How to get crash reason in Xcode Crash log system? - ios

I got a crash in my test flight version of an iOS application, but when I check the Xcode crash log system, I am getting the crashed line and crashed function name. But I was not able to find the reason of crash. Does anybody know how to find out the reason of the crash occurred?
Here is the screenshot of the crash log of Xcode -> Organiser.
From this I am not getting the crash reason.

There is a way to show the report in Finder, as per by Control+Clicking in the list of crash reports on the left.
Please update your question with the .crash file, which should provide full information about the crash.

The function that actually crashed is objc_msgSend. The most likely cause is that you sent a message to an object that had a different type than you and the compiler expected.


TestFlight not providing crash log

For a certain crash I am only getting TestFlight feedback and not the crash log. Meaning I cannot open the crash in Xcode to figure out what the issue is. Is there a reason for this?
How can I get the crash log?

my app is crash in xcode, but there is no stacktrace for this exception

this is a simple game running on iphone device, it will crash in some cases.but xcode only display this message:
error: memory read failed for 0xd00000000
there is no stack in the left panel.
i found the value in register pc 0xd00000000, it looks like the base address of this process.
i have add a exception breakpoint in xcode it will not active before crash.
this is the memory usage image, i have test it on iphone x:
so i want to know, how to find the directy reason of this crash? is there any method to break the process when the register change to a special value, in this case, when the pc register change to 0xd00000000, make xcode break.
stackoverflow exception cause this crash, it make my stack memory crashed,so xcode can't get the valid stacktrace of this tread.

how to understand this XCODE crash log

My game in the appstore crashes from time to time. I get these crash reports from the Crashes Organizer. They are partially symbolicated. The problem is that the part where it's not symbolicated is the part I need to understand the most. How can I make sense of the address (0x100054000) in this crash log?

xCode - Exception reason of crash report from Apples Crash Report Service

I tried to fix some bugs of my already distributed App, which I noticed through Apples crash report service, using the xCode Organizer (xCode -> Organizer -> Crashes). It's working fine and I'm able to open the crash report in my project, so xCode is showing me every detail of the crash like the line in my code, where the exception occurs, call stack, etc.
My problem is, that I can't find the exception reason like for example:
-[__NSArray0 addObject:]: unrecognized selector sent to instance 0x7fa99b801c40
which I need, to 100% identify the reason, why my App crashed on some devices at this line. I already studied Apple's article about Analyzing Crash Reports but without success.
Does anybody know, where I can see the reason of a crash in a crash report provided by Apple's Crash Report Service?
Right click on the crash report entry in Xcode's Organizer window and select "Show in Finder"
Right click on the revealed .xccrashpoint file in Finder and select "Show Package Contents"
Navigate to the DistributionInfos/all/Logs/<date-and-uuid>.crash subfolder within the .xccrashpoint file
Open the .crash file in
This will have the exception type and reason printed alongside the symbolicated stack trace
On OSX developers can provide an annotation before an app (possibly) crashes using the global __crashreporter_info__ declared like this to be accessible.
const char *__crashreporter_info__ = NULL;
asm(".desc ___crashreporter_info__, 0x10");
Unfortunately this seems not to be supported on iOS.
#bbum: Is there any way on iOS to annotate crash reports?

Discovering the issue in Xcode crash report

I am having trouble trying to understand what went wrong when my app crashed for a user based on a crash report i received back.
In Xcode organizer I can see the following:
I can open the crash report in project but all I get is:
This part doesn't change if I select any individual thread, I can't see any variables and it doesn't even tell me what line of code the thread was suspended at. Does anyone have any suggestions of how I should continue to debug this? Thanks in advance.
First of all this crash report is not symbolicated. You should do that. Xcode would do that for you if you download the crash report by Organizer.
Second, this exception usually occurs if you the index specified in objectAtIndex is too large. So if you don't have access to symbolication for this crash report then all you could do is to check all your objectAtIndex: calls to see if the index could get outside of the bounds.
