I have used #State property in AddContentView to bind it with TextField and on submit I'm passing it as an associated value with contentSummary. So this will reduce the use of AddContentViewModel. So now there is no need to reset anything or you want face any issue of data loss when you push to ContentSummaryView.

alert is showing from any view in the app instead of its parent view only

I have a main tab bar that has three tabs, in the first tab I have a background task that may return an error, this error is presented by an alert view. now if I moved to any tab views in the app while the background task is running and an error occurred the alert will present on the current view instead of showing in the first tab view.
struct FirstTabView: View {
// viewModel will fire the background task after init
#StateObject var viewModel: FirstViewModel = .init()
var body: some View {
Text("Hello First")
.alert("error", isPresented: .init(get: {
return viewModel.errorMessage != nil
}, set: { _ in
viewModel.errorMessage = nil
})) {
Button("OK") {
how can I limit the error alert to be presented on the first tab only?
One solution could be move the alert to the main TabView, rather than having it shown in the child view. By doing that, you will be able to track what tab is selected and trigger the alert only when both conditions are true:
the first tab is selected
the view-model's property errorMessage is not nil
The trigger is a dedicated showAlert state property in your TabView view, that will change whenever the first tab appears on the screen.
In the example here below, you can change your view-model's property from the second view, but the alert will only be shown when you move to the first tab; I hope this is what you are looking for:
// The model must be an observable class
class MyModel: ObservableObject {
// The error message must be a published property
#Published var errorMessage: String? = nil
struct MyTabs: View {
// viewModel will fire the background task after init
let viewModel = MyModel() // Use your ViewModel as applicable
#State private var tabSelection = 0 // This property will track the selected tab
#State private var showAlert = false // This property is the trigger to the alert
var body: some View {
TabView(selection: $tabSelection) { // The selection: parameter tracks the selected tab through the .tag()
.environmentObject(viewModel) // Pass the same model to the Views in each tab
.tabItem { Text("First") }
.tag(0) // This is View #0 for the tabSelection property
.onAppear {
// Only when this View appears the showAlert will be set to true,
// only if there is an error in the model's property and the first tab is selected
if viewModel.errorMessage != nil && tabSelection == 0 {
showAlert = true
.environmentObject(viewModel) // Pass the same model to the Views in each tab
.tabItem { Text("Second") }
.tag(1) // This is View #1 for the tabSelection property
// Trigger the alert in the TabView, instead of in the child View
.alert("error", isPresented: $showAlert) {
Button {
viewModel.errorMessage = nil
} label: {
} message: {
Text(viewModel.errorMessage ?? "not available")
struct FirstTabView: View {
#EnvironmentObject var viewModel: MyModel
var body: some View {
VStack {
Text("Hello First")
Text("\(viewModel.errorMessage ?? "OK")")
struct Second: View {
#EnvironmentObject var viewModel: MyModel
var body: some View {
VStack {
Text("\(viewModel.errorMessage ?? "OK")")
Button {
viewModel.errorMessage = "error"
} label: {
Text("Show alert")
One way to handle it is by updating the badge icon on the first tab when the error occurs. Then the user can finish off what they are currently doing and then inspect the first tab when they notice it has updated, say with an exclamation mark badge. At that point, you could present the alert.

SwiftUI NavigationLink push in onAppear immediately pops the view when using #ObservableObject

I want to programmatically be able to navigate to a link within a List of NavigationLinks when the view appears (building deep linking from push notification). I have a string -> Bool dictionary which is bound to a custom Binding<Bool> inside my view. When the view appears, I set the bool property, navigation happens, however, it immediately pops back. I followed the answer in SwiftUI NavigationLink immediately navigates back and made sure that each item in the List has a unique identifier, but the issue still persists.
Two questions:
Is my binding logic here correct?
How come the view pops back immediately?
import SwiftUI
class ContentViewModel: ObservableObject {
#Published var isLinkActive:[String: Bool] = [:]
struct ContentViewTwo: View {
#ObservedObject var contentViewModel = ContentViewModel()
#State var data = ["1", "2", "3"]
#State var shouldPushPage3: Bool = true
var page3: some View {
Text("Page 3")
.onAppear() {
print("Page 3 Appeared!")
func binding(chatId: String) -> Binding<Bool> {
return .init(get: { () -> Bool in
return self.contentViewModel.isLinkActive[chatId, default: false]
}) { (value) in
self.contentViewModel.isLinkActive[chatId] = value
var body: some View {
List(data, id: \.self) { data in
NavigationLink(destination: self.page3, isActive: self.binding(chatId: data)) {
Text("Page 3 Link with Data: \(data)")
}.onAppear() {
print("link appeared")
}.onAppear() {
print ("ContentViewTwo Appeared")
if (self.shouldPushPage3) {
self.shouldPushPage3 = false
self.contentViewModel.isLinkActive["3"] = true
print("Activating link to page 3")
struct ContentView: View {
var body: some View {
return NavigationView() {
VStack {
Text("Page 1")
NavigationLink(destination: ContentViewTwo()) {
Text("Page 2 Link")
The error is due to the lifecycle of the ViewModel, and is a limitation with SwiftUI NavigationLink itself at the moment, will have to wait to see if Apple updates the pending issues in the next release.
Update for SwiftUI 2.0:
#ObservedObject var contentViewModel = ContentViewModel()
#StateObject var contentViewModel = ContentViewModel()
#StateObject means that changes in the state of the view model do not trigger a redraw of the whole body.
You also need to store the shouldPushPage3 variable outside the View as the view will get recreated every time you pop back to the root View.
enum DeepLinking {
static var shouldPushPage3 = true
And reference it as follows:
if (DeepLinking.shouldPushPage3) {
DeepLinking.shouldPushPage3 = false
self.contentViewModel.isLinkActive["3"] = true
print("Activating link to page 3")
The bug got fixed with the latest SwiftUI release. But to use this code at the moment, you will need to use the beta version of Xcode and iOS 14 - it will be live in a month or so with the next GM Xcode release.
I was coming up against this problem, with a standard (not using 'isActive') NavigationLink - for me the problem turned out to be the use of the view modifiers: .onAppear{code} and .onDisappear{code} in the destination view. I think it was causing a re-draw loop or something which caused the view to pop back to my list view (after approx 1 second).
I solved it by moving the modifiers onto a part of the destination view that's not affected by the code in those modifiers.

