Subgraph isomorphism (or even set membership) in Z3? - z3

I'm trying to find a way to encode a sort of basic subgraph isomorphism in Z3 (preferably z3py). While I know there are papers on this in the abstract, finding any mechanism to do it has eluded me even for very trivial cases, because I'm very new to Z3 in general!
Suppose you have just about the most basic subgraph with nodes (0,1,2) and edges (0,1) with node 2 off on its own, and the supergraph has nodes (0,1,2) and edges (1,2) with node 0 off on its own. You could map the nodes of the subgraph into the supergraph with
2->0 one possible mapping that would satisfy "if these two nodes are connected in the subgraph, their mapped nodes are connected in the supergraph"
So okay :) I tried
from networkx import Graph
from networkx.linalg.graphmatrix import adjacency_matrix
subgraph = Graph()
supergraph = Graph()
s = Solver()
assignments = [Int(f'n{node}') for node in subgraph.nodes]
# each bit assignment in the subgraph belongs to one in the supergraph
assignment_constraint = [ And(assignments[i] >= 0, assignments[i] <= max(supergraph.nodes)) for i in subgraph.nodes ]
# subgraph bits can't be assigned to the same supergraph bits
assignment_distinct = [ Distinct([assignments[i] for i in subgraph.nodes])]
which just gets me as far as "each assignment from subgraph to supergraph should map a node in the subgraph to some node in the supergraph and no two subgraph nodes can be assigned to the same supergraph node"
...but then I get stuck because I keep thinking along the lines of
for edge in subgraph.edges:
s.add( (assignments[edge[0]], assignments[edge[1]]) in supergraph.edges )
...but of course that doesn't work because pythonically those aren't the right sort of keys so that's always false or broken.
So how does one approach that? I can add constraints like "this_var == 1" but get very confused on things like checking membership, ie
>>> assignments[0] == 1.0
n0 == 1 # so that's OK then
>>> assignments[0] in [1.0, 2.0, 3.0]
False # woops, that fails horribly
and I feel like I'm missing a very basic "frame of mind" thing here.

It is relatively straightforward to encode subgraph isomorphism in z3, pretty much along the lines of how you described. However, this encoding is unlikely to scale to large graphs. As you no doubt know, subgraph isomorphism is NP-complete in general, and this encoding will cause z3 to simply enumerate all possibilities and thus will blow up exponentially.
Having said that, here's a straightforward encoding:
from z3 import *
# Subgraph, number of nodes and edges.
# Nodes will be named implicitly from 0 to noOfNodesA - 1
noOfNodesA = 3
edgesA = [(0, 1)]
# Supergraph:
noOfNodesB = 3
edgesB = [(1, 2)]
# Mapping of subgraph nodes to supergraph nodes:
mapping = Array('Map', IntSort(), IntSort())
s = Solver()
# Check that elt is between low and high, inclusive
def InRange(elt, low, high):
return And(low <= elt, elt <= high)
# Check that (x, y) is in the list
def Contains(x, y, lst):
return Or([And(x == x1, y == y1) for x1, y1 in lst])
# Make sure mapping is into the supergraph
s.add(And([InRange(Select(mapping, n1), 0, noOfNodesB-1) for n1 in range(noOfNodesA)]))
# Make sure we map nodes to distinct nodes
s.add(Distinct([Select(mapping, n1) for n1 in range(noOfNodesA)]))
# Make sure edges are preserved:
for x, y in edgesA:
s.add(Contains(Select(mapping, x), Select(mapping, y), edgesB))
# Solve:
r = s.check()
if r == sat:
m = s.model()
for x in range(noOfNodesA):
print ("%s -> %s" % (x, m.evaluate(Select(mapping, x))))
print ("Solver said: %s" % r)
I've added comments along the way, so hopefully you should be able to read the code through; feel free to ask specific questions.
When I run this, I get:
$ python
0 -> 1
1 -> 2
2 -> 0
which finds exactly the mapping you alluded to in your question.
Best of luck!


How to solve this recursion equation T (n) = √2T(n/2) + log n using master theorem?

