Twilio Studio API and updating the function_sid between accounts - twilio

When using the new Studio API to import and export Studio flow JSON everything transfers correctly, however when importing from another account there are issues translating functions.
The service and environment sid can be replaced for the entire flow. While not ideal the process could however be automated. The real problem is with the function sid .Finding the function_sid would need to be manual or an api call to retrieve making this a more complicated process.
Currently the other option is to open the flow in the UI and mannual select the correct function. Is there a better way to do this?
Here is an example of the area of JSON that is an issue.
"properties": {
"service_sid": "<Your-service-sid-unique-to-account>",
"environment_sid": "<Your-environment-sid-unique-to-account/service>",
"offset": {
"x": -1230,
"y": -7330
"function_sid": "<Your-function-sid-unique-to-function>",
"parameters": [
"value": "{{trigger.message.From}}",
"key": "from"
"url": "https://<function-endpoint><function>"

From one of my collegues:
I would set the FQDN of the Twilio Function using liquid syntax in the Run Function Widget, that way the customer only has to update their Set Variables Widget in the case of having multiple function calls


How to update a test execution when importing Junit Multipart using Xray?

I was looking at the documentation of the Xray plugin for Jenkins:
And what I found, is a bit confusing, after a few attempts.
If I'm NOT trying to import executions using the multipart, I can update a test execution by specifying a Test Execution Key.
When I do try the multipart, I have this JSON
"fields": {
"project": {
"key": "${ProjectKey}"
"summary": "Temp Test execution",
"issuetype": {
"name": "Test Execution"
"labels": [],
"fixVersions": [
"name": "testrelease"
This always creates a new Test Execution within JIRA.
In their examples I see no way to send the test execution key for it to be updated.
Which is strange, because by importing without multipart, I can set it.
Anyone has any idea how to achieve this?
Currently, if you use the "multipart" kind of endpoints, a new Test Execution will always be created. To update existing Test Execution issues you need to use the standard endpoints (e.g., JUnit); however, these don't allow you to customize fields on the Test Execution.
There's an improvement in the backlog in order to enhance the existing behaviour; please vote on it and watch it, so the Xray team can become aware of your interest on this.

Documenting error codes definition in Swagger API contract

Imagine you are working under following circumstances:
You have REST API modules with API documentation generated into swagger-ui.html
Possible HTTP status codes for endpoints are documented well via io.swagger.annotations.* on controller method level for each endpoint.
In case of some error state (4XX or 5XX) application replies with ErrorResponseDTO with structure like
"ErrorResponseDTO": {
"type": "object",
"properties": {
"errorCode": {
"type": "integer",
"format": "int32"
"message": {
"type": "string"
Application have tens of errorCodes (within range like 1 - XX and please consider them as a legacy definiton without an easy way to change them).
List of errorCodes is relevant for the whole application so you prefer to keep their definiton list/table in overall API documentation rather then maintaining errorCodes definiton for each API endpoint separately.
Now you are looking for an effective way how to document these application error codes into API contract.
The approach of including a list of errorCodes with codes description into generated swagger-ui.html seems like a better way to keep API documentation up to date instead of having static and handwritten codes definition table attached in Markdown format in some Readme file.
Would you please have any recommendation how to document various codes which your applications produce?
Do you follow some specific good practice in this topic?
Thank you in advance.
Meanwhile within a small internal dev team and with frequent API extensions there can be used generated swagger-ui with included error codes:
public Docket swaggerSettings() {
ApiSelectorBuilder builder = new Docket(DocumentationType.SWAGGER_2)
new ApiInfoBuilder()
.title("Response errorCodes table")
return builder.apis(RequestHandlerSelectors.withClassAnnotation(Api.class))

