Deleted Scheduled Messages still sending - slack-api

I am building a slack application that will schedule a message when someone posts a specific type of workflow in a channel.
It will schedule a message, and if someone from a specific group of users replies before it has sent, it will delete the scheduled message.
Unfortuantely these messages are still sending, even though the list of scheduled messages is empty and the response when deleting the message is a successful one. I am also deleting the message within the 60 second limit that is noted on the API.
Scheduling the message gives me a success response, and if I use the list scheduled messages I get:
channel_id: 'CHANNEL_ID',
post_at: 1620428096, // 2 minutes in the future for testing
date_created: 1620428026,
text: 'thread_ts: 1620428024.001300'
Canceling the message:
async function cancelScheduledMessage(scheduled_message_id) {
const response = await"/chat.deleteScheduledMessage", {
} returns { "ok": true }
If I use the list scheduled message API to retrieve what is scheduled I get an empty array []
However, the message will still send to the thread.
Is there something I am missing? I have the proper scopes set up and the API calls appear to be working.
If it helps, I am using AWS Lambda, and DynamoDB to store/retrieve the thread_ts and message IDs.
Thanks all.

For messages due in 5 minutes or less, chat.deleteScheduleMessage has a bug (as of November 2021) [1]. Although this API call may return OK, the actual message will still be delivered due to the bug.
Note that for messages within 60 seconds, this API does return an proper error code, as described in the documentation [2]. For the range (60 seconds, ~5 minutes), the API call returns OK but fails behind the scenes.
Before this bug is fixed, the only thing one can do is to only delete messages scheduled 5 minutes (the exact threshold may vary, according to Slack) or more (yes not very ideal and may not be feasible for some applications).
[1] Private communication with Slack support.


SQS Event Bridge Once Per Minute

We are looking at Event Bridge to give us a scheduled task added to our SQS once per minute.
We are looking at Event Bridge to make it happen. So far it properly puts messages into the queue, but we are trying to schedule it for once per minute and noticing that the queue only gets messages once per five minutes sometimes six minutes.
The metrics seem to state invocation is happening; however, the queue isn't receiving them in the time frame specified.
SQS FIFO Queue - Deduplication
Constant JSON String
The "duh" of not seeing messages at prescribed interval is because of this in the AWS documentation:
The token used for deduplication of sent messages. If a message with a
particular message deduplication ID is sent successfully, any messages
sent with the same message deduplication ID are accepted successfully
but aren’t delivered during the 5-minute deduplication interval
Open to suggestions and will be looking for a workaround.
I tried using Input Transformer to fix by adding the time as uniquely changing item in the queue message; however, still not getting below 5 minutes.
Variable Input
The queue polling built into SQS just wasn't polling for my updated count of greater than 10 messages. Once I deleted out the old messages the timing was correct and it was updating 1/min.
The answer is if you are going to use a constant string it'll have to be for scheduled jobs that are greater than 5 minutes.
Adding info here despite redundancy from question for linked Google searches:
The token used for deduplication of sent messages. If a message with a particular message deduplication ID is sent successfully, any messages sent with the same message deduplication ID are accepted successfully but aren’t delivered during the 5-minute deduplication interval
Despite the messages being a unique event once per minute the Constant (JSON text) not being unique still saw it as a duplicate to remove.
To solve I switched to Input transformer
Example event and what you other fields you can add as variables:
"version": "0",
"id": "7bf73129-1428-4cd3-a780-95db273d1602",
"detail-type": "EC2 Instance State-change Notification",
"source": "aws.ec2",
"account": "123456789012",
"time": "2015-11-11T21:29:54Z",
"region": "us-east-1",
"resources": [
"detail": {
"instance-id": "i-0123456789",
"state": "RUNNING"
I needed a unique variable so time was an obvious choice.
Input for Input Transformer
Input Path:
Also, found that moving over to not using FIFO queues is a potential solution if that's an easy option for future SQS developers as well.

Calendar ID in create response differs from what Graph stores

We are experiencing inconsistencies with calendar ID's.
When sending a POST to with the following payload
{ name: 'Calendar' }
We receive this reponse from which we store the id
:owner=>{:name=>"User", :address=>""}
When we attempt to create events into this calendar errors are being thrown as that ID does not exist. Looking into it further and making a GET request to we receive this payload (truncated for brevity)
:owner=>{:name=>"User", :address=>""}}]
After diffing both ID's, we notice they differ. The interesting part of this is that this only happens with a handful of users and isn't an issue with most accounts. Is there a better way to keep track of specific calendars that we can continue to sync into? I'd hate to have to ping for calendars every time we'd like to fire off a CRUD action.

Does Firebase always guarantee added events in order?

