How to fully deactivate Apple App Clip - it still pops up - ios

I added Apple App Clip but later removed it not yet needed. It was added "Advanced App Clip Experience", later deactivated, but when you bring the NFC tag to the phone, an alert still pops up with an empty content and message "This app clip is not currently available in your country or region".
Deactivated Advanced app clip in App Store Connect
Expired all builds in TestFlight, which contain App Clips
Everything in app association file, domains for app clips, etc - removed
So why NFC scanning still present App Clip, but not redirect me in app/safari as earlier?

I had the same problem. The fix was to ensure that the App Clip Experience was deactivated in App Store Connect.
I submitted a binary/build that contained an App Clip to Testflight so that I could access the Advance App Clip settings.
Deactivated the App Clip Experience (your step #1)
Waited a day to account for the caching system, and now, after testing, scanning my QR Code (in your case, it would be triggering the event with the NFC tag) produces the correct results.
It is important to note that even though you may have a live app that does not contain an App Clip, you must still deactivate it in Advance App Clip.


How to solve this App Store warning screen issue?

A user sent me a screenshot saying that my app no longer works for him when he is offline. It's an alert screen from the App Store indicating that "In order to access the App Store, you have to turn off airplane mode or enable WiFi".
This screen instantly appears over my app when he opens it. The app does use in-app purchases but it is a very old Objective-C based app.
I wasn't able to find any information on how I might eliminate this problem 😔 and would appreciate any hints.

iOS App Clip Smart Banner validation before submission

I want to release an update of my app with the new addition of an app clip. Apple states in their documentation
Safari's Smart App Banner and sharing via Messages is only available when the app clip is published in the App Store.
Is there any way to verify that the app clip via smart banner will definitely work once the update is available in the store? Otherwise I basically have to hope that everything was set up correctly which I just refuse to believe that's the case. Did anyone do this yet and can tell me how to verify everything will work as expected?

Invoke scan QR code app clip experience for Testflight beta version

I am new to app clip experience and currently struggling to deliver my demo app to my client with full app clip experience (including scan QR code to open app clip).
My question is that can we have scan QR code to open app clip card for testflight beta version? I tried to add an invocation URL for the specific testing build, but not working at all.
Here are things I have done so far:
Scan QR code is working as expected for local registered experience, which means you must have app clip cached in your device via building from Xcode
App & clip is submitted to Testflight for testing. I can see the open app clip from Testflight App, and my app clip works perfectly.
I did a set of configuration about aasa file, and I can see it is configured properly
Any help would be very appreciated.
For testers, they launch through Testflight. Documentation says:
Users don’t install App Clips, and App Clips don’t appear on the Home screen. Similarly, testers don’t install the beta version of your App Clip, and it also doesn’t appear on the Home screen either. Instead, testers launch the App Clip experiences you configure for testing through the TestFlight app on their device.
Testers can configure a local experience and then launch the app clip in that way.
Testers can also configure a local experience to launch the App Clip you distribute with TestFlight. However, you must still associate your App Clip with your website. In addition, testers must launch the App Clip from an App Clip experience for testing you configure in App Store Connect at least once to ensure that the App Clip is cached on the device.
That same documentation mentions how to setup a local experience.

How to configure an App Clip without having an app on the Store

I'm currently working on a small app to demonstrate the usefulness of iOS 14's new App Clips. Since this is a proof of concept to demonstrate the power of App Clips, rather than an app meant for production, I do not have an app available on the Store.
Is it possible to configure an App Clip launch experience without having an App available on the App Store? The documentation I could find appears to require the creation of an App Clip on Apple Connect.
Without an app in the app store you can create an app clip that can be used in a very limited way. If a proof of concept is what you're after, maybe the app clip testing methods will do.
Generally there are 3 options:
Run the app clip project in Xcode. add the environment parameter _XCAppClipURL to simulate the invocation link.
Use the local experience. Create a local experience on the iPhone you'd like to simulate the app clip on. Then invoke the app clip using a QR scanner or whatever other method you'd like to use. You'll need to configure this for each device you want to use the app clip on.
Use TestFlight. For this you'll need to upload some app and the app clip to app store connect (The build is for an app and app clip together). You don't have to submit them to the store, uploading the build to app store connect is enough to get them on TestFlight (at least for closed testing).
more information can be found in Apple's documentation

How to launch an associated watch app from an IOS application

How do I launch an associated Watch App from an IOS App?
I do see questions where the user flow is in reverse, where the Watch App starts the IOS App in the background. However I want the reverse. I want to launch the Watch App, make it visible on the watch when the associated IOS App is running.
My current user experience is not good; I launch the IOS App from the Phone, then fiddle with the watch to find the associated Watch App.
The current IOS App plays music at times, and I have added the Now Playing View. I have also noticed that when I start the watch application "not programatically", some minutes later (after the watch goes to sleep and raised again to awake) the default music player Watch App is made the current watch application when playing music via the IOS App.
I would have preferred that the associated watch application is active on the watch, and that the Now Playing View controls the music.
The watch application has two views/pages where the user would swipe to move to the next page. The first page has some text and the second page has the Now Playing View
It would be far better, if the users starts the IOS App and auto launches the associated Watch App.
I am not sure what the design decisions are regarding this. Perhaps a Notification needs to be sent, and the user can then decide whether to launch the Watch App.
Please assist by giving brief API calls to make or adjusting properties in the plist.
You can do so by sending a workout configuration to your watch app via
I'm not sure it would get past the App Review for non workout apps. You might have to call this method twice to reliably start the app, due to a timeout: forum discussion
