AppStoreConnect Subscription Prices not showing up - ios

I have 3 IAP already approved in AppStore Connect.
I want to edit one, to add a limited into period.
When I tap on the IAP, the "Subscription Prices" section is indefinitely buffering.
I tried Safari, Chrome, incognito, Windows, Safari on iPhone, everything.
I also checked my Agreements and both Free/Paid apps are Active and the default currency is USD.
I submitted a ticket to Apple, but from experience, they don't really help.

I don't know how much this helps, but I think there's a problem server-side for Apple.
I'm experiencing the same problem and have equally not been able to get any support from Apple around this.
My reasoning here is that 2/3 days ago I couldn't log into my portal as it kept declaring that there was no AppleID attached to that email address. Eventually, as I knew there was, I just left it and hoped it would work itself out. I came back the next day and was able to log into AppStore Connect fine with no issues.
I've seen quite a few comments that Apple have kind of f'ed up their migration over to AppStore Connect, and this fits with the weird login problems I faced. I can definitely replicate your issue and have also reported it to Apple, so I assume that this is one of those things which will magically fix itself in a day or two. (Particularly given user:elbib says it's working for them)

It worked fine for me as of this writing. I’ve used my iPad 8th gen.

Issue got solved after raising it to apple via a support ticket.
It took them 2 weeks.

For who that may face this issue.
The title, prices and details that is used to show the product coming from the In-App Purchase have to come from the store. If it comes null is because you didn't agreed or assigned the accept from Apple Developer Program and paid apps contract on the App Store Connect. So, do that and try again.
Hope it helps others.


Apple review guidelines inconvenience

I have uploaded a build 4 months ago, and this is my fifth update. All builds approved seamlessly before, however surprisingly apple gave me today surprise reason of City and Profession(from signup form). Now as I don't have any choice, I made some major changes :(
My issue is, why this issue came suddenly, though apple takes such a long tenure of checking and validation(4 days in my case) also we are pledging good amount, unlike android which is far faster and convenient.
Or should I consider, apple indeed failed to work as per their own guidelines at initial level and troubling developers
#iOS developers please comment
It is a common occurrence for Apple to miss something that violates the guidelines initially and reject an app later because of it. I've personally seen a reputable app get rejected for the app icon even though that icon had been in use for months prior to the rejection.
You have to realize that app reviews are done by humans and not nearly as automated as the play store review process. Humans are prone to error and bias. You may have one reviewer that says an aspect of your app follows the guidelines, while another disagrees. You may have a reviewer that doesn't notice an issue at first, but does months later.
The review process can be annoying and inconsistent but it does help Apple to enforce some level of quality in the App Store.

How do I replace an old expired iOS app with a new app that I built from the ground up?

I have what I believe to be a pretty unique situation and I can't seem to find a solution online. The problem timeline:
4 years ago I paid a developer to build/upload an app to the iOS App Store for me under my own developer account.
Over the years it became outdated and this April it was kicked out of the App Store
I took some online courses this year and rebuilt the app from the ground up.
I would like to post my rebuilt version to the App Store - completely fresh like it's a brand new app (because it basically is)
A couple more things to consider...
I used Swift vs the original Objective-C that the developer used.
I used UserDefaults instead of what appears to be iCloud. (the dev account seems to be littered with permissions for things I don't intend to use - so advice on how to get rid of all of the weird stuff I don't use would be helpful, too)
I also have a different but similar bundle identifier (it replaces "RandomRuby" with "Random-Ruby") that Apple's App ID registration system seems to not like.
The level content and game play are the same - but I have no idea how to figure out what level the previous users were on. (which I'm ok with if it's ethical to make people start over).
It had In-App purchases (they could purchase consumable "Rubies" to use for hints and there was an "Ad Free" upgrade option. The new app doesn't use ads - it just has consumable "Rubies" for monetization). I have no plan to add ads back in - so I imagine a complete reset would be ok here, too? Again - is that ethical?
With all of this context - my question is...
How do I upload a completely-rebuilt-from-scratch app with the exact same name from the exact same company as an expired app through the iOS Developer system? Is this even possible? I'm having a hard time figuring out where to start. I can't even get past creating an App ID.
To update an existing app in your Apple Developer account you only need to use the same BUNDLE ID (e.g. in your Xcode project and a higher version/build number. Everything else is not relevant.
Your previous iOS APP is bounded with the Apple Developer account when it was submitted. And the APP name is unique, just like anyone else may not create another app named 'Facebook'.
So, if the Apple Developer account was not yours, you are in trouble. You need to ask the previous programmer to transfer the APP to you.
If the Apple Developer account was merely expired, and you can prove that the account belongs to you, I guess you can contact Apple Support for help.

