How to add unique insets to specific UITableViewCells? - ios

I have a UITableView whose insetsContentViewsToSafeArea property is set to false - this makes the tableView span the width of the screen.
The amount and different types of cells are driven by the server, so there's no way of knowing the content of the tableView.
What I'd like to to:
Assign unique insets to certain cells only.
I can't post a screenshot, so I'll try to make a quick doodle:
These three cells are all in the same UITableView:
|[This is one cell that goes edge-to-edge]|
|[Here's another one]|
|-----This cell needs its own insets-----|
What's the best way to achieve this?
What I've tried:
Overriding layoutMarginsDidChange
Trying to add layoutMargins directly in cellForRowAtIndexPath...

Create a UITableViewCell subclass for the cell with custom insets.
Then you have 2 options --
Add a subview to cell's contentView with constraints -- these will correspond to your desired insets. This view will act as your " pseudo contentView" (add cell content to it)
Play around with contentView's insets. (not sure if it'll work)
I hope this will get you started.
You can use the cell subclass for all cell cases too if you want -- with an enum style which you can set in cell for row.
enum Style {
case edgeToEdge
case withInset(inset: UIEdgeInset)
inside cell subclass
var insetStyle: Style = .edgeToEdge {
didSet {
//update the constraints of the pseudo content view


Expand and collapse cells in tableview

I have a tableview. Some cells contain images, other text.
I want to be able to collapse and expand the cells. In order to be able to do so I did the following:
I created a variable isExpanded = true
In cellForRowAt I check if the cell contains text and then...
if textIsExpanded {
cell.textLabel?.numberOfLines = 0
so that the cell can be as tall as the text inside of it.
In the action I toggle textIsExpanded and reload the table:
This procedure perfectly works with tableviews only containing text.
Something that would work was expanding the if statement and in the false branch calling:
BUT this doesn't work when I toggle the variable, this only works on launch.
How can I collapse and expand back the cells in my tableview?
Create your cell with a stack of two views, Upper view and lower View, Add a Bool key to your Model isExpandable that is triggered and changed on didSelect and check on this to hide or show your view, EIther keep the text as text or TextView up to you.

Show entire table view inside cell

I need to display a dynamic table view inside a cell (of a static table). Using sections instead will not be enough for me. But I don't want this table to be scrollable, so the entire table must appear at once. The problem is that this table size [and rows count, and each row size] varies according to the content being shown. How can I associate the cell (which holds the table) autoresizing property with a table inside that must show all content at once?
Currently I have the tableView inside the cell, and constraints bonds it to all the 4 sides. The first table (not the one inside the cell) rowHeight property is set to UITableViewAutomaticDimension, but the table inside the cell doesn't appear entirely.
If I set the static cell height to a value greater than the tableView(inside cell) height, the whole table appears, and also an extra space beneath it (as the table is bounded to 4 sides of the cell)
So, any ideas on how to show this entire table inside a cell that dynamically has the perfect size for it ?
ps: I tried using collection view inside the cell. Unfortunately it doesn't serve my purpose.
I tried to create a class for the inner table and use (as pointed by iamirzhan) contentSize didSet, like so:
override var contentSize:CGSize {
didSet {
I then used this method to call a function that resizes the cell that holds the table: self.frame.size.height = table.contentSize.height. The function is on this cell's own class.
This worked, the table now appears entirely. The problem is that it overlaps the cell underneath it, so i'm still looking for a solution.
I don't see why this requires 2 tableviews. The static portion should be uitableviewheaderfooters or just a UIStackView. But to answer your question simply query your child tableView for its size and return this in tableView:heightForRowAtIndexPath: for the outer tableview. The height of the child tableView is simply the sum of the hieght of all of its children (including any headers/footers). This is usually not difficult to calculate unless you are using something like a webview where you need to actually load the content and get the size asynchronously. You can calculate the size of elements that are based on their intrinsic content size with UIView.sizeThatFits(_:). The other elements should have fixed sizes or constants in the storyboard that you can sum up.
For inner tableView you should write such implementation.
Firstly, disable the scrollEnable flag
Then you should override the intrinsicContentSize method of tableView
Your inner tableView custom class:
class IntrinsicTableView: UITableView {
override var contentSize:CGSize {
didSet {
override var intrinsicContentSize: CGSize {
return self.contentSize
Now, delete the height constraint, and the height will be calculating by its content.

