Jenkins Pipeline with conditional "When" expression of choice parameters - jenkins

I'm new to Groovy. I'm not able to figure out what's wrong here.
Depends on the choice of input, I expect the script to execute either Step 'Hello' or 'Bye' but it skips both. I mostly orientated to this Jenkins pipeline conditional stage using "When" for choice parameters, but still can't figure it out.
How can I use those choice parameters correctly?
pipeline {
agent any
stages {
stage('Init') {
echo 'Log-in'
stage('Manual Step') {
input {
message "Hello or Goodbye?"
ok "Say!"
parameters{choice(choices:['Hello','Bye'], description: 'Users Choice', name: 'CHOICE')}
echo "choice: ${CHOICE}"
echo "choice params.: " + params.CHOICE //null
echo "choice env: " + env.CHOICE //Hello
stage('Hello') {
when{ expression {env.CHOICE == 'Hello'}}
echo 'Say Hello'
stage('Bye') {
when{ expression {env.CHOICE == 'Bye'}}
echo 'Say Bye'
[Pipeline] {
[Pipeline] stage
[Pipeline] { (Init)
[Pipeline] echo
[Pipeline] }
[Pipeline] // stage
[Pipeline] stage
[Pipeline] { (Manual Step)
[Pipeline] input
Input requested
Approved by Admin
[Pipeline] withEnv
[Pipeline] {
[Pipeline] echo
choice: Hello
[Pipeline] echo
choice params.: null
[Pipeline] echo
choice env: Hello
[Pipeline] }
[Pipeline] // withEnv
[Pipeline] }
[Pipeline] // stage
[Pipeline] stage
[Pipeline] { (Hello)
Stage "Hello" skipped due to when conditional
[Pipeline] }
[Pipeline] // stage
[Pipeline] stage
[Pipeline] { (Bye)
Stage "Bye" skipped due to when conditional
[Pipeline] }
[Pipeline] // stage
[Pipeline] }
[Pipeline] // node
[Pipeline] End of Pipeline
Finished: SUCCESS

From the docs:
Any parameters provided as part of the input submission will be available in the environment for the rest of the stage.
This means that your parameter CHOICE does not exist in the other stages. If you want to have a parameter that's available on all the stages, you can define a parameter outside of the stage, i.e.:
pipeline {
agent any
parameters {
choice(choices:['Hello','Bye'], description: 'Users Choice', name: 'CHOICE')
stages {
stage('Init') {
steps('Log-in') {
echo 'Log-in'
stage('Manual Step') {
steps('Input') {
echo "choice: ${CHOICE}"
echo "choice params.: " + params.CHOICE
echo "choice env: " + env.CHOICE
stage('Hello') {
when {
expression { env.CHOICE == 'Hello' }
steps('Execute') {
echo 'Say Hello'
stage('Bye') {
when {
expression {env.CHOICE == 'Bye'}
echo 'Say Bye'
This will behave as expected. The difference is that the job won't ask you for input, instead, you will provide the wanted parameters before pressing build.


Jenkins Declarative Piplines- Script is unable to pickup parameter as varible

I am New to Jenkins. Trying to create one basic Pipeline which is using choicebased parameters. Following is my script.
Code ----
agent {
label 'agent'
parameters {
choice choices: ['John', 'Stacy'], description: 'Choose one', name: 'Person'
stages {
stage('Print') {
steps {
echo "Hello ${params.Person}"
sh """if (${params.Person} = "John")
echo "Person is male."
echo "Person is female."
Now my build complete successfully regardless of whatever option I choose. It always display result "Person is female.
Following is result of one of my build.
Started by user ****
[Pipeline] Start of Pipeline
[Pipeline] node
Running on agent in
/home/temp/jenkins_agent/workspace/ChoiceBased PL
[Pipeline] {
[Pipeline] stage
[Pipeline] { (Print)
[Pipeline] echo
Hello John
[Pipeline] sh
+ John = John
/home/temp/jenkins_agent/workspace/ChoiceBased PL#tmp/durable-
b7e98c46/ 1: John: not found
+ echo Person is female.
Person is female.
[Pipeline] }
[Pipeline] // stage
[Pipeline] }
[Pipeline] // node
[Pipeline] End of Pipeline
Finished: Success
Please suggest what I am missing ?
I would change this just to be in Groovy rather than doing the compare in sh
stage('Print') {
steps {
echo "Hello ${params.Person}"
script {
if (params.Person == "John") {
echo "Person is male."
} else {
echo "Person is female."
Then when you choose Stacey you will get
[Pipeline] echo
Hello Stacy
[Pipeline] script
[Pipeline] {
[Pipeline] echo
Person is female.
[Pipeline] }
[Pipeline] // script
[Pipeline] }
[Pipeline] // stage
[Pipeline] }
[Pipeline] // node
[Pipeline] End of Pipeline
Finished: SUCCESS

