Use 'on message' to find message in .byte(1) in CAPL - can-bus

I need to find for example the message 0x02 for byte(1) in the bus.
When I use
on message 0x02
Is it like?
on message *
How can I then use on message for .byte(1)?

Your second piece of code is the right way to go.
on message *
if( == 0x02)
write("%x", this.byte(1));
As shown above, you can use .byte(1) even for the this keyword.


How to automate a Toast message in Appium without taking screen shot?

I want to test a Toast message without taking screen shot. Is there any other way to automate the Toast message?
You can get toast message and define Success/Fail operation:
By toastContainer = By.xpath("//div[#id='toast-container']//*");
By toastMessageDA = By.xpath("//div[#class='toast-message']");
public String toastUtility() throws Exception {
toast_container_flag = false;
try {
if (driver.findElement(toastContainer).isEnabled()) {
toast_container_flag = true;
List<WebElement> findData = driver.findElements(toastContainer);
for (WebElement element : findData) {
if (element.getAttribute("class").toString().contains("toast toast")) {
toast_success_fail = element.getAttribute("class").toString();
validationMessage = "Toast: " + driver.findElement(toastMessageDA).getText();
js.executeScript("arguments[0].click();", driver.findElement(toastMessageDA));
if (toastr_success_fail.equals("toast toast-success")) {
System.out.println("Success Message");
} else if (toastr_success_fail.equals("toast toast-error")) {
System.out.println("Fail Message");
} else {
System.out.println("Other Message");
testResult = validationMessage;
} catch (Exception e2) {
testResult = "Toast message is not generated.";;
return testResult;
Retrieval of toast messages is already supported for Android. Please look at the below release notes for Android.
You need to use UIAutomator2 to work with toast messages in Android.
Hope this helps.
This works excellent for me in python.
control = False
xmlFormat = self.driver.page_source
if xmlFormat.find("your toast message") != -1:
control = True

How to check which subclass is the event fired?

I know event.type in DOM. I can parse for example mouseup, keydown, touchstart and so on. But how can I check for the event subclass? Like MouseEvent, AnimationEvent or ClipboardEvent? Can I use the event.type property?
You can check the class like
void myHandler(Event e) {
if(e is MouseEvent) {
} else if(e is AnimationEvent) {
} else if(e is KeyboardEvent) {
Since JavaScript is a prototype-based language you can to do it a bit strangely using and then cleaning up the result a little, like this:
var button = document.getElementById("testEvent");
button.onclick = function(e) {
console.log(^\[object ([^\]]*)\]/, "$1")
This fiddle shows it in action - working for me in FireFox. It should output "MouseEvent" in the fiddle, but if you hook it up to some of the other events, you will see different results.
Another method would be to call EventType.prototype.isPrototypeOf(e) for each of the types:
if (MouseEvent.prototype.isPrototypeOf(e)) { console.log("MouseEvent"); }
if (AnimationEvent.prototype.isPrototypeOf(e)) { console.log("AnimationEvent"); }
if (KeyboardEvent.prototype.isPrototypeOf(e)) { console.log("KeyboardEvent"); }
But that would look pretty nasty IMHO.

Common way to execute a stored proc from both ColdFusion and Railo

I think I've gotten the most simplest scenario built. I just want to pass it by everyone for a sanity check. Here's the idea:
GetErrorCodes.cfm does the following:
response = new ErrorCodes().WhereXXX(); // ACF or Railo, doesn't matter
function WhereXXX() {
return new sproc().exec('app.GetErrorCodes'); // All my functions will do this instead of executing the sproc themselves.
component {
function exec(procedure) {
local.result = {};
if (server.ColdFusion.productname == 'Railo') {
return new Railo().exec(arguments.procedure); // Has to be outside of sproc.cfc because ColdFusion throws a syntax error otherwise.
local.svc = new storedProc();
try {
local.obj = local.svc.execute();
local.result.Prefix = local.obj.getPrefix();
local.result.qry = local.obj.getProcResultSets().qry;
} catch(any Exception) {
request.msg = Exception.Detail;
return local.result;
component {
function exec(procedure) {
local.result = {};
try {
storedproc procedure=arguments.procedure result="local.result.Prefix" returncode="yes" {
procresult name="local.result.qry";
} catch(any Exception) {
request.msg = Exception.Message;
return local.result;
So I've been working on this all day, but tell me, is this a sane way to keep the source code the same if it's to be run on either a ColdFusion server or a Railo server?
Um... just use <cfstoredproc> instead of trying to use two different CFScript approaches that are mutually exclusive to each other of the CFML platforms.

Not able to retrieve messages from topic using EMS.NET API

I am trying to write a simple application to send messages to a topic from use input and show messages published on topic.
There are two command line executables - one for publisher and another for subscriber.
When I publish messages on a topic, I can see the messages getting submitted to the topic.
The following command shows that there are messages on the topic (see F1.gif):-
show stat EMS.Test.Topic
The following command shows that the messages are getting consumed by the subscribers (see F2.gif)
show stat consumers topic=EMS.Test.Topic
However, I am not able to retrieve messages the EMS .NET API. It gets stuck on Message msg = subscriber.Receive();. I made sure the connection details and authentication details are correct because they are used when publishing the messages.
public string ReceiveMessagesFromTopic(string topicName)
TopicConnection connection = null;
string messageFromPublisher = string.Empty;
var factory = new TIBCO.EMS.TopicConnectionFactory(serverUrl);
connection = factory.CreateTopicConnection(userName, password);
TopicSession session = connection.CreateTopicSession(false, Session.AUTO_ACKNOWLEDGE);
Topic topic = session.CreateTopic(topicName);
TopicSubscriber subscriber = session.CreateSubscriber(topic);
while (true)
Message msg = subscriber.Receive();
if (msg == null)
if (msg is TextMessage)
TextMessage tm = (TextMessage) msg;
messageFromPublisher = tm.Text;
catch (EMSException e)
if (connection!=null)
return messageFromPublisher;
There was a silly mistake in my .NET code. the following while loop never returns so there is no return. I need to break the while loop when I get a message. Duh!!!!
while (true)
Message msg = subscriber.Receive();
if (msg == null)
if (msg is TextMessage)
TextMessage tm = (TextMessage) msg;
messageFromPublisher = tm.Text;

Human readable key names for characters

I want to trigger some code if the 'A' key is pressed:
document.on.keyDown.add((event) {
if (event.keyIdentifier == 'U+0041') {
Using the unicode code (U+0041) of the character is not very readable. Is there any method I can use to convert the code to a character or vice versa? I would like to do something like this:
document.on.keyDown.add((event) {
if (event.keyIdentifier == unicodeCode('A')) {
I hope this will help:
document.on.keyPress.add((KeyboardEvent event) {
final String char = new String.fromCharCodes([event.charCode]);
print('Key: $char');
if (event.keyIdentifier == 'U+0041') {
print('$char pressed.');
if (char == 'a') {
print('Lowercase "a" has been pressed.');
Currently the keyDown event doesn't provide the appropriate charCodes.