how long it will take: change ios app from paid to free

I have an iOS app in appstore, before yesterday I was using Tier2 $1.99. Yesterday I changed it to Tier0 Free.
Almost 24 hours passed, I still see it shows $1.99 in appstore.
Anyone knows how long it will take? Or everytime if I change the price, I should resubmit the app again to make it available?
Thanks a lot.
I didn't do anything but just wait. Now It finally becomes free, for my situation, I think it is less than 36 hours.
From my experience the "button" (i.e. the price that gets shown on the App Store) takes way longer to update than what you app actually costs (i.e. if someone would buy/download your app).
Lot's of information is also stored in the locale catch. Did you just visit the page on your iPad? Restarting the App Store app does not help in all situations. If you can provide us with a link, more people from different regions/locales etc. can have a look at it.

apple rejected app for not showing ads

Hey after 1 week of waiting my app got rejected. The reason from apple i got: Your iTunes Connect settings indicate that your app serves advertisements. However, we were unable to locate ads in your app.
The thing is that i'm sure that my app contain ads. So I suppose apple didn't have internet on when they reviewed. What could the problem possibly be?
It could be a lot of reasons:
it's simply review team can't locale steps to reproduce ads in your app.
maybe your ads provider do not show ads in the region where review team seat.
maybe your ads provider was not available at the time your app was in review.
As an example: my app third time rejected the same reason.
All you should do, imho: send screenshot of ads in your application and steps to locale this ads.
Best wishes.
Apple definitely has internet on when they test apps, reason being that many apps have to connect to servers and log on in order to work.
If you're sure your app has ads but Apple can't see them, there might be an issue with your code. Run over your code again to see if there are any errors. Double check your ads provider to see that its working. Also, it may be that the ads are being served in a screen that the team couldn't access, like behind a login. Without any code snippets, I can't give you more detailed advice than that.
If you think the code is right, then it is quite possible that Apple had an issue on their end. Apple's great at responding to developers. I've emailed them countless times, and gotten a call right to my cellphone with someone managing my case personally. Just send them an email with your case number and issue, as well as steps detailing how to view your ads, and they'll respond to you.

After Submitting My App, iAds Have Stopped Working

So I submitted my app last week and it was approved 2 days ago. I have iAd impleted in the app. As soon as the app was "ready for sale" I downloaded it from the App Store. When I launched the app everything worked. iAd was displaying ads on the screen. But then about 10 minutes later the ads stopped. It's been 2 days since the ads stopped and they still aren't showing up. I have even tried redownloading the app from the store several times. And it's not just me. It's happening to everyone who downloads the app. I'm sure I just need to contact Apple however it's the weekend and I just want to know as soon as possible, has anyone else had this problem? Or is it even a problem? I've read other questions asking similar things, however I believe mine may be different seeing as the ads displayed for the first 10 minutes. Also! When I go to iAds on iTunes Connect, it says "AD Status: live ads" and it's lit up green. Also in iAds it says "recieving live ads"
The app is free and if you'd like to see for yourself here is a link to the app:
Other Information:
The app is an arcade game
Ages 4+
iAd works perfectly in the Xcode version of the app
I have tried the game on different wifi routers and on 4g to see if there was some connection issue
The ads that are meant to be displayed are banner ads at the bottom of the screen
I have an answer! I just contacted apple iAd support and its is very clear now as to why I haven't been seeing ads the past few days. Some people stated in the comments that even once your app has been approved and is ready for sale, the iAd has its own separate reviewing process, and this is exactly true. However, I revieved some extra information from the support team that should be able to clear things up without confusion for anyone having this problem in the future. First of all, while Apple may review apps on the weekend, the iAd team does not, my app was approved on Friday and this is why I haven't seen any ads all weekend. Second, even if your ad status in the iAd network is green and says "live: recieving live ads" this does not mean that iAd has reviewed your app yet, it simply means that you have done everything required on your end. Lastly, I was told that the separate iAd reviewing process usually takes two to three business days. I hope that this information will help others in the future not to be concerned if they are experiencing this behavior.
I had exactly the same problem after updating my app. The ads were not displayed for about 2-3 days. After writing to Apple the problem was magically solved. I event did not get any answer from them.
I heard that Apple has an independent review process for iAds, maybe this could be the reason?
Have you tried contacting Apple's iAd support about this? I've experienced similar problems in the past and contacting them cleared it up. I've read other solutions where issuing an update to the application fixed the problem also. iAd has to approve your app to receive ads even after your app has been accepted and made available for download. Perhaps they just over looked yours.
