Why a const list can't be used in a string literal when it can't be modified in any way? - dart

void main() {
const list = [1, 2, 3];
const string = 'This is a $list'; // Error
When I can't assign list a new value and modify any of its elements, why can't I then use the list in my string literal?

Dart doesn't have a concept of saying that a method call can be evaluated at compilation time (in contrast to constexpr in C++). Therefore Dart cannot guarantee that calling a method on a const object returns another const object, and that includes the implicit call to .toString() when doing string interpolation.
For example, this is perfectly legal:
import 'dart:math';
final random = Random();
class Foo {
const Foo();
// Returns a string that is clearly not a compile-time constant.
String toString() => random.nextInt(100).toString();
void main() {
const foo = Foo();
const list = [foo, foo, foo];
Note that this doesn't apply to .toString() implementations for some built-in types (e.g. null, numeric, string, and boolean types) since they are known to produce constant values and because Dart does not allow creating derived classes from those types, so they cannot be overridden to do shenanigans like the above example.

It's an interesting question, because some const things can be interpolated into const strings. I checked out the Language Tour, and it gives this example, which is very close to your question:
// These work in a const string.
const aConstNum = 0;
const aConstBool = true;
const aConstString = 'a constant string';
// These do NOT work in a const string.
var aNum = 0;
var aBool = true;
var aString = 'a string';
const aConstList = [1, 2, 3];
const validConstString = '$aConstNum $aConstBool $aConstString';
// const invalidConstString = '$aNum $aBool $aString $aConstList';
The explanation given is that
Literal strings are compile-time constants, as long as any
interpolated expression is a compile-time constant that evaluates to
null or a numeric, string, or boolean value.
They don't explain why (what the technical reasons are, or the motivations for making the language work this way), but it's clear that a const list does not evaluate to "null or a numeric, string, or boolean value." So it just doesn't matter that your list is const—the string resulting from interpolation with that will not be a compile-time constant, so you can't use const with that string.


How to convert List<dynamic> to List<T> without getting warning from linter in Dart?

I wrote this code to convert dynamic list to Word list but linter says:
Omit type annotations for local variables. on 2nd line.
However if I omit type annotations, I get an error A value of type 'List<dynamic>' can't be returned from method 'convert' because it has a return type of 'List<Word>'.
It there any smarter way to convert?
static List<Word> convert(List<dynamic> words) {
final List<Word> wordsList = [];
words.forEach((v) {
final map = Map<String, dynamic>.from(v as Map<dynamic, dynamic>);
return wordsList;
Word.fromMap is:
Word.fromMap(Map<String, dynamic> map)
: text = map['text'] as String,
count = map['count'] as int;
To avoid the warning, and put the type on the right-hand side as the lint wants, just write:
final wordsList = <Word>[];
I assume words is JSON data, so the maps are already Map<String, dynamic>. Then you can also do everything in one line:
static List<Word> convert(List<dynamic> words) =>
[for (var v in words) Word.fromMap(v)];
Use the cast() method like this:
class Word {
final String text;
final int count;
static List<Word> convert(List<dynamic> words) {
final List<Word> wordsList = [];
words.cast<Map<dynamic, dynamic>>().forEach((v) { // <-- look here
final map = Map<String, dynamic>.from(v);
return wordsList;
Word.fromMap(Map<String, dynamic> map)
: text = map['text'] as String,
count = map['count'] as int;
It will ensure the casting are done on each element. Make sure the type are correct since it will else result in a type-cast error.

What is the difference between the "const" and "final" keywords in Dart?