Jenkins assign input to environment variable

Trying to assign user input from 1 stage to use in another stage , thought to do it with env variables but cant figure it out
code so far :
environment {
access_key =''
stages {
stage('User input for Auth'){
input {
message 'enter access_key'
parameters {
string 'access_key_input'
string 'secret_key_input'
environment {
access_key = sh(script:"echo ${access_key_input}", returnStdout: true).trim()
sh "echo ${env.access_key}"
stage("Build") {
steps {
sh "echo ${env.access_key}"
logs :
+ echo XXX
+ echo XXX
+ echo null
You can assign the input to a global variable and then access that wherever you want.
def INPUT_PARAMS = null
pipeline {
agent {
node {
label 'any'
options {
stages {
stage('User input for Auth') {
script {
INPUT_PARAMS = input message: "enter access_key", parameters: [
string(description: 'Access key', defaultValue: '', name: 'access_key_input'),
string(description: 'Secret access key', defaultValue: '', name: 'secret_key_input')
sh "echo ${INPUT_PARAMS.access_key_input}"
stage("Build") {
steps {
sh "echo ${INPUT_PARAMS.access_key_input}"
Input request
Started by user Praveen Premaratne
Replayed #152
Running in Durability level: MAX_SURVIVABILITY
[Pipeline] Start of Pipeline
[Pipeline] node
Running on devops-jenkins in /home/jenkins/workspace/Test
[Pipeline] {
[Pipeline] timestamps
[Pipeline] {
[Pipeline] stage
[Pipeline] { (User input for Auth)
[Pipeline] script
[Pipeline] {
[Pipeline] input
[2021-07-15T22:35:33.625Z] Input requested
[2021-07-15T22:35:43.540Z] Approved by Praveen Premaratne
[Pipeline] }
[Pipeline] // script
[Pipeline] sh
[2021-07-15T22:35:43.886Z] + echo a
[2021-07-15T22:35:43.886Z] a
[Pipeline] }
[Pipeline] // stage
[Pipeline] stage
[Pipeline] { (Build)
[Pipeline] sh
[2021-07-15T22:35:44.230Z] + echo a
[2021-07-15T22:35:44.230Z] a
[Pipeline] }
[Pipeline] // stage
[Pipeline] }
[Pipeline] // timestamps
[Pipeline] }
[Pipeline] // node
[Pipeline] End of Pipeline
Finished: SUCCESS

