I want to customize my model with a few parameters and choose the best one. I want to customize the objective property, eval_metric and possibly feval. My problem is that the properties eval_metric and feval do not affect the prediction at all. I tried to specify the disable_default_eval_metric:1 property but it didn't help.
What is the reason?
y1 = xgb.train({'objective': 'reg:squaredlogerror'},dtrain=dtrain).predict(dtest)
y2 = xgb.train(
{'objective': 'reg:squaredlogerror', 'disable_default_eval_metric':1, 'eval_metric':'rmsle'},
dtrain = dtrain
y1 = [3.9530325, 4.1704693, 4.18354, 4.1704693, 3.9317188]
y2 = [3.9530325, 4.1704693, 4.18354, 4.1704693, 3.9317188]
As the name implies, eval_metric is only used for evaluation, and it does not affect in any way the model training; it only reports back the value of the chosen metric(s). During training, the model only tries to optimize the objective, and it does not bother at all with any eval_metric (save for reporting it back, and possibly using it for early stopping, if such an option has been selected).
This is the reason why you can use multiple functions in eval_metric; from the docs:
User can add multiple evaluation metrics.
This would not be the case if eval_metric was directly used for model optimization during training, as it would raise the issue of which single one to optimize. Notice that, in contrast to eval_metric, you cannot have multiple objective functions.
Given that, what you report is absolutely expected, i.e. your models are actually the same in both cases.
I am new to machine learning. I am having a question regarding polynomial regression using one feature.
My understanding is that if there is one input feature, we can create a hypothesis function by taking the squares and cubes the feature.
Suppose x1 is the input feature and our hypothesis function becomes something like this :
htheta(x) = theta0 + (theta1)x1 + (theta2)x1^2 + (theta3)x1^3.
My question is what is the use case of such scenario ? In what type of data, this type of hypothesis function will help ?
This scenario is for simple curve fitting problems. For example, you might have a spring and want to know how far the spring is stretched as a function of how much force you apply (the spring needn't be a linear spring obeying Hooke's law). You could build a model by collecting a bunch of measurements of different forces applied on the spring (measured in Newtons) and the resulting spring extension (also called displacement) in centimeters. You could then build a model of the form F(x) = theta_1 * x + theta_2 * x^3 + theta_3 * x^5 and fit the three theta parameters. You could of course do this with any other single variable problem (height vs. age, weight vs. blood pressure, current vs. voltage). In practice, you generally have many more than just a one dependent variable though.
Also worth pointing out that the transformations needn't be polynomial in the dependent variable (x in this case). You could just as well try logs, square roots, exponentials etc. If you're asking why is it always a parameter times a function of the input variable, this is more of a modeling choice than anything (specifically a linear model since it's linear in theta). It does not have to be this way and is a simple assumption that restricts the class of functions. Linear models also satisfy some intuitive statistical properties which also justify their use (see here)
I've built an LSTM In Keras with the goal of predicting future values of a time-series from a high-dimensional, time-index input.
However, there's a unique requirement: for certain time points in the future, we know with certainty what some values of the input series will be. For example:
model = SomeLSTM()
trained_model = model.train(train_data)
known_data = [(24, {feature: 2, val: 7.0}), (25, {feature: 2, val: 8.0})]
predictions = trained_model(look_ahead=48, known_data=known_data)
Which would train the model up to time t (the end of training), and predict forward 48 time periods from time t, but substituting known_data values for feature 2 at times 24 and 25.
How exactly can I explicitly inject this into the LSTM at some time?
For reference, here's the model:
model = Sequential()
model.add(LSTM(hidden, input_shape=(look_back, num_features)))
This may be a result of my un-intuitive grasp of LSTMs, and I'd appreciate any clarification. I've dived into the Keras source code, and my first guess is to inject it right into the LSTM state variable, but I'm unsure how to do that at time t (or even if that is correct.)
I think a clean way of doing this is to introduce 2*look_ahead new features, where for each 0 <= i < look_ahead 2*i-th feature is an indicator whether the value of the i-th time step is known and (2*i+1)-th is the value itself (0 if not known). Accordingly, you can generate training data with these features to make your model take into account these known values.
I am not exactly sure what you are trying to do, but maybe create your own layer to go at the end that sets the data to the known values, similar to how dropout sets random values to zero. As a side note, I have had better results with pooling than dropout, so maybe try switching that out and training it. Here is a good guide on how to do it. https://www.tutorialspoint.com/keras/keras_customized_layer.htm
I'm training a multi-objective neural net in TensorFlow with my own loss function and can't find documentation regarding how batching interacts with that functionality.
