Lua / FiveM, why fetching hashed objects is slow? - lua

My introduction to Lua has been through building a FiveM Role Play server using ESX v1.2. There's many inefficiencies in the code and I've isolated the majority of them which were causing "server thread hitches" in the server, but there's one thing I'm a little lost on.
There's an "extended player" object which holds a bunch of RP specific information aggregated from various database calls, commonly called xPlayer. Each player has a server id which is a number and there's a lua table called ESX.Players and the xPlayer is stored with a hash with ESX.Players[source] = xPlayer
There's a function:
ESX.GetPlayerFromId = function(source)
return ESX.Players[tonumber(source)]
which wraps the fetch by hash which is where we get lots of server hitches happening. In calling code I've taken out all processing logic to leave just this function call in place and the hitches happen still and commenting it the issue goes away. The question is why given it's just pulling from a hashtable causing lag when the things in the hashtable are already instantiated tables and are NOT reaching out to touch any IO or do anything fancy in the process? It's just a stored instance.
The one thing that stands out to me is there are a hand full of values on the xPlayer table followed by MANY functions. Is the weight of those functions on a Lua table enough to slow down returning a reference to that? This file shows where the extended player table is created and returned
I am in the process of pushing all those functions onto a dedicated utility table that will exist once and each of them take an xPlayer argument to be processed by the function. There's thousands of calls throughout the 100+ FiveM resources back onto the xPlayer.() calls, so the weight of code churn and regression testing is epic therefore right now the codebase is not in a state to release to a production server to test with 40+ players hammering it yet. Can anyone confirm if I'm on the right track, is lifting away the functions of the xPlayer tables likely to give me any performance improvement when fetching by hashed key? And if so why?


Garbage collection and the memoization of a string-to-string function

The following exercise comes from p. 234 of Ierusalimschy's Programming in Lua (4th edition). (NB: Earlier in the book, the author explicitly rejects the word memoization, and insists on using memorization instead. Keep this in mind as you read the excerpt below.)
Exercise 23.3: Imagine you have to implement a memorizing table for a function from strings to strings. Making the table weak will not do the removal of entries, because weak tables do not consider strings as collectable objects. How can you implement memorization in that case?
I am stumped!
Part of my problem is that I have not been able to devise a way to bring about the (garbage) collection of a string.
In contrast, with a table, I can equip it with finalizer that will report when the table is about to be collected. Is there a way to confirm that a given string (and only that string) has been garbage-collected?
Another difficulty is simply figuring out what the desired function's specification is. The best I can do is to figure out what it isn't. Earlier in the book (p. 225), the author gave the following example of a "memorizing" function:
Imagine a generic server that takes requests in the form of strings with Lua code. Each time it gets a request, it runs load on the string, and then calls the resulting function. However, load is an expensive function, and some commands to the server may be quite frequent. Instead of calling load repeatedly each time it receives a common command like "closeconnection()", the server can memorize the results from load using an auxiliary table. Before calling load, the server checks in the table whether the given string already has a translation. If it cannot find a match then (and only then) the server calls load and stores the result into the table. We can pack this behavior in a new function:
[standard memo(r)ized implementation omitted; see variant using a weak-value table below]
The savings with this scheme can be huge. However, it may also cause unsuspected waste. ALthough some commands epeat over and over, many other commands happen only once. Gradually, the ["memorizing"] table results accumulates all commands the server has ever received plus their respective codes; after enough time, this behavior will exhaust the server's memory.
A weak table provides a simple solution to this problem. If the results table has weak values, each garbage-collection cycle will remove all translations not in use at that moment (which means virtually all of them)1:
local results = {}
setmetatable(results, {__mode = "v"}) -- make values weak
function mem_loadstring (s)
local res = results[s]
if res == nil then -- results not available?
res = assert(load(s)) -- compute new results
result[s] = res -- save for later reuse
return res
As the original problem statement notes, this scheme won't work when the function to be memo(r)ized returns strings, because the garbage collector does not treat strings as "collectable".
Of course, if one is allowed to change the desired function's interface so that instead of returning a string, it returns a singleton table whose sole item is the real result string, then the problem becomes almost trivial, but I find it hard to believe that the author had such a crude "solution" in mind2.
In case it matters, I am using Lua 5.3.
1 As an aside, if the rationale for memo(r)ization is to avoid invoking load more often than necessary, the scheme proposed by the author does not make sense to me. It seems to me that this scheme is based on the assumption (a heuristic, really) that a translation that is used frequently, and thus would pay to memo(r)ize, is also one that is always reachable (and hence not collectable). I don't see why this should necessarily, or even likely, be the case.
2 One may be able to put lipstick on this pig in the form of a __tostring method that would allow the table (the one returned by the memo(r)ized function) to masquerade as a string in certain contexts; it's still a pig, though.
Your idea is correct: wrap string into a table (because table is collectable).
function memormoize (func_from_string_to_string)
local cached = {}
setmetatable(cached, {__mode = "v"})
local c = cached[s] or {func_from_string_to_string(s)}
cached[s] = c
return c[1]
And I see no pigs in this solution :-)
one that is always reachable (and hence not collectable). I don't see why this should necessarily, or even likely, be the case.
There will be no "always reachable" items in a weak table.
But most frequent items will be recalculated only once per GC cycle.
The ideal solution (never collect frequently used items) would require more complex implementation.
For example, you can move items from normal cache to weak cache when item's "inactivity timer" reaches some threshold.

How to paginate using Orient 3.0 streams

According to streaming example at, we can use the Orient result set streaming API as follows
ODatabaseDocument db;
String statement = "SELECT FROM V WHERE name = ? and surnanme = ?";
OResultSet rs = db.query(statement, "John", "Smith"); -> System.out.println(x.getProperty("age")));
This is fine but too trivial - what if we need to keep the rs/stream around? We can't very well close the resultset because we want to reuse the stream on a subsequent user request in a web application, say (in scenarios such as paging).
But to keep the streams "alive" the Orient user guide says that:
OResultSet is implemented as a paginated structure, that holds some
iterators open during the iteration. This is true both in remote and
in embedded usage.
You should always invoke OResultSet.close() at the end of the
execution, to free resources.
OResultSet instances are automatically closed when you close the
ODatabase that returned them.
It is important to always close result sets, even when they are
converted to streams (after the stream is consumed).
Are there any best practices around this. As far as I can tell, we would need to:
1) Keep the Orient database connection open until the user "paging" session is done (which could be say 5-10 minutes). Only when the user says "done" can we close the result set & close the database connection. The Orient database connection (and whatever stream it generated) thus becomes "private" to a single application user. Moreover, since every user request can be activated on a different thread, the said database connection would need to be made active on the current thread before using it.
2) Use the Java Stream API to navigate through arbitrary subsets of the "arbitrarily" large resultset. How would memory usage be handled by the underlying Orient db stream implementation? What determines the memory usage for using a "single rs/stream" and keeping it around for a while? What happens when we have thousands of open rs/streams especially if each user has their own "private" rs/stream they're looking at?
3) If a given Orient database connection can only be used on a single thread at a time (an Orient requirement), how do we handle multiple users with their own custom long-lived rs/streams/connections? Does this mean that if we have a 1000 clients using their own private rs/stream (that they hang on to for say 5 minutes), then we have to keep 1000 database connections open (i.e. one for each user/rs?) What are the limits around this? This style is obviously quite different from the more typical execute query/close rs pattern for quick user interaction that is stateless from one request to the next (naive paging that re-executes queries every time for a given range and this can get expensive)
P.S. I realize that once we get a Java stream, then we pretty much start just using the Java API itself - so I suppose that JOOQ streaming usage (for example) would be pretty similar to Orient streaming usage once you start getting into the Stream interfaces - I'm not familiar with the Java Streams API, but I suppose How to paginate a list of objects in Java 8? is a good place to start?
My conclusion is that streaming works well when scrolling through a large result set without consuming a large amount of memory or having to keep re-executing offset/limit queries (similar to forward only scrolling over JDBC resultsets). A typical use case is an export scenario.
For forward and backward paging, in Orient at least, you likely need an indexed property/properties and perform range queries - you'll need to make sure the index is SB-tree so that it supports range queries.
FYI, Solr has a cursor mechanism which works pretty well for forward pagination on sorted results - but if you keep some simple state markers on the client you can also go back to results already encountered. "go to" random pages is not supported in Solr cursors but you can always re-sort/filter on some other criteria in order to move "useful" results to the top of the resultset instead of deep paging (

