Why am I getting "Operation not permitted for current customer" when trying to create a new conversion action in Google Ads? - google-ads-api

I'm trying to setup conversion tracking in Google Ads for a client. When I try to create a new conversion action and hit "create and continue", I get the error message Operation not permitted for current customer. What can I do to resolve it? Is it a permissions issue?


FACEBOOK GRAPH API : Error while trying to access user information

I am trying to make a GET request to facebook graph API. When i introduce locale,timezone and gender to the below URL, I receive an error -
message "(#100) Insufficient permission to access user profile."
type "OAuthException"
code 100
error_subcode 2018247
fbtrace_id "EcbnYPgb/sm"
Please help as I am unable to understand why that would be the case.
It's your inclusion of locale,timezone,gender which is causing this error.
According to Facebook's recent changes, for apps created after July 26, 2018 to access additional user profile fields app developers must apply for each field in the Messenger Platform tab of the app console.

Diaglogflow account linking failed for Visual Studio Online

I have spent a lot of time lately trying to link MS VSTS account with Dialogflow. Unfortunately all my attempts failed and I am unable to find out the reason for this.
What I have done so far is:
Went to registered new VSO application (https://app.vsaex.visualstudio.com/app/register), filling in the correct callback URI (https://oauth-redirect.googleusercontent.com/r/MY_PROJECT_ID) also defining the proper scopes.
Got back to Google's action console overview page (https://console.actions.google.com/project/MY_PROJECT_ID/overview/accounts) to fill in the details for the newly created application (authorize URL, token URL etc.) selecting Authentication Code grant type.
Went to Dialogflow to set the "sign in required" for the welcome intent.
Update the action and got the "It looks like your account is not linked yet" message in simulator, but after using the DEBUG URL to complete the process, I received "account linking failed" message for no obvious reason.
I have also tried the linking procedure with 2 other OAUTH providers and it was working flawlessly, but the MS implementation apparently is not standard.

Getting Error after redirecting to iOS app from google plus signin

I am using Google plus api signin in my iPhone app. Previous i created my app in google plus api using my gmail account. That time its worked good. But, due to some reasons I have added same app in my company account using gmail and I created new project in Google Plus Console and created new Client ID. And in Xcode plist i have changed all new client id which is given by google, but i am getting following error, could anyone have idea about this? IF so, please give your valuable suggestions.
Received Error Error Domain=com.google.GooglePlusPlatform Code=-1 "The operation couldn’t be completed. (com.google.HTTPStatus error 400.)" UserInfo=0x17da00a0 {NSLocalizedDescription=The operation couldn’t be completed. (com.google.HTTPStatus error 400.)} and auth object==(null)
After spending 4 hours on this issue, finally i fixed my issue. That issue came due to i did not entered details in Consent screen which is an option under API's & Auth.
I done simply, Clicked the Consent Screen option and added email in the "Email Adress field" and added Product name in the "Product Name field". Then save clicked.
Thats all. I hope this will helps somebody in future. I got this answer from following link
Error: invalid_client no application name

Error creating new twitter application

I try to create new twitter application on https://apps.twitter.com/app/new link and
I got error message:
You must confirm your email address prior to creating an application. Please read https://support.twitter.com/articles/97942-confirming-your-email-address for more information
I followed by url above and made steps for creating account
I use gmail account, but I still did not receive any confirmatiom email. How knows what is wrong ?
About 24 hours has gone...
Anybody knows if service works ?

iOS Twitter NSURLErrorDomain Code=-1012

I am trying to get the user's contact details by singning up with twitter in my app. I found this project on github which seems really good. I encounter only one problem. If I run it with my new app consumer secret and consumer key codes from twitter it gives me an error :
Error Domain=NSURLErrorDomain Code=-1012 "The operation couldn’t be completed. (NSURLErrorDomain error -1012.)" UserInfo=0x6898e80 {NSErrorFailingURLKey=https://api.twitter.com/oauth/request_token, NSErrorFailingURLStringKey=https://api.twitter.com/oauth/request_token, NSUnderlyingError=0x68980e0 "The operation couldn’t be completed. (kCFErrorDomainCFNetwork error -1012.)"}
The output in the console is :
2013-01-16 17:55:24.367 DMTwitterOAuth[3411:c07] current status = Prompt for user data and request token to server
2013-01-16 17:55:24.371 DMTwitterOAuth[3411:c07] current status = Requesting token for current user's auth data...
2013-01-16 17:55:25.433 DMTwitterOAuth[3411:c07] current status = Token received from server
Immediately after I get the alert view in which it says that it encountered a NSURLErrorDomain.
On the other hand, if I run it with some other codes from another twitter app it works, giving me all the details about the user. I just can't understand why for some keys it works, and for some others it doesn't.
Error code -1012 is kCFURLErrorUserCancelledAuthentication. This should mean that some code somewhere called [sender cancelAuthenticationChallenge:] in response to an authentication challenge. This is likely code inside of DMTwitterOAuth, but it's also possible it's Apple's own code inside the URL-loading system.
Make sure that your twitter application access settings are appropriate for what you're trying to do. If you're trying to post a tweet you'll likely need Read and Write access.
See the Application Model docs for more info.
It can be also just wrong authentication data in request header.
Visit the below url it solves the issue generally not in specific to this twitter context.It will give u some idea
I hope this helps..
I have recently found this problem occurring in projects where previously Twitter login was working. For this reason I assumed it was due to the change in iOS or maybe an upgrade in the Twitter feature.
One of the main issues is it is almost impossible to recreate this issue, there is a very interesting twitter community blog talking about it here: https://twittercommunity.com/t/ios-twitter-kit-1-10-1-twtrloginbutton-responds-with-1012-error/52766
The Twitter staff are trying to fix this issue but can't recreate it to see what is going wrong.
The problem seems to be that the users Twitter account has become disconnected from their device. This means that the Twitter Auth Helper can't get your details to login correctly.
The way to fix this is to go into settings -> Twitter and then click on your Twitter account name. For me this then prompted me to re-input my password as the account wasn't currently connected. Very frustrating and difficult to find as there is no indication until you click your Twitter account.
I found this solution applied when attempting to login with a Twitter account using Firebase.
According to Twitter, the fix is live in SDK version 1.14.1.
