Hyperlink to a file in the current folder regardless of its location on the drive - hyperlink

Putting together a .doc file with a table of content with links to external files. The challenge is: how to make them so that it points to the given file in the current folder regardless of its location on the disk.
Context: I will be sending the set of files to another person, so I can't put the path on my machine, nor on a server since they will be working offline. They will be working on Remarkable device and I want them to be able to use the major overview file with the links to access each of the files, rather than having to browse the folders.


How can I access the contents of a folder selected from Files app?

Basically my app works like a iCloud-based note app (for example, logseq). Users first select a folder in Files app, then my app starts downloading/updating the contents of the folder.
So I implemented folder selection via UIDocumentPickerViewController, after I got the folder path in Files app. I tried downloading a hardcoded file like (<the folder path user just selected>/fileList.json) via FileManager.startDownloadingUbiquitousItem, got 257 permission error (the file does exist in my icloud drive). Then I followed the answer from this answer to call startAccessingSecurityScopedResource. It always returns false and the same 257 error returned.
Perhaps, I cannot access a random file from a selected folder? but how can those note apps work by simply letting users selecting a root folder?
Answering my own question after some debugging. Call startAccessingSecurityScopedResource on the folder path you grabbed from picker, not its subfiles. After that, you can start downloading its subfiles via startDownloadingUbiquitousItem

Make BitBucket Server Recognize Readme by Different Name

Using BitBucket Server, when viewing a folder in a repository that contains a README file, the contents of that file are automatically displayed on screen. It seems to automatically detect files names, for instance, "README.txt" or "README.md". However, it appears to require that the filename match must be exact. (except for the file extension) For instance, "_README.txt" is not automatically displayed.
Is there a way to change the parsing logic for BitBucket Server for which file(s) are automatically detected and displayed? More specifically, I'd like it to detect and display files named either "README" or "_README".
The reason for adding the underscore is it ensures that, when browsing the source code in Windows File Explorer or similar, sorting files alphabetically will (usually) show the "_README" first, making it easier to notice/find.

ASP.NET MVC How to display Image from folder outside webroot

Individual Folder create for each user when they register on website outside the webroot folder.I am able to upload the image and store Image path in database.However,I am unable to display the Image. I am trying to get the path of Image from database using LINQ and display in VIEW but it does not work. I can view only one(from the list of Image)Image when FILESTREAM the image path and retrun using FILESTREAMRESULT
Can anyone please guide me how to achieve it? All I want to do is create folder for each respective user when they register in external folder. Upload Image and display.
Typically, I would keep files in a secure database or within the application's subfolders. But, here's what I would suggest if you really need to access a different folder on the server.
Create a folder on your server's file system ahead of time.
On the server, assign permissions to that folder so that the identity used by your application can access it.
In your code, write code to access the folder and file path.
Hope that helps!
p.s. here's another Q&A on StackOverflow (with some words of warning) in which the second part of the answer is similar to what I suggested.
ASP.NET - Reading and writing to the file-system, outside the application

Keeping GoogleDrive files in sync with local files

I'm integrating Google Drive into an iOS app with the SDK, (which works great, thank you) and I would like to keep a set of files on Google Drive in sync with files on the device. By this I mean: When a user renames or moves a file on their device, I'd like it to rename/move on the server. If a user renames a folder, I'd like to rename that folder on the server.
With other cloud services that use a path to identify files, I can generate the path to rename or move the files on the server whenever I need them. With Google Drive, this is not the case--I need a file ID to rename or move something. Is there a convenient way to get the file ID from a path? Will I have to store information from Google Drive in my app? Is there a recommended best practice for this situation? Thanks for any help!
As far as I can see, you can keep a list of file ID when initially you insert file into Google Drive. When you insert a file into Google Drive, it will return a file resource which contains the inserted file ID and it doesnt change unless you delete it.

IsolatedStorage on Mono for Android

Where exactly is the IsolatedStorage on the android devices. I would have expected it to be in the /mnt/sdcard/Android/data/[packagename]/ location, but it is not. I used the File Explorer (from eclipse) to try and find it, but I can't.
If I can somehow load a html page into the WebView or play a video from IsolatedStorage, then I won't need this actual path. But, I don't want to copy the movie to a temporary location in order to play it, I might as well just store it on the SD Card.
The reason I am using IsolatedStorage is to minimize the custom code across the platforms, I am developing for the Windows Phone, which only allows for IsolatedStorage.
To determine the directory in which your "isolated storage" aka internal storage is kept, use the GetFilesDir() method. This method is part of the Activity base class. It is to be used for files you do not want other applications to have access to.
Other useful methods
Gets the absolute path to the filesystem directory where your internal files are saved.
Creates (or opens an existing) directory within your internal storage space.
Deletes a file saved on the internal storage.
Returns an array of files currently saved by your application.
See the android developers documentation for more details
I found that IsolatedStorageFile points towards internal memory only.
I used the Context.GetFilesDir() and the Context.GetExternalFilesDir() depending on the user's selection.