Jenkinsfile does not take into account conditional on branch

Here are the stages of my Jenkinsfile
stages {
stage("build") {
when {
expression {
BRANCH_NAME = 'alerta_dev_infra'
steps {
echo 'buidling the webhook'
stage("test") {
when {
expression {
env.BRANCH_NAME = 'alerta*'
steps {
echo 'testing the webhook'
stage("deploy") {
when {
expression {
env.BRANCH_NAME = 'alerta_dev_infra'
steps {
echo 'deploying the webhook'
However, when it is executed:
14:10:00 Push event to branch alerta_dev_infra
14:10:00 Started by user
14:10:00 Rebuilds build #9
14:10:49 First time build. Skipping changelog.
14:10:49 [Pipeline] }
14:10:49 [Pipeline] // stage
14:10:49 [Pipeline] withEnv
14:10:49 [Pipeline] {
14:10:49 [Pipeline] container
14:10:49 [Pipeline] { (hide)
14:10:49 [Pipeline] stage
14:10:49 [Pipeline] { (build)
14:10:49 Stage "build" skipped due to when conditional
14:10:49 [Pipeline] }
14:10:50 [Pipeline] // stage
14:10:50 [Pipeline] stage
14:10:50 [Pipeline] { (test)
14:10:50 Stage "test" skipped due to when conditional
14:10:50 [Pipeline] }
14:10:50 [Pipeline] // stage
14:10:50 [Pipeline] stage
14:10:50 [Pipeline] { (deploy)
14:10:50 Stage "deploy" skipped due to when conditional
14:10:50 [Pipeline] }
14:10:50 [Pipeline] // stage
14:10:50 [Pipeline] }
14:10:50 [Pipeline] // container
14:10:50 [Pipeline] }
14:10:50 [Pipeline] // withEnv
14:10:50 [Pipeline] }
14:10:50 [Pipeline] // node
14:10:50 [Pipeline] }
14:10:50 [Pipeline] // podTemplate
14:10:50 [Pipeline] End of Pipeline
This worked for me
when {
expression {
return env.GIT_BRANCH == "origin/master"
I have used the Choice Parameter to provide three choices for branch to select: master, develop and feature-1
Here is the pipeline code to use when conditional on BRANCH_NAME parameter
pipeline {
agent any
stages {
stage ('Build in master') {
when {
expression { params.BRANCH_NAME == 'master' }
steps {
echo "Building in master"
stage ('Build in develop')
when {
expression { params.BRANCH_NAME == 'develop' }
steps {
echo "Building in develop"
stage ('Build in feature')
when {
expression { params.BRANCH_NAME == 'feature-1' }
steps {
echo "Building in feature-1"
Output of the pipeline job:

jenkinsfile not passing env to sh

I am trying to set environment variable in Jenkinsfile following way,
pipeline {
agent { label 'slave1' }
stages {
stage ('Build') {
steps {
script {
script: 'python',
returnStdout: true
withCredentials([file(credentialsId: 'image-sign', variable: 'IMAGE_SIGN')]) {
dir('firmware/') {
sh '''
echo "Building"
echo "${env.BUILD_VERSION}"
post {
failure {
script {
echo "Pipeline Failed"
But its failing with following error Bad substitution
[Pipeline] echo
[Pipeline] sh
+ echo Building
/home/jenkins/jenkins_slave/workspace/Firmware/Branch/firmware#tmp/durable-54e04481/ 3: /home/jenkins/jenkins_slave/workspace/Firmware/Branch/firmware#tmp/durable-54e04481/ Bad substitution
Why I can't set ENV Var and use it in sh step ?
This is Jenkins thing I think. When you use the sh block with '; it will not have access to things like environment variables. Try using the " instead. That should work
sh """
echo "Building"
echo "${env.BUILD_VERSION}"
echo "${env}"
Jenkins should recognise the shell block and escape the " within the """ automatically.
pipeline {
agent { label 'slave1' }
stages {
stage ('Build') {
steps {
script {
script: 'python',
returnStdout: true
withCredentials([file(credentialsId: 'image-sign', variable: 'IMAGE_SIGN')]) {
dir('firmware/') {
sh """
echo "Building"
echo "${env.BUILD_VERSION}"
post {
failure {
script {
echo "Pipeline Failed"
My test case
pipeline {
agent {
node {
label 'devops-jenkins-slave'
options {
stages {
steps {
script {
sh """
post {
always {
Running in Durability level: MAX_SURVIVABILITY
[Pipeline] node
Running on devops-jenkins-slave in /home/jenkins/workspace/Samples/Test
[Pipeline] {
[Pipeline] timestamps
[Pipeline] {
[Pipeline] stage
[Pipeline] { (Setup)
[Pipeline] dir
22:09:55 Running in /home/jenkins/workspace/Samples/Test
[Pipeline] {
[Pipeline] script
[Pipeline] {
[Pipeline] }
[Pipeline] // script
[Pipeline] sh
22:09:56 [Test] Running shell script
22:09:56 + echo 1
22:09:56 1
[Pipeline] }
[Pipeline] // dir
[Pipeline] }
[Pipeline] // stage
[Pipeline] stage
[Pipeline] { (Declarative: Post Actions)
[Pipeline] dir
22:09:56 Running in /home/jenkins/workspace/Samples/Test
[Pipeline] {
[Pipeline] deleteDir
[Pipeline] }
[Pipeline] // dir
[Pipeline] }
[Pipeline] // stage
[Pipeline] }
[Pipeline] // timestamps
[Pipeline] }
[Pipeline] // node
[Pipeline] End of Pipeline
Finished: SUCCESS

