Processmaker4 simple screen total calculation - processmaker

Process maker 4 – first time using this.
So I have a main screen and a nested screen with the values I want to calculate
I've tried calcs with the variable and the corresponding property no luck then I move on to default value for the control input called "form_input_2"
var N1 = this.FA00_detallea_cant_ADT;
var N2 = this.FA00_detallea_precioag_ADT;
var total = N1 * N2;
return total;
how to call and convert (maybe) the correct values so this simple thing can work

You are quite close to the solution.
I have created a simple screen with three Line Inputs: Value1, Value2 and Total with variable names - input1, input2 and inputTotal.
For Total Input:
In Default Value, I have used Javascript with following code:
return this.input1 * this.input2
I didn't use variables to store the values entered by the users and instead I just returned the value.
This is the final output:
I hope this helps. Thank!


How to select subset of a range in Google Spreadsheet?

I want to extract subset of a range from another range by selecting starting columns and length.
For example, how can I extract B1:C1 from another range A1:D1 by indicating starting columns 2 as in the image attached?
In your question, how about the following answer? In this answer, I used a custom function created by Google Apps Script. The sample script is as follows.
Sample script:
Please copy and paste the following script to the script editor of Spreadsheet and save the script.
function someKindOfFunction(range, startColumn, length) {
const sheet = SpreadsheetApp.getActiveSheet();
const orgRange = sheet.getRange(range);
const srcRange = orgRange.offset(0, startColumn - 1, orgRange.getNumRows(), length);
const values = srcRange.getValues();
return values;
When you use this script, for your showing sample Spreadsheet, please put a custom function of =SUM(someKindOfFunction("A1:D1",2,2)) to a cell. By this, 5 is returned.
When this script is used for your showing sample Spreadsheet, the following result is obtained.
In this case, the range is given as a string like =SUM(someKindOfFunction("A1:D1",2,2)). Please be careful about this.
At your showing image, you are using =SUM(someKindOfFunction(A1:D1,startingrow: 2, length: 2)).
From this, I guessed someKindOfFunction might be a custom function.
And, from your question, I guessed "startingrow" might be "startingcolumn".
As another direction, when you use A1:D1 as the range instead of the string value, how about the following sample script? In this sample script, the array is directly used. But, I'm not sure whether this is your expected direction.
function someKindOfFunction(values, startColumn, length) {
return =>
r.flatMap((c, j) => {
const start = startColumn - 1;
return j >= start && j < start + length ? c : [];
In this case, when you put a custom function of =SUM(someKindOfFunction(A1:D1,2,2)) to a cell using your sample Spreadsheet, 5 is returned.
Custom Functions in Google Sheets
offset(rowOffset, columnOffset, numRows, numColumns)
This is easily achievable with the OFFSET function:
So for your specific example, the expression would be:

How to modify data whilst importing in google sheets?

I have more than 20k form responses (google sheet and google form) where some guys have selected the wrong data which is visible in my responses. How I know its wrong is because they needed to select the activity (an attribute) but they selected the similar activity name (let's call it X) which was for the previous year and this year's activity (let's call it Y) should have been the different one.
I know that after a certain date all the X activities are Y, so I need to modify the data while importing it from the responses.
I tried conditional formatting on the data but then the importrange doesn't work, it needs cells to be empty to work.
I learned about query statements but it doesn't allow UPDATE.
Please help me do this, I am okay if we need to use a macro. I'm looking for something like this (note that the following is the logic I'm looking for and not the actual code):
if date>"a date" and FC==X:
#FC being the column I wanna modify
Edit: I am unable to share the table as its confidential. Can tell you that first column is date/time of form and then there are 149 columns, one of them I need to modify based on the date. Let's Assume it has just 2 columns, A: date, B: activity (has 20 activities). So, if they have filled "X" activity after then change that activity to Y. I hope it helps in understanding.
Edit 2: Have put a dummy file as asked. So now the problem statement is after 21 May 2022 (inclusive) all "6" activity must be "2"
function onOpen() {
SpreadsheetApp.getUi().createMenu('⇩ M E N U ⇩')
.addItem('👉 Update', 'myFunction')
function myFunction() {
// parameters
var param = SpreadsheetApp.getActiveSpreadsheet().getSheetByName('Param')
var from = param.getRange('A2').getValue()
var before = param.getRange('B2').getValue()
var after = param.getRange('C2').getValue()
// data
var sh = SpreadsheetApp.getActiveSpreadsheet().getActiveSheet()
var range = sh.getDataRange()
var data = range.getValues()
data.filter(r => (r[0] >= from && r[1] == before)).forEach(r => r[1] = after)
To avoid hardcoding and potential issue with dates, I put all parameters in a new tab called "Param" as follows

How can I output a number based on IF conditionals in different cells?