Xamarin iOS Autolayout: Resize width and vertical scroll automatically for various devices while keeping the horizontal scroll disabled

I want to create a page which has a vertical but no horizontal scroll. It must adjust width of the content and vertical scroll automatically as per screen size.
Something similar to this:
I can not use UITableView since, my page may not have necessarily homogenous elements. It could have a combination of textfields , dropdown etc.
The previous answer was quite right, but not right at all. Indeed I tried to solve this problem using the method described before, but to make it work, I made some adjustments.
Your view's hierarchy has to be as follow :
UIScrollview :
You don't need a container inside the UIScrollview, because apart the fact that it will be an extraview that you don't need, there is the problem that if you use this container-view you will get problem getting touch events in the views added.
So, let's make a step-by-step process:
Add scrollview to your viewController
The first step is to add the scrollview to your viewController, and we can simply do this programmatically in the following way:
UIScrollView scrollView = new UIScrollView();
scrollView.TranslatesAutoresizingMaskIntoConstraints = false;
View is the main-view of the viewController you are working in (aka Self.View).
Put attention to set TranslateAutoResizionMaskIntoConstrains property of the scrollview to false, otherwise autoresizing will mess your constraints.
Add constraint (autolayout) to your scrollView
You need to ensure that you layout will adjust for every different iPhone-screen, so simply use auotlayout to pin your scrollView to the viewController main-view (is the View used in the next code sample):
scrollView.TopAnchor.ConstraintEqualTo(View.TopAnchor, 0).Active = true;
scrollView.BottomAnchor.ConstraintEqualTo(View.BottomAnchor, 0).Active = true;
scrollView.LeadingAnchor.ConstraintEqualTo(View.LeadingAnchor, 0).Active = true;
scrollView.TrailingAnchor.ConstraintEqualTo(View.TrailingAnchor, 0).Active = true;
In this way your scrollView is pinned to the bound of the main-view.
Create the view to be added
You need to create the view that you will add to the scrollView:
UIView viewToBeAdded = new UIView();
viewToBeAdded.TranslatesAutoresizingMaskIntoConstraints = false;
viewToBeAdded.Frame = new CGRect(0, 0, UIScreen.MainScreen.Bounds.Width, 200);
We have created a new UIView that setting its frame large as the screen (UIScreen.MainScreen.Bounds.Width) so it won't scroll horizontally, and with an arbitrary height (200 in the sample).
NOTE : even in this case you have to set TranslateAutoResizingMaskProperty to false, otherwise you will get a mess.
Add the view to the scrollView
Next step is to add our new view to the scrollView as follow:
Nothing more.
Set constraint for the view added in relation to the scrollView
Once you have added your view you have to said which will her behavior related to the scrollView. We assume that we will add several view to the scrollView, so we have to made a distinction, to the behavior of the FIRST view, the IN-BETWEEN views, and the LAST view.
So to be clear we assume that we are adding only 3 views, so we will have the three different cases.
The important thing is that the first view has to be pinned to the top of the scrollView, we do this as follow :
firstView.TopAnchor.ConstraintEqualTo(scrollView.TopAnchor, 0).Active = true;
and then we set the others constraints:
firstView.WidthAnchor.ConstraintEqualTo(firstView.Bounds.Width).Active = true;
firstView.HeightAnchor.ConstraintEqualTo(firstView.Bounds.Height).Active = true;
The in between views (in our sample the secondView) need to be pinned to the previous view added (in our case the first view). So we do as follow:
secondView.TopAnchor.ConstraintEqualTo(firstView.BottomAnchor).Active = true;
So the top of the secondView is pinned to the bottom of the firstView.
And then we add the others constraints:
secondView.WidthAnchor.ConstraintEqualTo(secondView.Bounds.Width).Active = true;
secondView.HeightAnchor.ConstraintEqualTo(secondView.Bounds.Height).Active = true;
The last view (in our case the third view) instead needs to be pinned to the bottom of the previousView (in our case the secondView) and to the bottom of the scrollView.