What is the difference between the const and final keywords in Dart?
There is a post on dart's website and it explains it pretty well.
"final" means single-assignment: a final variable or field must have an initializer. Once assigned a value, a final variable's value cannot be changed. final modifies variables.
"const" has a meaning that's a bit more complex and subtle in Dart. const modifies values. You can use it when creating collections, like const [1, 2, 3], and when constructing objects (instead of new) like const Point(2, 3). Here, const means that the object's entire deep state can be determined entirely at compile time and that the object will be frozen and completely immutable.
Const objects have a couple of interesting properties and restrictions:
They must be created from data that can be calculated at compile time. A const object does not have access to anything you would need to calculate at runtime. 1 + 2 is a valid const expression, but new DateTime.now() is not.
They are deeply, transitively immutable. If you have a final field containing a collection, that collection can still be mutable. If you have a const collection, everything in it must also be const, recursively.
They are canonicalized. This is sort of like string interning: for any given const value, a single const object will be created and re-used no matter how many times the const expression(s) are evaluated.
So, what does this mean?
If the value you have is computed at runtime (new DateTime.now(), for example), you can not use a const for it. However, if the value is known at compile time (const a = 1;), then you should use const over final. There are 2 other large differences between const and final. Firstly, if you're using const inside a class, you have to declare it as static const rather than just const. Secondly, if you have a const collection, everything inside of that is in const. If you have a final collection, everything inside of that is not final.
final should be used over const if you don't know the value at compile time, and it will be calculated/grabbed at runtime. If you want an HTTP response that can't be changed, if you want to get something from a database, or if you want to read from a local file, use final. Anything that isn't known at compile time should be final over const.
With all of that being said, both const and final cannot be reassigned, but fields in a final object, as long as they aren't const or final themselves, can be reassigned (unlike const).
Value must be known at compile-time, const birthday = "2008/12/25" Can't be changed after initialized.
Value must be known at run-time, final birthday = getBirthDateFromDB() Can't be changed after initialized.
Consolidated #Meyi and #faisal-naseer answers and Comparing with little programming.
const keyword used to make a variable to store a compile time constant value. Compile time constant value is a value which will be constant while compiling :-)
For example 5 is a compile time constant. While DateTime.now() which is not compile time constant. Because this method will return the time when the line is getting executed at runtime. So we can't assign the DateTime.now() to a const variable.
const a = 5;
// Uncommenting below statement will cause compile time error.
// Because we can't able to assign a runtime value to a const variable
// const b = DateTime.now();
Should be initialized at the same line.
const a = 5;
// Uncommenting below 2 statement will cause compilation error.
// Because const variable must be initialized at the same line.
// const b;
// b = 6;
All statements mentioned below are acceptable.
// Without type or var
const a = 5;
// With a type
const int b = 5;
// With var
const var c = 6;
Class level const variable should be initialized like below.
Class A {
static const a = 5;
Instance level const variable is not possible.
Class A {
// Uncommenting below statement will give compilation error.
// Because const is not possible to be used with instance level
// variable.
// const a = 5;
The another major use of const is used to make the object immutable. To make a class object immutable we need to use the const keyword with constructor and make all the fields as final like mentioned below.
Class A {
final a, b;
const A(this.a, this.b);
void main () {
// There is no way to change a field of object once it's
// initialized.
const immutableObja = const A(5, 6);
// Uncommenting below statement will give compilation error.