For example, I have snippet of my loss function below, which takes the tensor/list of predictions and makes sure that their absolute value sums to no more than one:
def fitness(predictions,actual):
absTensor = tf.abs(predictions)
sumTensor = tf.reduce_sum(absTensor)
oneTensor = tf.constant(1.0)
isGTOne = tf.greater(sumTensor,oneTensor)
def norm(): return predictions/sumTensor
def unchanged(): return predictions
predictions = tf.cond(isGTOne,norm,unchanged)
But when I'm passing in a batch of estimates I feel like this loss function is normalising the whole set of inputs to sum to 1 at this point, rather than each individual set summing to 1. I.e.
[[.8,.8],[.8,.8]] -> [[.25,.25],[.25,25]]
rather than the desired
[[.8,.8],[.8,.8]] -> [[.5,.5],[.5,.5]]
Can anybody clarify or put to rest my suspicions? If this is how my function is currently working, how do I change that?
You must specify a reduction axis for reduction ops, otherwise all axes will be reduces. Traditionally this is the first dimension of your tensor. So, line 2 should look like this:
sumTensor = tf.reduce_sum(absTensor, 0)
After you make that change you will run into another problem. sumTensor will no longer be a scalar and will thus no longer make sense as a condition for tf.cond (i.e. what does it mean to branch per entry of a batch?). What you really want is tf.select since you don't really want to branch logic per batch entry. Like this:
isGTOne = tf.greater(sumTensor,oneTensor)
norm = predictions/sumTensor
predictions = tf.select(isGTOne,norm,predictions)
But, looking at this now, I wouldn't even bother conditionally normalizing the entries. Since you are operating at the granularity of a batch now, I don't think you can gain performance from normalizing an entry of a batch one at a time. Especially, since dividing is not really an expensive side effect. Might as well just do:
def fitness(predictions,actual):
absTensor = tf.abs(predictions)
sumTensor = tf.reduce_sum(absTensor, 0)
predictions = predictions/sumTensor
Hope that helps!
I've been slowly going through the tensorflow tutorials, and I assume I will have to again. I don't have a background in ML but am slowly pushing my way up.
Anyway, after reading through the RNN tutorial and running the training code, I am confused.
How does one actually apply the trained model so that it can be used to make language predictions?
I know this is a terrible noobish and simple question, but I believe it will be of use to others, as I have seen it asked and not answered in a satisfactory way.
In general, when you train a model, you first do a forward pass, and then a backward pass. The forward pass makes a prediction based on your input data, and the backward pass adjust your model based on how correct your prediction was.
So when you want to apply your model, you just do a forward pass with your new data as input.
In your particular example, using this code, you can see how it's done by looking at how they run the test set, starting line 286.
# They instantiate the model with is_training=False
mtest = PTBModel(is_training=False, config=eval_config)
# Then they can do a forward pass
test_perplexity = run_epoch(session, mtest, test_data, tf.no_op())
print("Test Perplexity: %.3f" % test_perplexity)
And if you want the actual prediction and not the perplexity, it is the state in the run_epoch function :
cost, state, _ = session.run([m.cost, m.final_state, eval_op],
{m.input_data: x,
m.targets: y,
m.initial_state: state})
I've been reading some papers on CRFs and am slightly confused about the feature functions. Unary (node) and binary (edge) features f are normally of the form
f(yc, xc) = 1{yc=y ̃c}fg(xc).
where {.} is the indicator function evaluating to 1 if the condition enclosed is true, and 0 otherwise. fg is a function of the data xc which extracts useful attributes (features) from the data.
Now it seems to me that to create CRF features the true labels (yc) must be known. This is true for training but for the testing phase the true class labels are unknown (since we are trying to determine their most likely value).
Am I missing something? How can this be correctly implemented?
The idea with the CRF is that it assigns a score to each setting of the labels. So what you do, notionally, is compute the scores for all possible label assignments and then whichever labeling gets the biggest score is what the CRF predicts/outputs. This is only going to make sense if the CRF gives different scores to different label assignments. When you think of it that way it's clear that the labels must be involved in the feature functions for this to work.
So lets say the log probability function for your CRF is F(x,y). So it assigns a number to each combination of a data sample x and a labeling y. So when you get a new data sample the predicted label during test time is just argmax_y F(new_x, y). That is, you find the value of y that makes F(new_x,y) the biggest and that's the predicted labeling.