thirdView.TopAnchor.ConstraintEqualTo(secondView.BottomAnchor).Active = true;
thirdView.BottomAnchor.ConstraintEqualTo(scrollView.BottomAnchor).Active = true;
And the usual other constraints for width and eight:
thirdView.WidthAnchor.ConstraintEqualTo(thirdView.Bounds.Width).Active = true;
thirdView.HeightAnchor.ConstraintEqualTo(thirdView.Bounds.Height).Active = true;
In this way the eight of the scrollView will adapt to the eight of the views added, due to the fact that the views inside are pinned to the top and the bottom of the scrollView.
If you follow these simple instruction you will get everything work. Remember to disable autoResizingMask, as this is on of the common mistake.
Hope it was helpful.
In a custom renderer for Xamarin.Forms i've written my UITableViewController like this:
_controller = new InfoFieldItemsTableViewController();
_controller.TableView.SeparatorStyle = UITableViewCellSeparatorStyle.None;
_controller.TableView.SeparatorColor = UIColor.Clear;
_controller.TableView.AllowsSelection = false;
_controller.TableView.RowHeight = UITableView.AutomaticDimension;
In my controller i am doing this to register all potential cell candidates:
private void RegisterCells()
foreach (var tuple in InfoFieldCellMapping.Map)
this.TableView.RegisterNibForCellReuse(tuple.Value.Item1, tuple.Value.Item2);
public override void ViewDidLoad()
I am doing this in my controller so cells resize themselves depending on how much height they need:
public override nfloat EstimatedHeight(UITableView tableView, NSIndexPath indexPath)
return 100;
Now all you need to do is create cell files from within your IDE which should be .xib files and design them in the editor using autolayout (so they can adapt to orientation changes automatically).
Within your TableViews datasource all that's left to do is mapping between your data item and it's corresponding cell similar to:
public override UICollectionViewCell GetCell(UICollectionView collectionView, NSIndexPath indexPath)
var dataItem = Items[indexPath.Row];
var key = ""; // use info from data item to figure out which key identifies your table cell to dequeue the correct kind of cell
var cell = collectionView.DequeueReusableCell(key, indexPath) as UICollectionViewCell;
That's all you need really. In my scenario i am mapping fields which may contain different controls for date entries, number entries, long texts, short texts etc etc.
I hope that helps
1.Add Leading,Trailing,Top,Bottom Constraints on scrollView to it'superview.
2.Add UIView as containerView of scrollview and add 6 Constraints from containerView to scrollview as below.
a)Leading b)trailing c)top d)bottom e)Center Horizontally.
3.Make sure top elements in container view must bind to top by adding top constraints and also bind bottom most element to bottom of container view by adding bottom constraints.And also all the items between topmost and bottommost in the container view must be vertically connected to each other so it will define the content size of container view.
it will define the actual content height for scrollview.
and finally define content size for scrollview in code.
As I mentioned here .
Refer to Step 1 and Step 2 ,set constraints on Scrollview and containerView.
I remove the margin between Scrollview and View , and I add some controls on the containerView , so it looks like as below:
Since we set the containerView's width equal to scrollview's width, the width is fixed, so we can scroll vertically not horizontally.
Height of controls and spaces between them should be set clearly, because the contentSize is auto calculated by adding them. (If contentSize is greater than the height of screen ,the scrollview can be scrolled)
I saw you set those constrains on controls , but you can't scroll down to see the controls out of screen, I think you are missing to set bottom margin on the last control(the downmost one).
Let us do a test.
1. We set the margin (between button and textfield ) to 1000 and don't set bottom margin between the textfield and containerView.
Result : can't scroll down to see the textfield out of screen.
2. Set the margin 1000 and add a bottom margin(10) between textfiled and containerView.
Result: can scroll
Demo Link