// Because you are trying to reinitialize a const variable
// with other value
// immutableObja = const A(7, 9);
// But the below one is not the same. Because we are mentioning objA
// is a variable of a class A. Not const. So we can able to assign
// another object of class A to objA.
A objA = const A(8, 9);
// Below statement is acceptable.
objA = const A(10, 11);
we can use const keyword to a list.
const a = const [] - A variable a initialized as const which contains a list of const objects(i.e., The list should contain only compile time constant and immutable objects). So we can't able to assign a with another list.
var a = const [] - A variable a initialized as var which contains a list const objects. So we can able to assign another list to the variable a.
Class A {
final a, b;
const A(this.a, this.b);
class B {
B(){ // Doing something }
void main() {
const constantListOfInt = const [5, 6, 7,
// Uncommenting below statement give compilation error.
// Because we are trying to add a runtime value
// to a constant list
// DateTime.now().millisecondsSinceEpoch
const constantListOfConstantObjA = const [
A(5, 6),
A(55, 88),
A(100, 9),
// Uncommenting below 2 statements will give compilation error.
// Because we are trying to reinitialize with a new list.
// constantListOfInt = [8, 9, 10];
// constantListOfConstantObjA = const[A(55, 77)];
// But the following lines are little different. Because we are just
// trying to assign a list of constant values to a variable. Which
// is acceptable
var variableWithConstantList = const [5, 6, 7];
variableWithConstantList = const [10, 11, 15];
var variableOfConstantListOfObjA = const [A(5, 8), A(7, 9), A(10, 4)];
variableWithConstantList = const [A(9, 10)];
final keyword also used to make the variable to hold a constant value. Once initialized we can't change the value.
final a = 5;
// Uncommenting below statement will give compilation error.
// Because a is declared as final.
// a = 6;
All statements mentioned below are acceptable.
// Without type or var
final a = 5;
// With a type
final int b = 5;
// Can't use var along with final keyword. Uncommenting below line cause compilation issue.
// final var c = 6;
Able to assign a runtime value.
// DateTime.now() will return the time when the line is getting
// executed. Which is a runtime value.
final a = DateTime.now();
var b = 5;
final c = b;
Class level final variable must be initialized in the same line.
Class A {
static final a = 5;
static final b = DateTime.now();
Instance level final variable must be initialized in the same line or in the constructor initialization. The value will be put into memory when the object is created.
Class A {
final a = 5;
// Constructor with a parameter.
Class B {
final b;
// Constructor with multiple parameter.
Class C {
final c;
C(this.c, int d) {
// Do something with d
void main() {
A objA = new A();
B objB = new B(5);
C objC = new C(5, 6);
Assigning a list.
final a = [5, 6, 7, 5.6, A()];
// Uncommenting Below statement will give compilation error.
// Because we are trying to reinitialize the object with another list.
// a = [9.9, 10, B()];
Extending the answer by #Meyi
final variable can only be set once and it is initialized when
accessed.(for example from code section below if you use the value of biggestNumberOndice only then the value will be initialized and memory will be assigned).
const is internally final in nature but the main difference is that
its compile time constant which is initialized during compilation
even if you don't use its value it will get initialized and will take
space in memory.
Variable from classes can be final but not constant and if you want a
constant at class level make it static const.
void main() {
// final demonstration
final biggestNumberOndice = '6';
// biggestNumberOndice = '8'; // Throws an error for reinitialization
// const
const smallestNumberOnDice = 1;
class TestClass {
final biggestNumberOndice = '6';
//const smallestNumberOnDice = 1; //Throws an error
//Error . only static fields can be declared as constants.
static const smallestNumberOnDice = 1;
const means its initial value is must be fixed, can not be a dynamic value;
final means its initial value is must be fixed but can be a dynamic value, equal to the var with a fixed value.
code demos
void main() {
const sum = 1 + 2;
// ✅ const can not change its value
print("sum = ${sum}");
// ⚠️ Const variables must be initialized with a constant value.
const time = new DateTime.now();
// ❌ Error: New expression is not a constant expression.