I am sorry if I made the wrong question, I'm getting started with Google Sheets and wanted to figure out how to work on some kind of score calculator based on IF conditionals. Here is the example:
It's going to be used on a Form Responses sheet (I don't want to use the Google Form's Quiz option) where I'll need to answer some Y/N questions, in the "Total" column, there is going to be a final score out of 100 based on the "Yes" or "No" answer.
Let's say that the Row # 2 is a submission from a Google Form, and let's say that every submission has by default a score of 100. What the "No" is doing is deducting 10 points from that initial score of 100.
I started with something like =MINUS("100", IF(A2= "No", 10)) but it only works with one cell.
Thank you so much!
Try this formula in E2:
=MINUS(100, COUNTIF(A2:D2, "No") * 10)
If you want to use the column header as reference for deduction points, You can use this Custom Function:
To write a custom function:
Create or open a spreadsheet in Google Sheets.
Select the menu item Tools > Script editor.
Delete any code in the script editor.
For this case, simply copy and paste the code below into your script editor
Click Save save.
function SCORE(range) {
var map = range.shift();
var data = range;
var result = [];
for(var i = 0; i < data.length; i++){
var tally = 0;
for(var j = 0; j < data[0].length; j++){
if(data[i][j] == "No"){
tally = tally + map[j];
return result;
To call the custom function
Click the cell where you want to use the function.
Type an equals sign (=) followed by the function name and any input value — for example, =SCORE(A1:D4) — and press Enter.
The cell will momentarily display Loading..., then return the result.
Example Usage:
Note: You must always include the column header(deduction points) in your range.
Custom Function

How to generate random data of birth dates using google spreadsheets for a specific years?

I want a formula to generate random data of birth dates for a specific years (Example: 1995 to 2002) and make it Array like this:
Sheet URL:
That might not be the best approach but it will get you closer to what you want:
There are two issues with this approach:
you might get a day that does not exist for the particular month. For example, 2/28/2021 exists, but 2/29/2021 does not exist.
I wasn't able to generate an array but only drag down formulas. When I generate an array, the same random numbers are used and as a result the dates are the same.
For the first issue, you can use isdate to check if the random date returned is correct. For example, 2/29/2021 is a wrong date (I hardcopied that date).
but I guess you can filter out the FALSE cases.
I really hope other people can come up with a better approach.
You could try (as I demonstrated in your sheet):
SEQUENCE(DATE(1992,12,31)-DATE(1900,1,1),1,DATE(1900,1,1)) - Is used to create an array of valid numeric representations of true dates between 1-1-1900 and 31-12-1992.
SORT(<TheAbove>,RANDARRAY(DATE(1992,12,31)-DATE(1900,1,1)),1) - Is used to sort the array we just created randomly.
ARRAY_CONSTRAIN(<TheAbove>, COUNTA(A2:A),1) - Is used to only return as many random birth-dates we need according to other data.
Note that this is volatile and will recalculate upon sheet-changes and such. Also note that this is just "slicing" a given array and may fall short when you try to use it on a dataset larger than the given array.
As Google Sheets can deal with dates as integers (~ number of days since 1900), choosing a random date between two dates can be a single call to RANDBETWEEN (with the output formatted as Date).
With your initial date written in B1 and your end date in B2, the formula is simply:
You can paste this formula in as many cells as you want, to generate N different random dates.
Of course, as other answers involving random generators in your sheet, the formula will be recomputed at each change. My suggestion to overcome this would simply be to copy/paste the output, using the "Paste special > Values only" option (right click or "Edit" menu).
Script Solution
Just for sake of completeness, here is a solution using a script
Initial Considerations
This cannot function like a in sheet function/formula.
Custom function arguments must be deterministic. That is, built-in spreadsheet functions that return a different result each time they calculate — such as NOW() or RAND() — are not allowed as arguments to a custom function. If a custom function tries to return a value based on one of these volatile built-in functions, it will display Loading... indefinitely.
A custom function cannot affect cells other than those it returns a value to. In other words, a custom function cannot edit arbitrary cells, only the cells it is called from and their adjacent cells. To edit arbitrary cells, use a custom menu to run a function instead.
So a normal script is needed.
The Script
* Sets the values of a range to random dates.
function generateRandomBdays(range, start, end) {
let height = range.getHeight();
let width = range.getWidth();
let output = [];
for (let i = 0; i != height; i++) {
let row = [];
for (let j = 0; j != width; j++) {
row.push(randomBday(start, end));
* Generates a random date beween start and end
function randomBday(start, end) {
if (start < 2000) start = start - 1900
start = new Date(`${start}`);
if (end < 2000) end = end - 1900
end = new Date(`${end}`);
let bday = new Date(
start.getTime() + (Math.random() * (end.getTime() - start.getTime()))
return bday;
* Gets active selection and fills with random dates
function main(){
let file = SpreadsheetApp.getActive();
let sheet = file.getActiveSheet()
let range = sheet.getActiveRange();
// ============
generateRandomBdays(range, 1995, 2002); // Change these years to your liking
// ============
* Creates menu when sheet is opened.
function onOpen() {
var ui = SpreadsheetApp.getUi();
ui.createMenu('Generate Birthdays')
.addItem('Generate!', 'main')
Which works like this:
You will have to copy it into your script editor and then run one of the functions to authorize the script with the permissions it needs. Then next time you open the sheet you should have the menu available.
Alternatively you can delete the onOpen function and just use it from the script editor.
Within the main function, customize the range of years you need.
Apps Script
Overview of Spreadsheet Service in Apps Script

