find data from another sheet dynamically - google-sheets

I don't really know how to precisely lookup for that so please tell me if I'm doing something wrong there.
But I'd like to dynamically call a sheet using a value in the cell.
Actually it doesn't work since it displays only the text as you may see. I tried to add =SUM() but it calculate 0.
the formula is =SUM(ARRAYFORMULA(CELL("contents";A1)&"!B2"))
Here is a sheet for testing
Thanks for the sweet help.

You need to use the INDIRECT function


How do I edit my code to search an entire column instead of the cell on the same row?

I have this code:
But the problem is that it’s not searching B:B, it’s searching B1(or whatever row it’s on). Is there a way to make this search all of B:B? I tried FIND too, and that didn’t work.
Here’s a photo recreation.

How to achieve similar layout to 365 Scores app in Swift? (Screenshot included)

I tried to achieve the below layout with a single tableviewbut failed.
The structure of the below screenshot is as follows:
Date (Today):
My subscribed lists (My Teams & Games):
League name:
Actual match (Looks like a Tableview cell)
Please note that each level of the structure is dynamic in count depending on the matches of the day.
I tried implementing this with a tableview but couldn't figure out how to create nested sections. For example, at the top level I tried to make the sections headerView to represent the date but then I was forced to make the rest of the strucure inside a cell which is not the case for the app in the screenshot.
I am assuming the actual matches are the tableview cells since they are the ones that are swipe-able?
Please help me with some ideas.
There are various ways to approach this... here are just two ideas:
As was mentioned in the comments on your other question - you really need to start working on it. If you run into specific problems, come back here with specific questions.

Locking formula values in google sheets

I'm trying to make a google sheet for calculating my net income over a set period of time. I have all the things but one thing figured out. That one thing being, I don't know how to lock a value in a formula to make it say the same for when I select and copy the cell formula to other cells. I'm very new to google sheets (and any form of excel) so I don't have much idea as for what I'm doing. Some help would be greatly appreciated, Thanks in advance. If my question wasn't very clear or needs rewording please let me know and I will work to correct whatever it is that is unclear.
So I've been doing some searching and working on the sheet, and I've decided to drop one of the things I was going to do because it didn't make much sense. So now the situation is that I need to have a value change dynamically as I continue to add more rows. What I'm trying to do now is have the cell formula change to add together the cell, say B3, and the cell above it, B2, and have that stored on another cell. I don't really know how to go about doing this, so any help or advice is greatly appreciated. Thanks in advance and sorry for the sudden change.
Based on your edited statement with ...need to have a value *change dynamically* as I continue to add more rows. What I'm trying to do now is have the cell formula change to add together the cell, say B3, and the cell above it, B2, and have that stored on another cell, I suppose this is what is your goal (feel free to correct me if I'm mistaken) :
Used =SUM($B$2:B) on cell C2:
If you want to just copy the value and paste, I believe that is CTL+SHFT+v. If you want to copy the formula and paste it so that it refers to the same cells when it's copied, then you need to change the references so that they are static. For instance, if the formula refers to A1 and you copy it one column over it will change to A2, and if you copy it one column over and one row down it will change to B2. If the formula refers to $A$1, it will always refer to A1. You can do this manually, or you can highlight the cell reference and press F4 to change it to a static reference.
Hope I understood the problem correctly.

Is there a way to remotely update a cell's contents without using scripts in Google Sheets?

This is probably really basic but for the life of me I can't phrase this question in a way where google will point me in the direction of an answer.
What I want is to take a cell that has had data manually inputted, and then be able to update that number in its original cell. For example, someone fills in '11' and I can then add 2 to that number.
The only way I can think of to accomplish this is either with scripts or a sort of intermediary cell, but I'm unsure if there's some elegant way to directly edit a cell's contents from a different cell that I'm unaware of.
Nope. No such elegant way.
You're not finding it because it's not possible. You'd need to script something like that.

Use last value from a specific Cell

I've looked everywhere for a solution with no joy and with no experience with Spreadsheet functions to figure this out myself, I've turned to asking it here.
Basically i need to display the previous value of a cell in another: I.E.
If cell B3 changes from 50 to 60, i need cell G3 to show 50.
I've tried:
with no joy.
we cant save data permanent when you delete your data in your sheet it wont save another place or it won't display anywhere