print("time = ${time}");
// new DateTime.now();
// dynamic timestamp
void main() {
final sum = 1 + 2;
// ✅ final can not change its value
print("sum = ${sum}");
final time = new DateTime.now();
// ✅ final === var with fixed value
print("time = ${time}");
final and const in dart are confusing to the level we think both of them are the same.
Let's see their differences :
P.S. I included image instead of text as I couldn't tabulate the info
in Stackoverflow .md format easily.
Both final and const prevent a variable from being reassigned (similar to how final works in Java or how const works in JavaScript).
The difference has to do with how memory is allocated. Memory is allocated for a final variable at runtime, and for a const variable at compile-time. The final modifier should be the more commonly used, because many program variables won't need any memory since the program logic won't call for them to be initialized. With a const variable you are basically telling the computer, "Hey, I need memory for this variable up front because I know I'm going to need it."
Thinking of them in this way makes it easier to understand differences in their syntactical usage. Mainly that a final variable may be an instance variable, but a const must be a static variable on a class. This is because instance variables are created at runtime, and const variables--by definition--are not. Thus, const variables on a class must be static, which means simply that a single copy of that variable exists on a class, regardless of whether that class is instantiated.
This video breaks it down fairly simply:
This article goes into more depth and explains a very important semantic difference between the two, i.e. final modifies variables and const modifies values, which essentially boils down to only being able to initialize const values which are derivable at compile-time.
Anything that isn't known at compile time should be final over const.
If you are coming from C++ then const in Dart is constexpr in C++ and final in Dart is const in C++.
The above applies to primitive types only.
However in Dart objects marked final are mutable in terms of it's members.
Simple words:
Value must be known at compile-time, i.e. values coming from internal files.
Sample: API keys, supported languages of your app or any variables in your i.e. helper file, basically anything which you ship with your app.
Value must be known at run-time.
It can be data like above but also i.e. device info which will be checked when the app is starting or data that is loaded from API's or servers when the app starts, but before the app is ready to use i.e. you need to check if the user is logged in or not, your app would load or check a session token from the server.
The answer is in the image itself.
const is a Compile-time constant.
final is a Run-time constant.
All these answers I can describe in a concise way.
const list = [1, 2, 3];
Both variable/identifier & value are const. Like - const list = const [1, 2, 3]
That's why they are not allowed to be re-assigned.
Good fit for global variables.
It is possible to use it as a class variable but have to set static. Like - static const list = [1, 2, 3].
final list = [1, 2, 3];
Variable/Identifier is const but value is not. Like - const list = [1, 2, 3]
That's why we can perform like - list.add(4)
You can't initialise a const using a final. For example :
final myConst = 1;
const myFinal = 2;
final a = myConst; // possible
final b = myFinal; // possible
const c = myConst; // this is not possible
const d = myFinal; // possible
When to use which keyword?
A simple example for both:
Use final: If you don’t know what it’s value will be at compile-time. For example, when you can need to get data from an API, this happens when running your code.
Use const: If you are sure that a value isn’t going to be changed when running your code. For example, when you declare a sentence that always remains the same.
A variable with the final keyword will be initialized at runtime and can only be assigned for a single time.
A variable with the const keyword is initialized at compile-time and is already assigned when at runtime.
Use final: If you don’t know what it’s value will be at compile-time. For example, when you can need to get data from an API, this happens when running your code.
Use const: If you are sure that a value isn’t going to be changed when running your code. For example, when you declare a sentence that always remains the same.

