I have below code in jenkins pipeline
stage("Install Dependencies") {
configFileProvider([configFile(fileId: "test.npmrepo.readonly", targetLocation: "${WORKSPACE}/.npmrepo")]){}
script {
sh “npm ci”
sh "git checkout -- .npmrepo"
} }
I am getting error as shown in screenshot, I guess issue is at "npm ci", kindly advise
Error in Jenkin Console:
You have smart quotes in the line sh “npm ci”. Replace them with straight quotes.
I created a Jenkins pipeline that runs dockerize the frontend app, build it and run playwrite test cases.
My problem is that, the running tests stage doesn't move to the next step after running all tests.
Jenkins file:
pipeline {
agent any
stages {
stage('Checkout') {
steps {
echo 'Clean workspace'
echo 'Checking out the PR'
checkout scm
stage('Build') {
steps {
echo 'Destroy Old Build'
echo 'Building'
sh 'make upbuild_d'
stage('Lint') {
steps {
echo 'Checking Lint'
sh 'make lint'
stage('Test') {
steps {
echo 'Running Tests ...'
sh 'make test-e2e'
// [StagePost] Clean after finishing
post {
always {
echo 'Destroy Build'
sh 'make destroy'
echo '## END ALWAYS BLOCK ##'
Here is the make test-e2e in Makefile
docker exec my-container bash -c 'npm run test:e2e'
And this is the test:e2e script npx playwright test --project=chromium
How can Jenkins detect that all tests are already run to execute the post steps?
This issue occurred because of this line in playwright.config.js reporter: 'html'.
This results in trying to open the test report in a browser that requires a GUI which isn't found inside the container, so the process hangs. It is fixed by updating the reporter config as reporter: [['html', { open: 'never' }]]
I'm trying to set up my Jenkins Pipeline to work along with SonarQube, However at the building stage Im getting the following error message:
/var/jenkins_home/workspace/practica3/node_modules/sonar-scanner/bin/sonar-scanner: exec: line 59: : Permission denied
I have the next Jenkins pipeline file:
pipeline {
agent {
docker {
image 'node:17-alpine3.14'
args '-p 3001:3000'
stages {
stage('Build') {
steps {
sh 'npm install'
sh "npm install sonar-scanner"
sh "npm run sonar"
stage('Test') {
steps {
sh 'npm run test'
My sonar-project.properties looks like this:
Any Ideas? I will appreciate it.
I'm trying to run a terraform commands from Jenkinsfile stage. The code I'm using is as below:
node {
stage ('Templates Deployment'){
sh "terraform init"
This fails with the error as :
+terraform init
/var/lib/jenkins/workspace/Terraform-Code/#tmp/durable-df843027/script.sh: line 1: terraform: command not found
Terraform is installed on the Jenkins server. When I execute the terraform init command from the server(CLI), it works fine.
But while running it from the Jenkinsfile(console) it's throwing this error.
Can someone please suggest how this error can be resolved? Any help to execute terraform commands via Jenkinsfile is highly appreciated.
Configure Terraform
Go to Manage Jenkins > Global Tool Configuration > It will display Terraform on the list.
give full path of terraform binary or set PATH before terraform init
`node {
stage ('Templates Deployment'){
sh """
terraform init"
You can set the PATH inside the environment block:
pipeline {
agent any
environment {
PATH = "/usr/local/bin/:$PATH"
stage("first stage"){
sh "cd /Users/<user>/Terraform/proj1"
sh "pwd"
sh "terraform"
I am having trouble getting a shell command to complete in a stage I have defined:
stages {
stage('E2E Tests') {
steps {
node('Protractor') {
checkout scm
sh '''
npm install
sh 'protractor test/protractor.conf.js --params.underTestUrl'
The shell command issues a protractor call which takes a config file argument, but this file fails to be found when protractor tries to retrieve it.
If I take a look at the workspace directory for where the repo is checked out to from the checkout scm step I can see the test directory is present with the config file present the sh step is referencing.
So I'm unsure why the file cannot be found.
I thought about trying to verify the files that can be seen around the time the protractor command is being issued.
So something like:
stages {
stage('E2E Tests') {
steps {
node('Protractor') {
checkout scm
def files = findFiles(glob: 'test/**/*.conf.js')
sh '''
npm install
sh 'protractor test/protractor.conf.js --params.underTestUrl'
echo """${files[0].name} ${files[0].path} ${files[0].directory} ${files[0].length} ${files[0].lastModified}"""
But this doesnt work, I dont think findFiles can be used inside a step?
Can anyone offer any suggestions about what may be going on here?
to do the debugging you were attempting (to see if the file is actually there) you could wrap the findFiles in a script (making sure your echo is before the step that fails) or use a basic find in an "sh" step like this:
stages {
stage('E2E Tests') {
steps {
node('Protractor') {
checkout scm
// you could use the unix find command instead of groovy's findFiles
sh 'find test -name *.conf.js'
// if you're using a non-dsl-step (like findFiles), you must wrap it in a script
script {
def files = findFiles(glob: 'test/**/*.conf.js')
echo """${files[0].name} ${files[0].path} ${files[0].directory} ${files[0].length} ${files[0].lastModified}"""
sh '''
npm install
sh 'protractor test/protractor.conf.js --params.underTestUrl'
I am using the pipeline plugin in Jenkins, but unable to run shell commands. I am receiving the following error:
[develop - pipeline] Running shell script
nohup: failed to run command ‘sh’: No such file or directory
The node is an Ubuntu instance.
node ('aws-ondemand') {
//println env.BUILD_NUMBER
try {
stage 'Checkout and Build'
git url: 'git#github.com:MyAndroidRepo.git',
branch: 'develop'
sh 'git submodule init'
sh 'git submodule update'
sh './gradlew clean build'
}catch (e) {
//currentBuild.result = "FAILED"
throw e
Nevermind. Script is fine. I was injecting env variables in the build step. I removed it and now its working.