Rails NoMethodError when calling a method from a constant - ruby-on-rails

I'm trying to call a method inside a class constant. It returns a NoMethodError. Here's a sample code:
class TestingA
CONSTANT_HERE = { details: get_details('example.json') }
def get_details(file)
# retrieve details here
The error that appears is:
NoMethodError (undefined method `get_details' for TestingA:Class)
Any ideas on why?

Generally, dynamic constant assignment is discouraged in Ruby. Why would you want to define a constant that can possibly change within the life-cycle of an object? We don't know exactly what get_details is doing, but what is the use case of creating an instance method that is called from a constant as well as exposing the method? We can only assume return value is dynamic at this stage. Rubocop is also going arrest you for not freezing the constants, which is bad as linters are a good tool to abide by.
Constants can be changed and there is no way to avoid this as variables in Ruby are not containers: they point towards an object. However, it is your duty to make your code readable. If you see a constant that you cannot easily discern the value of, would you think that is readable?
We should talk about how Ruby loads constants and, more generally, files. Every Ruby application has its entry point. The interpreter will need the file to load and execute the commands of the application. The Ruby interpreter will increment over each statement inside your file and execute them following a specific set of rules, until it parses the entire file. What happens when the interpreter iterates to a constant? What other types of constants are there? Hint: CONSTANT_HERE is not the only constant you are defining.
The class keyword is processed first and the interpreter creates a constant 'TestingA' and stores in that constant a class object. The name of the class instance is "TestingA", a string, named after the constant. Yes, classes and modules are constants. Each class has a constant table, which is where "TestingA" will be stored. After this, the body of the class is interpreted and a new entry is created in the constant table for "CONSTANT_HERE" and the value is set and stored. This is happening before your definition of get_details has been defined: the interpreter wants to set the value, to store it, before "get_details" has been interpreted, which is why you are experiencing the error you are.
Now we know this, and wanting to provide an example of how constants are evaluated in code, you would need to mimic the below in order to have a method defined in a constant:
def get_details(file)
class TestingA
CONSTANT_HERE = { details: get_details('example.json') }
In my opinion, the above is not good practise as it is an example mis-use of constant assignment. If you want to get details from a file, define a class/method and call the API/method instead. It's neater, assigns role of responsibility and is less ambiguous.


Rails Memoization of Helper method

I have a helper method that does expensive calculations and returns a Hash, and this Hash is constant during my entire application lifespan (meaning it can only change after a re-deploy) and it also doesn't take any arguments.
For performance, I wish I could 'cache' the resulting Hash.
I don't want to use Rails cache for this, since I want to avoid the extra trip to memcached and I don't want the overhead of de-serializing the string into a hash.
My first idea was to assign the resulting hash to a Constant and calling .freeze on it. But the helper is an instance method, the constant lives on the class, and I had to do this ultra hacky solution:
module FooHelper
def expensive_calculation_method
EXPENSIVE_CALCULATION_CONSTANT = Class.new.extend(self).expensive_calculation_method.freeze
This is due to the helper method being an instance method, the helper being a Module (which leads to the fake Class extend so I can call the instance method) and I also must declare the constant AFTER the instance method (if I declare it right after module FooHelper, I get an undefined method 'expensive_calculation_method'.
The second idea was to use memoization, but at least for Rails Controllers memoization is the persistance of a variable over the lifecycle of a single request, so it's only valuable if you reuse a variable many times from within a single request, which is not my case, but at the same time Helpers are modules, not Classes to be instanciated, and by this point I don't know what to do.
How would I cache that Hash, or memoize it in a way that persists over requests?
Per your comments, this will only change at application boot, so placing it in an initializer would do the trick.
# config/initializers/expensive_thing.rb
$EXENSIVE_THING_GLOBAL = expensive_calculation
# or
EXPENSIVE_THING_CONSTANT = expensive_calculation
# or
Rails.application.config.expensive_thing = expensive_calcualatioin
If you want to cache the result of some painful operation at launch time:
module MyExpensiveOperation
COMPUTED_RESULT = OtherModule.expensive_operation
def self.cached
Just make sure that module's loaded somehow or it won't initiate. You can always force-require that module if necessary in environment.rb or as a config/initializer type file.
If you want to lazy load the basic principle is the same:
module MyExpensiveOperation
def self.cached
return #cached if (defined?(#cached))
#cached = OtherModule.expensive_operation
That will handle operations that, for whatever reason, return nil or false. It will run once, and once only, unless you have multiple threads triggering it at the same time. If that's the case there's ways of making your module concurrency aware with automatic locks.

