Visual Studio complains about using C# 8 language features when the LanguageVersion is set to 9 with ReSharper 2019 installed - visual-studio-2019

I have a very odd problem where I will apply a recommended change that uses a C# 8.0 language feature (in this example I'll use compound assignment). I then get a red squiggly with the following message...
C# 8.0 language feature
This is a net5.0 project I have tried setting my language version property to any of the following...
All of them show the same behaviour. The only way I can get the error to go away is by setting the property to 8 or 8.0 which seems a somewhat retrograde step!
I'm using Visual Studio 2019 and I'm fully patched and up to date as of the time of writing, along with the latest version of ReSharper.
The code will compile without problems but the squiggles are generating noise. Has anyone else found this and has any ideas how to make it go away?

This looks like it was a ReSharper issue - JetBrains have introduced a new tool called Jetbrains Toolbox that seems to manage their updates now. My installed package was telling me it was up to date when it wasn't - I looked deeper and I was running ReSharper 2019.1 and not 2021.1


My VSIX extension is not showing on VS2017 (Was on 2015)

I have a VSIX extension ( that worked really well on my VS2015 but, as I built/run it on VS2017 (yeah, I've put the prerequisites on the .csproj properties), it is not appearing at 2017's TFS Pending Changes tab.
I've tried updating MIcrosoft.TeamfoundationServer.Controls to the 2017 version but still no success.
As I try to debug it, it seems that VS2017 isn't loading the extension at all. (Breakpoints aren't not been loaded)
Any help is welcome. Thanks!
Give a try with another new extension on VS2017(from marketplace) in your side. If this could also not installed successfully and you are using VS2017 RC.
You may encountered this issue--Unable to install extensions after updating VS2017 RC
Either update to latest VS version or use Stefan Z Camilleri 's workaround in above link.
If only your old extension could not be installed, since
Huge changes have been made by Microsoft on the installation, so
previous approaches of detecting VS won't work any more. For example,
to detect VS installation folder, now a few extra tools or scripts are
So guides such as How to: Migrate Extensibility Projects to Visual
are critical and you can follow the tips.
You could also refer more details in this similar question Visual Studio 2017 is not detected by extensions for installation
Looking through the log, I was able to find that some of my references were asking for Microsoft.TeamFoundation.Client Version=14.0.0, in fact, It was the Microsoft.TeamFoundation.VersionControl version=12.0 that were looking for it.
To solve it, I've made a 'binding redirect' like this:
[assembly: ProvideBindingRedirection(AssemblyName = "Microsoft.TeamFoundation.Client", NewVersion = "", OldVersionLowerBound = "", OldVersionUpperBound = "")]
It started appearing at the Exp instance and I was able to debug it.
Note that I strongly advise against doing such kind of workaround but, in my case, it was the only way I could make it load my extension so I could debug it.

Is it possible to develop f# using Visual Studio Express 2015 for Desktop?

I have been doing some programming in VB.NET on Visual Studio Express 2015 for Desktop. I recently started looking into F# and like the functional paradigm. As a result I have been trying to find a way to use VSE2015 as my IDE for F#. However, I have hit some problems. First of all, it has been difficult to find out if it is officially supported. The .NET blog suggests that it is (at least version 3.1.1, and the announcement for 4.0 RTM does not mention otherwise), but when I try to install F# Tools (4.0) it seems to choke on some components called VWD and WD(?). 3.1.1 seems to install OK, but then I still can't open any F# projects (fsproj). When I try to install FSharpVSPowerTools, it tells me that my platform is not supported.
Am I trying to do something that is not possible? Have I missed some steps? Any pointers would be appreciated. Thanks.
(Incidentally, I can't use the Community edition because of the licensing restrictions)
Edit: I have tried VS Code, but it works differently from VSE, and I would have to do a whole more learning. In addition, I want to use the VS template for creating XLL's. Edit 2: it has been pointed out that you can reference excel-dna in VS Code, but setting it up is not as straightforward as in VSE2015 (at least for VB.NET and C#.NET.

Trouble running specflow tests with VS2015 and resharper?

