How to build Docker multiarch image for native code - docker

I've been building some multiarch images for Java apps, based off someone else's multiarch base image which works fine, because the base image includes the right native Java version for the architecture. All I have to do is add my platform-agnostic JAR file and I have a multiarch image that works on my Windows laptop and on my rPi Kubernetes cluster.
Now though, I am experimenting with GraalVm and I would like to create a multiarch base image of my own that my projects will all use. This means I need to work out how to create a multiarch Docker image where different architectures require different installs. The amd64 Dockerfile needs the amd64 version of GraalVm to be installed and the arm Dockerfile needs the arm version of GraalVM.
I have used Dockerfile ARGs with --build-arg in the past to work out what URI to download for the GraalVm installer, but I am stuck on how to do this with 'buildx'.
It seems that every single demo/tutorial I watch uses a simple example where the files they add are not specific to the architecture. So they can just add them regardless of the platform being built for. How do people solve this problem? Is buildx not suitable for this problem?
The manifest approach seems much more appropriate for this problem (albeit more verbose) in that I can create an image for each architecture and then combine them, thus giving me the opportunity to build them differently. Is this just a constraint of the tooling? I'd rather do it with buildx if it can be done.


Distribute binaries using docker

I have a C++ project which has a large set of dependencies and a very long compilation time. My idea is to only distribute the project executable along with the dependencies using docker. However , i am unable to identify how to do this?
A common way I've seen this achieved is signed release packages along with signature verification with packages deployed on something like github or using ppa packages for ubuntu.
I suppose my question is part docker , part build related.
How do I build and package this ?
I am running arch linux with a higher kernel , and will be building docker with ubuntu lts. Does the binary have any issues on what kernel it was built on ?
Can i build on local arch and package that to release or do i need to do some CI delivery via github actions?
Instead of using releases via github/ppa , can i just do a cp of binary built locally as a docker file action?

Github action to publish binaries compiled from docker buildx for multiple platforms

I am working on a project where I am creating multi stage docker builds, that compile C++ code, as part of build stages, using buildx and build-push, for amd64, arm64, arm7, etc. on Debian.
I would also like to publish the compiled binaries to GitHub releases for the various platforms, along with publishing the final docker image that also contains the compiled code.
I am aware of methods to e.g. cat / pipe data out of a container.
What I'd like to know is if there is a standard GitHub actions integrated way to publish content compiled in docker containers to GitHub, or if I need to manually copy the content from the containers after building them?

Do I need to share the docker image if I can just share the docker file along with the source code?

I am just starting to learn about docker. Is docker repository (like Docker Hub) useful? I see the docker image as a package of source code and environment configurations (dockerfile) for deploying my application. Well if it's just a package, why can't I just share my source code with the dockerfile (via GitHub for example)? Then the user just downloads it all and uses docker build and docker run. And there is no need to push the docker image to the repository.
There are two good reasons to prefer pushing an image somewhere:
As a downstream user, you can just docker run an image from a repository, without additional steps of checking it out or building it.
If you're using a compiled language (C, Java, Go, Rust, Haskell, ...) then the image will just contain the compiled artifacts and not the source code.
Think of this like any other software: for most open-source things you can download its source from the Internet and compile it yourself, or you can apt-get install or brew install a built package using a package manager.
By the same analogy, many open-source things are distributed primarily as source code, and people who aren't the primary developer package and redistribute binaries. In this context, that's the same as adding a Dockerfile to the root of your application's GitHub repository, but not publishing an image yourself. If you don't want to set up a Docker Hub account or CI automation to push built images, but still want to have your source code and instructions to build the image be public, that's a reasonable decision.
That is how it works. You need to put the configuration files in your code, i.e,
Dockerfile and docker-compose.yml.

Docker multi stage builds, Kubernetes, and Distroless compatibility

I am facing "theoritical" compatility issues when using distroless-based containers with kubernetess 1.10.
Actually, distroless requires docker 17.5 ( whereas kubernetes does support version 17.03 only (
is it possible to run distroless containers within kubernetes 1.10
clusters w/o any issue?
is it possible to build distroless based
images on a build server running docker 17.05 then deploying it on a
kubernetes 1.10 cluster (docker 17.03)?
The requirement for 17.05 is only to build a "distroless" image with docker build using multistage Dockerfile. When you have an image built, there is nothing stopping it from running on older Docker / containerd versions.
Docker has supported images with no distribution for ages now by using FROM: scratch and leaving it to the image author to populate whatever the software needs, which in some cases like fully static binaries might be only the binary of the software and nothing more :)
It seems that you might need Docker 17.05+ only for building images using multi-stage files.
After you build an image with the multi-stage Dockerfile, it will be the same image in the registry like if you build it in an old-fashioned way.
Taken from Use multi-stage builds:
With multi-stage builds, you use multiple FROM statements in your Dockerfile. Each FROM instruction can use a different base, and each of them begins a new stage of the build. You can selectively copy artifacts from one stage to another, leaving behind everything you don’t want in the final image.
The end result is the same tiny production image as before, with a significant reduction in complexity.
Kubernetes does not use Dockerfiles for creating pods. It uses ready to run images from the Docker registry instead.
That's why I believe that you can use such images in Kubernetes Pods without any issues.
But anyway, to create and push your images, you have to use a build machine with Docker 17.05+ that can consume new multi-stage syntax in the Dockerfile.

How to automate Multi-Arch-Docker Image builds

I have dockerized a nodejs app on github. My Dockerfile is based on the offical nodejs images. The offical node-repo supports multiple architectures (x86, amd64, arm) seamlessly. This means I can build the exact same Dockerfile on different machines resulting in different images for the respective architecture.
So I am trying to offer the same architectures seamlessly for my app, too. But how?
My goal is automate it as much as possible.
I know I need in theory to create a docker-manifest, which acts as a docker-repo and redirects the end-users-docker-clients to their suitable images.
Docker-Hub itself can monitor a github repo and kick off an automated build. Thats would take care of the amd64 image. But what about the remaining architectures?
There is also the service called 'TravisCI' which I guess could take care of the arm-build with the help of qemu.
Then I think both repos could then be referenced statically by the manifest-repo. But this still leaves a couple architectures unfulfilled.
But using multiple services/ways of building the same app feels wrong. Does anyone know a better and more complete solution to this problem?
It's basically running the same dockerfile through a couple machines and recording them in a manifest.
Starting with Docker 18.02 CLI you can create multi-arch manifests and push them to the docker registries if you enabled client-side experimental features. I was able to use VSTS and create a custom build task for multi-arch tags after the build. I followed this pattern.
docker manifest create --amend {multi-arch-tag} {os-specific-tag-1} {os-specific-tag-2}
docker manifest annotate {multi-arch-tag} {os-specific-tag-1} --os {os-1} --arch {arch-1}
docker manifest annotate {multi-arch-tag} {os-specific-tag-2} --os {os-2} --arch {arch-2}
docker manifest push --purge {multi-arch-tag}
On a side note, I packaged the 18.02 docker CLI for Windows and Linux in my custom VSTS task so no install of docker was required. The manifest command does not appear to need the docker daemon to function correctly.
