Setting and retrieving custom HTTP header in Rails Monolithic App - ruby-on-rails

I have rails login page and after user authentication I am trying to generate JWT token(rather than using the session ID) for authorization the next subsequent request.
I have set the custom header in response and redirecting the request in next page.
response.headers["access_token"] = "token"
How can I get those headers in rails controller?
To me this task seems impossible as server is sending some custom header in response but client/browser is not sending/appending custom header in the subsequent request.
Any help would be really appreciated.


AWS and Cognito

I'm a newbie to this stuff so downloaded the samples which is all fine and I thought I could see what was going on and what I needed to do. However, got a bit stuck for no obvious reason so I wondered if anyone could maybe give me some hints.
I'm trying to engineer Cognito authentication and identity into an old Apache Struts 1 legacy web application written in Java, so all the activity needs to be server-side. Using the Cognito URL I can successfully authenticate and get an auth code back using this URL providing my client id, redirect URI and response_type=code so all good thus far.
If I then create an HttpClient (as per the sample code in Github) and call the token URL and write various parameters to the request body (grant_type=authorization_code, client_id=as previously, redirect_uri=my URI and code=auth code just returned), I get an "unauthorized_client" message returned. But the code is valid albeit for authorization, and the client_id is correct because I used it previously.
My log:
Cognito following successful signin, continuing to url http:[redacted]/passport/
(this was the /login succeeding)
Callback from Cognito received
(following is the log dump of the /oauth2/token URI called to)
Cognito token signin URL is https:[redacted]
HTTP request header, added Authorization=Basic M29wcGR0azdpYzF2YjloNGd0OTQzNXYxcmI6MW9mMmFsaWNzZGR2dHZ1NmFkOHRuc2s4cnJ0cXEyYm0yc3RqbG1mcmkyamhkdXBubG1wMw==
HTTP request header, added Content-Type=application/x-www-form-urlencoded
HTTP request body, added grant_type=authorization_code
HTTP request body, added
HTTP request body, added code=62eeb0b1-a76b-489b-bd28-e42023a497bd
HTTP request body, added client_id=[redacted]
HTTP request is
HTTP Json result=<{"error":"unauthorized_client"}>
org.json.JSONException: JSONObject not found.
at org.json.JSONObject.get(
What's wrong with this picture? I tried also adding client_id, code as URL parameters but I just get an "invalid_client" message instead.
I also tried using the /oauth2/token URI directly from the Struts app to provide a token but it returns the id_token using # rather than ? in the parameter list so it is client-side only and hence can't be intercepted by the Struts app and so will be a pain to forward to the server, but I could write some Javascript to do it if I had to. It doesn't seem the path of least resistance, though, as it seems wrong that the pure Java server side call doesn't work so I must be doing something wrong which isn't obvious to me.

Why does JWT need to be sent as a Bearer Token header?

I am adding JWT Auth for a completely new frontend to a legacy Rails backend.
Upon HTTP request, it seems most sources suggest I send the token back to the server via Bearer Header.
Why? What is the additional value of sending via header (bearer or basic). What can't I simply pass the JWT back to the server via .json and authenticate the token from there.
What benefit does an Authorization header give me, and moreso, what does a Bearer Authorization header give me?
I can of course simply follow everyone's example, but want to understand why. The bearer docs are verbose and hard to understand what I'm gaining over simple sending the JWT as part of the data in the request.
Thank you.
You can technically send a json body on each request with the JTW but that would be non standard behaviour (for instance, GET requests should not have a body via the spec).
A more standard way would be to provide an Authorization HTTP header.
The Authorization header is not specific to JWTs and its role is to specify an auth scheme between the client and the server.
Another way would be to include the JWT inside a cookie but that would make the behaviour browser specific while the HTTP header can be sent by virtually any HTTP client.
Bear in mind that contrary to Auth cookies which are sent by the browser automatically the Authorization header needs to be set by the client explicitly.

Invalid authenticity token when POSTing to a Rails API

I have a web application that gets & stores some data through a Rails API.
When I try to "post" to the Rails API, I get an error ActionController::InvalidAuthenticityToken. I know one option is to simply disable the authenticity token requirement on my Rails controller.
Is it possible to have my web app providing a correct authenticity token when it calls the Rails API? How can I do this?
2 Part answer for you here.
First if you are going to be using Rails as an API I would recommend you use another way of validating that the user making the request is actually the user they say they are such as creating a unique token upon account creation or login that can be returned in the initial response and provided as a HTTP header in subsequent requests. If you are worried about the security of this you could optionally base64 encode the key plus some other value and decode it server side before comparison.
If you still wish to use the CSRF method baked in to Rails you can do so as long as the user is making a request from the webapp using AJAX or whatever. If you have the csrf_meta_tags ERB in the header of your layout file you can get the value and set it in the X-CSRF-Token HTTP header. Using jQuery it may look something like:
$.ajaxPrefilter(function(options, originalOptions, xhr) {
var token = $('meta[name="csrf-token"]').attr('content');
if (token) xhr.setRequestHeader('X-CSRF-Token', token);
This would cause it to be added to every ajax request made using jQuery. mvc authentication when call from client app

I use mvc controller instead of Web Service in my project.
When I call the controller from my client app,there will be a authentication problem. If I use Web Service ,I can use SOAP Header , but now in mvc, There is no soap header.
Please help.
I am really know a little about the web security.
Normal way of doing this when you come to http services is to pass it in authorization header in following format (if you are doing request from fiddler)
Authorization: Basic user123:pass123
user123:pass123 string is normally base64 encoded and you have to decode it on server side, check it against user store and authenticate the user. One example can be found here
You have several options.
Use a request header to contain some security token.
Include security tokens in the message that you send in the request body.
If your application uses something like Forms Authentication, you can ask consumers to call a login action, then grab the Forms Auth cookie and include that cookie in subsequent calls.
Since you are not using soap. You may use a simple http way. Which means you start a HttpRequest and handle result via HttpResponse. Thus you have to simulate a authenticate action as signing in from web browser.
You need to get the security token or cookie from the reponse. And put them into your following request. Thus your controller will recognize the request's identity.

Turning off authenticity token in Rails 2 for web services?

Instead of just filling out the form in HTML it should also be possible to just send a post request containing the params.. Is it possible to turn off the authenticity token if, for example, the Accept flag is set to 'application/JSON' in the HTTP header?
The request forgery protection works on the basis of checking the content-type of requests and it only checks the requests that can be made by a browser. No browser is able to generate a request with the content-type set to "application/json" for example. That's why the rails forgery protection routine won't check it. So, if you want to make a json request to your application, set the content-type header to "application/json" and it should work.
I know there is a way to turn it off for a controller or an action. Not sure about the content type. Wouldn't it be easier to just add the authenticity token to every json request? There are quite few articles around the web how to do it (for example here and here).
Wouldn't it be easier to just add the authenticity token to every json request?
Yes, but then the client would have to send a request first just to get the token and then another with the actual POST request, which does not make sense IMHO..