static const - top level of program does not allow static const - Dart

I have looked at some other similar questions on SO, but they don't appear to address the following specifically.
What I want to achieve is to have compile-time constants that cannot be altered.
I have a program which I reorganized a little in order to de-clutter. The program had some const declarations prior to "main()". I moved these to a class, however it required that I declare them as "static const". I then thought, ok those other "const" declarations prior to "main()" should probably also be "static const". However when I attempted that, the Editor advised "Top-level declarations cannot be declared to be 'static'". EG.
static const int I_CORRECT_YN = 12; // prompt nr.
So, I am a little confused. I thought that a "const" was static. Why do I have to declare "static" in the class? Why can't I declare a "top level" const as "static"? Also, what is the difference between:
static const int I_CORRECT_YN = 12;
const int I_CORRECT_YN = 12;
static final int I_CORRECT_YN = 12;
final int I_CORRECT_YN = 12; ?
What is the best or only way to declare compile-time values that cannot be altered?
I guess I am looking at the literal meaning, but I presume there is a more complex meaning.
Why do I have to declare "static" in the class?
Because instance variables/methods can't be const. This would mean their value could be different per instance, which can't be the case for compile-time constants. (Source)
Why can't I declare a "top level" const as "static"?
The static modifier marks variables/methods as class-wide (same value for every instance of the class). Top-level stuff is application-wide and doesn't belong to any class, so marking them as class-wide doesn't make any sense and is not allowed. (Source)
What is the best or only way to declare compile-time values that cannot be altered?
You are already doing it - add static when defining class constants. Don't add it when defining top-level constants. Also, use const. final vars aren't compile-time values.
What is the difference between [source code with different constant definitions omitted]
static const and const is the pretty much the same, usage depends on context.
The difference between const and final is that const are compile-time constants - they can only be initialized using literal values (or expressions constisting of operators and literal values) and can't be changed. final variables also can't be changed after being initialized, but they are basically normal variables. This means any kind of expression can be used, and the value can be a different one for every class instance:
import "dart:math";
Random r = new Random();
int getFinalValue() {
return new Random().nextInt(100);
class Test {
// final variable per instance.
final int FOO = getFinalValue();
// final variable per class. "const" wouldn't work here, getFinalValue() is no literal
static final int BAR = getFinalValue();
// final top-level variable
final int BAZ = getFinalValue();
// again, this doesn't work, because static top-level elements don't make sense
// static final int WAT = getFinalValue();
void main() {
Test a = new Test();
print(BAZ); // different from Test.BAR
a = new Test();
print(Test.BAR); // same as before
print(BAZ); // same as before
print(a.FOO); // not the same as before, because it is another instance,
// initialized with another value
// but this would still be a syntax error, because the variable is final.
// a.FOO = 42;
I hope this helped, and I didn't descibe it too confusing. :]

What is the "const" keyword used for in Dart?

Can someone explain to me how/when/why to use const keyword, or it is just "a way to declare a constant variable"? If so, what's the difference between this :
int x = 5;
const int x = 5;
Could you guys please give me an example?
const means compile time constant. The expression value must be known at compile time. const modifies "values".
From news.dartlang.org,
"const" has a meaning that's a bit more complex and subtle in Dart.
const modifies values. You can use it when creating collections,
like const [1, 2, 3], and when constructing objects (instead of new)
like const Point(2, 3). Here, const means that the object's entire
deep state can be determined entirely at compile time and that the
object will be frozen and completely immutable.
if you use
const x = 5 then variable x can be used in a cosnt collection like
const aConstCollection = const [x];
if you don't use const, and just use x = 5 then
const aConstCollection = const [x]; is illegal.
More examples from www.dartlang.org
class SomeClass {
static final someConstant = 123;
static final aConstList = const [someConstant]; //NOT allowed
class SomeClass {
static const someConstant = 123; // OK
static final startTime = new DateTime.now(); // OK too
static const aConstList = const [someConstant]; // also OK
Here are some facts about const values:
The value must be known at compile time.
const x = 5; // OK
Anything that is calculated at runtime can't be const.
const x = 5.toDouble(); // Not OK
A const value means that it's deeply constant, that is, every one of its members is constant recursively.
const x = [5.0, 5.0]; // OK
const x = [5.0, 5.toDouble()]; // Not OK
You can create const constructors. That means that it is possible to create const values from the class.
class MyConstClass {
final int x;
const MyConstClass(this.x);
const myValue = MyConstClass(5); // OK
const values are canonical instances. That means that there is only a single instance no matter how many you declare.
main() {
const a = MyConstClass(5);
const b = MyConstClass(5);
print(a == b); // true
class MyConstClass {
final int x;
const MyConstClass(this.x);
If you have a class member that is const, you must also mark it as static. static means it belongs to the class. Since there is only ever one instance of const values, it wouldn't make sense for it to not be static.
class MyConstClass {
static const x = 5;
See also
Dart Const Tutorial – All You Need to Know (Const Expressions, Canonical Instances and More)

Difference between "var" and "dynamic" type in Dart?