Find duplicate values in comma separated rows with random data

Your assistance will be greatly appreciated as I have been struggling with this for a while and couldn't find a solution.
I have a Google Sheets file with comma-separated data in two columns as per the screenshot attached.
Screenshot of the two columns
text from the screenshot:
soon,son,so,on,no N/A
kind,kid,din,ink,kin,in dink
sing,sign,sin,gin,in,is gis,ins,sig,gins
farm,arm,ram,far,mar,am arf
may,yam,am,my N/A
tulip,lip,lit,pit,put,tip piu,pul,til,tui,tup,litu,ptui,puli,uplit
gift,it,if,fit,fig gif,git
hear,are,ear,hare,era,her hae,rah,rhea
dish,his,is,hi,hid dis,ids,sidh
trip,pit,rip,tip,it N/A
wife,few,if,we fie
thaw,what,hat,at haw,taw,twa,wat,wha
red,deer,reed ere,dee,ree,dere,dree,rede
as,save,vase,sea ave,sae,sev,vas,aves
from,for,form,of,or fro,mor,rom
won,now,on,own,no N/A
sport,port,spot,post,stop,sort,top,opt,pot,pro tor,sotrot,ops,tors,tops,trop,pots,opts,rots,pros,prost,strop,ports
I would love to have in another column a formula to show if in these two columns there are any duplicate values.
Thank you in advance for your help... it's been weeks without success haha
If you have Excel for Windows O365 with the UNIQUE and FILTERXML functions,
and if you mean to consider both columns together as if they were a single piece of data,
then try:
=UNIQUE(FILTERXML("<t><s>" & SUBSTITUTE(TEXTJOIN("</s><s>",TRUE,$A$1:$A$17,$B$1:$B$17),",","</s><s>") & "</s></t>","//s[.=following-sibling::*]"))
If that is not what you want, please clarify your question.
First place your data in columns A and B of an Excel worksheet. Then run this short VBA macro:
Sub report()
Dim rng As Range, r As Range, c As Collection, K As Long
Set rng = Range("A1:B17")
Set c = New Collection
K = 1
For Each r In rng
arr = Split(r.Value, ",")
For Each a In arr
On Error Resume Next
c.Add a, CStr(a)
If Err.Number <> 0 Then
Err.Number = 0
Cells(K, "C").Value = a
K = K + 1
End If
On Error GoTo 0
Next a
Next r
Range("C:C").RemoveDuplicates Columns:=1, Header:=xlNo
Set c = Nothing
End Sub
The duplicates appear in column C
What I have understood from your question: you want to find out if there are any words delimited by commas matching between the cells of two different columns.
For this solution I have used Apps Script. The following commented piece of code will find matching words between the two columns. Moreover, as the function used is an onEdit() trigger, it will automatically detect any changes done in either of these columns and automatically find out new matches or matches that are no longer there and update the value of cell C1:
function onEdit() {
// get current sheet
var sheet = SpreadsheetApp.getActive().getActiveSheet();
// get values from our columns. This returns a 2D array that is flatten into a
// 1 D array to then convert it into a string where its elements are separated
// by a comma and white spaces are removed (so that a matches space + a for example)
var colA = sheet.getRange('A1:A2').getValues().flat().join().replace(/\s/g, '');
var colB = sheet.getRange('B1:B2').getValues().flat().join().replace(/\s/g, '');
// Create two arrays where each element is a word delimited by a comma in their original
// string
var ArrayA = colA.split(',');
var ArrayB = colB.split(',');
// find matches in these two arrays and return these matches
var matchingValues = ArrayA.filter(value => ArrayB.includes(value));
// set the value of C1 to the words that the filter has matched between our two columns
// join is used to display all the matching elements of the match array
If you do not know how to open the script editor, you can access it on your Google Sheets menu bar under Tools-> Script editor.