How to save nil into serialized attribute in Rails 4.2

I am upgrading an app to Rails 4.2 and am running into an issue where nil values in a field that is serialized as an Array are getting interpreted as an empty array. Is there a way to get Rails 4.2 to differentiate between nil and an empty array for a serialized-as-Array attribute?
Top level problem demonstration:
> Rails.version
=> "3.0.3"
> a = AsrProperty.new; a.save; a.keeps
=> nil
> Rails.version
=> "4.2.3"
> a = AsrProperty.new; a.save; a.keeps
=> []
But it is important for my code to distinguish between nil and [], so this is a problem.
The model:
class AsrProperty < ActiveRecord::Base
serialize :keeps, Array
I think the issue lies with Rails deciding to take a shortcut for attributes that are serialized as a specific type (e.g. Array) by storing the empty instance of that type as nil in the database. This can be seen by looking at the SQL statement executed in each app:
[old_app]: INSERT INTO asr_properties (lock_version, keeps)
Note that the above log line has been edited for clarity; there are other serialized attributes that were being written due to old Rails' behavior.
[new_app]: INSERT INTO asr_properties (lock_version)
There is a workaround: by removing the "Array" declaration on the serialization, Rails is forced to save [] and {} differently:
class AsrProperty < ActiveRecord::Base
serialize :keeps #NOT ARRAY
Changing the statement generated on saving [] to be:
INSERT INTO asr_properties (keeps, lock_version) VALUES ('---[]\n', 0)
> a = AsrProperty.new; a.save; a.keeps
=> nil
I'll use this workaround for now, but:
(1) I feel like declaring a type might allow more efficiency, and also prevents bugs by explicitly prohibiting the wrong data type being stored
(2) I'd really like to figure out the "right" way to do it, if Rails does allow it.
So: can Rails 4.2 be told to store [] as its own thing in a serialized-as-Array attribute?
What's going on?
What you're experiencing is due to how Rails 4 treats the 2nd argument to the serialize call. It changes its behavior based on the three different values the argument can have (more on this in the solution). The last branch here is the one we're interested in as when you pass the Array class, it gets passed to the ActiveRecord::Coders::YAMLColumn instance that is created. The load method receives the YAML from the database and attempts to turn it back into a Ruby object here. If the coder was not given the default class of Object and the yaml argument is nil in the case of a null column, it will return a new instance of the class, hence the empty array.
There doesn't appear to be a simple Rails-y way to say, "hey, if this is null in the database, give me nil." However looking at the second branch here we see that we can pass any object that implements the load and dump methods or what I call the basic coder protocol.
Example code
One of the members of my team built this simple class to handle just this case.
class NullableSerializer < ActiveRecord::Coders::YAMLColumn
def load(yaml)
return nil if yaml.nil?
This class inherits from the same YAMLColumn class provided by ActiveRecord so it already handles the load and dump methods. We do not need any modifications to dump but we want to slightly handle loading differently. We simply tell it to return nil when the database column is empty and otherwise call super to work as if we made no other modification.
To use it, it simply needs to be instantiated with your intended serialization class and passed to the Rails serialize method as in the following, using your naming from above:
class AsrProperty < ActiveRecord::Base
serialize :keeps, NullableSerializer.new(Array)
# …
The "right" way
Getting things done and getting your code shipped is paramount and I hope this helps you. After all, if the code isn't being used and doing good, who cares how ideal it is?
I would argue that Rails' approach is the right way in this case especially when you take Ruby's philosophy of The Principle of Least Surprise into account. When an attribute can possibly be an array, it should always return that type, even if empty, to avoid having to constantly special case nil. I would argue the same for any database column that you can put a reasonable default on (i.e. t.integer :anything_besides_a_foreign_key, default: 0). I've always been grateful to past-Aaron for remembering this most of the time whenever I get an unexpected NoMethodError: undefined method 'whatever' for nil:NilClass. Almost always my special case for this nil is to supply a sensible default.
This varies greatly on you, your team, your app, and your application and it's needs so it's never hard and fast. It's just something I've found helps me out immensely when I'm working on something and wondering if amount could default to 0 or if there's some reason buried in the code or in the minds of your teammates why it needs to be able to be nil.

