How to conditionally copy a drop down in google-sheet? - google-sheets

I have a drop down with a few options.
I want to conditionally copy the drop down to the following line. Keeping the selected value and its options.
I have tried:
=IF(Placements!$B3="", "", D$2)
but only the content was copied.

It is possible to copy an entire dropdown list into another cell using Apps Script.
Please see sample code below for fetching dropdown list as well as creating a dropdown with the fetched values from the original dropdown.
function myFunction() {
var sheet = SpreadsheetApp.getActiveSpreadsheet().getActiveSheet();
var range = sheet.getRange(1,1).getDataValidation().getCriteriaValues();
var range2 = sheet.getRange(1,2);
var rule = SpreadsheetApp.newDataValidation().requireValueInList(range[0]).build();
With this, you can add the condition that you want before creating the dropdown copy.


Is it possible to display text in one cell based on text color from another cell?

So it's sort if reverse conditional formatting I guess?
I'm making a my own spreadsheet to consolidate all my tasks which are listed on our group's tasks spreadsheet. So far, my spreadsheet is working as I intended, except for the status column.
Basically, I want it so when I turn the task green (change font color) on the group's tasks spreadsheet, the cell beside that task on MY spreadsheet will display "Done".
You can create functions using apps script and run it using Simple Triggers. To create apps script, Go to Tools->Script Editor
Simple Triggers
Triggers let Apps Script run a function automatically when a certain event, like opening a document, occurs. Simple triggers are a set of reserved functions built into Apps Script, like the function onOpen(e), which executes when a user opens a Google Docs, Sheets, Slides, or Forms file. Installable triggers offer more capabilities than simple triggers but must be activated before use. For both types of triggers, Apps Script passes the triggered function an event object that contains information about the context in which the event occurred.
Here is an example on how to modify Google Sheets using Apps Script.
Sample Function:
* The event handler triggered when editing the spreadsheet.
* #param {Event} e The onEdit event.
function onChange(e){
//Select the active sheet
var activeSheet = SpreadsheetApp.getActiveSpreadsheet().getActiveSheet();
//Select the active cell
var activeCell = activeSheet.getActiveCell();
//Note: I want to input the status next to the task's column
var taskrow = activeCell.getRow();
var statusCol = activeCell.getColumn() + 1;
//Check if font color is green then set the status column to Done
if(activeCell.getFontColor() == '#00ff00'){
//Check if font color is red then set the status column to Delayed
else if(activeCell.getFontColor() == '#ff0000'){
onChange() method can be triggered whenever there are changes done in the sheet's user interface (like font color).
Using the getFontColor() of the Range Class in SpreadsheetApp, you can get font color of the cell in CSS notation (such as '#ffffff' or 'white').
Then you can set the cell value using setValue() of the Range Class in SpreadsheetApp
To learn more about SpreadsheetApp and its classes, you can refer to this reference:
To learn more regarding Simple Triggers and Event object:
To automate the execution of onChange(), you need to add it to your project's triggers
Open current project's triggers using the clock icon beside the play button
Click Add trigger at the bottom right page of your current project's triggers
Populate the necessary information and make sure to select "On change" under Select event type option.
Sample Output:

Google Script: getActiveSheet() when there is no Active Sheet?

I've been working on this for a couple on days, and I can't find any answer to this issue.
I don't have a programmer background, so it might be an easy question for some of you.
The issue:
I have 5 Google Forms that fill 5 different Sheets in 1 Master Google Sheet.
--> When Google Form 1 is filled, there is a new line in sheet1
--> When Google Form 2 is filled, there is a new line in sheet2
--> When Google Form 3 is filled, there is a new line in sheet3
--> When Google Form 4 is filled, there is a new line in sheet4
--> When Google Form 5 is filled, there is a new line in sheet5
Now, I would need to be able to run some script (different ones) when a new line is added to each sheets.
The idea is:
--> When a new line is added to sheet1, do this.
--> When a new line is added to sheet2, do this.
I tried something like this (see below). But it doesn't return anything since there is no "Activesheet" when the google form is filled and add a new row by himself to Google sheet.
function onChange(event) {
var s = event.source.getActiveSheet();
var sName = s.getName();
In other words, do you have a idea about how I can get the sheet that was edited by the google form, so that I can run specific script for each sheet when it gets modified ?
the onChange trigger does not fire on form submission, use the FormSubmit trigger instead
The related event objects are specified here.
The event object source is not available, but instead you can use the event object range in combination with getSheet().
function onChange(event) {
var s = event.range.getSheet();
var sName = s.getName();