I know it can be solved with master method but how ? please help ?
i am not sure if this is correct:
a = sqrt(2)
b = 2
f(n) = log n
log(b) a = log (2) sqrt(2) = 1/2
log n in O[n^(1/2)]
so the runtime of finding the logarithm of a number n is in O{n^(1/2)} (however the Master Theorem can not be applied here)
The solution is in following threads:Solving master theorem with log n: T(n) = 2T(n/4) + log n
Overall, we see that your recurrence is O(n1/2) and Ω(n1/2) by upper- and lower-bounding your recurrence by larger and smaller recurrences. Therefore, even though the Master Theorem doesn't apply here, you can still use the Master Theorem to claim that the runtime will be Θ(n1/2).
Master's theorem with f(n)=log n
Usually, f(n) must be polynomial for the master theorem to apply - it doesn't apply for all functions. However, there is a limited "fourth case" for the master theorem, which allows it to apply to polylogarithmic functions.
Ralf is not correct by telling you that you can't apply masters theorem.
The only constrains here is that a >=1 and b >= 1, a, b can be irrational and f(n) can be anything.
Log2(sqrt(2)) is 1/2, which puts you in the first case and your solution is O(n^0.5).

How to get z3 to return multiple unsat cores, multiple satisfying assignments

I am working on a component of a research tool;
I am interested in retrieving (for QF_LRA)
-multiple (minimal or otherwise) UNSAT cores and
-multiple SAT assignments
I have checked the forum for earlier discussions on this topic e.g.,
How to get different unsat cores when using z3 on logic QF_LRA
They refer to the z3 Python tutorial(s)
which seems to be offline for now. I have tried other suggestions of github etc to find the mentioned tutorial, but have had no luck.
I am using the z3 Java API; but happy to switch to alternatives.
Here is the tutorial. You can find more information on MARCO
from Mark Liffiton's web pages.
Enumeration of Minimal Unsatisfiable Cores and Maximal Satisfying Subsets
This tutorial illustrates how to use Z3 for extracting all minimal unsatisfiable cores
together with all maximal satisfying subsets.
The algorithm that we describe next
represents the essence of the core extraction procedure by Liffiton and Malik and independently
by Previti and Marques-Silva:
Enumerating Infeasibility: Finding Multiple MUSes Quickly
Mark H. Liffiton and Ammar Malik
in Proc. 10th International Conference on Integration of Artificial
Intelligence (AI) and Operations Research (OR) techniques in Constraint Programming (CPAIOR-2013), 160-175, May 2013.
Partial MUS Enumeration
Alessandro Previti, Joao Marques-Silva
in Proc. AAAI-2013 July 2013
Z3py Features
This implementation contains no tuning.
It was contributed by Mark Liffiton and it is a simplification of one of the versions available from
his Marco Polo Web site.
Code for eMUS is also available.
The example illustrates the following features of Z3's Python-based API:
Using assumptions to track unsatisfiable cores.
Using multiple solvers and passing constraints between them.
Calling the C-based API from Python. Not all API functions are supported over the Python
wrappers. This example shows how to get a unique integer identifier of an AST,
which can be used as a key in a hash-table.
Idea of the Algorithm
The main idea of the algorithm is to maintain two
logical contexts and exchange information between them:
The MapSolver is used to enumerate sets of clauses that are not already
supersets of an existing unsatisfiable core and not already a subset of a maximal satisfying assignment.
The MapSolver uses one unique atomic predicate per soft clause, so it enumerates
sets of atomic predicates. For each minimal unsatisfiable core, say, represented by predicates
p1, p2, p5, the MapSolver contains the
clause ¬ p1 ∨ ¬ p2 ∨ ¬ p5.
For each maximal satisfiable subset, say, represented by predicats
p2, p3, p5, the
MapSolver contains a clause corresponding to the disjunction of all literals
not in the maximal satisfiable subset, p1 ∨ p4 ∨ p6.
The SubsetSolver contains a set
of soft clauses (clauses with the unique indicator atom occurring negated).
The MapSolver feeds it a set of clauses (the indicator atoms).
Recall that these are not already a superset of an existing minimal
unsatisfiable core, or a subset of a maximal satisfying assignment.
If asserting these atoms makes the SubsetSolver context infeasible,
then it finds a minimal unsatisfiable subset corresponding to these atoms.
If asserting the atoms is consistent with the SubsetSolver, then
it extends this set of atoms maximally to a satisfying set.
from Z3 import *
def main():
x, y = Reals('x y')
constraints = [x > 2, x < 1, x < 0, Or(x + y > 0, y < 0), Or(y >= 0, x >= 0), Or(y < 0, x < 0), Or(y > 0, x < 0)]
csolver = SubsetSolver(constraints)
msolver = MapSolver(n=csolver.n)
for orig, lits in enumerate_sets(csolver, msolver):
output = "%s %s" % (orig, lits)
def get_id(x):
return Z3_get_ast_id(x.ctx.ref(),x.as_ast())
def MkOr(clause):
if clause == []:
return False
return Or(clause)
class SubsetSolver:
constraints = []
n = 0
s = Solver()
varcache = {}
idcache = {}
def __init__(self, constraints):
self.constraints = constraints
self.n = len(constraints)
for i in range(self.n):
self.s.add(Implies(self.c_var(i), constraints[i]))
def c_var(self, i):
if i not in self.varcache:
v = Bool(str(self.constraints[abs(i)]))
self.idcache[get_id(v)] = abs(i)
if i >= 0:
self.varcache[i] = v
self.varcache[i] = Not(v)
return self.varcache[i]
def check_subset(self, seed):
assumptions = self.to_c_lits(seed)
return (self.s.check(assumptions) == sat)
def to_c_lits(self, seed):
return [self.c_var(i) for i in seed]
def complement(self, aset):
return set(range(self.n)).difference(aset)
def seed_from_core(self):
core = self.s.unsat_core()
return [self.idcache[get_id(x)] for x in core]
def shrink(self, seed):
current = set(seed)
for i in seed:
if i not in current:
if not self.check_subset(current):
current = set(self.seed_from_core())
return current
def grow(self, seed):
current = seed
for i in self.complement(current):
if not self.check_subset(current):
return current
class MapSolver:
def __init__(self, n):
n: The number of constraints to map.
self.solver = Solver()
self.n = n
self.all_n = set(range(n)) # used in complement fairly frequently
def next_seed(self):
"""Get the seed from the current model, if there is one.
A seed as an array of 0-based constraint indexes.
if self.solver.check() == unsat:
return None
seed = self.all_n.copy() # default to all True for "high bias"
model = self.solver.model()
for x in model:
if is_false(model[x]):
return list(seed)
def complement(self, aset):
"""Return the complement of a given set w.r.t. the set of mapped constraints."""
return self.all_n.difference(aset)
def block_down(self, frompoint):
"""Block down from a given set."""
comp = self.complement(frompoint)
self.solver.add( MkOr( [Bool(str(i)) for i in comp] ) )
def block_up(self, frompoint):
"""Block up from a given set."""
self.solver.add( MkOr( [Not(Bool(str(i))) for i in frompoint] ) )
def enumerate_sets(csolver, map):
"""Basic MUS/MCS enumeration, as a simple example."""
while True:
seed = map.next_seed()
if seed is None:
if csolver.check_subset(seed):
MSS = csolver.grow(seed)
yield ("MSS", csolver.to_c_lits(MSS))
MUS = csolver.shrink(seed)
yield ("MUS", csolver.to_c_lits(MUS))