According to this article:
As you might know, dynamic (as it is now called) is the stand-in type when a static type annotation is not provided.
So, what is the difference between dynamic and var? When to use?
dynamic is a type underlying all Dart objects. You shouldn't need to explicitly use it in most cases.
var is a keyword, meaning "I don't care to notate what the type is here." Dart will replace the var keyword with the initializer type, or leave it dynamic by default if there is no initializer.
Use var if you expect a variable assignment to change during its lifetime:
var msg = "Hello world.";
msg = "Hello world again.";
Use final if you expect a variable assignment to remain the same during its lifetime:
final msg = "Hello world.";
Using final (liberally) will help you catch situations where you accidentally change the assignment of a variable when you didn't mean to.
Note that there is a fine distinction between final and const when it comes to objects. final does not necessarily make the object itself immutable, whereas const does:
// can add/remove from this list, but cannot assign a new list to fruit.
final fruit = ["apple", "pear", "orange"];
// cannot mutate the list or assign a new list to cars.
final cars = const ["Honda", "Toyota", "Ford"];
// const requires a constant assignment, whereas final will accept both:
const names = const ["John", "Jane", "Jack"];
dynamic: can change TYPE of the variable, & can change VALUE of the variable later in code.
var: can't change TYPE of the variable, but can change VALUE of the variable later in code.
final: can't change TYPE of the variable, & can't change VALUE of the variable later in code.
dynamic v = 123; // v is of type int.
v = 456; // changing value of v from 123 to 456.
v = 'abc'; // changing type of v from int to String.
var v = 123; // v is of type int.
v = 456; // changing value of v from 123 to 456.
v = 'abc'; // ERROR: can't change type of v from int to String.
final v = 123; // v is of type int.
v = 456; // ERROR: can't change value of v from 123 to 456.
v = 'abc'; // ERROR: can't change type of v from int to String.
try this in DartPad:
void main() {
dynamic x = 'hal';
x = 123;
var a = 'hal';
a = 123;
you can change the type of x, but not a.
var, like final, is used to declare a variable. It is not a type at all.
Dart is smart enough to know the exact type in most situations. For example, the following two statements are equivalent:
String a = "abc"; // type of variable is String
var a = "abc"; // a simple and equivalent (and also recommended) way
// to declare a variable for string types
On the other hand, dynamic is a special type indicating it can be any type (aka class). For example, by casting an object to dynamic, you can invoke any method (assuming there is one).
(foo as dynamic).whatever(); //valid. compiler won't check if whatever() exists
(foo as var).whatever(); //illegal. var is not a type
var a ;
a = 123;
print(a is int);
a = 'hal';
print(a is String);
When defined without initial value, var is dynamic
var b = 321;
print(b is int);
//b = 'hal'; //error
print(b is String);
When defined with initial value, var is int in this case.
To clarify some of the previous answers, when you're declaring a variable as dynamic, it's type changes depending on what you assign to it. When you're declaring a var, the type is set once it's assigned something, and it cannot be changed after that.
For example, the following code:
dynamic foo = 'foo';
print('foo is ${foo.runtimeType} ($foo)');
foo = 123;
print('foo is ${foo.runtimeType} ($foo)');
will return the following result when run in DartPad:
foo is String (foo)
foo is int (123)
But the following code won't even compile:
var bar = 'bar';
print('bar is ${bar.runtimeType} ($bar)');
bar = 123; // <-- Won't compile, because bar is a String
print('bar is ${bar.runtimeType} ($bar)');
Long story short - use dynamic if you want a non-typed variable, use var when you want a typed variable with whatever type you assign to it.
Looking at the previous answers I hope this can clarify/summarize everything:
There are the keywords var, final, and const. These are to declare a variable (to indicate its existence) (Side note: Declaration vs Initialization)
Then there are types like String, int, List, dynamic, etc. (The type indicates what kind of value the variable should hold, this is for type safety)
Usually, we declare a variable by explicitly stating its type:
String a; // a is now a String type
int b; // b is now an int type