antd prepopulate tags and multi select

I'm working on antd select and having issues with prepopulating it correctly, I can prepopulate the select box via its initialValue field decorator, however it populates strings, there does not appear to be a way to have a value (something I can work around but not ideal), and more importantly if the option is unselected/removed, it is no longer available in the select, unlike standard options. I can include in both select list options and initial value (as demonstrated in code below) but then it allows duplicate auto entry and it appears twice in the drop down list. Any ideas what I'm doing wrong?
Preperation of Preselected and Full Option List
let defaultSelect = [];
let selectList = [];
for (var a = 0; a < this.props.myData.length; a++) {
//push all options to select list
selectList.push(<Select.Option key={this.props.myData[i].id} >{this.props.myData[i].name}</Select.Option>)
//this is my code to pre-populate options, by performing a find/match
let matchedTech = _.find(this.props.myDataPrepopulate, { id: this.props.myData[i].id });
if (matchedTech) {
//notice I can push just the string name, not the name and the id value.
Select Code
{getFieldDecorator(, {
initialValue: defaultSelect
notFoundContent='none found'
filterOption={(input, option) => option.props.children.toLowerCase().indexOf(input.toLowerCase()) >= 0}
I think I understand your question, even if you posted code that doesn't run.
<Select.Option> works just like the plain html <select><option/></select>. In order to give the option a value it needs a value attribute, which is used to identify the option.
See for a working example.
The crucial part transformed to your example would become:
this.props.myData.forEach( data => {
selectList.push(<Select.Option value={} key={}>{}</Select.Option>);
} );
defaultSelect = data => );
(I took the liberty to use a bit more modern code patterns than your original)

Select2 doesn't show selected value

Select2 loads all items from my list successful, the issue I found when try to select a specific value when page loads. Example:
:: put select2 in a specific html element, no value is selected even all items are loaded.
:: When the page is loaded I'm trying to show a specific item selected, but doesn't work as expected, because even selected, the select2 doesn't show it.
$('#my_id').val('3'); //select the right option, but doesn't render it on page loads.
How to make a selected option to pop up when pages loads?
Thanks in advance.
:: How I load all select2 items (sorry, its jade, not pure HTML):
label(for='category') Category
span.required *
select(id='category', style='width:230px', name='category')
option(value='') - Select -
each cat in categories
option(value='#{}') #{cat.description}
P.S.: All items from my list are loaded.
:: How I initialize the select2:
Just put the following line code on my javascript and it does successful:
:: How I'm trying to select a specific value:
First attempt:
initSelection: function(element, callback) {
Second attempt:
P.S.: #field-category has a value its a hidden input field and works OK.
You need to use the initSelection option to set the initial value.
If you are using a pre-defined select element to create the select2, you can use the following method
Demo: Fiddle
add a trigger change after setting val:
A very simple way to tackle this problem is :
//Step1: Here assuming id of your selectbox is my_id, so this will add selected attribute to 1st option
$('#my_id option').eq(0).prop('selected',true);
//Step2: Now reinitialize your select box
//This will work, if you haven't initialized selectbox
//This will work, if you have initialized selectbox earlier, so destroy it first and initialise it
This may help:
$('#mySelect2').val('1'); // Select the option with a value of '1'
$('#mySelect2').trigger('change'); // Notify any JS components that the value changed
You can find more on details here:
Per here initSelection is deprecated in Select2 4.0 and later.
Using Select2 4.0.0 this worked for me:
HT: #Kokizzu
Here is how to make val in select2 just select the corresponding element.
For some reason, select2 doesn't provide the function to look up selections by id.
$("#thing").select2({data:sources, initSelection: function(item, callback) {
// despite select2 having already read the whole sources list when you
// do .val(n) you have to explicitly tell it how to find that item again.
var to_be_selected = null;
$.each(sources, function(index, thing) {
if ( == item.val()) {
to_be_selected = thing;
normal code
// to load the thing with id==3 from the initial sources list.
$("#thing").select2({'val': 3})
For me I was sending selected in the data set still default option was not getting selected. I had to do something like below to make it work -
data: data_names
data_names.forEach(function(name) {
if (name.selected) {
I had a multiple select2 box with multiple selections.
Step 1 was to put my string of school_ids into an array of integers corresponding to the id of each school, and remove a leading zero. I had to do this in a separate script tag.
var school_ids = <%= raw JSON.parse(#search.school_ids).map{|x| x.to_i} - [0]%>
Step two was to create the select box, then set the values, then trigger like so:
$(document).ready(function() {
placeholder: "Hit Enter After Selection",
width: 'resolve'
trigger just select2 to set the value
and this will trigger select2 with dropdown
I meet with the same problem, this works for me:
Using Select2 > 4.0.0
var option=$(this);
i have initilized select2 because i just want few options selected from them.
If you are using select2 v4.0.0 or above, you can check select2 documentation
// Initialize select2 for all select tags
// Initialize select2 for a specific id
// Initialize select2 for a class
// Update the displayed value after changing the selected option.
$('.classname').each(function() {
in my case I were dealing with a class then I used this way to set showing content at select2
<option selected value="your_value">your_text</option>
u need to put this at each select box's first option

Knockout js - Dirty Flag issue

I am using Knockout Js for my view page. I have a requirement where if any editable field changes, I have to enable Save button else not. This is working nicely.
My issue is I have checkboxes too for each row of item. These are observable items in my viewModel. What happens now is when I check or uncheck any checkbox, Knockout considers that as Dirty item and enables the Save button which I don't want.
How can I tackle this?
I am not sure of the exact code that you are using for a dirty flag, but if it involves using ko.toJS in a dependentObservable like this, then there is a trick that you can use to have it skip some observables.
If you create an observable that is a property of a function, then ko.toJS will not find it.
Here are two examples (someFlag and anotherFlag):
function Item(id, name) { = ko.observable(id);
//create a sub-observable that the dirty flag won't find = ko.observable(false); = ko.observable(name);
this.dirtyFlag = new ko.dirtyFlag(this);
//or similarly, place an observable on a plain ol' function
this.forgetAboutMe = function() { };
this.forgetAboutMe.anotherFlag = ko.observable(false);
Sample here:
