Will access node become the bottleneck in TimescaleDB for horizontal scaling? - time-series

In a multi-node deployment of TimescaleDB, a database can assume the role of either an access node or a data node. According to TimescaleDB doc, clients interact with the distributed hypertable all through the access node, including the data insertion operation. This means that TimescaleDB access node will be the bottleneck when the write traffic increases. Any solution on address this issue and making TimescaleDB support 10x write traffic of a single access node?

We have internally built PoC for smart clients to write directly to data nodes, and other approaches to further scale out in the future. Just on the roadmap for future =)
(TimescaleDB person)


Can I have some keyspaces replicated to some nodes?

I am trying to build multiple API for which I want to store the data with Cassandra. I am designing it as if I would have multiple hosts but, the hosts I envisioned would be of two types: trusted and non-trusted.
Because of that I have certain data which I don't want to end up replicated on a group of the hosts but the rest of the data to be replicated everywhere.
I considered simply making a node for public data and one for protected data but that would require the trusted hosts to run two nodes and it would also complicate the way the API interacts with the data.
I am building it in a docker container also, I expect that there will be frequent node creation/destruction both trusted and not trusted.
I want to know if it is possible to use keyspaces in order to achieve my required replication strategy.
You could have two Datacenters one having your public data and the other the private data. You can configure keyspace replication to only replicate that data to one (or both) DCs. See the docs on replication for NetworkTopologyStrategy
However there are security concerns here since all the nodes need to be able to reach one another via the gossip protocol and also your client applications might need to contact both DCs for different reads and writes.
I would suggest you look into configuring security perhaps SSL for starters and then perhaps internal authentication. Note Kerberos is also supported but this might be too complex for what you need at least now.
You may also consider taking a look at the firewall docs to see what ports are used between nodes and from clients so you know which ones to lock down.
Finally as the above poster mentions, the destruction / creation of nodes too often is not good practice. Cassandra is designed to be able to grow / shrink your cluster while running, but it can be a costly operation as it involves not only streaming data from / to the node being removed / added but also other nodes shuffling around token ranges to rebalance.
You can run nodes in docker containers, however note you need to take care not to do things like several containers all accessing the same physical resources. Cassandra is quite sensitive to io latency for example, several containers sharing the same physical disk might render performance problems.
In short: no you can't.
All nodes in a cassandra cluster from a complete ring where your data will be distributed with your selected partitioner.
You can have multiple keyspaces and authentication and authorziation within cassandra and split your trusted and untrusted data into different keyspaces. Or you an go with two clusters for splitting your data.
From my experience you also should not try to create and destroy cassandra nodes as your usual daily business. Adding and removing nodes is costly and needs to be monitored as your cluster needs to maintain repliaction and so on. So it might be good to split cassandra clusters from your api nodes.

How to reconnect partitioned nodes in erlang cluster

Looking for some solutions to handle Erlang cluster partitions. Basically, whenever cluster participant is reachable again it should be added back to the cluster.The easiest solution is probably to use erlang node monitoring.
Are there any other / better solutions, maybe more dynamic which does not require fixed nodes list?
There are a few 3rd party libraries that don't have to be configured using a fixed node list. The two that I am familiar with are redgrid and erlang-redis_sd_epmd, there are probably others, but i'm just not familiar with them.
Both of these do have an external dependancy on redis which may or may not be desirable depending on what you decide is needed.
redgrid is the simpler implementation, but doesn't have a ton of features. Basically the erlang nodes connect to redis, and all erlang nodes connected to redis then establish connections to each other. You can associate meta-data with a node and retrieve it on another node.
erlang-redis_sd_epmd is a bit more complex, but allows a lot more configuration. For example instead of just automatically connecting all nodes, a node can publish services that it can perform, and a connecting node can look up nodes based on the services provided.
Not an off the shelf solution, but if you're already doing custom mods to ejabberd you can try integrating this code which resolves mnesia conflicts after cluster partitions.

FoundationDB, the layer: Is it hosted on client application or server nodes?

Recently I was reading about concept of layers in FoundationDB. I like their idea, the decomposition of storage from one side and access to it from other.
There are some unclear points regarding implementation of the layers. Especially how they communicate with the storage engine. There are two possible answers: they are parts of server nodes and communicate with the storage by fast native API calls (e.g. as linked modules hosted in the server process) -OR- hosted inside client application and communicate through network protocol. For example, the SQL layer of many RDBMS is hosted on the server. And how are things with FoundationDB?
PS: These two cases are different from the performance view, especially when the clinent-server communication is high-latency.
To expand on what Eonil said: the answer rests on the distinction between two different sense of "client" and "server".
Layers are not run within the database server processes. They use the FDB client API to make requests of the database, and do not (with one exception*) get to pierce the transactional key-value abstraction.
However, there is nothing stopping your from running the layers on the same physical (or virtual) server machines as the database server processes. And, as that post from the community site mentions, there are use cases where you might very much wish to do this in order to minimize latencies.
*The exception is the Locality API, which is mostly useful in exactly those cases where you want to co-locate client-side layers with the data on which they operate.
Layers are on top of client-side library feature.
Cited from http://community.foundationdb.com/questions/153/what-layers-do-you-want-to-see-first
That's a good question. One reason that it doesn't always make sense
to run layers on the server is that in a distributed database, that
data is scattered--the servers themselves are a network hop away from
a random piece of data, just like the client.
Of course, for something like an analytics layer which is aware of
what data each server contains, it makes sense to run a distributed
version co-located with each of the machines in the FDB cluster.

What is Mnesia replication strategy?

What strategy does Mnesia use to define which nodes will store replicas of particular table?
Can I force Mnesia to use specific number of replicas for each table? Can this number be changed dynamically?
Are there any sources (besides the source code) with detailed (not just overview) description of Mnesia internal algorithms?
Manual. You're responsible for specifying what is replicated where.
Yes, as above, manually. This can be changed dynamically.
I'm afraid (though may be wrong) that none besides the source code.
In terms of documenation the whole Erlang distribution is hardly the leader
in the software world.
Mnesia does not automatically manage the number of replicas of a given table.
You are responsible for specifying each node that will store a table replica (hence their number). A replica may be then:
stored in memory,
stored on disk,
stored both in memory and on disk,
not stored on that node - in this case the table will be accessible but data will be fetched on demand from some other node(s).
It's possible to reconfigure the replication strategy when the system is running, though to do it dynamically (based on a node-down event for example) you would have to come up with the solution yourself.
The Mnesia system events could be used to discover a situation when a node goes down; given you know what tables were stored on that node you could check the number of their online replicas based on the nodes which were still online and then perform a replication if needed.
I'm not aware of any application/library which already manages this kind of stuff and it seems like a quite an advanced (from my point of view, at least) endeavor to make one.
However, Riak is a database which manages data distribution among it's nodes transparently from the user and is configurable with respect to the options you mentioned. That may be the way to go for you.

Is this the right way of building an Erlang network server for multi-client apps?

I'm building a small network server for a multi-player board game using Erlang.
This network server uses a local instance of Mnesia DB to store a session for each connected client app. Inside each client's record (session) stored in this local Mnesia, I store the client's PID and NODE (the node where a client is logged in).
I plan to deploy this network server on at least 2 connected servers (Node A & B).
So in order to allow a Client A who is logged in on Node A to search (query to Mnesia) for a Client B who is logged in on Node B, I replicate the Mnesia session table from Node A to Node B or vise-versa.
After Client A queries the PID and NODE of the Client B, then Client A and B can communicate with each other directly.
Is this the right way of establishing connection between two client apps that are logged-in on two different Erlang nodes?
Creating a system where two or more nodes are perfectly in sync is by definition impossible. In practice however, you might get close enough that it works for your particular problem.
You don't say the exact reason behind running on two nodes, so I'm going to assume it is for scalability. With many nodes, your system will also be more available and fault-tolerant if you get it right. However, the problem could be simplified if you know you only ever will run in a single node, and need the other node as a hot-slave to take over if the master is unavailable.
To establish a connection between two processes on two different nodes, you need some global addressing(user id 123 is pid<123,456,0>). If you also care about only one process running for User A running at a time, you also need a lock or allow only unique registrations of the addressing. If you also want to grow, you need a way to add more nodes, either while your system is running or when it is stopped.
Now, there are already some solutions out there that helps solving your problem, with different trade-offs:
gproc in global mode, allows registering a process under a given key(which gives you addressing and locking). This is distributed to the entire cluster, with no single point of failure, however the leader election (at least when I last looked at it) works only for nodes that was available when the system started. Adding new nodes requires an experimental version of gen_leader or stopping the system. Within your own code, if you know two players are only going to ever talk to each other, you could start them on the same node.
riak_core, allows you to build on top of the well-tested and proved architecture used in riak KV and riak search. It maps the keys into buckets in a fashion that allows you to add new nodes and have the keys redistributed. You can plug into this mechanism and move your processes. This approach does not let you decide where to start your processes, so if you have much communication between them, this will go across the network.
Using mnesia with distributed transactions, allows you to guarantee that every node has the data before the transaction is commited, this would give you distribution of the addressing and locking, but you would have to do everything else on top of this(like releasing the lock). Note: I have never used distributed transactions in production, so I cannot tell you how reliable they are. Also, due to being distributed, expect latency. Note2: You should check exactly how you would add more nodes and have the tables replicated, for example if it is possible without stopping mnesia.
Zookeper/doozer/roll your own, provides a centralized highly-available database which you may use to store the addressing. In this case you would need to handle unregistering yourself. Adding nodes while the system is running is easy from the addressing point of view, but you need some way to have your application learn about the new nodes and start spawning processes there.
Also, it is not necessary to store the node, as the pid contains enough information to send the messages directly to the correct node.
As a cool trick which you may already be aware of, pids may be serialized (as may all data within the VM) to a binary. Use term_to_binary/1 and binary_to_term/1 to convert between the actual pid inside the VM and a binary which you may store in whatever accepts binary data without mangling it in some stupid way.
