Where is the iOS build folder located for React Native apps? - ios

I have just built an iOS React Native app, but I can't locate the app or .ipa file.
Google doesn't seem to have many answers and in Xcode, the folder is just labelled as 'build'.
I need to upload the .ipa file to Microsoft App Center. Where should I look for the app?
I found this: How to build .ipa application for react-native-ios?
Seems like they missed some bits out int the RN docs!


How to create a distributive react-native app for iOS?

I have created a react-native app using the tools - VS Code, expo, react-native.
I am able to run the app on expo client as well as xcode simulator easily on my laptop. What I want now is to make a distributive file for iOS like we have .apk for androids for this app.
I referred to this question How to build .ipa application for react-native-ios?
and tried
react-native run-ios --configuration=release
but I get an error:
Error iOS project folder not found. Are you sure this is a React Native project?
Don't know what I am missing here? I am a beginner with react-native, would really appreciate any help on this.
You have to run expo build:ios that will then ask you your account and certificates, once you have all that figured out it will give you a link where you can see how the build is doing, after it's complete you can download the .ipa file and use the app transporter from the app store to send you app to apple servers.
(All this if you are using expo, if you aren't it's a hole different conversation and a lot more difficult)

Is it possible universal link implementation without AASA file for under development project?

I am developing a flutter project and got stuck in universal linking/deep linking.
Is it possible in universal linking implementation without AASA file for under development project, only want to open application for now, later when I got app-id will upload AASA.

How to generate ipa file without xcode from windows? if possible

I am trying to create ipa without mac and xcode. I have iphone to test app. I never used expo for development purpose. Is this possible with expo or any online resource which can generate this ipa for testing purpose only? Its a React native app
Yes it'll be possible with Expo.
You need to create a new project with create-react-native-app or exp init, then move your existing code over and execute exp build:ios, which will build the ipa on Expo's servers for you to download.
You will not be able to include any third party native libraries (i.e. libraries that aren't 100% Javascript, that you had to link with react-native link).
However, Expo provides an extensive list of native API for you to use.

How to package iOS app for enterprise deployment with all icons?

Not too sure if this is programming-related enough.
I'm using Xcode 9.2.
My organization is looking to deploy a custom iOS app built using our Apple Enterprise account. We are using Blackberry UEM to deploy the app. The problem we're seeing right now is that the high-res app store icon in Assets.xcassets gets stripped out when archiving my IPA, so when we add it to UEM, the icon looks quite bad in the UEM store page. I've tried playing around with the archive settings, including app thinning, compiling from bitcode and stripping swift symbols.
How can I force Xcode to leave the store icon in my xcassets in the final built ipa file?

What files to archive/zip while uploading a phonegap ios app to AppStore via Application Loader?

I see two files my-app.dSYM and libCordova.a and a folder include, along with my app in Release-iphoneos folder. Should i archive the app only? or should i include others as well? I thought the .app file would include the phonegap libCordova.a but i didn't find it inside the package contents, so i am confused? I am using cordova-2.2.0.
Thanks in advance.