Best way to add multiple diagonal connection lines between TableViewCells

I'm creating an app that needs to show a tableview like below image
Similar colored circles are to be matched with a line.
Which view i can add the lines?
Or need to create a new view above tableview? But still my tableview needs to be scrolled.
How can i achieve this?
Update for Bounty
I want to implement the same with incliend lines between neighbouring circles. How to achieve the same?
Demonstration below:
create design like this
Based on your requirement just hide upper line and lower line of circle
You need to create collection view in tableview cell. In collection view you create one cell. Design the same user interface like your design. Show and hide the view with matching of rule. It will not affect tableview scrolling. and with this approach you can also provide scroll in collection view cell. i can provide you coded solution if you able to provide me more information. Thanks
You can use this Third Party LIb
You need to use a combination of collection view and a table view to give support for all devices.
1.Create one collection view cell with following layout
Hide upper and lower lines as per your need
Add collection view in table view cell and managed a number of cells in collection view depending upon the current device width and item's in between spacing.
You can create a vertical label without text, set the background color with black and place it behind the circle in view hierarchy and set a width of the label as per your requirement. Then you can hide unhide the label whenever you want.
P.S.: Make sure to hide your cell separator.
I have created a demo project. You can find it here. I tried to match your requirements. You can update the collection view settings to handle the hide and show of labels.
Let me know if you have any questions.
Hope this help.
To connect any circle with any other circle in the cell above / below, it will be easier and cleaner to create the connection lines dynamically rather than building them into the asset as before. This part is simple. The question now is where to add them.
You could have the connection lines between every two cells be contained in the top or bottom cell of each pair, since views can show content beyond their bounds.
There's a problem with this though, regardless of which cell contains the lines. For example, if the top cell contains them, then as soon as it is scrolled up off screen, the lines will disappear when didEndDisplayingCell is called, even though the bottom cell is still completely on screen. And then scrolling slightly such that cellForRow is called, the lines will suddenly appear again.
If you want to avoid that problem, then here is one approach:
One Approach
Give your table view and cells a clear background color, and have another table view underneath to display a new cell which will contain the connection lines.
So you now have a background TVC, with a back cell, and a foreground TVC with a fore cell. You add these TVC's as children in a parent view controller (of which you can set whatever background color you like), disable user interaction on the background TVC, and peg the background TVC's content offset to the foreground TVC's content offset in an observation block, so they will stay in sync when scrolling. I've done this before; it works well. Use the same row height, and give the background TVC a top inset of half the row height.
We can make the connection lines in the back cell hug the top and bottom edges of the cell. This way circles will be connected at their centre.
Perhaps define a method in your model that calculates what connections there are, and returns them, making that a model concern.
extension Array where Element == MyModel {
A connection is a (Int, Int).
(0, 0) means the 0th circle in element i is connected to the 0th circle in element j
For each pair of elements i, j, there is an array of such connections, called a mesh.
Returns n - 1 meshes.
func getMeshes() -> [[(Int, Int)]] {
// Your code here
Then in your parent VC, do something like this:
class Parent_VC: UIViewController {
var observation: NSKeyValueObservation!
var b: Background_TVC!
override func viewDidLoad() {
let b = Background_TVC(model.getMeshes())
let f = Foreground_TVC(model)
for each in [b, f] {
each.view.frame = self.view.bounds
each.didMove(toParent: self)
let insets = UIEdgeInsets(top: b.tableView.rowHeight / 2, left: 0, bottom: 0, right: 0)
b.tableView.isUserInteractionEnabled = false
b.tableView.contentInset = insets
self.b = b
self.observation = f.tableView.observe(\.contentOffset, options: [.new]) { (_, change) in
let y = change.newValue!.y
self.b.tableView.contentOffset.y = y // + or - half the row height
Then of course there's your drawing code. You could make it a method of your back cell class (a custom cell), which will take in a mesh data structure and then draw the lines that represent it. Something like this:
class Back_Cell: UITableViewCell {
Returns an image with all the connection lines drawn for the given mesh.
func createMeshImage(for mesh: [(Int, Int)]) -> UIImage {
let canvasSize = self.contentView.bounds.size
// Create a new canvas
UIGraphicsBeginImageContextWithOptions(canvasSize, false, 0)
// Grab that canvas
let canvas = UIGraphicsGetCurrentContext()!
let spacing: CGFloat = 10.0 // whatever the spacing between your circles is
// Draw the lines
for each in mesh {
canvas.move(to: CGPoint(x: CGFloat(each.0) * spacing, y: 0))
canvas.addLine(to: CGPoint(x: CGFloat(each.1) * spacing, y: self.contentView.bounds.height))
let image = UIGraphicsGetImageFromCurrentImageContext()!
return image
You'd probably want to create a Mesh class and store the images in that model, to avoid redrawing.

Animate a slide-in details view within a UITableViewCell

I have a UITableViewCell that is using auto-layout. When a user selects the cell, I want to display extra information in a details view that slides downwards, extending the bottom of the cell.
I'm having trouble figuring out the correct way to do this.
The transitionFromView:toView:duration:options:completion: method does not seem appropriate, because I am not replacing one view with another.
The transitionWithView:duration:options:animations:completion: method seemed like it should do the trick, but I can't figure out the correct way to achieve my goals using it.
This is what I tried initially (C#, but Objective-C/Swift equivalents should be obvious):
private void AnimateDetailsIntoView()
this.detailsView.Hidden = true;
this.ContentView.ConstrainLayout(() =>
this.detailsView.Top() == this.nameLabel.Bottom() &&
this.detailsView.Bottom() == this.ContentView.Bottom() - Layout.StandardSiblingViewSpacing &&
this.detailsView.Left() == this.nameLabel.Left() &&
this.detailsView.Right() == this.nameLabel.Right());
UIViewAnimationOptions.ShowHideTransitionViews | UIViewAnimationOptions.TransitionFlipFromBottom,
() => { },
() => { });
This results in the table cell "spinning around", but the details view does not actually show. Even if I remove the line that hides detailsView, I still don't see it after the animation.
I suspect this is layout related, but am unsure how to "grow" the cell vertically.
Can anyone tell me what I'm doing wrong?
PS. I realize there's more to do once I get the initial animation working. I'll have to animate any previously selected cell up and remove its details panel.
As per the OP wants to expand and collapse the cell, following are the procedure to achieve it:-
Design your whole detail cell in a single prototype cell.
Now tableView heightForRowAtIndexPath: specify 2 sizes one for collapse cell and another size for (expanded)detailed cell,by giving a condition something like BOOL variable"isExpanded".
Now on didSelect of tableView or in the button's action if you are using button in cell, just store the value of indexpath.row to determine which row to expand and add this code to reload the row, this will easily do the animation trick of expand
[tbl beginUpdates];
[tbl reloadRowsAtIndexPaths:indexPaths withRowAnimation:UITableViewRowAnimationBottom];
[tbl endUpdates];
Same goes for collapsing a cell, just some logic tweaks, which you can easily do.