Retrieve parameter from a Jenkins REST query

The following REST query will return parameters of the last successful build of a job:
I'd be interested to retrieve one of the parameters of this build, the BUILD_VERSION:
"_class": "org.jenkinsci.plugins.workflow.job.WorkflowRun",
"actions": [
"_class": "hudson.model.CauseAction",
"causes": [
"_class": "hudson.model.Cause$UpstreamCause",
"shortDescription": "Started by upstream project \"continuous-testing-pipeline-for-nightly\" build number 114",
"upstreamBuild": 114,
"upstreamProject": "continuous-testing-pipeline-for-nightly",
"upstreamUrl": "job/continuous-testing-pipeline-for-nightly/"
{ },
"_class": "hudson.model.ParametersAction",
"parameters": [
"_class": "hudson.model.StringParameterValue",
"name": "BUILD_VERSION",
"value": "1.1.15"
Is there a way to retrieve the BUILD_VERSION (1.1.15) directly using the REST Api or do I have to parse manually the json string ?
Yeah you can get the value,But it will only work for XML API :(
The JSON API will return a simplified json object using Tree :)
So Jenkins provides you with api (XML,JSON,PYTHON) from which you can read the Jenkins related data of any project. Documentation in detail is provide in https://localhost/job/test1/lastSuccessfulBuild/api
In that it clearly states that
XML API - Use XPath to control the fragment you want.For example, ../api/xml?xpath=//[0]
JSON API - Use tree
Python API - Use st.literal_eval(urllib.urlopen("...").read())
All the above can be used to get a specific fragment/piece from the entire messy data that you get from the API.
In your case, we will use tree for obvious reasons :)
Syntax : tree=keyname[field1,field2,subkeyname[subfield1]]
In order to retrieve BUILD_VERSION i.e. value
The above should get you what you want, but a bit of trail and error is required :)
You can also refer here for a better understanding of how to use Tree in JSON API
Hope it helps :)
Short answer: No.
Easiest way to programmatically access any attribute exposed via the JSON API is to take the JSON from one of Jenkins supported JSON APIs (in your case: https://localhost/job/<jobname>/lastSuccessfulBuild/api/json)
Copy the resultant JSON into
Generate the corresponding C# code. Don't forget to create a meaningful name for top level class.
Call RestAPI programmatically from C# using RestSharp.
Deserialise the json to the C# class you defined in 2 above.
Wammo, you have access to the entire object tree and all its values.
I used this approach to write an MVC5 ASP.NET site I called "BuildDashboard" to provide all the information a development team could want and answered every question they had.
Here is an example with a public jenkins instance and one of its builds in order to get "candidate_revision" parameter for "lastSuccessfulBuild" build:[name=%22candidate_revision%22]/value

Get Recommendation from LinkedIn API returns empty map [:] as response

I have created a web application from which I am trying to get recommendations of a user from his/her LinkedIn Profile using URL
String url=",recommendation-type,recommendation-text,recommender))?format=json"
When I am using this URL in the
Api Explorer it works fine. And gives output:-
{ "recommendationsReceived": {
"_total": 2,
"values": [
"id": 558598601,
"recommendationText": "xxx is among the best team players I ever worked with. He has handled client effectively with smooth operations. I had always seen him as person with solution mindset and always look for solution rather than thinking about the problem. ",
"recommendationType": {
"code": "colleague"
"recommender": {
"firstName": "XXX",
"id": "YYYY",
"lastName": "XXX"
"id": ZZZZ,
"recommendationText": "XXX is one of the most dedicated person at work.I always him with a flexible attitude and ready to adapt himself in all situation.I have seen him work all night to catch up all the deadlines and deliver on time ."
"recommendationType": {
"code": "colleague"
"recommender": {
"firstName": "XXX",
"id": "YYYY",
"lastName": "XXXX"
] } }
The problem comes, when I am using this URL in my Developer app.It doesn't give any error just simple return an empty map [:] as output in response
Irrespective of these recommendation fields, I successfully get the user basic profile data such as email, id, image,firstName,lastName.Means my code is working for other fields well but not for these recommendation fields*
To find the solution, I did some internet surfing and find a link of Linked API docs
Linked API Docs
As per Docs following selection of profile fields are only available
to applications that have applied and been approved for the Apply with
LinkedIn program:
Recommendation Fields
I already created a LinkedIn Developer account to get key & Secret
So how do I apply and get approval for Apply with LinkedIn Recommendation Fields.
I already have seen the LinkedIn support but can't find the way to ask question to the Linked Developer help support
Please suggest me the right way.
After a long internet surfing,I have found something fruitful that, I have to fill up a form to get these fields.Here is the form
along with its procedural details
You can use just recommendations-received keyword. Try the following link. I am getting all recommendations details with this link.

Why is Mandrill-api for Node expecting multiple callbacks

This question is mainly addressed to the creators of Mandrill, but anyone who have something to add are of course free to answer!
Why are the mandrill-api expecting two callbacks in the send messages functions? One to handle the result, and a second one to handle errors. I don't know all that much about other programming language, but I do know that in NodeJs there is a wide spread convention of using one callback, with 2 (sometimes more...) parameters. The first parameter is the error (null if non-existent), and the second parameter is the result.
I agree with you completely, Anders!
When I started using this node API, I got a bit fed up with just that. For one thing.
I cloned the latest version (at the time 1.0.39, now its 1.0.40) and transformed the double callback to a "standard" err, res-callback.
This is not tested for all parts of the API but has been working flawlessly for message part of the API
I also converted some of the input arguments to conform to native JS when it comes to taking arguments for e.g. mergevars. This change is made for Messages.prototype.send and Messages.prototype.sendTemplate
Core Mandrill API way:
"global_merge_vars": [{
"name": "merge1",
"content": "merge1 content"
"merge_vars": [{
"rcpt": "",
"vars": [{
"name": "merge2",
"content": "merge2 content"
The expected way (and the way I changed it, naturally ;-)
"global_merge_vars": [{
"merge1": "merge1 content"
"merge_vars": [{
"rcpt": "",
"vars": [{
"merge2": "merge2 content"
If you like it, feel free to use it or clone it:
