Max and Min of a set of variables in z3py - z3

I have a problem where I want to limit the range of a real variable between the maximum and minimum value of another set of real variables.
s = Solver()
y = Real('y')
Z = RealVector('z', 10)
s.add(And(y >= min(Z), y <= max(Z)))
Is there a way to do this in z3py?

You can use Axel's solution; though that one requires you to create an extra variable and also asserts more constraints than needed. Moreover, it doesn't let you use min and max as simple functions. It might be easier to just program this in a functional way, like this:
# Return minimum of a vector; error if empty
def min(vs):
m = vs[0]
for v in vs[1:]:
m = If(v < m, v, m)
return m
# Return maximum of a vector; error if empty
def max(vs):
m = vs[0]
for v in vs[1:]:
m = If(v > m, v, m)
return m
Another difference is that in the functional style we throw an error if the vector is empty. In the other style, the result will essentially be unconstrained. (i.e., min/max can take any value.) You should consider which semantics is right for your application, in case the vector you're passing might be empty. (At the least, you should change it so it prints out a nicer error message. Currently it'll throw an IndexError: list index out of range error if given an empty vector.)
Now you can say:
s = Solver()
y = Real('y')
Z = RealVector('z', 10)
s.add(And(y >= min(Z), y <= max(Z)))
print (s.check())
print (s.model())
This prints:
[z__7 = -1,
z__0 = -7/2,
z__4 = -5/2,
z__5 = -2,
z__3 = -9/2,
z__2 = -4,
z__8 = -1/2,
y = 0,
z__9 = 0,
z__6 = -3/2,
z__1 = -3]

You could benefit from Hakan Kjellerstrand's collection of useful z3py definitions:
from z3 import *
# Functions written by Hakan Kjellerstrand
# The following can be used by importing
# v is the maximum value of x
def maximum(sol, v, x):
sol.add(Or([v == x[i] for i in range(len(x))])) # v is an element in x)
for i in range(len(x)):
sol.add(v >= x[i]) # and it's the greatest
# v is the minimum value of x
def minimum(sol, v, x):
sol.add(Or([v == x[i] for i in range(len(x))])) # v is an element in x)
for i in range(len(x)):
sol.add(v <= x[i]) # and it's the smallest
s = Solver()
y = Real('y')
zMin = Real('zMin')
zMax = Real('zMax')
Z = RealVector('z', 10)
maximum(s, zMin, Z)
minimum(s, zMax, Z)
s.add(And(y >= zMin, y <= zMax))


Applying Lookahead with z3 Solver

I want to solve a CSP with the help of Lookahead method in z3 Solver. The issue I'm facing is not being convinced that it's invoked by setting an according parameter like s.set("sat.lookahead_simplify", True) or s.set("sat.lookahead.delta_fraction", 0.7).
Below is the code for solving my combinatorial problem. I ren a similar solver on a complex instance A and the runtime without these settings on Lookahead was 3674 seconds versus 3670 secunds with these settings. So, seems like they have no effect.
Does anyone know how to correctly invoke Lookahead here?
import numpy as np
import timeit
from z3 import *
def as_long(self):
if z3_debug():
_z3_assert(self.is_int(), "Integer value expected")
return int(self.as_string())
def model_int(mo, R, C, m, n):
R_int = [mo[R[i]].as_long() for i in range(m)]
C_int = [mo[C[j]].as_long() for j in range(n)]
return [R_int, C_int] # integer model values
def CSP(A, D, bit_length=8):
A_shape = A.shape
m = A_shape[0]
n = A_shape[1]
#initialize solver
s = Solver()
s.set("lookahead_simplify", True)
s.set("sat.lookahead.delta_fraction", 0.7)
#initialize column and row variables c_j and r_i as bit vectors
C = [BitVec(f"c_{j + 1}", bit_length) for j in range(n)]
R = [BitVec(f"r_{i + 1}", bit_length) for i in range(m)]
#initialize search space restriction constraints for r_i's as lists
Constr_D = [Or([r == d for d in D]) for r in R]
#initialize permit-constraints as lists
Constr_permit = [R[i] & C[j] == C[j] for i in range(m) for j in range(n) if A[i,j]]
Constr_npermit = [R[i] & C[j] != C[j] for i in range(m) for j in range(n) if not A[i,j]]
#add constraints
s.add(Constr_D + Constr_permit + Constr_npermit)
#search solution
check = s.check()
if check == sat:
return model_int(s.model(), R, C, m, n)
return check
# model instance ........
D = [7,11,19,35,67,13,21,37,69,25,41,73,49,81,82,84,88] #domain
m = 15 #number of rows
n = 9 #number of columns
A = np.random.choice(a=[1,0],size=(m,n),p=[p,1-p])
# executing solver on model instance ........
starttime = timeit.default_timer()
print("The time difference is :", timeit.default_timer() - starttime)