constraint programming mesh network

I have a mesh network as shown in figure.
Now, I am allocating values to all edges in this sat network. I want to propose in my program that, there are no closed loops in my allocation. For example the constraint for top-left most square can be written as -
E0 = 0 or E3 = 0 or E4 = 0 or E7 = 0, so either of the link has to be inactive in order not to form a loop. However, in this kind of network, there are many possible loops.
For example loop formed by edges - E0, E3, E7, E11, E15, E12, E5, E1.
Now my problem is that I have to describe each possible combination of loop which can occur in this network. I tried to write constraints in one possible formula, however I was not able to succeed.
Can anyone throw any pointers if there is a possible way to encode this situation?
Just for information, I am using Z3 Sat Solver.
The following encoding can be used with any graph with N nodes and M edges. It is using (N+1)*M variables and 2*M*M 3-SAT clauses. This ipython notebook demonstrates the encoding by comparing the SAT solver results (UNSAT when there is a loop, SAT otherwise) with the results of a straight-forward loop finding algorithm.
Disclaimer: This encoding is my ad-hoc solution to the problem. I'm pretty sure that it is correct but I don't know how it compares performance-wise to other encodings for this problem. As my solution works with any graph it is to be expected that a better solution exists that uses some of the properties of the class of graphs the OP is interested in.
I have one variable for each edge. The edge is "active" or "used" if its corresponding variable is set. In my reference implementation the edges have indices 0..(M-1) and this variables have indices 1..M:
def edge_state_var(edge_idx):
assert 0 <= edge_idx < M
return 1 + edge_idx
Then I have an M bits wide state variable for each edge, or a total of N*M state bits (nodes and bits are also using zero-based indexing):
def node_state_var(node_idx, bit_idx):
assert 0 <= node_idx < N
assert 0 <= bit_idx < M
return 1 + M + node_idx*M + bit_idx
When an edge is active, it links the state variables of the two nodes it connects together. The state bits with the same index as the node must be different on both sides and the other state bits must be equal to their corresponding partner on the other node. In python code:
# which edge connects which nodes
connectivity = [
( 0, 1), # edge E0
( 1, 2), # edge E1
( 2, 3), # edge E2
( 0, 4), # edge E3
cnf = list()
for i in range(M):
eb = edge_state_var(i)
p, q = connectivity[i]
for k in range(M):
pb = node_state_var(p, k)
qb = node_state_var(q, k)
if k == i:
# eb -> (pb != qb)
cnf.append([-eb, -pb, -qb])
cnf.append([-eb, +pb, +qb])
# eb -> (pb == qb)
cnf.append([-eb, -pb, +qb])
cnf.append([-eb, +pb, -qb])
So basically each edge tries to segment the graph it is part of into a half that is on one side of the edge and has all the state bits corresponding to the edge set to 1 and a half that is on the other side of the edge and has the state bits corresponding to the edge set to 0. This is not possible for a loop where all nodes in the loop can be reached from both sides of each edge in the loop.

