Docker anaconda manifest not found - docker

I am trying to run docker file but it says this on step 1/6
manifest for continuumio/anaconda3:4.9.2 not found: manifest unknown: manifest unknown
This is the error it is showing

I believe you are getting such message because that tag is not available in Docker Hub. Choosing another image version may solve your problem :)
You can check the available continuumio/anaconda3 tags here


Cant create image/ the Dockerfile (Dockerfile) cannot be empty

I am taking a beginner course and not able to create an image on terminal.
Here is the course I am taking(Sorry, the course is in Japanese course but just for the reference). I am at 1:01:39 where he proceeds to create docker image.
First, the error message contained Failed to solve with frontend docker file.v0:failed to create LLB definition:the Dockerfile cannot be empty
I ran below command and managed to get rid of Failed to solve with frontend docker file.v0:failed to create LLB definition (Failed To Resolve With FrontEnd DockerFIle.v0):
Now I'm left with the Dockerfile cannot be empty
I saw in some page that people fail to locate because of not capitalized dockerfile but that's not my case.
I have also tried -f on the command to direct file
I saw that you, don't save your dockerfile, try save changes and run docker build again.
Also saw same issue on github, it could be helpful
Try to change COPY to ADD

Docker: "Unable to pull 'tomcat:8.5' : no matching manifest for linux/arm/v7 in the manifest list entries"

On Raspberry Pi, I got an error when I tried to set up ODK-X Sync Endpoint.
I referred to the instruction from
This is the command I ran:
$ mvn clean install
The error message is as below:
Failed to execute goal io.fabric8:docker-maven-plugin:0.34.1:build (start) on project sync-endpoint-docker-swarm: Unable to pull 'tomcat:8.5' : no matching manifest for linux/arm/v7 in the manifest list entries
How can I solve this problem?
The error is fairly clear: tomcat:8.5, which sync-endpoint depends on, does not provide a manifest for the armv7 architecture. You can see this on the page for tomcat's 8.5 tag, showing that it only provides images for linux/amd64 and linux/arm64/v8.
If you need to use that Dockerfile as is and cannot change the tomcat version used, you will need to use a device with a matching architecture. If you are able to modify the Dockerfile and are willing to use a different version of tomcat, it appears that there are other tags which do support linux/arm32/v7.

Docker pull doesnt find `latest` tag

When trying to pull the official image for RNA-seq aligner STAR with
docker pull alexdobin/star
I got an error despite copying the Docker Pull Command as shown in the screenshot (lower right)
The error was the following:
Error response from daemon: manifest for alexdobin/star:latest not found: manifest unknown: manifest unknown
The problem is that when you don't specify the tag as part of the image name in the docker command then it is assumed that you are referring to the latest tag.
Further, as there is no image with tag latest present in the repository, you get the error as expected:
Error response from daemon: manifest for alexdobin/star:latest not found: manifest unknown: manifest unknown
Change the tag to one of the available ones and it will work as expected:
docker pull alexdobin/star:2.6.1d
You can open just the tab Tags and copy the pull command as shown in the screenshot (bottom right).
It worked just fine.

docker build question no permission to read from

I'm trying to build a docker image
I get this error
sudo docker build . -t django-demo
error checking context: 'no permission to read from '/home/benny/.ICEauthority''
any ideas why this is happening?
ubuntu 18.04
Docker version 18.09.9
Create a new directory, place your Dockerfile in this new directory and then run your sudo docker build . -t django-demo command from that directory. This should solve your problem. Found related problems and solution in this external thread.
Generally to solve this kind of problem you should add a .dockerignore file in which you list all the files you don't want to be sent to the build's context (ie. the files that docker don't need to build your image).
In your case simply creating a .dockerignore with the following content should solve the issue :
Note that specifically in your case though, you should not run your docker build command directly from your home directory, because all the content of your home is being sent to the build's context (which is heavy, might make you run out of disk space or generate permission issues).

Manifest peer latest not found error during hyperledger installation.

I have just started exploring the blockchain technology. I was working around the installation part by following this tutorial.
I have created /mychain directory and docker-compose.yml. when i run the command sudo docker-compose up it starts pulling member services hyperledger/fabric-membersrvc. But after that it throws error
Pulling vp0 (hyperledger/fabric-peer:latest)...
ERROR: manifest for hyperledger/fabric-peer:latest not found
Please someone guide me on this.
Change the tag from latest to x86_64-1.0.2 in the compose file. There is no latest tag for this image. You can get all available tags on below link
If you don't add any tags to fabric-peer, docker try to pull image with latest tag. And there is no latest tag for fabric-peer.
So you should use an available tag, see available tags here.
I had the similar issue, the problem was fabric failed to download peer binary with tag '2.2.1' and 'latest' during 'curl' command execution with following error.
Peer image getch failed:
====> hyperledger/fabric-peer:2.2.1
Error response from daemon: Get net/http: TLS handshake timeout
Error response from daemon: No such image: hyperledger/fabric-peer:2.2.1
Error response from daemon: No such image: hyperledger/fabric-peer:2.2.1
Solution which worked for me:
Have downloaded peer 2.2.1 manually using below command
docker pull "hyperledger/fabric-peer:2.2.1"
" up" also throws error as it is trying to use peer binary of latest tag which is not present in docker hub. Since 2.2.1 was the latest I have created tag manually using below command.
docker image tag hyperledger/fabric-peer:2.2.1 hyperledger/fabric-peer:latest
Then it worked. You can use your version accordingly.
For HyperLedger 2.3, I found that the '' file needs to be edited.
This file can be found under 'fabric-samples/test-network' directory.
Find the constant 'IMAGETAG' and replace its value "latest" into "2.3" or whatever your peer version is.
This constant will be referenced in all the docker-compose files.