Precision and recall missunderstanding

In pycocotools in sctipt there is COCOeval class and in this class there is accumulate function for calculating Precision and Recall. Does anyone know what is this npig variable? Is this negative-positive or?
Because I saw this formula for recall: Recall = (True Positive)/(True Positive + False Negative)
Can I just use this precision and recall variable inside dictionary self.eval to get precision and recall of my model which I'm testing, and plot a precision-recall curve?
And the variable scores is this F1 score?
Because I'm not very well understand this T,R,K,A,M what is happening with this.
How can I print precision and recall in terminal?
def accumulate(self, p = None):
Accumulate per image evaluation results and store the result in self.eval
:param p: input params for evaluation
:return: None
print('Accumulating evaluation results...')
tic = time.time()
if not self.evalImgs:
print('Please run evaluate() first')
# allows input customized parameters
if p is None:
p = self.params
p.catIds = p.catIds if p.useCats == 1 else [-1]
T = len(p.iouThrs)
R = len(p.recThrs)
K = len(p.catIds) if p.useCats else 1
A = len(p.areaRng)
M = len(p.maxDets)
precision = -np.ones((T,R,K,A,M)) # -1 for the precision of absent categories
recall = -np.ones((T,K,A,M))
scores = -np.ones((T,R,K,A,M))
# create dictionary for future indexing
_pe = self._paramsEval
catIds = _pe.catIds if _pe.useCats else [-1]
setK = set(catIds)
setA = set(map(tuple, _pe.areaRng))
setM = set(_pe.maxDets)
setI = set(_pe.imgIds)
# get inds to evaluate
k_list = [n for n, k in enumerate(p.catIds) if k in setK]
m_list = [m for n, m in enumerate(p.maxDets) if m in setM]
a_list = [n for n, a in enumerate(map(lambda x: tuple(x), p.areaRng)) if a in setA]
i_list = [n for n, i in enumerate(p.imgIds) if i in setI]
I0 = len(_pe.imgIds)
A0 = len(_pe.areaRng)
# retrieve E at each category, area range, and max number of detections
for k, k0 in enumerate(k_list):
Nk = k0*A0*I0
for a, a0 in enumerate(a_list):
Na = a0*I0
for m, maxDet in enumerate(m_list):
E = [self.evalImgs[Nk + Na + i] for i in i_list]
E = [e for e in E if not e is None]
if len(E) == 0:
dtScores = np.concatenate([e['dtScores'][0:maxDet] for e in E])
# different sorting method generates slightly different results.
# mergesort is used to be consistent as Matlab implementation.
inds = np.argsort(-dtScores, kind='mergesort')
dtScoresSorted = dtScores[inds]
dtm = np.concatenate([e['dtMatches'][:,0:maxDet] for e in E], axis=1)[:,inds]
dtIg = np.concatenate([e['dtIgnore'][:,0:maxDet] for e in E], axis=1)[:,inds]
gtIg = np.concatenate([e['gtIgnore'] for e in E])
npig = np.count_nonzero(gtIg==0 )
if npig == 0:
tps = np.logical_and( dtm, np.logical_not(dtIg) )
fps = np.logical_and(np.logical_not(dtm), np.logical_not(dtIg) )
tp_sum = np.cumsum(tps, axis=1).astype(dtype=np.float)
fp_sum = np.cumsum(fps, axis=1).astype(dtype=np.float)
for t, (tp, fp) in enumerate(zip(tp_sum, fp_sum)):
tp = np.array(tp)
fp = np.array(fp)
nd = len(tp)
rc = tp / npig
pr = tp / (fp+tp+np.spacing(1))
q = np.zeros((R,))
ss = np.zeros((R,))
if nd:
recall[t,k,a,m] = rc[-1]
recall[t,k,a,m] = 0
# numpy is slow without cython optimization for accessing elements
# use python array gets significant speed improvement
pr = pr.tolist(); q = q.tolist()
for i in range(nd-1, 0, -1):
if pr[i] > pr[i-1]:
pr[i-1] = pr[i]
inds = np.searchsorted(rc, p.recThrs, side='left')
for ri, pi in enumerate(inds):
q[ri] = pr[pi]
ss[ri] = dtScoresSorted[pi]
precision[t,:,k,a,m] = np.array(q)
scores[t,:,k,a,m] = np.array(ss)
self.eval = {
'params': p,
'counts': [T, R, K, A, M],
'date':'%Y-%m-%d %H:%M:%S'),
'precision': precision,
'recall': recall,
'scores': scores,
toc = time.time()
print('DONE (t={:0.2f}s).'.format( toc-tic))

