How to assign a special section to an independent sector on STM32 flash memory? - in-app-purchase

As you can see,STM32F4xx series memory map is like that.I am develop an IAP application, the boot firmware may be over 64KB size, so I use sector 0-4 to put boot firmware.Now I want to put version msg and verify msg so on to a sector which wouldn`t be erased, its a waste to put them to sector 5.I try to modify ld file using STM32CubeIDE in many ways iI know but failed, So is there anyone know how to put msg to sector 1-3?

Changing boot address is an option:STM32 boot address setting .
For example you can set boot address as start address of sector 1 and you can save your parameters on sector 0.
Another solution is using a dummy boot loader which only checks a button etc. to decide jump to boot loader or main application. For example you can put dummy boot loader on sector 0, parameters can be placed on sector 1, the main boot loader can be placed on sector 2-3-4 and main application can be placed on any where rest of the flash memory.


Dask script fails on large csv file on a localhost environment

We are trying to use Dask to clean up some data as part of an ETL process.
The original file is over 3GB csv .
When we run the code on a subset (1GB) the code runs successfully (with a few user warning regarding our cleaning procedures such as:
ddf[id1] = ddf[id1].str.extract(´(\d+)´)
repeater = re.compile(r´((\d)\2{5,}´)
mask_repeater = ddf[id1].str.contrains(repeater, regex=True)
ddf = ddf[~mask_repeater]
On the 3GB file the process nearly completes (there is only one task left - drop-duplicates-agg) and then restarts from the middle (that is what I can see from the bokeh status website). we also see the warning which is the same as when the script starts to run.
RuntimeWarning: Couldn't detect a suitable IP address for reaching '', defaulting to ''...
I´m running on a offline single windows64bit workstation with 24 cores .
Any suggestions?

Monitoring Java heap usage on a Weblogic Server

I am monitoring Java heap usage on all managed servers in the Weblogic 10.3 domain using WLST. I have written a Jython script to achieve this. This script first logs into the admin server in the domain. Following is the code snippet that fetches the heap statistics for each managed server:
def getServerJavaHeap():
for server in servers:
free = int(server.getJVMRuntime().getHeapFreeCurrent())/(1024*1024)
freePct = int(server.getJVMRuntime().getHeapFreePercent())
current = int(server.getJVMRuntime().getHeapSizeCurrent())/(1024*1024)
max = int(server.getJVMRuntime().getHeapSizeMax())/(1024*1024)
print 'Domain Name #', cmo.getName()
print 'Server Name #', server.getName()
print 'Current Heap Size #', current
print 'Current Heap Free #', free
print 'Maximum Heap Size #', max
print 'Percentage Heap Free #', freePct
The heap statistics that the above code fetches is different from what the Weblogic admin console shows. For instance for managed server123
The above code gives the heap size usage as 1.25GB while the admin console shows heap usages as 3GB
I am wondering why is there a discrepancy in what admin console shows and the output of the above code. I am trying to determine if I am looking in the right place and invoking the right method calls (listed here in the docs) to get the heap statistics on each managed server.
I am sure the time when the script ran also is a factor. Was wondering how frequently the admin console refreshes these tables.
I can't see anything wrong with your approach tbh. The admin console page won't update automatically unless you click on the auto-refresh icon (the two arrows forming a circle) in the top left of the table. By default the refresh interval is 10 seconds but this can be set from the 'Preferences' page - the link is on the banner of every page.
I tried on both an Admin server and a managed server and as long as I ran the code close to a refresh, the numbers tied up. I can only assume a garbage collect run between the time the console displayed the data and your script ran.

Is there a way to determine the Physical Sector Size for removable drives with file systems other than NTFS (like FAT16, exFAT...)?

I need a function to get the Physical Sector Size for all kind of system drives, in Win7 or higher.
This is the code that I've used until today, when I found out that it's not working with my external USB HDD (exFAT file system) and with my USB MP3 Player (FAT16). In these cases the function DeviceIoControl fails and I get the exception: "System Error. Code 50. The request is not suported". But it works very well with NTFS volumes.
function GetSectorSize(Drive:Char):DWORD;
var h:THandle;
h:=CreateFileW(PWideChar('\\.\'+UpperCase(Drive)+':'),0,FILE_SHARE_READ or FILE_SHARE_WRITE,nil,OPEN_EXISTING,0,0);
if h=INVALID_HANDLE_VALUE then RaiseLastOSError;
if not DeviceIoControl(h,IOCTL_STORAGE_QUERY_PROPERTY,#Query,SizeOf(Query),#Alignment,SizeOf(Alignment),junk,nil) then RaiseLastOSError;
According to MSDN:
File Buffering
Most current Windows APIs, such as IOCTL_DISK_GET_DRIVE_GEOMETRY and GetDiskFreeSpace, will return the logical sector size, but the physical sector size can be retrieved through the IOCTL_STORAGE_QUERY_PROPERTY control code, with the relevant information contained in the BytesPerPhysicalSector member in the STORAGE_ACCESS_ALIGNMENT_DESCRIPTOR structure. For an example, see the sample code at STORAGE_ACCESS_ALIGNMENT_DESCRIPTOR. Microsoft strongly recommends that developers align unbuffered I/O to the physical sector size as reported by the IOCTL_STORAGE_QUERY_PROPERTY control code to help ensure their applications are prepared for this sector size transition.
This same quote also appears in the following MSDN document:
Advanced format (4K) disk compatibility update
Which includes the following additional information:
The below list summarizes the new features delivered as part of Windows 8 and Windows Server 2012 to help improve customer and developer experience with large sector disks. More detailed description for each item follow.
•Provides a new API to query for physical sector size (FileFsSectorSizeInformation)
Here’s how you can query for the physical sector size:
Preferred method for Windows 8
With Windows 8, Microsoft has introduced a new API that enables developers to easily integrate 4K support within their apps. This new API supports even greater numbers of scenarios than the legacy method for Windows Vista and Windows 7 discussed below. This API enables these calling scenarios:
•Calling from an unprivileged app
•Calling to any valid file handle
•Calling to a file handle on a remote volume over SMB2
•Simplified programming model
The API is in the form of a new info class, FileFsSectorSizeInformation, with associated structure FILE_FS_SECTOR_SIZE_INFORMATION
This information can be queried in either of the following ways:
•Call FltQueryVolumeInformation or ZwQueryVolumeInformationFile, passing FileFsSectorSizeInformation as the value of FileInformationClass and passing a caller-allocated, FILE_FS_SECTOR_SIZE_INFORMATION-structured buffer as the value of FileInformation.
•Create an IRP with major function code IRP_MJ_QUERY_VOLUME_INFORMATION.
•Call FsRtlGetSectorSizeInformation with a pointer to a FILE_FS_SECTOR_SIZE_INFORMATION-structured buffer. The FileSystemEffectivePhysicalBytesPerSectorForAtomicity member will not have a value initialized by the file system when this structure is returned from FsRtlGetSectorSizeInformation. A file system driver will typically call this function and then set its own value for FileSystemEffectivePhysicalBytesPerSectorForAtomicity.
Your principal error is that you try to get physical sector size from a volume handle rather than from that of an underlying physical device (\\.\PhysicalDriveX). Device's physical sector size doesn't depend on FS and shouldn't be confused with a logical sector size defined by FS properties.

