Business Central API | Find $Expand property name - odata

Let's say I wanted to retrieve the sales headers along with their lines, I would use the following URL:{GUID}/Sandbox/ODataV4/Company('{CompanyName}')/SalesInvoice?$expand=SalesInvoiceSalesLines
And if I wanted to retrieve the Purchase Invoice, I would use this one:{GUID}/Sandbox/ODataV4/Company('{CompanyName}')/PurchaseInvoice?$expand=PurchaseInvoicePurchLines
So, for the sales, the expand property has the value SalesInvoiceSalesLines while for the purchases, the value is PurchaseInvoicePurchLines.
Is there some logic or a documentation that can help me find what the expand property's value needs to be if I want to expand, say, the SalesCreditMemo lines ?

You should be able to deduct that from the metadata of the endpoint in question e.g.:{GUID}/Sandbox/ODataV4/$metadata#Company('{CompanyName}')/SalesCreditMemo
Then search for "Line" in the the returned XML document.


Google Ads API: getMetrics doesn't get results for all passed keywords

I'm on migration from the old Google AdWords API to the new Google Ads API, using PHP-SDK by Google.
This is the use case, where I'm stuck:
I feed an amount of keywords (paginating them by keyword plans a 10k) to generateHistoricalMetrics($keywordPlanResource) and collect the results.
To do so I followed instructions at and, especially,, with using of KeywordPlanAdGroupKeywords (with a single ad group) and avoiding to pass a specific date range for now, relying on the default value.
Further I had to apply some filters on my keywords because of KEYWORD_HAS_INVALID_CHARS and KEYWORD_TEXT_TOO_LONG, but all the errors which I'm aware of are gone now.
Now, I found out, that the KeywordPlanHistoricalMetrics object does not contain any keyword id (of the form customers//keywordPlanAdGroupKeywords/) So, I have to rely on the correct ordering. This is ok as it seems, that the original ordering of keywords is preserved within the results, as here
But still I have the problem, that
count($keywordPlanServiceClient->generateHistoricalMetrics($keywordPlanResource)->getMetrics()) is lower then count($passedKeywords), where each of $passedKeywords where passed to
new KeywordPlanAdGroupKeyword([
'text' => $passedKeyword,
'match_type' => KeywordMatchType::EXACT
'keyword_plan_ad_group' => $planAdGroupResource
Q: So I have two questions here:
Why getMetrics() does not yield the same amount of results as the amount of passed keywords?
I'm struggling with debugging at this moment: Say, I want to know which keywords are let out. Either for providing more information at this place or just to skip them, and let my customer know, that these particular keywords were not queried. How to do this, when although I have a keyword id for every passed keyword I cannot match the returned metrics to them, because the KeywordPlanHistoricalMetrics object does not contain any keyword id.
Detail: While testing I found out, that the reducing of an amount of queried keywords reduces the amount of lost keyword data:
10k of queried keywords - 4,72% loss,
5k - 2,12%,
2,5k - 0,78%,
1,25k - 0,43%,
625 - 0,3%,
500 - 0,24%,
250 - 0,03%
200 - 0,03% of lost keywords.
But I can't imagine, that keywords should be queried one by one.

Advance Search : Airtable to Zapier

this is my first post!
We want to create an airtable integration: when an ID in a certain column is an ODD number, so we will automatically update the STATUS for another column. Have googled and searched but perhaps couldn't find the right answer, especially for the Search Formula field. Appreciate any help for this!
Huge Thanks!
Within your Airtable table, you can create a new formula field called "Is Odd." The formula within that field would then be IF(MOD({ID}, 2) = 1, "True", "False"). If the ID field mod 2 is equal to 1, then the field is odd, otherwise, it is not.
You could just use this Airtable formula logic to assign a status. Change "True" and "False" to whatever your status values are. You can then group, filter and sort your records based on the values in that field. For more info on Airtable formulas:
If you really need to continue with Zapier, you have a couple of different options for how to proceed. One way would be to use the "Path" helper step to split your workflow. Zapier should follow Path A if the Is Odd field of the record is equal to the string True and Path B if the field is equal to the string False. Down each path, you can then use the Update Record Airtable action to update the record with the correct status. The "Path" step requires a "Professional" account with Zapier.
The other option requires a "Pro" account (which is cheaper than a Professional account). You can create two different Zaps, one for Odd IDs and one for Even IDs. Use the Filter helper step in Zapier to then only execute the Odd Zap if Is Odd is equal to the string True and the Even Zap if Is Odd is equal to the string False. Each Zap can then use the Update Record Airtable action to update the record with the correct status.
I definitely recommend using functions within Airtable to manage this. No reason to include a third party if you don't have to!