Stream de-duplication on Dataflow | Running services on Dataflow services

I want to de-dupe a stream of data based on an ID in a windowed fashion. The stream we receive has and we want to remove data with matching within N-hour time windows. A straight-forward approach is to use an external key-store (BigTable or something similar) where we look-up for keys and write if required but our qps is extremely large making maintaining such a service pretty hard. The alternative approach I came up with was to groupBy within a timewindow so that all data for a user within a time-window falls within the same group and then, in each group, we use a separate key-store service where we look up for duplicates by the key. So, I have a few questions about this approach
[1] If I run a groupBy transform, is there any guarantee that each group will be processed in the same slave? If guaranteed, we can group by the userid and then within each group compare the sessionid for each user
[2] If it is feasible, my next question is to whether we can run such other services in each of the slave machines that run the job - in the example above, I would like to have a local Redis running which can then be used by each group to look up or write an ID too.
The idea seems off what Dataflow is supposed to do but I believe such use cases should be common - so if there is a better model to approach this problem, I am looking forward to that too. We essentially want to avoid external lookups as much as possible given the amount of data we have.
1) In the Dataflow model, there is no guarantee that the same machine will see all the groups across windows for the key. Imagine that a VM dies or new VMs are added and work is split across them for scaling.
2) Your welcome to run other services on the Dataflow VMs since they are general purpose but note that you will have to contend with resource requirements of the other applications on the host potentially causing out of memory issues.
Note that you may want to take a look at RemoveDuplicates and use that if it fits your usecase.
It also seems like you might want to be using session windows to dedupe elements. You would call:
PCollection<T> pc = ...;
PCollection<T> windowed_pc = pc.apply(
Window<T>into(Sessions.withGapDuration(Duration.standardMinutes(N hours))));
Each new element will keep extending the length of the window so it won't close until the gap closes. If you also apply an AfterCount speculative trigger of 1 with an AfterWatermark trigger on a downstream GroupByKey. The trigger would fire as soon as it could which would be once it has seen at least one element and then once more when the session closes. After the GroupByKey you would have a DoFn that filters out an element which isn't an early firing based upon the pane information ([3], [4]).
DoFn(T -> KV<session key, T>)
Window.into(Session window)
Group by key
DoFn(Filter based upon pane information)
It is sort of unclear from your description, can you provide more details?
Sorry for not being clear. I gave the setup you mentioned a try, except for the early and late firings part, and it is working on smaller samples. I have a couple of follow up questions, related to scaling this up. Also, I was hoping I could give you more information on what the exact scenario is.
So, we have incoming data stream, each item of which can be uniquely identified by their fields. We also know that duplicates occur pretty far apart and for now, we care about those within a 6 hour window. And regarding the volume of data, we have atleast 100K events every second, which span across a million different users - so within this 6 hour window, we could get a few billion events into the pipeline.
Given this background, my questions are
[1] For the sessioning to happen by key, I should run it on something like
PCollection<KV<key, T>> windowed_pc = pc.apply(
Window<KV<key,T>>into(Sessions.withGapDuration(Duration.standardMinutes(6 hours))));
where key is a combination of the 3 ids I had mentioned earlier. Based on the definition of Sessions, only if I run it on this KV would I be able to manage sessions per-key. This would mean that Dataflow would have too many open sessions at any given time waiting for them to close and I was worried if it would scale or I would run into any bottle-necks.
[2] Once I perform Sessioning as above, I have already removed the duplicates based on the firings since I will only care about the first firing in each session which already destroys duplicates. I no longer need the RemoveDuplicates transform which I found was a combination of (WithKeys, Combine.PerKey, Values) transforms in order, essentially performing the same operation. Is this the right assumption to make?
[3] If the solution in [1] going to be a problem, the alternative is to reduce the key for sessioning to be just user-id, session-id ignoring the sequence-id and then, running a RemoveDuplicates on top of each resulting window by sequence-id. This might reduce the number of open sessions but still would leave a lot of open sessions (#users * #sessions per user) which can easily run into millions. FWIW, I dont think we can session only by user-id since then the session might never close as different sessions for same user could keep coming in and also determining the session gap in this scenario becomes infeasible.
Hope my problem is a little more clear this time. Please let me know any of my approaches make the best use of Dataflow or if I am missing something.
I tried out this solution at a larger scale and as long as I provide sufficient workers and disks, the pipeline scales well although I am seeing a different problem now.
After this sessionization, I run a Combine.perKey on the key and then perform a ParDo which looks into c.pane().getTiming() and only rejects anything other than an EARLY firing. I tried counting both EARLY and ONTIME firings in this ParDo and it looks like the ontime-panes are actually deduped more precisely than the early ones. I mean, the #early-firings still has some duplicates whereas the #ontime-firings is less than that and has more duplicates removed. Is there any reason this could happen? Also, is my approach towards deduping using a Combine+ParDo the right one or could I do something better?
WithKeys.<String, EventInfo>of(new SerializableFunction<EventInfo, String>() {
public java.lang.String apply(EventInfo input) {
return input.getUniqueKey();
Window.named("sessioner").<KV<String, EventInfo>>into(