Executing parallel stages with declarative pipeline only using last item from list

I'm not sure what i'm doing wrong here, since currently when i try to iterate on a list the creation of the stages seems fine, but when executing the shellscript, the value used is allways the last item of the list:
Working pipeline:
pipeline {
agent any
stages {
stage('set servers') {
steps {
script {
my_list = ['server1','server-2','server-3']
stage('Execute then') {
parallel {
stage('shouter') {
steps {
script {
shouter = [:]
script {
for(i in my_list) {
shouter["${i}"] = {
echo " ${i}"
parallel shouter
Console Output:
Replayed #4
Running in Durability level: MAX_SURVIVABILITY
[Pipeline] node
Running on Jenkins in /var/lib/jenkins/workspace/test
[Pipeline] {
[Pipeline] stage
[Pipeline] { (set servers)
[Pipeline] script
[Pipeline] {
[Pipeline] }
[Pipeline] // script
[Pipeline] }
[Pipeline] // stage
[Pipeline] stage
[Pipeline] { (Execute then)
[Pipeline] parallel
[Pipeline] [shouter] { (Branch: shouter)
[Pipeline] [shouter] stage
[Pipeline] [shouter] { (shouter)
[Pipeline] [shouter] script
[Pipeline] [shouter] {
[Pipeline] [shouter] script
[Pipeline] [shouter] {
[Pipeline] [shouter] }
[Pipeline] [shouter] // script
[Pipeline] [shouter] parallel
[Pipeline] [server1] { (Branch: server1)
[Pipeline] [server-2] { (Branch: server-2)
[Pipeline] [server-3] { (Branch: server-3)
[Pipeline] [server1] echo
[server1] server-3
[Pipeline] [server1] }
[Pipeline] [server-2] echo
[server-2] server-3
[Pipeline] [server-2] }
[Pipeline] [server-3] echo
[server-3] server-3
[Pipeline] [server-3] }
[Pipeline] [shouter] // parallel
[Pipeline] [shouter] }
[Pipeline] [shouter] // script
[Pipeline] [shouter] }
[Pipeline] [shouter] // stage
[Pipeline] [shouter] }
[Pipeline] // parallel
[Pipeline] }
[Pipeline] // stage
[Pipeline] }
[Pipeline] // node
[Pipeline] End of Pipeline
Finished: SUCCESS
Desired output:
[Pipeline] [server1] echo
[server1] server-1
[Pipeline] [server1] }
[Pipeline] [server-2] echo
[server-2] server-2
[Pipeline] [server-2] }
[Pipeline] [server-3] echo
[server-3] server-3
This is due to groovy closures and when the code they contain gets evaluated.
When the closures are run the value that is bound to the variable i is the value it had on the final iteration of the loop rather than the iteration where the closure was created. The closures' scopes have references to i and by the time any of the closures are executed i is 5.
Variables local to the loop body do not behave like this, obviously because each closure scope contains a reference to a different variable
This is why your stage name is ok but your value is not.
What’s the solution? Should we always use .each rather than a for loop? Well, I kind of like for loops in many cases and there can be memory utilization differences (don’t take that to mean loops are "better" or "more efficient").
If you simply alias the loop variable and refer to that alias in the
closure body all will be well
def fns = []
for (i in (1..5)) {
def myi = i
def isq = i * i
fns << {->
println "$myi squared is $isq"
fns.each { it() }
So this should work:
script {
shouter = [:]
for(i in my_list) {
def val = i
shouter["${i}"] = {
echo " ${val}"
parallel shouter