But we can also use the var keyword. By default, this sets the type of the variable to whatever it is initialized with. (This is called type inference)
var a = "hello"; // a is now a String type
var b = 5; // b is now an int type
Now what happens when you try to declare a variable with the var keyword, but don't initialize a value? How is it supposed to infer a type? Well, there is also a type called dynamic. This is different than the usual String or int in the sense that it allows for the variable to be assigned a value of any type (Usually there will be an error).
String a = "hello"; // a is now a String type
// var a = "hello"; // Alternative way; same as the line above because its type is inferred to be String
a = 5 // error: A value of type 'int' can't be assigned to a variable of type 'String'
dynamic b; // b is now a dynamic type
b = "hello"; // still a dynamic type, but now its value is of type String (You can use b.runtimeType to check)
b = 5; // dynamic type, but now its value is of type int
So to address the original confusion regarding the quote from the article,
As you might know, dynamic (as it is now called) is the stand-in type when a static type annotation is not provided.
It just means that if you don't explicitly state its type (you use var to declare a variable) and do so without initialization, it simply infers its type as dynamic:
var b; // b is now a dynamic type, the following will not have any errors.
b = "hello";
b = 5;
b = true;
Other notes:
Not sure why people started talking about final and const, but I think the accepted answer here explains it well if you want to know more.
dynamic a; and var a; is effectively the same: They both declare a variable of dynamic type.
Two ways of checking the type of a variable is using the is operator and using .runtimeType which works differently. See the following example:
dynamic b; // b is now a dynamic type, no value
print(b is dynamic); // true
print(b is Null); // true
print(b is String); // false
print(b is int); // false
print(b.runtimeType); // Null
b = "hello"; // dynamic type, String value
print(b is dynamic); // true
print(b is Null); // false
print(b is String); // true
print(b is int); // false
print(b.runtimeType); // String
b = 5; // dynamic type, int value
print(b is dynamic); // true
print(b is Null); // false
print(b is String); // false
print(b is int); // true
print(b.runtimeType); // int
One of aspect than can consider in comparison dynamic vs var is taking into account behavior when using var declaration with initialization at the same time there is not possibility to change type which in case of dynamic is.
But dynamic vs var is not the question what I would ask.
I would ask more what is difference between dynamic vs Object.
Here is a DO annotate with Object instead of dynamic to indicate any object is allowed.
It is hard to feel it at the beginning, but dynamic I would relate to generic type argument.
Both in dynamic and var,the variable can hold data of any data type, i.e., int , float,string,etc
If a variable is declared as a dynamic and if even initialised, its type can change over time.Try this code in https://dartpad.dev/
void main() {
dynamic x = 'abc';
x = 12345;
If you declare variable as a var, once assigned type can not change.
void main() {
var x = 'abc';
x = 12345;
The above code will result in the error stating that A value of type 'int' can't be assigned to a variable of type 'String' - line 3
BUT, if you state a var without initializing, it becomes a dynamic:
void main() {
var x ;
x = 'abc';
A dynamic variable can change his type and a var type can't be changed.
For example :
var myVar = 'hello';
dynamic myDynamicVar = 'hello';
myVar = 123; // not possible
myDynamicVar = 123; // possible
dynamic is a data type that indicates all data types in dart
var is a variable declaration way like "final" that takes the data type of its value
If you use var you can't change the data type of the variable. But if you use dynamic you can change it freely.
for ex.
dynamic x = 12; // type: integer
x= "Hello world"; // type: string
This will work with no issues if you do the same using var instead of dynamic you will get an error since you can't change the data type because it is automatically assigned to the variable when initialized.
dynamic: can change the TYPE of the variable, & can change the VALUE of the variable later in the code.
var: can't change the TYPE of the variable, but can change the VALUE of the variable later in code