I'm using SpecFlow with Visual Studio 2013 without issue with Resharper 8.2. If I try running the tests in Visual Studio 2015 with Resharper 10 I get a "Not implemented" error if I right click a scenario and choose Run Unit Tests (worked in 2013 this way) and if I choose the Run SpecFlow Scenario option instead the project seems to build but the test never runs.
Has anyone else run into this? I tried uninstalling resharper, but it tells me no tests are found if I do that and "Run SpecFlow Scenarios" inside my feature file.
In my case the only thing I had to change is the follwoing setting fdrom Auto to Resharper - and it worked:
Its a known issue with Resharper 10 (And some versions of 9) and Specflow (The bindings)
I spent many hours last week banging my head against a wall with it (Someone decided to upgrade to R# 10 and all hell breaks loose with testing)
After many hours of playing around I worked out that certain versions work with certain versions of specflow (Currently)..
Image of versions grid (Selenium to Resharper version combinations that work) (Text as I cant post more than 2 links -_-)
This is hopefully a short term issue (For VS 2013/2015 anyways) as there is what looks like a fix in progress. Here for these two versions of visual studio (Specflow wise). Those links have more info in them (Than my short explanation)
For anyone still using VS 2010 or 2012 whether the Specflow plugin will ever be updated for these versions I don't know... (That being that version 1.9.2 of specflow) for those versions of VS has not been updated since 2013... (Could be updated I don't know however keep that in mind...)
The issue is basically Resharper test hooks have been changed again by the looks of it in R# 9.2+ (In some way). Which is why SpecFlow is not playing ball any more with higher versions! (Basically a waiting on a updated version) which for VS 2010 and 2012 may never come :(
I am using VS2015 / ReSharper Ultimate 2016.1.2 and was able to run after installing SpecRun.Runner v1.5.2 from NuGet / restarting VS2015. (As a side note I also have the "SpecFlow for Visual Studio 2015" extension installed).

How can I get started with Xamarin from Visual Studio 2013?

I want to port a Compact Framework/Windows CE app to Xamarin to create Android and IOS (and possibly Windows Phone) "versions." I reckon I need Windows 8 for Windows Phone (8) but for now I thought I could get started with Android and IOS in moving this prehistoric app into the 21st century.
According to this article, I first need "Project linker" and can NuGet it, but searching for it via Tools > Extensions and Updates in VS 2013 returns no search results.
That article says you need VS 2012 or better; the direct link to "Project Linker," though, says it supports VS 2010.
Where do I go from here?
I went here, and am in the processing of downloading.
Here, it says, "Modern Integrated Development Environment (IDE) – Xamarin uses Xamarin Studio on Mac OS X, and also Xamarin Studio or Visual Studio 2010 on Windows."
Yet in VS 2013, I do have project types now for Android and IOS*, so I reckon that's just a typo (hasn't been updated)?
although I don't have a Mac, so that is not possible for me right now; also, since I'm still on Windows 7 at work, Windows 8 Phone apps are not yet a possibility, either. So at present, Xamarin within Visual Studio is simply a replacement for Eclipse/Java in the creation of Android apps.
I've been waiting for something better than PhoneGap, and I think maybe I've found it. If MS were to buy this company and bake Xamarin into Visual Studio -- voila!/yowza/wow! The cats in Cupertino will have to reach for the Pepto-Bismol!
That's a bit outdated and there's a much better approach available today.
You can use Portable Class Libraries (PCL) to share code across project spanning iOS, Android, Windows (Phones) and even OSX.
See this article (and where it leads) for more details.
I certainly agree with #poupou that PCL's are the way to go (if possible). I would recommend James Montemagno's app on github. He just created this for channel9 using VS 2013. I just created a cross-platform app based off of this and it worked out well. I would only use the file-linking for the platform specific implementations with compiler directives. This can be seen in his ServiceRegistrar class in said app.
This SO answer actually explains how to get the 2012 Project Linker to work with 2013 if you still want to go that route and gives a link to the extension.
Also, you may want to check out MvvmCross. It is open-source, has a large user-base and following, and really helps with maximum code re-use. Best part, it uses PCLs and all of it's features (plugins) are available via nuget.
I would recommend reading the article #poupou posted, watching James' channel9 videos on his github page, and (if you want to check out mvvmcross) watch #slodge's N+1 videos on mvvmcross.

Problem with F# Powerpack. Method not found error

I've had F# Powerpack for a while now. It ran perfectly. But a few days before, I don't know what I did, whenever I compile my project and run it, I get an error
Method not found: 'System.Object Microsoft.FSharp.Text.Parsing.Tables`1.Interpret(Microsoft.FSharp.Core.FSharpFunc`2<Microsoft.FSharp.Text.Lexing.LexBuffer`1<Char>,!0>, Microsoft.FSharp.Text.Lexing.LexBuffer`1<Char>, Int32)'.
I tried on my laptop too. Then I thought, that it might be an error in my code. So I started a new project, F# Parsed Language Starter Kit (the starter kit you find online), and it fails with the same error. I tried reinstalling F# Powerpack but the error continues.
You've probably installed VS2010 SP1.
Please send details of your install configuration and updates to fsbugs AT
Also, please repair Visual Studio, and/or look at the instructions on this page and send us the contents of your pub.config file.
A workaround to get you going again is to recompile the F# Power Pack for .NET 4.0 (it is a .NET 2.0 binary, and this related to the issue you're seeing)
I've got the same error when trying to build WikiBooks Lexing/Parsing example in Visual Studio 2012. I resolved the problem by switching target framework from 4.0 to 4.5 in project settings.