Initial value for variables

I would like to set the initial value for variables in z3py in an efficient way.
x,y = Ints(x,y)
s = Solver()
I would expect the output value is e.g., x = 11, y = 0, not the result x = 11, y = 7.
One way to do it is:
x,y = Ints(x,y)
s = Optimize()
But it takes much computation time as my program contains many of variables. Any better way to do it?
The slow-down is because you're forcing the optimizer to run, which is an overkill for this purpose. (The optimizing solver can handle max-sat problems, which does the job here, but it is costly and not needed for this case.)
Instead, simply walk over the model and see if there's an assignment for it:
from z3 import *
def model_with_zeros(s, vs):
m = s.model()
result = []
for v in vs:
val = m.eval(v)
if val.eq(v):
result.append((v, 0))
result.append((v, val))
return result
x, y = Ints('x y')
s = Solver()
s.add(x > 10)
print s.check()
print model_with_zeros(s, [x, y])
This prints:
[(x, 11), (y, 0)]
Note that you have to explicitly pass the solver and the variables you are interested in to the model_with_zeros function; as the trick here is precisely to see which variables the solver left untouched.
If you want a different initial value, then you can modify model_with_zeros to account for that for each variable separately.

Understanding the indexing of bound variables in Z3

I am trying to understand how the bound variables are indexed in z3.
Here in a snippet in z3py and the corresponding output. ( )
x, y = Ints('x y')
f1 = ForAll(x, And(x == 0, Exists(y, x == y)))
f2 = ForAll(x, Exists(y, And(x == 0, x == y)))
print f1.body()
print f2.body()
ν0 = 0 ∧ (∃y : ν1 = y)
y : ν1 = 0 ∧ ν1 = y
In f1, why is the same bound variable x has different index.(0 and 1). If I modify the f1 and bring out the Exists, then x has the same index(0).
Reason I want to understand the indexing mechanism:
I have a FOL formula represented in a DSL in scala that I want to send to z3. Now ScalaZ3 has a mkBound api for creating bound variables that takes index and sort as arguments. I am not sure what value should I pass to the index argument. So, I would like to know the following:
If I have two formulas phi1 and phi2 with maximum bound variable indexes n1 and n2, what would be the index of x in ForAll(x, And(phi1, phi2))
Also, is there a way to show all the variables in an indexed form? f1.body() just shows me x in indexed form and not y. (I think the reason is that y is still bound in f1.body())
Z3 encodes bound variables using de Bruijn indices.
The following wikipedia article describes de Bruijn indices in detail:
Remark: in the article above the indices start at 1, in Z3, they start at 0.
Regarding your second question, you can change the Z3 pretty printer.
The Z3 distribution contains the source code of the Python API. The pretty printer is implemented in the file python\
You just need to replace the method:
def pp_var(self, a, d, xs):
idx = z3.get_var_index(a)
sz = len(xs)
if idx >= sz:
return seq1('Var', (to_format(idx),))
return to_format(xs[sz - idx - 1])
def pp_var(self, a, d, xs):
idx = z3.get_var_index(a)
return seq1('Var', (to_format(idx),))
If you want to redefine the HTML pretty printer, you should also replace.
def pp_var(self, a, d, xs):
idx = z3.get_var_index(a)
sz = len(xs)
if idx >= sz:
# 957 is the greek letter nu
return to_format('ν<sub>%s</sub>' % idx, 1)
return to_format(xs[sz - idx - 1])
def pp_var(self, a, d, xs):
idx = z3.get_var_index(a)
return to_format('ν<sub>%s</sub>' % idx, 1)

Ruby/Rails while loop not breaking correctly?