Hyperlink from a count query to extract associated data in access

I have a Count query that uses multiple criteria to produce a result looking like:
count ID
1 "abc"
4 "bcd"
5 "def"
1 "cde"
This shows how many times the ID appears in a given database. The datasource is through an odbc connection that updates automatically. So the ID values change everytime it is opened. I would like to try to turn the unique ID or the associated count into a hyperlink that when clicked will return all information involved in the count (*note the database has much more information associated with the ID's than is counted, a date range of the previous three months is applied.) Can this be done simply?
Database format:
ID Instance Device DateBeg DateEnd
Thanks in advance,
The short version -
This should be simple to do using a report (but could also be done using a form I will be explaining how to do a report for this version). You would just make a report that includes all of your fields then call the report on click. It is important to mention that you will need to view the query via a form to make this work.
A more detailed version -
The first step will be to make a form based on your query (you will not be able to do this directly from a query). To do this select your query then click on the create tab then click Multiple Items Form. Adjust as needed.
Then create a report that shows ALL of the records how you want it to display. (I will call it rpt_ViewDetails) (we will limit later)
When you are done adjusting click on the field that contains the "abc" etc. results (if this is a calculated field it will be more complicated.) I will call this field "Criteria" for the example. Go to the events tab on the property sheet (in design view). use the On Dbl Click event and go to code builder.
This is what the code would look like (place in between the private sub.... and the end sub lines of code):
DoCmd.OpenReport "frm_ViewDetails", acViewNormal, , "[Criteria] = " & Me.Critera
Let me know if you have any trouble with this, also let me know if the structure is different than I am assuming, I will need a more detailed report of what the query is doing if this is the case, what the structure of the database is etc.

Sample call to Interactive Brokers for a currency pair?

I'm attempting to run Interactive Broker's included code sample.
On about page 42 it details how to pull market data feeds. My question is, has anyone successfully put in the parameters needed to pull currency pair data??
public synchronized void reqMktData(int tickerId, Contract contract, String genericTickList, boolean snapshot)
I cannot find the valid inputs that will correct the errors I'm seeing from the client.
Parameters needed
List of values inside Contract class are here :
STK == "stock" , should this be set to CASH for Forex data?
IDEALPRO == the exchange according to this page :
USD.JPY = SYMBOL (this here is a guess on my part)
USD == "underlying currency" , here I am guessing again.. seems the currency needs to match the transaction currency.
the pair in the format Transaction Currency.Settlement Currency (example: EUR.USD). The Underlying column will display only the Transaction Currency.
After scouring IB's forum I have found something that works for FX data feeds. You need to put the TransactionCurrency as the Symbol, and the SettlementCurrency as the underlying in the dialog box.
Here is the resulting data feed
As I can remember, I used: CASH, IDEALPRO, EUR.USD, USD
You can see all parameters example in the TradeStation client. Just find the needed instrument and look at it's properties.
And remember that not all parameters must be necessarily filled
At the worst, show the error.

Retrieve most retweeted tweets for a given hashtag

I'd like to retrieve the tweets for given a hashtag and sort them from the most retweeted to the less retweeted.
The closest thing I've found is using the search call and use the type tag:
However, I'm not sure on how "popular" option works.
For instance, if it finds 100 tweets with that hashtag I believe it should show the X most retweeted tweets, and if none of those tweets have been retweeted then it should show X of them randomly (or sorted in some other way like the most recent).
Unfortunately, if follows some kind of unknown rule to identify what's popular and what not and even hashtags with thousands of tweets might return only one or two results.
I hope I made myself clear. Thanks in advance :)
PS: I'll use PHP but I think that shouldn't affect the question?
Results will sometimes contain a
result_type field into the metadata
with a value of either "recent" or
"popular". Popular results are derived
by an algorithm that Twitter computes,
and up to 3 will appear in the default
mixed mode that the Search API
operates under. Popular results
include another node in the metadata
called recent_retweets. This field
indicates how many retweets the Tweet
has had.
Source (Emphasis are mine)
Just call with result_type=popular and check the recent_retweets node to see how popular it is. result_type=popular will become the default in an upcome release so beware if you omit this parameter.
Results with popular tweets aren't ordered chronologically. *
If you would like to always have results to show, use result_type=mixed: they will have the result_type in the "metadata" section with a value of "recent", and popular results will have "popular". A small reference about result_types:
mixed: Include both popular and real time results in the response.
recent: return only the most recent results in the response
popular: return only the most popular results in the response.
If a search query has any popular results, those will be returned at the top, even if they are older than the other results. *
*[Twitter API Announcements]
This isn't a programmatic method but rather works in the browser with a chrome extension (HackyBird) :
Install the extension
Search for a phrase e.g. #Social (
Click the extension to sort it (you can adjust the ratio of retweets/likes used for sorting in extension options).
P.S. It'll also sort your or any other user's timeline.
