How to add Select2 to a smarty template in Shopware 5 plugin? - jquery-select2

I would like to add select2 to a smarty template in a shopware 5 plugin, in order to be able to type and search for a value in the dropdown. I was searching for it but found nothing relevant. As I see, there is only a standard <select> which is a html select, and {html_options} there is no way to type and search for what you are looking for in the dropdown, right? Is it possible to add select2 to smarty? If yes, could you please pont me to the rigth direction? If it's not possible or too complicated, what would be a better alternative? Is it possible in Shopware 6? (I wanted to ask this question actually on stack exchange, but I can't...)

Unfortunately you did not mention what you try so far.
I believe you have to add the Javascript resources as in and add the .select2() call in the on ready.
The HTML of the select can stay the same - the select2 script will transform this.


extend rich:select / h:select to have multiple selections

Is it possible to extend rich:select or h:selectOneMenu to enable multiple selection? I am looking for a jsf component which looks like the jQuery Chosen plugin.
The component should let me select multiple options from the drop down.
Please note that I can not use h:selectManyMenu or list box because of the specific requirement.
Note: just saw the tags field below the description box while posting a question. I am looking exactly for the same functionality, except that I want a JSF component, not a js plugin.
Any suggestion is highly appreciated. Thanks in advance.
I would use that jQuery Chosen plugin and do something like this:
use jQuery to apply it to your select
use jQuery to get the selected data
pass the data to the backing bean via a hidden input field
There may be 'pure JSF' ways but it looks like more work. If you find something interesting let me know.

jQuery UI Autocomplete: How to target dropdown menu?

Problem: I have to color my results in the little dropdown based on their value.
Solution: Use the 'open' event hook to loop through options and assign a color.
Problem: So the documentation for the jQuery UI autocomplete says that the open event hook receives two arguments- 'ui' and 'event'. The problem is, 'ui' is just an empty object (someone filed a bug report about this, and the brilliant jQuery UI team said it's not a problem), and 'event' only has the input box, not the dropdown that's generated. At this point, the only way I can select my options list from here is to do this:
$( ).nextUntil("ul.ui-autocomplete").last().next()
That's gross. Please tell me there's a better way?
PS: If anyone says "Just use $('ul.ui-autocomplete')!" you've obviously never worked on anything more complicated than.... something that's not complicated.
The official documentation is terrible, but after lots of exploring I figured it out:
Are you writing a plugin? You can use this.element

Editable select/combobox

is there any way (or plugin) to display editable combobox? I have a set of options, but I would like to give possibility to enter custom value.
I've searched the documentation, and I can't find way to do this. I made workaround with javascript, but I'm looking for more elegant solution.
I'm pretty sure that there simply is no HTML form element that does this, and so Rails can't provide you with a helper. As you said, you can work with JS to create something similar (and there should be JS libraries/plugins already out there), or you could just use a select element and add a text field next to it for new values.
HTML5 specification doesn't define such an element. So you may either continue using JS, either try to use autocomplete feature of an input element (although it is not exactly what you want and doesn't compatible with old browsers).

Generate URL client-side for jQuery Grid from json field?

We are using Struts 2 and want a jQuery Grid showing a list of accounts. When a user clicks an account we want to take them to a page specific to that account.
At this point I'm looking for suggestions as to the best way to do this. Currently I'm building a URL server side which I then return but this isn't optimal since I don't have access to <s:url>.
One idea I've had is to combine <s:url> and each row Id on the client side but I haven't found a way to do this. Is there a grid would that allow this? or a better way?
Updated Explanation Attempt:
I am returning a json list to jQuery grid. One column in the grid is a url but I can't build that in the service level. Instead I'd love to have a way to use <s:url> when my json results are returned. Is there anyway to do this?
You cannot use <s:url> client side.
The Struts2-Tags get used serverside
to generate the HTML, so there's
basically no difference if you
construct them yourself or let JSP
construct the HTML.
There's the struts2-jQuery Plugin and with it the jQuery grid plugin. Find out more about it here:
If you know the actionName and have the ID in the list you're iterating over, you can just code the necessary link yourself (if the object in the list has a getter named getId()):
<a href="http://host:port/webapp/actionName?id=<s:property value='id' />">
Hope that helps, if not please show the code of the page and / or dredefine your question.
There isn't a really straight forward way. Here is the answer to "Struts2 URL buiilding in action for JSON" answered on the struts mailing list:
If you get a chance let me know how you implement this.

jQuery Editable / Sortable List

I am looking for a jQuery list that is editable (add, change, delete elements), what is a good starting point code base that does this?
I found this one example which is great, but it doesn't add, edit or delete list items:
you would use that jQuery library along side some small plugins, there not that hard to extend if you understand the Dom and jQuery.
take a look at this plug-in for example.