I am developing messenger IOS app based on Firebase Realtime Database.
I want that all messages to be ordered based on timestamp.
There is a scenario as like below.
There are 3 clients. A, B and C.
All clients register 'figure-1' listener to receive messages from others.
ref.queryOrdered(byChild: "timestamp").queryStarting(atValue: startTime).observe(.childAdded, with:
// do work for the messages, print, save to storage, etc.
// save startTime to storage for next open.
startTime = max(timeOfSnapshot, startTime)
Client A write message 1 to server with ServerValue.timestamp().
Client B write message 2 to server with ServerValue.timestamp().
Client C write message 3 to server with ServerValue.timestamp().
They sent messages extremely the same moment.
All clients have good speed wifi.
So, finally. Server data saved like 'figure-2'
text : "Message 1", timestamp : 100000001
text : "Message 2", timestamp : 100000002
text : "Message 3", timestamp : 100000003
As my listener's code, i keep messages on storage and next listening timestamp for preventing downloading duplicated messages.
In this case.
Does Firebase always guarantee to trigger callback in order as like below?
Message 1
Message 2
Message 3
If it is not guaranteed, my strategy is absolutely wrong.
For example, some client received messages as like below.
Message 3 // the highest timestamp.
// app crash or out of storage
Message 1
Message 2
The client do not have chance to get message 1, 2 anymore.
I think if there are some nodes already, Firebase might trigger in order for those. Because, that is role of 'queryOrdered' functionality.
However, there are no node before register the listener and added new nodes additionally after then. What is will happen?
I suppose Firebase might send 3 packets to clients. (No matter how quickly the message arrives, Firebase has to send it out as soon as it arrives.)
Packet1 for message1
Packet2 for message2
Packet3 for message3
ClientA fail to receive for packet 1,2
ClientA success to receive for packet 3
Firebase re-send packet 1,2 again.
ClientA success to receive for packet 1,2
Eventually, all datas are consistent. But ordering is corrupted.
Does Firebase guarantee to occur events in order?
I have searched stack overflow and google and read official documents many times. However, i could not find the clear answer.
I have almost spent one week for this. Please give me piece of advice.
The order in which the data for a query is returns is consistent, and determined by the server. So all clients are guaranteed to get the results in the same order.
For new data that is sent to the database after the listeners are attached, all remote clients will receive it in the same order. The local client will see events for it's write operation right away though, before the data even reaches the database server.
In figure 2, it is actually quite simple: since each node has a unique timestamp, and they will be returned in the order of that timestamp. But even if they'd have the same timestamp, they'd be returned in the same order (timestamp first, then key) for each client.

How to end a twilio call prematurely

I want to use twilio to test our internal phone system, and make sure calls are routing as they should, since our provider is notoriously bad of notifying us to problems.
I'm can initiate a call from twilio, use the "gather" verb to record speech (to ensure we hit the right queue) and then hang up. Everything works fine. Except that the gather ends up taking over 2 minutes to listen to the whole message from our phone system, charging us for 8 15 second gather chunks. I only need the first 15 seconds, but can't figure out how to hangup sooner. Is there a simple way to limit calls to a specific time?
timeLimit, and timeout both don't apply here, since timeLimit only works inside of a dial verb, and timeout only works for pauses in speech during the gather.
Perhaps just set a timer in your code for 15 seconds or so and then use the POST endpoint at /2010-04-01/Accounts/{AccountSid}/Calls/{CallSid} to cancel the call (using the Status=Completed parameter in order to cancel calls even if they are in progress).
If you use their Ruby SDK, and you make a normal call (not a conference call) then you can use the update method:
client =, auth_token)
# fetch all in-progress calls between the two numbers
client.calls.list(from: '+11231231234',
to: '+12312311234',
status: 'in-progress').each do |c| #it's supposed to be just one record, but you can play it safe
c.update(status: 'completed')
Updating the status to completed should hangup the call if in-progress.
Updating the status to canceled should hangup the call if ringing/queued.
If you know for sure that the call is in-progress and you know the call sid, then you can use:
client =, auth_token)
in_progress_call = client.calls(call_sid).fetch
in_progress_call.update(status: 'completed') if in_progress_call.present?
There is some general information in the official docs. Also snippets are available for the other SDKs.
You can find the source code of the update method here for more details.

ActionCable unsubscribe callback not working when iOS client send "unsubscribe"