Minimum and maximum values of integer variable

Let's assume a very simple constraint: solve(x > 0 && x < 5).
Can Z3 (or any other SMT solver, or any other automatic technique)
compute the minimum and maximum values of (integer) variable x that satisfies the given constraints?
In our case, the minimum is 1 and the maximum is 4.
Z3 has not support for optimizing (maximizing/minimizing) objective functions or variables.
We plan to add this kind of capability, but it will not happen this year.
In the current version, we can "optimize" an objective function by solving several problems where in each iteration we add additional constraints. We know we found the optimal when the problem becomes unsatisfiable. Here is a small Python script that illustrates the idea. The script maximizes the value of a variable X. For minimization, we just have to replace s.add(X > last_model[X]) with s.add(X < last_model[X]). This script is very naive, it performs a "linear search". It can be improved in many ways, but it demonstrates the basic idea.
You can also try the script online at:
See the following related question: Determine upper/lower bound for variables in an arbitrary propositional formula
from z3 import *
# Given formula F, find the model the maximizes the value of X
# using at-most M iterations.
def max(F, X, M):
s = Solver()
last_model = None
i = 0
while True:
r = s.check()
if r == unsat:
if last_model != None:
return last_model
return unsat
if r == unknown:
raise Z3Exception("failed")
last_model = s.model()
s.add(X > last_model[X])
i = i + 1
if (i > M):
raise Z3Exception("maximum not found, maximum number of iterations was reached")
x, y = Ints('x y')
F = [x > 0, x < 10, x == 2*y]
print max(F, x, 10000)
As Leonardo pointed out, this was discussed in detail before: Determine upper/lower bound for variables in an arbitrary propositional formula. Also see: How to optimize a piece of code in Z3? (PI_NON_NESTED_ARITH_WEIGHT related).
To summarize, one can either use a quantified formula, or go iteratively. Unfortunately, these techniques are not equivalent:
Quantified approach needs no iteration, and can find global min/max in a single call to the solver; at least in theory. However, it does give rise to harder formulas. So, the backend solver can time-out, or simply return "unknown".
Iterative approach creates simple formulas for the backend solver to deal with, but it can loop forever if there's no optimal value; simplest example being trying to find the largest Int value. Quantified version can solve this problem nicely by quickly telling you that there is no such value, while the iterative version would go on indefinitely. This can be a problem if you don't know ahead of time that your constraints do have an optimal solution. (Needless to say, the "sufficient" iteration count is typically hard to guess, and might depend on random factors, like the seed used by the solver.)
Also keep in mind that if there is a custom optimization algorithm for the problem domain at hand, it's unlikely that a general purpose SMT solver can outperform it.
z3 now supports optimization.
from z3 import *
o = Optimize()
x = Int( 'x' )
o.add(And(x > 0, x < 5))
print(o.check()) # prints sat
print(o.model()) # prints [x = 4]
This particular problem is an integer program.

Maximal path problem

Given oriented unweighted graph and the problem is to find simple path of maximal length
(start vertex and end vertex are not fixed). It obviously can be solved in O(n^2 * 2 ^n) but I heard that there is O(n * 2 ^ n) algorithm which I don't know. So how to solve it in O(n * 2 ^n)? //n = |V|
If your problem really is the Longest Path Problem on a DAG, the algorithm from Wikipedia is below and runs in O(|V| + |E|):
algorithm dag-longest-path is
Directed acyclic graph G
Length of the longest path
length_to = array with |V(G)| elements of type int with default value 0
for each vertex v in topOrder(G) do
for each edge (v, w) in E(G) do
if length_to[w] <= length_to[v] + weight(G,(v,w)) then
length_to[w] = length_to[v] + weight(G, (v,w))
return max(length_to[v] for v in V(G))
