How to run docker for desktop without starting containers - docker

Sometimes I want to run docker for desktop without starting the containers automatically upon startup and to choose which one I want to load manually to resolve some problems (Sometimes docker doesn't have memory to load all of them and sometimes it crashes so i want to do it selectively).
Is there a CLI parameter or configuration file change to achieve that?
Docker for desktop for windows 10.

To update all of your containers, to not start,
docker update --restart=no $(docker ps -a -q)
If you need to access the docker root directory, where the images and containers are stored for example, they are at c:\ProgramData\Dockerand you need to know the container ID and then access the config file for you to change the restart policy before Docker starts.


Using remove option with interactive docker container [duplicate]

I am trying Docker for the first time and do not yet have a "mental model". Total beginner.
All the examples that I am looking at have included the --rm flag to run, such as
docker run -it --rm ...
docker container run -it --rm ...
Why do these commands include the --rm flag? I would think that if I were to go through the trouble of setting up or downloading a container with the good stuff in it, why remove it? I want to keep it to use again.
So, I know I have the wrong idea of Docker.
Containers are merely an instance of the image you use to run them.
The state of mind when creating a containerized app is not by taking a fresh, clean ubuntu container for instance, and downloading the apps and configurations you wish to have in it, and then let it run.
You should treat the container as an instance of your application, but your application is embedded into an image.
The proper usage would be creating a custom image, where you embed all your files, configurations, environment variables etc, into the image. Read more about Dockerfile and how it is done here
Once you did that, you have an image that contains everything, and in order to use your application, you just run the image with proper port settings or other dynamic variables, using docker run <your-image>
Running containers with --rm flag is good for those containers that you use for very short while just to accomplish something, e.g., compile your application inside a container, or just testing something that it works, and then you are know it's a short lived container and you tell your Docker daemon that once it's done running, erase everything related to it and save the disk space.
The flag --rm is used when you need the container to be deleted after the task for it is complete.
This is suitable for small testing or POC purposes and saves the headache for house keeping.
By default a container’s file system persists even after the container exits. This makes debugging a lot easier (since you can inspect the final state) and you retain all your data by default. But if you are running short-term foreground processes, these container file systems can really pile up. If instead you’d like Docker to automatically clean up the container and remove the file system when the container exits, you can add the --rm flag
In short, it's useful to keep the host clean from stopped and unused containers.
When you run a container from an image using a simple command like (docker run -it ubuntu), it spins up a container. You attach to your container using docker attach container-name (or using exec for different session).
So, when you're within your container and working on it and you type exit or ctrl+z or any other way to come out of the container, other than ctrl+p+q, your container exits. That means that your container has stopped, but it is still available on your disk and you can start it again with : docker start container-name/ID.
But when you run the container with —rm tag, on exit, the container is deleted permanently.
I use --rm when connecting to running containers to perform some actions such as database backup or file copy. Here is an example:
docker run -v $(pwd):/mnt --link app_postgres_1:pg --rm postgres:9.5 pg_dump -U postgres -h pg -f /mnt/docker_pg.dump1 app_db
The above will connect a running container named 'app_postgres_1' and create a backup. Once the backup command completes, the container is fully deleted.
The "docker run rm " command makes us run a new container and later when our work is completed then it is deleted by saving the disk space.
The important thing to note is, the container is just like a class instance and not for data storage. We better delete them once the work is complete. When we start again, it starts fresh.
The question comes then If the container is deleted then what about the data in a container? The data is actually saved in the local system and get linked to it when the container is started. The concept is named as "Volume or shared volume".

Why does vscode's remote explorer get a list of old containers? (Docker)

I succeeded in connecting to a remote server configured with Docker through vscode. By the way, the list of containers from the past was fetched from the remote explorer of vscode. If you look at this list of containers, they are obviously containers made with images I downloaded a few days ago. I don't know why this is happening.
Presumably, it is a problem with the settings.json file or a problem with some log.
I pressed f1 in vscode and select Remote-Containers: Attach to Running Container...
Then the docker command was entered automatically in the terminal. Here, a container (b25ee2cb9162) that I do not know where it came from has appeared.
After running this container, a new window opens with the message Starting Dev Container.
This is the list of containers that I said downloaded a few days ago. This is what vscode showed me.
What's the reason that this happened?
Those containers you are seeing are similar to those if you run docker container ls. The containers you are seeing have exited and are not automatically cleaned up by Docker unless specified in CLI --rm option.
The docs for the --rm option explain the reason for this nicely:
By default a container’s file system persists even after the container exits. This makes debugging a lot easier (since you can inspect the final state) and you retain all your data by default. But if you are running short-term foreground processes, these container file systems can really pile up. If instead you’d like Docker to automatically clean up the container and remove the file system when the container exits, you can add the --rm flag:
From this answer about these non-running containers taking up system resources you don't have to be concerned about these taking up much space expect minimal disk space.
To remove those containers, you have a few options:
[Preemptive] Use --rm flag when running container
You can pass the --rm flag when you run a container with the Docker to remove the containers after they have exited so old containers don't accumulate.
As the docs mention, the downside is after the container exits, it's difficult to debug why the container exited if something failed inside the container.
See the docs here if using docker run:
See this answer if using docker-compose run
Clean up existing containers from the command line
Use the docker container prune command to remove all stopped containers.
See the docs here:
See this related SO answer if you're looking for other options:
Clean up containers from VSCode
VSCode Docker Containers Extension you clean up containers if you open the command palate and enter Docker Containers: Remove
Or you can simply right click those containers.