Understanding Ruby variables and symbols?

I am having some trouble understanding the syntax of variables and symbols in Ruby. I am reading a book called Agile Web Development with Rails 4. I am trying to learn both Ruby and Rails so that I can build websites.
The books and tutorials I have been reading sometimes have variables with the "#" symbol in front of them, and then some variables do not have the # symbol in front of them. What is the difference between them?
Also, I am getting confused with the colon. Sometimes I see variables where the colon is in the front, such as :order, and then I see variables where the colon is at the end, such as colon:. I do not understand what the colon is doing.
Please help me understand the Ruby syntax.
Variables starting with # are instance variables, "properties" in other languages. Whereas 'classic' variables are local to the scope of their method/block, instance variables are local to a specific instance of an object, for example:
class Foo
def initialize(bar)
#bar = bar
def bar
#bar # the variable is specific to this instance
def buzz
buzz = 'buzz' # this variable is not accessible outside of this method
You may also see variables starting with ##, which are class variables, and are accessible by every instance of the class and shared with every instance of the subclass. Usage of those variables is usually discouraged, primarily because subclasses share the variable, which can cause a lot of mess.
In Ruby everything is an object, classes are objects (instances of class Class), so you can also have class instance variables:
class Foo
def self.bar
#bar #we are in class Foo's scope, which is an instance of class Class
def self.bar=(bar)
#bar = bar
def bar
#bar # Foo.new.bar != Foo.bar
What you call "variables with a colon" are not variables. They are a particular type of string, called a symbol, that is immutable and optimized for quick identification by the interpreter, in fact, those are stored internally as pointers, so that :this == :this is a very quick operation.
This property makes them good candidates for hash keys because they offer quick retrieval or for "flags" to pass to a method; Think of them as a sort of loose constant that "stands for" what they say. Their immutability is also dangerous: All symbols ever created never get garbage collected; It's easy to create a memory-leak by creating thousands of symbols, so use them wisely.
UPDATE since ruby 2.2 symbols may be garbage-collected in certain cases (when no reference is kept and no comparison is needed)
Variables with an # symbol are instance variables. What this means is that they persist as long as the instance of the class they are declared in persists. So if you have a class called Message and each message has a variable called #subject, when you instantiate a new message it will keep that subject variable in memory as long as the message object itself lives. Now if it did not have the # symbol, once the function it was declared in "went out of scope" aka finished, the variable would be "lost" as the function was complete and the memory was reclaimed by the Ruby VM. There are also "class variables" that are prefaced with two # symbols. This means the variable is shared across all instances of a class.
As for the colon, if it is before a variable that means it is a "symbol", which is usually used as an identifer for hashes and other bits of data in Ruby. If it is at the end of a word that means it is the key portion of a hash identifier in Ruby 1.9+ syntax.
Instance Variables: (#foo = '123') An instance variable is defined and keeps its value throughout the current instance of the request. In the rails mvc paradigm, the most common use of instance variables are used to help communicate data from the controller to the view, and allows you ro define things in one part of the controller and use in another.
class ProjectsController < ApplicationController
before_filter :find_project
def show; end
def update
if #project.update_attributes(params[:project])
def find_project
#project = Project.find(params[:id])
In the above code, you can see that there is a before filter that gets ran before every method. In the above case, we find the current project and save it to an instance variable. And because its an instance method, its able to be access anywhere within this class as well as the views used to render the html.
Local Variables: (foo = '123') Pretty much exactly what the name implies, they are only able to be accessed within the current method (def) of where they are defined.
sometimes have variables with the "#" symbol in front of them, and then some variables do not have the # symbol in front of them.
Variables with the "#" symbol are instance variables,which are not preceded by #,can be constants or local variables or global variables. Read Ruby Programming/Syntax/Variables and Constants.
Sometimes I see variables where the colon is in the front, such as :order
They are called symbols.
and then I see variables where the colon is at the end, such as colon:. I do not understand what the colon is doing.
These probably the Hash syntax(as you give us hints,so I would guess),where keys are symbols. Example : {foo: 1} - this is a Hash.
Also read as you requested :
Normal Variables Vs Instance variable in Ruby, Whats the difference?