SwiftUI doesn't update UI with ObservedObject in nested NavigationLink destination

I currently have an app that's fetching data from an API, In the root view (let's call it Home) everything works as expected, in the second view (let's call it User View) everything works as expected but now on the third view (Team View) the ObservedObject for this view only is not working.
The strangest part is that if the user navigates directly to the Team View, again every thing works as expected.
Each view has it's own ObservedObject has the data being loaded belongs only to that view
The navigation between each view is made by the NavigationLink
Heres an exemple of how I'm doing the loading and navigation.
struct HomeView: View {
#ObservedObject var viewModel = HomeViewModel()
var body: some View {
VStack {
NavigationLink(destination: UserView(userId: viewModel.userId))
NavigationLink(destination: TeamView(teamId: viewModel.teamId))
struct TeamView: View {
#ObservedObject var viewModel = TeamViewModel()
#State var teamId: String = ""
var body: some View {
.onAppear() { viewModel.loadData(id: teamId) }
struct UserView: View {
#ObservedObject var viewModel = UserViewModel()
#State var userId: String = ""
var body: some View {
VStack {
NavigationLink(destination: TeamView(teamId: viewModel.teamId))
.onAppear() { viewModel.loadData(id: userId) }
From the example you can see that the function to load the data is in the view model and is loaded when the view appears
Everything works just fine but when I reach the 3rd level in the stack the data does not get updated in the view. I thought It might be the thread but I'm using DispatchQueue.main.async when the fetch is complete.
All necessary variables on the Model are marked as #Published
In sum the following flows work
HomeView -> TeamView
HomeView -> UserView
But this one on the last view it does load the data but it does not update the view
HomeView -> UserView -> TeamView
I replicated your code behaviour and the issue is due to fast navigation. Here is what's going on
if you would do
HomeView [tap] -> UserView -> [wait for user loaded] -> TeamView // no issue
but you do
HomeView [tap] -> UserView [tap] -> TeamView // got defect
The defect is because UserView is updated in background when the data got loaded, so body rebuilt, so link is recreated, so TeamView is reconstructed, but .onAppear is not called, because such kind of view is already on screen.
(I'm not sure if this is SwiftUI bug, because there is logic in such behaviour).
So here is a solution for this case. Tested with Xcode 11.5b.
struct TeamView: View {
#ObservedObject var viewModel = TeamViewModel()
var teamId: String // << state is not needed
init(teamId: String) {
self.teamId = teamId
viewModel.loadData(id: teamId) // initiate load here !!
var body: some View {
struct UserView: View {
#ObservedObject var viewModel = UserViewModel()
#State var userId: String = ""
var body: some View {
VStack {
// used DeferView to avoid in-advance constructions
NavigationLink(destination: DeferView { TeamView(teamId: viewModel.teamId) })
.onAppear() { viewModel.loadData(id: userId) }
DeferView is taken from this my post.

SwiftUI : Dismiss modal from child view

I'm attempting to dismiss a modal after its intended action is completed, but I have no idea how this can be currently done in SwiftUI. This modal is triggered by a #State value change. Would it be possible to change this value by observing a notification of sorts?
Desired actions: Root -> Initial Modal -> Presents Children -> Dismiss modal from any child
Below is what I've tried
Error: Escaping closure captures mutating 'self' parameter
struct AContentView: View {
#State var pageSaveInProgress: Bool = false
init(pages: [Page] = []) {
// Observe change to notify of completed action
NotificationCenter.default.publisher(for: .didCompletePageSave).sink { (pageSaveInProgress) in
self.pageSaveInProgress = false
var body: some View {
VStack {
.sheet(isPresented: $pageSaveInProgress) {
ModalWithChildren test action
Button(action: {
name: .didCompletePageSave, object: nil)},
label: { Text("Close") })
You can receive messages through .onReceive(_:perform) which can be called on any view. It registers a sink and saves the cancellable inside the view which makes the subscriber live as long as the view itself does.
Through it you can initiate #State attribute changes since it starts from the view body. Otherwise you would have to use an ObservableObject to which change can be initiated from anywhere.
An example:
struct MyView : View {
#State private var currentStatusValue = "ok"
var body: some View {
Text("Current status: \(currentStatusValue)")
.onReceive(MyPublisher.currentStatusPublisher) { newStatus in
self.currentStatusValue = newStatus
A complete example
import SwiftUI
import Combine
extension Notification.Name {
static var didCompletePageSave: Notification.Name {
return Notification.Name("did complete page save")
struct OnReceiveView: View {
#State var pageSaveInProgress: Bool = true
var body: some View {
VStack {
.onReceive(NotificationCenter.default.publisher(for: .didCompletePageSave)) {_ in
self.pageSaveInProgress = false
.sheet(isPresented: $pageSaveInProgress) {
struct ModalWithChildren: View {
#State var presentChildModals: Bool = false
var body: some View {
Button(action: {
name: .didCompletePageSave,
object: nil
}) { Text("Send message") }