A windows container cannot be stopped succesfully

I use the dotnet3.5 image to run containers on win10 with docker desktop Sadly, I found that after I had created a container, did nothing to it, and left it alone for 4 days, the container automotically became unstoppable. The snapshot tells the story.
The container seemed existing there when docker ps -a, but I cannot get into the container by docker exec. And for I cannot stop it--the docker stop process hangs there after I use docker stop container2--I cannot rm the container.
The only way to resolve this issue is to restore docker desktop's factory setting.
By the way, although in the snapshot the running image is aspnet:3.5-windowsservercore-10.0.14393.953, this issue also happens when the aspnet:3.5
Does anyone have good ideas to the unstoppable container? Any suggestions are welcome.
The command used above is incorrect. There is a difference between the commands and options we use. "# docker ps" or "# docker container ls" will give you the list of currently running processes or active containers.
Whereas "-a" will give you all the list of all those which are used to date which contains the list of active and deleted containers.
In your case, the container was is not there and you are trying to access the one which is non-existing, which is why it is stuck.

Why does my non-volume data in Docker container persist even after restarting the container?

In some places when I read about Docker containers, I found some people talking that they lose their data (saved inside the container and not a part of volume data) when they restart the container.
I tried to create a simple Ubuntu container like this: docker run -it ubuntu /bin/bash, and created some files inside the container and then restarted it, but my data still there. Why does that actually happen? why do my data still there? Is this something new in the newer versions of Docker or do I have misunderstanding for something?
The data is lost when the container is removed, not when it's stopped or restarted.
Basically, if you do docker ps, if the containers keeps the same id (the big ugly hexadecimal id), the data is not lost.
It gets complicated when somehow your docker containers are not managed by you, but by some kind of automated-managing method. Tools like these usually start new containers if there is failure. In that case you should mount a volume to store your data on the host.
You might want to look at the Container Lifecycle:
docker create creates a container but does not start it.
docker rename allows the container to be renamed.
docker run creates and starts a container in one operation.
docker rm deletes a container.
docker update updates a container's resource limits.
If you do docker rm and docker run again your state will not be there anymore.
If you want a transient container, docker run --rm will remove the container after it stops.

Auto-restart Docker container when contents of host folder change

I am running a Docker container in CoreOS (host) and mounted a host folder with a container's folder.
docker run -v /home/core/folder_name:/folder_name <container_name>
Now, each time I am changing (insert/delete) some file in that host folder (folder_name), I have to restart the container (container_name) to see the effects.
docker restart <container_name>
Is there any way from the host side or docker side to restart it automatically when there is a change (insert/delete) in the folder?
Restarting the docker container on a folder change is rather antithetical to the whole notion of the -v command in the first place. If you really really really need to restart the container in the manner you are suggesting then the only way to do it is from the docker host. There are a couple tools (I can name off the top of my head, there are definitely more) you could use to monitor the host folder and when a file is inserted or deleted you could trigger the docker restart <container_name> command. Those tools are incron and inotify-tools. Here is another question someone asked similar to yours and the answer recommended using one of the tools I suggested.
Now, there is no way that the files in the host folder are not being changed in the docker container as well. It must be that the program you are using in the docker container isn't updating it's view of the /folder_name folder after it starts up. Is it possible for you to force the program you are running in the docker container to refresh or update? The -v command works via bind mounting and has been a stable feature in docker for quite a while. With bind mounting, the home/core/folder_name folder IS (for all practical purposes) the same folder as /folder_name in the container.
run the command
docker run -t -i -v /home/core/folder_name:/folder_name <container_name> /bin/sh
This command gives you an interactive shell within the container. In this shell issue the command:
cd /folder_name; touch a_file
Now go to /home/core/folder_name on the docker host in a shell or some file browser. The file a_file will be there. You can delete that file on the host and go back to the shell running in the docker container and run ls /folder_name. The file a_file will not be there.
So, you either need to use inotify or incron to go about restarting your container anytime a file changes on the host, or figure out how to work with the program you are running in the docker container to have it update its view of the /folder_name folder.