See where a symbol is defined in irb

I work on a pretty large rails project at work. Sometimes I need to hunt down class / constant definitions. Is there some built-in method in Ruby to do this for me? Example:
irb> SOME_CONSTANT.__file__
=> /some/path/to/a/file
This isn't exactly what you're looking for, but methods do have a .source_location method on them. You can use this to find out where a class is actually implemented. (Since ruby lets you reopen classes, this could be in multiple places)
for example, given an instance of an object, i:
i.methods.map do |method_name|
method_obj = i.method(method_name)
file, line = method_obj.source_location
file #map down to the file name
will give you a list of all the files where i's methods are implemented.
This will work for classes that have at least 1 method implemented in ruby. It won't work for constants, though.
At the very beginning before any file is loaded, insert a line that defines the class/constant that you want to check as something other than a module. For example, suppose you have class or other kind of constant A within your code, and want to know where it is defined. Then, at the very beginning of the main file, write
A = nil
Then, when the program is run, whenever it first meets the definition of class/constant A, it will show something like
some_path_to_a_file:line_number in `some_method': A is not a class (TypeError)
some_path_to_a_file:line_number: warning: already initialized constant A
Then, some_path_to_a_file:line_number will be the location where A is defined.
If you're using Ruby 1.9.2, #YenTheFirst's answer is correct: call #source_location on a Method object.
If you're using Ruby 1.8.7, then #source_location doesn't exist (yet). You'll need something like this implementation of a method. (There's another one or two floating around, but I can't find the other one real quick).

When you say Ruby is reflective, does this mainly refer to "duck typing"?

I was reading a text describing Ruby and it said the following:
Ruby is considered a “reflective”
language because it’s possible for a
Ruby program to analyze itself (in
terms of its make-up), make
adjustments to the way it works, and
even overwrite its own code with other
I'm confused by this term 'reflective' - is this mainly talking about the way Ruby can look at a variable and figure out whether it's an Integer or a String (duck typing), e.g.:
x = 3
x = "three" # Ruby reassigns x to a String type
To say Ruby is "reflective" means that you can, for instance, find out at runtime what methods a class has:
>> Array.methods
=> ["inspect", "private_class_method", "const_missing",
[ ... and many more ... ]
(You can do the same thing with an object of the class.)
Or you can find out what class a given object is...
>> arr = Array.new
=> []
>> arr.class
=> Array
And find out what it is within the class hierarchy...
>> arr.kind_of?
>> arr.kind_of? Array
=> true
>> arr.kind_of? String
=> false
In the quote where they say "it’s possible for a Ruby program to analyze itself" that's what they're talking about.
Other languages such as Java do that too, but with Ruby it's easier, more convenient, and more of an everyday part of using the language. Hence, Ruby is "reflective."
No, it means that you can issue a ruby command to get information about, well, just about anything. For example, you can type the command File.methods() to get a listing of all methods belonging to the File module. You can do similar things with classes and objects -- listing methods, variables, etc.
Class reopening is a good example of this. Here's a simple example:
class Integer
def moxy
if self.zero?
self - 2
elsif self.nonzero?
self + 2
puts 10.moxy
By reopening a standard Ruby class - Integer - and defining a new method within it called 'moxy', we can perform a newly defined operation directly on a number. In this case, I've defined this made up 'moxy' method to subtract 2 from the Integer if it's zero and add two if it's nonzero. This makes the moxy method available to all objects of class Integer in Ruby. (Here we use the 'self' keyword to get the content of the integer object).
As you can see, it's a very powerful feature of Ruby.
EDIT: Some commenters have questioned whether this is really reflection. In the English language the word reflection refers to looking in on your own thoughts. And that's certainly an important aspect of reflection in programming also - using Ruby methods like is_a, kind_of, instance_of to perform runtime self-inspection. But reflection also refers to the the ability of a program to modify its own behavior at runtime. Reopening classes is one of the key examples of this. It's also called monkey patching. It's not without its risks but all I am doing is describing it here in the context of reflection, of which it is an example.
It refers mainly at how easy is to inspect and modify internal representations during run-time in Ruby programs, such as classes, constants, methods and so on.
Most modern languages offer some kind of reflective capabilities (even statically typed ones such as Java), but in Ruby, it is so easy and natural to use these capabilities, that it really make a real difference when you need them.
It just makes meta-programming, for example, an almost trivial task, which is not true at all in other languages, even dynamic ones.