ActiveRecord Slow Object Instantiation

I maintain a website of events taking place in my city.
My website homepage is a 5-days calendar with all the events taking place from today to 4 days in the future.
I have done quite a good job with my "ActiveRecord" code as I have around ~120ms spent in MySQL (double checked with RackMiniProfiler) to load ~200-300 events.
However my response time is very slow (1.5s - 2s).
Most time is spent in instantiation of AR's objects from my queries
Using ObjectSpace, I see that ~6k AR::Base objects are instantiated for +300 events that are displayed.
The reason why there are so many objects is that my Event model has many associated models (e.g. venue, occurrences, categories, etc...), all of which contain bits of information I need to show.
As expected, profiling proved ActiveRecord's object instantiation as the most consuming task during the request.
I am not experienced enough in neither ActiveRecord nor its performance.
Is such speed expected or should my objects be instantiated much faster?
Should I move away from AR and use simple ruby hashes?
Is this the Rails standard when my data model is too complex?
========= UPDATE 1 =========
This pastebin contains the service class I use to load the events for a single day in the calendar.
I hope it's understandable, I did not have time to properly document it since it's still a work in progress to improve performance.
========= UPDATE 2 =========
Loading all these objects has another drawback: it causes GC runs while the page is being rendered, adding ~100ms after every n events are rendered, which becomes a total overhead of ~500ms.
To give you an idea of how much data I'm loading (sadly 99% of it is needed), if I dump to JSON I get a 47K file.
========= UPDATE 3 =========
As mentioned by #TheSuper, even though it does not improve AR's performance, fragment caching is indeed my friend as I'm rendering quite the amount of data while under GC runs. Applying fragment caching yielded a 1-1.2s improvement, which is HUGE.
However I still cannot overcome the 600ms wall of AR.
A possible improvement are "selective includes" discussed in this answer, for the few cases where I need a small portion of the attributes of an included model, but this is ugly and inflexible.

Writing many stored procedures

I need to write a long procedure which generates a report for a company.
Since report involves multiple data to be fetched i have written many small procedures to fetch the different records .
Is it the write approach to write many sub programs in the main program and calling them in the main program?
please help or is there any other way to do this.
Unless you really go wild (**) and build a 'tree' of stored procedures each calling the other one I don't see any problems with this. There might in fact be benefits to this as
it's easier to maintain smaller pieces of code
(re)compilation of smaller stored procedures is going to be faster
**: There is a 'limit' in MSSQL in that the stack is limited to 32 levels. That is, if procedure1 calls procedure1_1 and that procedure calls procedure1_1_1 and that one calls another etc... you'll get an error when you get over 32 calls 'deep'. Calling multiple stored procedures sequentially isn't a problem though.
The only thing to keep in mind is the context of the variables/temporary tables you're using. If you want to pass values around you'll need to use parameters. (using `OUTPUT can be useful to keep track of a #rowcount variable for instance).
