Qmetry- How to store and access Array of array list of strings - qaf

In Qmetry,Trying to save array of arraylist string and access same in another test case.
Array of array list :
ArrayList<ArrayList<String>> my_list
store(my_list, "array_list_1");
//Accessing saved list
Object list_details = getBundle().getObject(array_list_1);
System.out.println("++++ saved list details++++" + list_details);
I am able to print list_details content. Till this there is no issue. But when I try to get the first index within the arraylist, not able to use .get(0) method. Below is the code.
ArrayList<String> list_details1 = list_details.get(0);
When tried typecasting , got an error 'java.lang.String cannot be cast to java.util.ArrayList'
ArrayList<ArrayList<String>>list_details1 = (ArrayList<ArrayList<String>>)list_details;
Need to know is it the right way to store and access arraylist ? Please suggest.

if you want store in file, you can use .csv or .xls to save ArrayList<ArrayList> my_list, if ArrayList<ArrayList> my_list you query from database, you can set as static variable, then you can use in different method


Complicated where request in Rails

I have two tables in my rails app: properties and requests. Both tables have field called address. But in property address is always single value like Hollywood for example and in request table there could be complicated string like ["Hollywood", "Beverley Hills"]. My task is to get all properties which match by address. It means that if we have in request ["Hollywood", "Beverley Hills"] i need all properties that have address as Hollywood and all Beverley Hills. I tried something like this:
#properties = Property.where("address = ? ", #request.address)
#properties = Property.where("address IN (?) ", #request.address)
but both variants don't work and i think because #request.address is actually string, not array.
So i would like if somebody would suggest me some good solution.
Your first try is wrong, as address in Property is a single value.
Your second try is correct but not the best.
You can use Property.where(address: #request.address). But you have to be sure that #request.address is an Array of String.
You shouldn't save an Array as a String like that: "[\"Hollywood\", \"Beverley Hills\"]. It is too hard to parse in the application. If you want to save this way, you will be better using serialize :address, Array in the model, because then it will return an Array when you try to access the attribute.
Anyway, check if #request.address in an Array of String, if not, parse it to be an Array of String.
You can just wrap it in an array
#properties = Property.where(address: [#request.address])

Append element to Firebase Array

How I could append an element to an array like that:
Using this code I'm overriding the old data:
let toUpdate = [book.id]
self.refUsers.child(localUser.key!).child("booksPurchased").setValue(toUpdate, withCompletionBlock: { (error, _) in
You could use this method: firebase.firestore.FieldValue.arrayUnion()
Example with angularfire2:
this.afs.collection('collection').doc(id).update( {
array: firebase.firestore.FieldValue.arrayUnion( 'newItem' )
For more information: https://firebase.google.com/docs/reference/js/firebase.firestore.FieldValue#arrayunion
In this case, you will have to read the existing data, then write it back with the new value added. Arrays like this are not always the best way to store lists of data if you want to perform a lot of append operations. For that, you're better off pushing data into a location using childByAutoId.
Reading and writing lists
Append to a list of data
Use the childByAutoId method to append data to a list in multiuser applications. The childByAutoId method generates a unique key every time a new child is added to the specified Firebase reference. By using these auto-generated keys for each new element in the list, several clients can add children to the same location at the same time without write conflicts. The unique key generated by childByAutoId is based on a timestamp, so list items are automatically ordered chronologically.
You can use the reference to the new data returned by the childByAutoId method to get the value of the child's auto-generated key or set data for the child. Calling getKey on a childByAutoId reference returns the auto-generated key.
You can use these auto-generated keys to simplify flattening your data structure. For more information, see the data fan-out example.
You could set the values of the keys in the array to true, and then set the value directly in an update.
So if 'newId' is the new item to add, maybe something like:
const update = {
[`/users/${localUser.key}/booksPurchased/${newId}`]: true]
Firebase docs example of an update:

Adding a Value to Collection Items

I want to load data from many files. Each file is named with a date and I need to inject this date to each of the fetched Entries of my file.
I know I could do this with an foreach - loop before inserting the data into the collection, but I think there should be a better solution.
Content of one file
The Code I use to move the data into a collection.
$collection= collect(json_decode(File::get($file)));
I tried for example the "map" method, however I don't know how to pass an additional variable to the anonymous function.
The content of my collection should look like this:
Is there any simple solution using the collections or do I have to use a foreach-loop?
May be this will help
$collection = collect(json_decode(File::get($file)));
$collection = $collection->each(function ($item, $key) {
//First iteration of $item will be {"price":"95,34","isin":"FR0000120073"}
$item->date = "2016-06-23"; //Insert key, value pair to the collection

Appending strings into an array in Parse

I just learned how to store an array into a Parse Cloud using the example provided by the Parse Documentation:
gameScore.addUniqueObjectsFromArray(["flying", "kungfu"], forKey:"skills")
Now, utilizing this logic, I want to append strings into the array. So this is what I wrote:
#IBAction func requestButtonPressed(sender: AnyObject) {
var prayerRequests = PFObject(className: "PrayerRequests")
prayerRequests.addObject(["YOIDJFO"], forKey:"skills")
Now, after having executed the function requestButtonPressed three times, in parse this is happening:
However. I don't want that to happen when I execute the function requestButtonPressed three times. I want it to be something like this:
Anybody have a solution to this problem?
Every time you use this statement var prayerRequests = PFObject(className: "PrayerRequests") a new PFObject will be created. In order to update a object you need to query the object first and then update its field. In your case you should first get the array by querying for the object, modify / append data to the array and then update the object.
Instead of doing addObject, do insertObject:{yourObject} atIndexPath:{storingPosition} forKey:{#"youKey"}.
And the the value you are adding is an array ["YOIDJFO"] , object should be like {"YOIDJFO"}

Getting a unique object from a indexedDB in Dart

I'm trying to get information from an indexedDB, and I want to get just the object from one store by key, and not all the objects from the database. In some examples of javascript and IndexedDB they use the method get() to get the value depending of the key. In DART there is not such method but there is getObject().
How do I get the value of the object when using getObject(key)?
Thanks a lot in advance!
Actually it has getObject(key) method, take a look here https://api.dartlang.org/apidocs/channels/stable/#dart-dom-indexed_db.ObjectStore#id_getObject
The other way for fetching data is Cursor. Here is a good tutorial https://www.dartlang.org/docs/tutorials/indexeddb/#getting-data
So all needed to do was to create a callback. This is how I got the objects value:
var id = "example";
var trans = _db.transaction('myDB', 'readwrite');
var store = trans.objectStore(_TODOS_STORE);
// Get the value from one object ! and render it
var request = store.getObject(id).then((val){functionFor(val);});
Futures need from callbacks to be able to use their values.
