Microsoft Graph API GET onlineMeeting via joinUrl - microsoft-graph-api

Current using Microsoft Graph API v1.0 to create onlineMeetings via POST /me/events. Reason being, if you create an onlineMeeting directly and add a user in the meeting, it doesn't create a calendar event.
The params I use for that call is:
:isOnlineMeeting => true,
:onlineMeetingProvider => "teamsForBusiness"
Which works great and returns a joinUrl under onlineMeetings.
However, I'd like to pull attendance data from the GET onlineMeeting route to get attendance information since the attendees section of the event only seems to return users that were added to the actual event, not who attended the actual onlineMeeting.
I have tried doing a get request like such:
but the response says it's not a valid filter.
Any guidance would be appreciated.

Posting the Answer for better knowledge
Copying from #Shiva Keshav Varma comments
Try it in beta version
You can also get the attendeereport using beta/users/{userId}/onlineMeetings/{meetingId}/attendeeReport as specified in the document.


Updating isOnlineMeeting in M365 event via MS Graph

What I'm doing is creating a calendar event in M365 via the EWS API. I want to set isOnlineMeeting and onlineMeetingProvider, but those properties are not writable in EWS. So my idea was to take the itemId of the new event, and use Microsoft Graph to update just those two properties. I had to alter the itemId a bit to get Graph to accept it (changed / to -) but it appears to "work" in the sense that the PATCH command comes back with response 200. But the properties do not get modified. Here is the json that I give to the PATCH command:
"isOnlineMeeting": true,
"onlineMeetingProvider": "teamsForBusiness"
Here is the URL (shortened for brevity):
PATCH /v1.0/users/me/calendars/AQMkAG.../events/AAMkAG...
As I said, the http response code is 200. The output from the PATCH is a listing of all of the event properties. The ones I am trying to modify are unchanged. The funny thing is, I could have sworn I had this working last week, but my tests this week all fail. Any ideas?

How can I get Online meet List 'Meet Now' - Microsoft graph api

I want to get Online meeting list.
I tried
It returns online meeting list, But It not return 'Meet Now' List.
I also Read this api
But I don't now how to get 'VideoTeleconferenceId'.
How can I get Online meet list 'Meet Now' ?
There is no API to get a list of all the onlineMeetings.
It is the responsibility of the calling application to store the ID of a online meeting at the time that onlineMeeting is created.
the VideoTeleconferenceId is for use by VTC applications that have their own VTC ID, and specify this when creating a new OnlineMeeting, and then can retrieve the meeting using that same VTC-ID
I suggest you check Events with an OnlineMeeting, as they can be listed.

How to get to invoice link in invoices api

I am interested to have a invoice link/pdf from the api which returns the invoice using new freshbooks api endpoint<accountid>/invoices/<invoiceid>
Even including direct_links I am unable to get the link to the invoice. With direct_links it returns json with fields id, contactid, created_date, type, userid, objectid, token.
I currently work at FreshBooks.
Unfortunately these direct link tokens will only work with old FreshBooks, which isn't mentioned in the documentation -- I'll see if we can fix that.
Poking through, it doesn't look like we've has exposed a way to access a PDF version of the invoice through the public API just yet. But I'll pass that on to the appropriate channels and I'll update this answer if that changes.

How to retrieve attachments of an ItemAttachment from Office 365 REST API?

Assume I have an event (that has attachments) attached to my email, then I will use the api call provided here and get the event details, but I see that "Id" property is missing in the response. The same happens for messages as attachments. My problem is if I do not have the eventId or messageId, then I am not able to get their attachments.
Please see the below picture which shows the response from the provided api call here.
As mentioned here, we can use the following api call:

verifying a single attendee with email

Is there a method to return a specific attendee's information by sending:
1) the attendee's email address
2) my user_key
3) my app_key
I could do this by searching the returned xml from this "event_list_attendees" method, however, I would prefer to only receive the one result (not hundreds for each call).
Note: I work on the platform team at Eventbrite
Currently there is no way to search for a specific attendee with event_list_attendees.
However, you can cut down on the amount of data returned by paging through the results until you have found the attendee or using the modified_after parameter if you know when the user was last updated:
I realize this limitation is non-ideal. We're actively working on building a new API which is more RESTful and does not have issues like this.
