How to access k3d Kubernetes cluster from inside a docker container? - docker

I have a running k3d Kubernetes cluster:
$ kubectl cluster-info
Kubernetes master is running at
CoreDNS is running at
Metrics-server is running at
I have a python script that uses the kubernetes client api and manages namespaces, deployments, pod, etc. This works just fine in my local environment because I have all the necessary python modules installed and have direct access to my local k8s cluster. My goal is to containerize so that this same script is successfully run for my colleagues on their systems.
While running the same python script in a docker container, I receive connection errors:
urllib3.exceptions.MaxRetryError: HTTPSConnectionPool(host='', port=6550): Max retries exceeded with url: /api/v1/namespaces (Caused by NewConnectionError('<urllib3.connection.HTTPSConnection object at 0x7f8b637c5d68>: Failed to establish a new connection: [Errno 113] No route to host',)) is my docker0 bridge address so assumed that would resolve or forward traffic to my localhost. I have tried loading k8s configuration from my local .kube/config which references server: and also creating a separate config file with server: and both give the same No route to host error (with the respective ip address in the HTTPSConnectionPool(host=...))
One idea I was pursing was running a socat process outside the container and tunnel traffic from inside the container across a bridge socket mounted in from the outside, but looks like the docker image I need to use does not have socat installed. However, I get the feeling like the real solution should be much simplier than all of this.
Certainly there have been other instances of a docker container needing access to a k8s cluster served outside of the docker network. How is this connection typically established?

Use docker network command to create a predefined network
You can pass --network to attach k3d to an existing Docker network and also to docker run to do the same for another container


AWS ToolKit docker container not resolving internal service URIs

I am running an AWS Lambda locally via AWS Toolkit. The function, through a long dependency chain, calls an internal service endpoint that throws a ConnectionTimeoutException. That endpoint works when called locally.
Toolkit spins up a container to run the lambda in using the bridge docker network running on my local machine. My local machine is also running a proxy client in another container, and using docker network inspect bridge from my local terminal, I can see both the proxy and Toolkit containers are registered on the bridge network. When I shell into the running lambda container, my cUrl command to the internal service times out. That same command on my local machine succeeds.
Shouldn't the cUrl command work from within the lambda container?
local machine bridge network
connection time out exception
failed: connect timed out; nested exception is org.apache.http.conn.ConnectTimeoutException: Connect to internal.service.uri:80
Our SQUID proxy does not support service discovery.
This means the container has to have environment vars set to the proxy IP:
export http_proxy=
export HTTP_PROXY=
export https_proxy=
export NO_PROXY=localhost
then it works.
next step is to figure out how to set those within the, container via Aws Toolkit

Can't start minikube inside docker network

I'm trying to start minikube on ubuntu 18.04 inside nginx proxy manager docker network in order to setup some kubernetes services and manage the domain names and the proxy hosts in the nginx proxy manager platform.
so I have nginxproxymanager_default docker network and when I run minikube start --network=nginxproxymanager_default I get
Exiting due to GUEST_PROVISION: Failed to start host: can't create with that IP, address already in use
what might I been doing wrong?
A similar error was reported with kubernetes/minikube issue 12894
please check whether there are other services using that IP address, and try starting minikube again.
Considering minikube start man page
--network string
network to run minikube with.
Now it is used by docker/podman and KVM drivers.
If left empty, minikube will create a new network.
Using an existing NGiNX network (as opposed to docker/podman) might not be supported.
I have seen NGiNX set up as ingress, not directly as "network".

Link between docker container and Minikube

Is is possible to link a docker container with a service running in minikube? I have a mysql container which I want to access using PMA pod in minikube. I have tried adding PMA_HOST is the yaml file while creating pod but getting an error on the PMA GUI page mentioning -
mysqli_real_connect(): (HY000/2002): Connection refused
If I understand you correctly, you want to access a service (mysql) running outside kube cluster (minikube) from that kube cluster.
You have two ways to achieve this:
make sure your networking is configured in a way allowinf traffic passing both ways correctly. Then you should be able to access that mysql service directly by it's address or by creating external service inside kube cluster (create Service with no selector and manualy configure external Endpoints
Use something like ie. to expose localy developed service inside remote kubernetes cluster

Local Docker connection to Kubernetes Cluster

I want to connect a docker container running locally to a service running on a Kubernetes cluster. To do so I have exposed a service through reserving some static IP addresses.
I have also saved those IP addresses in local DNS, in the /etc/hosts/ file: host1
456.456.456.45 host2
I want to link my container to that such that all the traffic is routed to those addresses so that it can be processed by the cluster. I am using the link feature in the docker container but it isn't working.
I want to connect directly using IP? How should I do this?
There's no difference doing this if the client is or isn't in Docker. However you have the service exposed from Kubernetes, you'd make the same connection to it from a process running on an external host or from a process running in a Docker container on that host.
Say, as in the example in the Kubernetes documentation, you're running a NodePort service that's accessible on port 31496 on every node in the cluster, and you're trying to connect to it from outside the cluster. Maybe as in the question is some node in the cluster. A typical setup would be to get the location of the service from an environment variable (JavaScript process.env.THE_SERVICE_URL; Ruby ENV['THE_SERVICE_URL']; Python os.environ['THE_SERVICE_URL']; ...).
When you're developing, you could set that variable in your local shell:
cd here && ./
When you go to deploy your application, you can set the same environment variable:
docker run -e THE_SERVICE_URL= me:k8s-client

I can not access my Container Docker Image by HTTP

I created an image with apache2 running locally on a docker container via Dockerfile exposing port 80. Then pushed to my DockerHUB repository
I created a new instance of Container Engine In my project on the Google Cloud. Within this I have two clusters, the Master and the Node1.
Then created a Pod specifying the name of my image in DockerHUB and configuring Ports "containerPort" and "hostPort" for 6379 and 80 respectively.
Node1 accessed via SSH and the command line: $ sudo docker ps -l Then I found that my docker container there is.
I created a service for instance by configuring the ports as in the Pod, "containerPort" and "hostPort" for 6379 and 80 respectively.
I checked the Firewall is available with access to port 80. Even without deems it necessary, I created a rule to allow access through port 6379.
But when I enter http://IP_ADDRESS:PORT is not available.
Any idea about what it's wrong?
If you are using a service to access your pod, you should configure the service to use an external load balancer (similarly to what is done in the guestbook example's frontend service definition) and you should not need to specify a host port in your pod definition.
Once you have an external load balancer created, then you should open a firewall rule to allow external access to the load balancer which will allow packets to reach the service (and pods backing it) running in your cluster.