I am working on a client's site, and I'm writing an amortization schedule calculator in in ruby on rails. For longer loan term calculations, it doesn't seem to be breaking when the balance reaches 0
Here is my code:
def calculate_amortization_results
p = params[:price].to_i
i = params[:rate].to_d
l = params[:term].to_i
j = i/(12*100)
n = l * 12
m = p * (j / (1 - (1 + j) ** (-1 * n)))
#loanAmount = p
#rateAmount = i
#monthlyAmount = m
#amort = []
#interestAmount = 0
while p > 0
line =
h = p*j
c = m-h
p = p-c
line["interest"] = h
line["principal"] = c
if p <= 0
line["balance"] = 0
line["balance"] = p
line["payment"] = h+c
#interestAmount += h
And here is the view:
- #amort.each_with_index do |a, i|
= i+1
= number_to_currency(a["interest"], :unit => "$")
= number_to_currency(a["principal"], :unit => "$")
= number_to_currency(a["payment"], :unit => "$")
= number_to_currency(a["balance"], :unit => "$")
What I am seeing is, in place of $0.00 in the final payment balance, it shows "-$-inf", iterates one more loop, then displays $0.00, but shows "-$-inf" for interest. It should loop until p gets to 0, then stop and set the balance as 0, but it isn't. Any idea what I've done wrong?
The calculator is here. It seems to work fine for shorter terms, like 5 years, but longer terms cause the above error.
Changing the while loop to n.times do
and then changing the balance view to
= number_to_currency(a["balance"], :unit => "$", :negative_format => "$0.00")
Is a workaround, but i'd like to know why the while loop wouldn't work correctly
in Ruby the default for numerical values is Fixnum ... e.g.:
> 15 / 4
=> 3
You will see weird rounding errors if you try to use Fixnum values and divide them.
To make sure that you use Floats, at least one of the numbers in the calculation needs to be a Float
> 15.0 / 4
=> 3.75
> 15 / 4.0
=> 3.75
You do two comparisons against 0 , which should be OK if you make sure that p is a Float.
As the other answer suggests, you should use "decimal" type in your database to represent currency.
Please try if this will work:
def calculate_amortization_results
p = params[:price].to_f # instead of to_i
i = params[:rate].to_f # <-- what is to_d ? use to_f
l = params[:term].to_i
j = i/(12*100.0) # instead of 100
n = l * 12
m = p * (j / (1 - (1 + j) ** (-1 * n))) # division by zero if i==0 ==> j==0
#loanAmount = p
#rateAmount = i
#monthlyAmount = m
#amort = []
#interestAmount = 0.0 # instead of 0
while p > 0
line =
h = p*j
c = m-h
p = p-c
line["interest"] = h
line["principal"] = c
if p <= 0
line["balance"] = 0
line["balance"] = p
line["payment"] = h+c
#interestAmount += h
If you see "inf" in your output, you are doing a division by zero somewhere.. better check the logic of your calculation, and guard against division by zero.
according to Wikipedia the formula is:
to improve rounding errors, it's probably better to re-structure the formula like this:
m = (p * j) / (1 - (1 + j) ** (-1 * n) # these are two divisions! x**-1 == 1/x
which is equal to:
m = (p * j) + (p * j) / ((1 + j) ** n) - 1.0)
which is equal to: (use this one)
q = p * j # this is much larger than 1 , so fewer rounding errors when dividing it by something
m = q + q / ((1 + j) ** n) - 1.0) # only one division
I think it has something to do with the floating point operations precision. It has already been discussed here: Ruby number precision with simple arithmetic and it would be better to use decimal format for financial purposes.
The answer could be computing the numbers in the loop, but with precomputed number of iterations and from the scratch.