Remote iOS client successfully connects to me, send subscribe command (it works fine), but on "unsubscribe" command I get next error:
Unsubscribing from channel: {"channel":"Assessor::StationChannel", "station_id": 1}
Could not execute command from {"command"=>"unsubscribe", "identifier"=>"{\"channel\":\"Assessor::StationChannel\", \"station_id\": 1}"}) [NoMethodError - undefined method `unsubscribe_from_channel' for nil:NilClass]: /app/vendor/bundle/ruby/2.2.0/gems/actioncable-5.0.0/lib/action_cable/connection/subscriptions.rb:44:in `remove_subscription' | /app/vendor/bundle/ruby/2.2.0/gems/actioncable-5.0.0/lib/action_cable/connection/subscriptions.rb:40:in `remove' | /app/vendor/bundle/ruby/2.2.0/gems/actioncable-5.0.0/lib/action_cable/connection/subscriptions.rb:16:in `execute_command' | /app/vendor/bundle/ruby/2.2.0/gems/actioncable-5.0.0/lib/action_cable/connection/base.rb:88:in `dispatch_websocket_message' | /app/vendor/bundle/ruby/2.2.0/gems/actioncable-5.0.0/lib/action_cable/server/worker.rb:58:in `block in invoke'
Subscribe message format:
{"command": "subscribe", "identifier": "{\"channel\":\"Assessor::StationChannel\", \"station_id\": 1}"}
Unsubscribe message format:
{"command": "unsubscribe", "identifier": "{\"channel\":\"Assessor::StationChannel\", \"station_id\": 1}"}
I cannot reproduce this problem on localhost, so maybe somebody can help me?
I saw a similar error. I was trying to unsubscribe via the client (JS). I eventually figured out it was because the javascript to .remove(subscription) takes the subscription and not the subscription identifier.
This is how I got it to work without error. Perhaps it will help you find out why you are getting the error from the server side.
subscription = App.cable.subscriptions.subscriptions[0]
(Note, I'm just pulling the first subscription from the array, TODO: Search for the subscription I want to remove)
Here is the bug I was seeing and how I eventually found the source code/answer. I ran these from the webclient console:
App.cable.subscriptions.create({channel: "RoomChannel", room_id: 2})
That line works and I get a "... is transmitting the subscription confirmation" on stdout for rails s
App.cable.subscriptions.remove({channel: "RoomChannel", room_id: 2})
That line blows up, yells at my kids, and insults my wife which looks like:
[NoMethodError - undefined method `unsubscribe_from_channel' for nil:NilClass]: /usr/local/lib64/ruby/gems/2.3.0/gems/actioncable- `remove_subscription'
I also noted the following line before the crash.
Unsubscribing from channel:
The code to produce that is: "Unsubscribing from channel: #{data['identifier']}". Which means it wasn't finding the data['identifier']. So I started debugging and I see that line 88 of base.rb in actioncable only gets {"command":"unsubscribe"} and not something like {"command":"unsubscribe", "identifier":" (channel name here)}
Which brought me to action_cable.js. (I would have started here, but I hate JS.). Here was my problem: function(subscription). I was sending the identifier and not the subscription object.
Subscriptions.prototype.remove = function(subscription) {
if (!this.findAll(subscription.identifier).length) {
this.sendCommand(subscription, "unsubscribe");
return subscription;
App.cable.subscriptions.create({channel: "RoomChannel", room_id: 2}) returns a subscription object you have to pass that into the remove function
var subscription = App.cable.subscriptions.create({channel: "RoomChannel", room_id: 2});
Then later
After several tries I eventually figured it out. Late reply but this worked for me hope it does for you.
App["identifier"].disconnected() #e.g App["chat_4"].disconnect()
=> YourChannel stopped streaming from chat_4 #rails terminal
Above is the line to stop the streaming and below is how you subscribe to the channel
App['chat' + id] = App.cable.subscriptions.create({channel:
'YourChannel', chat_id: id}, {
disconnected: function () {
I know this is an old question, but I suffered from the same issue. None of the answers above worked for me and in fact, at least in Rails 5.0.1, they are incorrect. It is a frontend issue all right, but here's why it doesn't matter whether you call App.yourChannelName.unsubscribe() or App.yourChannelName.remove(App.yourChannelName)
Eg. if you have something like this (example code is in coffeescript, so ignore the lack of vars and other stuff from vanilla JS):
App.yourChannel = App.cable.subscriptions.create({channel: 'YourChannel', id: id})
// do stuff, execute callbacks, whatnot
// try to execute unsubscribe
The .unsubscribe() is a method on Subscription prototype which only does return this.consumer.subscriptions.remove(this)
The this.consumer.subscriptions returns the instance of your subscription, in example above, it would be App.yourChannel and calls .remove method with the instance of Subscription - ie. with App.yourChannel
So App.yourChannel.unsubscribe() is the same as calling App.cable.subscriptions.remove(App.yourChannel) (or whichever variable you choose to store the instance of Subscription in.
I have also been seeing the same error as OP, except that in my case, it was caused by App.yourChannel.unsubscribe() being called two times - the first time it was called immediately after I received specific data via the channel and the second time was due to a custom cleanup being run in a specific scenario before the App.yourChannel was re-subscribed.
So if you see a similar error, I suggest you look at the server logs.
You'll probably see something like
Registered connection (some-id) <-- initial subscription
YourChannel is transmitting the subscription confirmation
// other stuff while user is subscribed to the channel
Unsubscribing from channel: {"channel":"YourChannel","id":"some-id"} <-- initial unsubscribe call
YourChannel stopped streaming from your_channel_some-id
// some other requests potentially, perhaps some DB queries
// there are no requests to subscribe to the channel with the some-id, eg. you won't see this
// Registered connection (some-id)
// YourChannel is transmitting the subscription confirmation
Unsubscribing from channel: {"channel":"YourChannel","id":"some-id"} <-- duplicated unsubscribe call
Could not execute command from {"command"=>"unsubscribe", "identifier"=>"{\"channel\":\"YourChannel\",\"id\":\"some-id\"}"}) [NoMethodError - undefined method `unsubscribe_from_channel' for nil:NilClass]:
Basically, the user subscribes, unsubscribes, then tries to unsubscribe again (even though they are not subscribed to that channel anymore)
