Can I implement a Maker/Checker bot with Microsoft Bot Framework? - microsoft-graph-api

Is it possible to create a Maker/Checker Bot with Microsoft Bot Framework Nodejs SDK for Microsoft Teams?
Say X wants to onboard a new customer, X will fill in the customer information on the chatbot, the bot will inform Y about the action as presented in this image.
If Y approves the action, The bot will then send the data to the backend(Z).
If Y rejects the action, the bot will inform X that their action was rejected.
Is this possible at all? Please help with documentation if yes is the answer.

Should be fine
Suggest to use
a Task Module for X to provide input
Approvals in Teams to handle the approval flow.
In fact , as you use the term 'Makers', I think you should be able to set this up using Dataverse for Teams and an Power Automate workflow, which could be used by anyone having a Teams License, and much quicker to build.


MS Graph API Authentication | MS Teams | Bot framework

I am new to bot development. I am working on creating a MS Teams bot using bot framework. The bot will be installed in ‘Personal’ scope in Teams, and it doesn’t have any tab / messaging extension etc. Once installed, I want to get the list of all the members/ channels/ Notification updates (i.e. members added/deleted etc.). As per the different documentation, I can get the list using Graph API.
List members of team - Microsoft Graph v1.0 | Microsoft Docs
List members of a channel - Microsoft Graph v1.0 | Microsoft Docs
To achieve this, I need the token that will be passed in API. I am not sure how to implement that. I have followed the instructions mentioned in Add authentication to a bot in Bot Framework SDK - Bot Service | Microsoft Docs. There was a step to add ‘Add OAuth Connection Settings’ and there were multiple options in ‘Service Provider’. I selected ‘Azure Active Directory v2’. After doing that, it works and I can get the token, but it only works if during login, I user my azure directory credentials. I have a Microsoft account linked with my MS Teams which id different than the Azure account. A user in team can have a Microsoft account / work / office account so this needs to work for everyone so what would be the correct ‘Service Provider’ option that will work for all accounts?
I was thinking that the flow should be like:
When clicks on ‘Add’ button to install the app in Teams
Once added, bot will prompt for Graph API permission using OAuth.
Once user gives the permission, I can use the token to call graph APIs.
I have also looked at the following tutorials:
How to use Bot Framework Composer to build low-code Microsoft Teams bots (Part 1)
Get user profile information in your Microsoft Teams bot with Microsoft Graph (Part 2) - YouTube
But after performing all the steps, when I try to login, it says – ‘This action can't be performed since the app does not exist or has been uninstalled.’.
I am not getting a clear approach on how to proceed with it.
As #Maxim has also suggested, if you want to have a bot that should run multitenant you need to put tenant Id as common in OAuth Setting in Azure bot. As the value suggest it isn't going to specific to single tenant and Redirect Uri should be set to in app registration.
This is it, you don't need to add anything.
This is also mention in the doc --
We have some sample around it as well that shows how to use Graph API with the bot -
You can setup this one and update the Graph calls to get member of team or channels.

Passing Users between Twilio Studio Flows

Hi im relatively new to Twilio, and love Twilio Studio.
However, Can someone clarify whether this is possible.
I have built a simple Welcome flow in studio receiving SMS messages no problem. An Autopilot widget processes the incoming messages to which i then send the reply to a specific Flow in Studio.
This all works amazingly well...until the user is in this specific Flow (let's say Flow A). Once in this Flow A, at some point I ask for input to redirect to another Flow B.
But when I test the response (via a Send and Wait for Reply widget) to get to Flow B (using a redirect) nothing happens.
Can Twilio not process or pass users between different Flows from SMS (or any messaging app)?
Twilio developer evangelist here.
Twilio Studio does not currently support passing users between flows. Currently the best thing to do is include all of your flow logic within the one flow and make decisions using the split widget.

MS Graph API Teams: Application access to Channel Messages

I am looking at Teams Channel Create Chat Message method (currently only available in beta).
We have an application which manages groups of users and would like to integrate with MS Teams - create a Team, add Channels and send messages to the channel - all without a user. For this I have followed "Get access without a user".
However I notice that for this and other message level functions (list messages) Application permission is "Not Supported" and for our use case Delegated permissions is not really an option (similar to this).
Does anyone know why these are only available for Delegated Permission? is there a plan to enable this or is will this always not be "Not supported" for Application Access?
I appreciate that giving an Application full access to all messages may be something that Admins would not be keen on, but being able to post and retrieve messages from channels the application has created seems (to me) to be reasonable (perhaps the permissions model isn't that fine grained yet).
This is possibly an overlap of Unable to “List channel messages” on Azure AD Graph API Beta - the OPs answer contains an unanswered similar question.
We aren't currently sharing road map externally of when these types of things are being updated.
What we do ask is that you request these on our UserVoice channel so that we can track the demand and prioritize accordingly. If you can go here and add this request I'd appreciate this and I'll let the PM who owns this know

twilio how to get possible users

I retrieved an access token from my server and have connected the JavaScript SDk chat client like so. I have created a channel like so. The next step I'd like to invite a user like this. In that example they invite the user 'elmo'. Where do I get 'elmo' or how do I present the user with a selection of possible 'elmo's? The client sdk has no list users functionality.
It looks like the REST API has a list users method. But can't find any examples of it used. Should the 1st person chat client be using the REST API as well to supplement gaps in the client SDK or should it get the identity from backend? Our team has different interpretations of the docs: twilio REST API is strictly for backend vs. twilio REST API can and should be used any where. Moved to twilio REST API: strictly backend?
Twilio developer evangelist here.
In my opinion Twilio's Chat API should not be the central source of truth of the users in your system. I don't know anything more about your application than what you've written here, but I would expect that you have a user model within your own system that you have used to generate or create an identity that is then used by the Chat API as well as how your user logs in to your system. I would then use that user model to connect users and provide their identities so that they can join chats together.

Create slack channel using slack app

I have a private slack application (developed by user 'X' from team 'XT')
I have a web server knows how to complete the Oauth process and generate tokens per teams
Now- as a user Y from team YT I am installing the slack app on my YT team and get a token,
using that token I perform API call for channels.create ,
I got into my team (aka YT) and indeed I see that the channel was created ,
it's written that the channel was created by the specific user that installed the slack app, meaning user Y.
I would expect to see that channel was created by the application not by specific user.
Is there any way to do that ?
thought about using bot token (got from the app instllation) but channels.create cannot be performed by a bot
I am afraid there is no solution for your problem. Every "write" action on Slack has to be attached to either a bot or a user. And since channels.create can not be used by a bot, it has to be a user.
The master access token of your Slack app is linked to the user that installed it, which is why that user will appear as creator of the channel when you use it.
I use a generic admin user ("slackadmin") for that purpose on my own Slack, but that will of course not work as general solution for each Slack team that want to install your app from the Slack App Directory.
