How do I resend invitation to a user using devise invitable? - ruby-on-rails

I have devise invitable gem
Hooked up in my app as well as devise.
Everything working fine. When I create new user, they are saved in database and mailer sends email an email address. User clicks on email, sets password and then is logged in.
But sometimes these users lose their email or rather can’t find it in their email inbox. I’d like to have a resend invite button on the users index page.
When user clicks resend, I want the invites user to get another email sent to them.
Had anyone successfully accomplished this with devise invitable? If so, can you share how?

The gem adds a resend_invitation configuration parameter on your invitable-enabled model. From the docs:
resend_invitation: resend invitation if user with invited status is invited again. Enabled by default.
So, calling .invite! again on a record that's marked as invited will do the trick for you.


Invite system design for Ruby on Rails application

I have a requirement for an authenticated user to be able to send an invite to someones email address. On clicking this invite, the user would be prompted to sign up, and on completion, would be associated with the same account as the originator.
I am struggling to design a secure mechanism for ensuring the invited user is associated with the intended account, and no other.
(If it's of help, I am using Ruby 2, Rails 4, and the sorcery gem for authentication)
The following works:
Use Sorcery User Activation submodule
On 'invite' action create User (non-active) and attach her to the account. Send invitation email with activation link, e.g.
In your users_controller#activate:
user = User.load_from_activation_token(params[:token])
... # update user fields, e.g. set password

How to associate multiple emails for a single user in rails Devise gem

I am developing an application which uses Devise for user authentication. It performs all standard task that Devise handles (e.g.: Email verification during user sign up). But a user may have multiple email addresses to access his account and I want to verify all those addresses too.
My design is: user will get a email field in his profile page to add another email address to access his account along with his existing email address. After clicking submit, an email verification will occur like first time sign up process and user will be able to use both of this email address after successful verification.
Is there any gem available for this? If I need to implement it by myself, how can I do this without breaking the existing system?
It's very late to reply but recently I faced similar issue and found one gem which lets user have many emails, user can login with any email, set one email as primary, and provides support for confirmable, authenticable and validatable for each email.
Here is the link to gem:
Hope it helps someone facing same situation :)

Sending custom email message on devise user creation

So I need to send a confirmation email every time a user signs up. There are two ways of signing up -- either when a user hits my login page, or when he is invited by another user. In both cases, I want to send separate types of email (in the second case, I also want to tell them that you were sent invitation by person etc.). What is the best way to do this? I am using devise for rails.
use action mailer for sending email
you can send email by using callback means that if you user sign up then below method call
after_create :send_mail_to_xxx_xxx
def send_mail_to_xxx_xxx

Send custom confirmation email in Devise depending on role defined in the database

I am using Devise for registration of a site with confirmable. However, I have two different roles for this site. The first role is the "main" role that uses the regular Devise signup procedure. Accounts in a second role are supposed to be created after the original user confirms their account, logs in for the first time and saves a certain model. For example, if a user signs up for the site (as role type 1) the get a confirmation email from Devise as normal. Next, they visit the confirmation link, verify their account and then fill out a form where they specify some friends that should also get accounts. The friends are role type 2 and they should get a different confirmation email than the original person who signed up their friends for the account. The accounts for the friends are created when the form filled out by the original user is saved. In addition, a person can edit and add more friends later so accounts might also need to be created on the update method of the relevant form/object and those new users will need to be sent the correct email. To be clear, I do not want to skip confirmation - I just want to send different confirmation emails to the user depending on their roles. I cannot figure out how to handle this properly. If I try to create the friends accounts in code when the form is saved with, calling user.skip_confirmation! will automatically confirm them. However, I do not want anyone automatically confirmed - I just want to select a different customizable confirmation email to send depending on various conditions. Can someone point me in the right direction?
Check out send_on_create_confirmation_instructions method and comments for it in your /gems/devise-x.x.x/lib/devise/models/confirmable.rb

Devise - Require the user to confirm their email address on change

After a user is registered on a rails 3 + devise app. If the user wants to change their email, how can you only allow the change once their confirm the new email via a validation link?
User Story:
User signs into app (already a user)
User changes their email address
User receives an email at the new address, with a link to click and validate the email
Once the user clicks the link, the new email is saved into the db
Anyone tackel this before? Or is this 100% custom?
Same question here
It's 100% custom, you (and I) have to wait for the Devise team to implement it.
