Does YouTube Data API V3 work with YouTube Music? - youtube-api

I would like to extract playlist data from Youtube Music, as well as metadata related to the songs in the said playlist. Is this possible with the Youtube Data V3 API, or YouTube Analytics API?
If so, where can I find documentation about calls and available metadata; I am not finding what I need on the YouTube Data API page. I am currently referencing PlaylistItems and Playlists in the reference Docs, but it seems that is geared to videos. Is that by design because you can toggle between video and audio in YT Music?
If possible is there an official Rust Crate?
Thank you in advance for the help.

Indeed, this feature is missing from YouTube Data API and quite a few other API users expressed the same need as yours.
The official Google staff account says the following:
This type of information is not available in the API. We have already raised a feature request for this but I can't guarantee that this feature will be implemented.
That is it: they may well implement this feature at some point, but, unfortunately, cannot tell when that'll happen.


Audio RSS from YouTube channel

Whether it possible to create podcast RSS from YouTube channel?
Does YouTube have some API for this?
Also whether it possible to get audio from specific YouTube video?
I dont believe so, but Google does have documentation for the Youtube API.
I did not find much in the docs about just interacting with the audio, but here's the docs commmon use cases:

Was User Watch History removed in YouTube Data API v3?

If you look at YouTube V3 Docs it will say
YouTube uses playlists to identify special collections of videos for a channel, such as: (...) watch history (...).
Now, if you go to Channels List API and make a call for part=contentDetails&mine=true it will list your information but watchHistory will appear as HL and watchLater as WL.
It makes me wonder, and so far I couldn't find any explicit mention, from Google/YouTube, were those playlists removed from API? IS there any way to actually get that information from an authenticated user?
For quite some time I observed the same values you mentioned on various channels. According to the docs, watch history and watch later playlists are deprecated.

How to only find videos that can be played on mobile?

Does YouTube data API still not support this feature?
I have been trying to find a way for more than a few months already, and there doesn't seem to be a reliable way to retrieve a list of video that can be absolutely played without restrictions on a certain device. An answer from a person who's involved in the team would be VERY appreciated.
Youtube API: Search videos playable on mobile devices might be relevant, but I am skeptical whether this approach can be used to solve "The content owner prohibited this video to be played on this platform" type of restrictions.
On Nov, 7, 2015, there is still no way to filter the videos that are playable on a mobile device. More specifically, I want to find the videos that are playable on an embedded iFrame (ex. iOS helper library) using the YouTube data api v3. The available params for a search query are listed here.
You can find various search parameter listed in YouTube API v2.0 – API Query Parameters like license, restriction, paid_content that can help filter videos that are restricted for such specific reason. Also, if you can use YouTube API v3.0 there is one more option videoSyndicated that will restrict a search to only videos that can be played outside

YouTube API V3 Get Overall Ratings for Video

In YouTube's V2 API one could obtain a video's rating from the following tag
<gd:rating average="4.254023" numRaters="20509">
I am not finding this information contained within the new V3 api however.
I am using the videos api. I reviewed all of the available properties that can be returned at this location but while I am finding information about "ratings", that information pertains to movie and tv ratings, not how the video was rated.
Does anyone have experience with this that may know?
From the link you posted, see the statistics object, specifically statistics.likeCount and statistics.dislikeCount.

Can I use YouTube API to enable YouTube Live Streaming?

I'm developing a YouTube live streaming related program. I know there're APIs to create/list/delete broadcasts and live streams. But all these are assuming that YouTube Live Streaming is already enabled on your account.
I tried to but failed to find any API with which I can use to enable YouTube live streaming on my account. Is there such an API?
As far as I can tell, there is not. As you can see here:, in order to create live events on youtube an account must be verified and in good standing.
If you are making the API requests using a YouTube account that fulfills these requirements you can use the YouTube Data API to create liveBroadcasts, otherwise you will likely receive an insufficientPermissions error. This error is detailed here:
One potential way you could tell if an account is able to create live events programmatically would be to call the channels.list() method, and return the status. The status of the channels will have status.longUploadStatus. Long uploads also require an account to be verified and in good standing, so if this value returns allowed you likely have the permissions to work with live events. More details of this can be found in the YouTube Data API documentation.
Let me know if you find information to the contrary.