GDB 'Addresses'. What are they?

This should be a very simple,very quick qustion. These are the first 3 lines of a program in C I wrote:
Dump of assembler code for function main:
0x0804844d <+0>: push ebp
0x0804844e <+1>: mov ebp,esp
0x08048450 <+3>: and esp,0xfffffff0
... ... ... ... ... ... ...
What is 0x0804844d and 0x0804844e and 0x08048450? It is not affected by ASLR. Is it still a memory address, or a relative point to the file?
If you look at the Intel Developer Manual instruction-set reference you can see that 0x0804846d <+32>: eb 15 jmp 0x8048484 encodes a relative address. i.e. it's the jmp rel8 short encoding. This works even in position-independent code, i.e. code which can run when mapped / loaded at any address.
ASLR means that the address of the stack (and optionally code+data) in the executable can change every time you load the file into memory. Obviously, once the program is loaded, the addresses won't change anymore, until it is loaded again. So if you know the address at runtime, you can target it, but you can't write an exploit assuming a fixed address.
GDB is showing you addresses of code in the virtual-memory space of your process, after any ASLR. (BTW, GDB disables ASLR by default: set disable-randomization on|off to toggle.)
For executables, it's common that only the stack pointer is ASLRed, while the code is position-dependent and loaded at a fixed address, so code and static data addresses are link-time constants, so code like push OFFSET .LC0 / call puts can work, hard-coding the address of the string constant into a push imm32.
Libraries usually need to be position-independent anyway, so ASLR can load them at a randomized address.
But ASLR for executables is possible and becoming more common, either by making position-independent executables (Linux), or by having the OS fix-up every hard-coded address when it loads the executable at a different address than it was compiled for (Windows).
Addresses only have a 1:1 relation to the position within the file only in a relative sense within the same segment. i.e. the next byte of code is the next byte of the file. The headers of the executable describe which regions of the file are what (and where they should be mapped by the OS's program loader).
The meaning of the addresses shown differs in three cases:
For executable files
For DLLs (Windows) or shared objects (.so, Linux and Un*x-like)
For object files
For executables:
Executable files typically cannot be loaded to any address in memory. In Windows there is the possibility to add a "relocation table" to an executable file (required for very old Windows versions); if this is not present (typically the case when using GCC) then it is not possible to load the file to another memory location. In Linux it is never possible to load the executable to another location.
You may try something like this:
static int a;
printf("%X\n", &a);
When you execute the program 100 times you see that the address of a is always the same so no ASLR is done for the executable file itself.
The addresses dumped by objdump are absolute addresses.
For DLLs / .so files:
The addresses are relative to the base address of the DLL (under Linux) or they are absolute addresses (under Windows) that will change when the DLL is loaded into another memory area.
For object files:
When dumping an object file the addresses are relative to the currently displayed section. If there are multiple ".text" sections in a file the addresses will start at 0 for each section.

How much size is too large for Session on Rails 3

I want to load a text file in Session.
The file size is about 50KB ~ 100KB.
When user trigger the function in my page. it will create the Session.
My Server's RAM is about 8GB. and the max users is about 100
Because there will be a script run in background to collect IP and MAC in LAN.
The script continues write data into text file.
In the same time, the webpage will using Ajax to fetch fresh data from text file.and display on the page.
Is it suitable to implement by session to keep the result? or any better way to achieve ?
Thanks ~
The Python script will collect the data in the LAN in 1 ~ 3 minutes.(Background job)
To avoid blocking for 1~3 minutes. I will use Ajax to fetch the data in text file (continuing added by Python script) and show on the page.
And my user should carry the information cross pages. So I want to store the data in Session.
Why does this need to be stored in the browser? Couldn't you fire off what you're collecting to a data store somewhere?
Anyway, assuming you HAD to do this, and the example you gave is pretty close to the data you'll actually be seeing, you have a lot of redundant data there. You could save space for the IPs by creating a hash pointing to each successive value, I.E.
{172 => {19 => {13 => [39], 12 => [40, 73, 21], 1 => [83]}}} ...etc. Similarly for the MAC addresses. But again, you can probably simplify this problem a LOT by storing the info you need somewhere other than the session.
