How to export CSV file in Libre Office using separator at the end of last field? - field

I have an application which saves CSV files. When I import in Libre Office 5 and save again as CSV, the resulting file will not contain a field separator at the end of the last field.
I could use an awk script but is too hard to use for other users.
Is there any setting in libre office which will allow me to import and save the file successfully?

The format of the CSV-file that you described corresponds to a table with an empty column with an "invisible heading", usually a space.
Therefore, the easiest and fastest way to do what you want is to add a space in the table header after the last column before exporting.


How can I import a tab delimited (TSV) file saved on Google Drive into Google Sheets?

I saved a TSV file (it has to be TSV because reasons... I guess it could be .xlsx too), on my drive and I want to import it using =importdata("<myfileID>")
This... almost works, but it seems to want to give each character a column (except that my data doesn't even have that characters. The error is:
Result was not automatically expanded, please insert more columns (1096).
My data has 13 columns, and browsing the data in a text editor, has max about 125 characters. So even allocating a character per column it should still be able to show it
I've saved sample TSV and Sheets document, so perhaps you guys can help me out. (the tsv file)
You need to use the export/download link, rather than the share link.
You can get this link by visiting the share link for your TSV file, and hitting download in the top-right. A new tab will open that contains the URL of the export link.
You can also take the imported data and use the SPLIT function to separate the tabular data using CHAR(9):
Alternatively, you can use the File > Import > [Select File] menu item, then use the Append to current Sheet and Tab separator type to import any TSV file on your Drive to a Sheet.

How to choose the delimiter for splitting text into columns?

I have a DSV file and each row corresponds to one instance/piece of text as normal. Specifically, I have my own delimiter ### instead of the default (i.e., comma ,). However, when I open the DSV by using Google Sheets, these tools always display the DSV file by splitting automatically by default delimiter. It causes a mess because some columns may contain several commas.
How can I disable the trigger that splits the text into columns automatically and only use my own delimiter?
My DSV is like below:
As suggested, I have tried to copy the content directly to a newly created Google sheet, however, I got the error as below due to the size of the content.
There was a problem
Your input contains more than the maximum of 50000 characters in a single cell.
With File > Import > Upload > Drag one can choose one's delimiter (though not, as far as I am aware, as in Excel the option to "Treat consecutive delimiters as one"):
So, depending upon your specific file, you may find the result this way is what you want - provided you are prepared to delete a couple of blank columns for each set of ### (if not choosing a single character rather than ### in the first place).
if you import your CSV data into Google Sheets via copy-paste you can press this combo right after importing it:
and type in your ###

how to change the format of a field when using parse to select fields in sumologic

I am totally new to sumologic platform. I am trying to select fields from the log data. The simple code is:
| parse "transactionNumber=*|" as transactionNumber
| parse "message=*|" as message
My transaction number is a very long numbers, such as 123456789987654321. So, when I 'Export(Display Fields)' to save the result to csv file, it will be automatically transfer to scientific notation such as 123e+15.
So, how to change the format, let's say from number to character, so that I can get the real numbers in csv?
I think the simple way is save the file as txt, instead of csv.
But this is not related to sumo logic programming. So I think this is not a very "descent" way.

Import custom partition into Gephi

I was wondering if gephi supports importing a cluster file that has the community assignment of each node in a graph on a separate line (similar to the Pajek .clu format)? I am looking for a way to color the nodes belonging to the same community. In igraph (for R), I can import this file and set the vertex color attributes based on it. Was wondering if gephi had a similar feature?
I saw this answer here from over 5 years ago saying that it wasn't possible, was wondering if that had changed now?
The .clu file contains one line per node with the cluster number at least the example I see here. Gephi cannot import it directly but you can trick it to obtain the same result. Here are the steps I propose:
Import your .net file with Gephi
Go to Data Laboratory and sort your nodes according to the Id column, by clicking on the column name
Create a new column called Cluster by pressing Add column the bottom of the screen. The default String type will do
Click Export table, select only the fields Id and Cluster, and export the file somewhere
Open the CSV file with e.g. Excel or LibreOffice
Open your .clu file with a text editor, even Notepad will do
Copy all the numbers in the file and paste them in the Cluster column of your CSV. Save your CSV
Import the CSV back into Gephi, by clicking Import Spreadsheet and press ok through the next steps.
At the end you should see your Cluster values having the same values as in the .clu file!
Make sure that the same field delimiter is used throughout in steps 4. and 8. I would suggest to use ; as Excel directly understands it.
You are welcome to report back if you are still having problems

Brio save file without column headings

How can I prevent the column headings from appearing in a .txt save file in Hyperion ?
Here is the answer from Oracle/Hyperion:
You are correct that the headers still appear on the export of the section to .xls format. If you are attempting to export the section and do not want the headers present, you will need to export out as one of the Office Archive formats that are provided (Microsoft Office 2000 HTML (.html) or (.mhtml)). There is no option through the GUI to export a file in the Excel (.xls) format and not have the headers present.
On the main menu bar select Format. In the dropdown, there is an option for 'Column Titles’. Selecting the 'Column Titles' option with uncheck it, removing the column titles from the results.
A workaround, assuming you have no duplicate rows, is to create a Pivot section for the Table/Result set, and bring in every column as a Side Label, and turn off all the Top/Side/Corner labels. Export the Pivot section. Works best if you're pulling in a unique identifier for each row.
