Find text and value with Excel 2010 - excel-2010

Is it possible to find a cell that contains "text", and return the value of the cell next to it (one column to the right)?

The built-in function VLOOKUP() does exactly what you want.
=vlookup(text, where_to_look, offset_to_the_right)


How to conditional format each row of a column based on corresponding value in another column

Please refer the image
I want the cell to be highlighted based on the value is less than or greater than the value in the benchmark column. I am not able to do that using conditional formatting custom formula. I have manually applied formatting for 02/01/2023 . I want the formatting to apply to the column with date = today() only.
Thanks :)
I can write a custom formula for each row of each date column. But is there any way a single custom formula that could format across rows and columns?
I'm guessing your fist value of 02/01/2023 and Activity1 is C2. Then for the whole range C2:Z (or whichever you have):
Do this for one color for the whole range and it will drag automatically, you don't need to write it as an arrayformula. The "$" will always refer to the value in column B from the row it's positioned
if you are selecting whole range (C2:Z), try this for green and red respectively:

Is there a way to return the last occurrence of duplicate values and/or unique value of one column to another column?

In layman's term, I'm trying to resolve the following: If cell A2 in column A is unique, then return the value of cell A2 in cell B2. And if cell A6 in column A is the last occurrence of duplicate values in column A, then return in cell B6; if not, leave blank/null/0/etc.
Here's a screenshot of what I need the result to look like. The light colors are the duplicates I don't want, and the darker colors are the last occurrence I want to return to column B.
If possible, I'm trying to find the simplest function to make this possible, as I'm working with quite a large excel sheet. Thanks so much for your help!
Like this perhaps:

How to highlight a specific range of cells if none have a value

Apologies in advance if I don't explain this very well, I have only an amateur's interest in formulas.
I have a Google Sheet where I need to fill in a value, in this case, "1" in one column in the range C-J for each row.
I'd like to know the custom formula so that if I haven't filled in a "1" in any row C-J, then the C-J range of that row is highlighted red (but not the whole row)
I've attached screenshots of what it looks like currently and then an example of what I would like it to look like.
use this custom formula:
or you can use:
Use Custom Formula

Two format number in a same cell

Could you tell me, if it is possible to have two number format in one cell?
The number format will change depending on the result of another cell.
I attach the link to my test file
Have a look at the TEXT() object's help document:
I added the solution to your spreadsheet in cell H5:
=IF(B11="x";TEXT(C11;"0.00 €");TEXT(C11;"hh:mm:ss"))
Each TEXT's 2nd argument is updatable, i.e. you could have either: "0.00 €" or "€ 0.00" or "hh:mm" etc.

How can I check if the values of multiple cells are equal?

Let's say I have 6 different cells (that are not all in a line). I want to check if the values in these cells are equal. How could I do this with a function? I'd want the function simply to display "EQUAL" or "NOT EQUAL" (or maybe change the cell background color?).
One option for 6 cells would be this:
=IF(AND(A1=B2,B2=C3,C3=D4,D4=E5,E5=F6),"EQUAL","NOT EQUAL")
Another option - this way you don't need to reference the same cell twice:
If you wanted to color some cells if values in these cells are equal, you would need to create a Conditional Formatting rule with a similar formula:
Select the cells you want to color
Format > Conditional Formatting
Select "Custom formula is"
Fill in one of the above formulas without the IF part of formula, e.g.
Select the formatting style (color)
as formula for conditional formatting:
as function it would be similar: =if([formula],"EQUAL","NOT EQUAL"):
update: the requested clarification:
put the wanted cells in a custom array {A1,B2,C3,D4,E5,F6}
(delimiters: , = new column, ; = new row; for countunique either is fine)
get the unique values countunique(...)
if the outcome is 1 then all values are the same
update 2: original answer used =count(unique(...)) instead of the combined function =countunique(...)
Here's an option without using an array that is easier to implement for large numbers of cells:
=IF(MIN(A1,B2,C3,D4,E5,F6)=MAX(A1,B2,C3,D4,E5,F6),"Equal", "Not Equal")
