I want to toggle between to functions - google-sheets

I want to make one button to turn something on and off for my pathfinder character sheet. At the moment I have two buttons, one for on and one for off but I want just one. I've googled it and asked people but no luck. Im using google sheets
function increment_aot() {
SpreadsheetApp.getActiveSheet().getRange('Skills!D3').setValue(SpreadsheetApp.getActiveSheet().getRange('Skills!D3').getValue() + 4);
SpreadsheetApp.getActiveSheet().getRange('G18').setValue(SpreadsheetApp.getActiveSheet().getRange('G18').getValue() - 1);
function decrement_aot() {
SpreadsheetApp.getActiveSheet().getRange('Skills!D3').setValue(SpreadsheetApp.getActiveSheet().getRange('Skills!D3').getValue() - 4);
These are the two functions that I want the button I want to toggle between.
function test_increment_aot() {
var counter = SpreadsheetApp.getActiveSheet().getRange('Skills!J3');
if (counter < 1) {
SpreadsheetApp.getActiveSheet().getRange('Skills!D3').setValue(SpreadsheetApp.getActiveSheet().getRange('Skills!D3').getValue() + 4);
SpreadsheetApp.getActiveSheet().getRange('G18').setValue(SpreadsheetApp.getActiveSheet().getRange('G18').getValue() - 1);
} else {
SpreadsheetApp.getActiveSheet().getRange('Skills!D3').setValue(SpreadsheetApp.getActiveSheet().getRange('Skills!D3').getValue() - 4);
Is what Ive tried but it didnt work.

You need to access the value of the range J3
For this, use the method getValue():
function test_increment_aot() {
var counter = SpreadsheetApp.getActiveSheet().getRange('Skills!J3').getValue();


Change background of google slides shape to red

I am trying to find the answer in Google Slides API references for how to set the background color of a shape I have in my Google Slide. I have given it the title (using Alt Text feature) "rectangle1", so my intention is to write the code along the lines of "if shape's property "title" == "rectangle1", then set background color to red."
I can't see a single reference to "SetBackgroundFill" or SetBackgroundColor, or anything of that sort.
Is it possible?
This is another possible answer, using a so-called "container bound script", which is only accessible through the specific Slide's Tools/Script Editor menu (no other way, or else it won't work).
I found that this "container bound script" approach gives me more power over my slide, and it avoids these expensive calls to "batchUpdate", when using "stand alone" scripts as in my other "self-answer".
So, in a way, I recommend it to myself, but, perhaps, to someone else, my other approach would be a better choice.
For one thing, this approach has a much faster response time.
var hex_color = '#54BdeF';
function test1() {
var selection = SlidesApp.getActivePresentation().getSelection();
var currentPage = selection.getCurrentPage();
var selectionType = selection.getSelectionType();
var shapes = currentPage.getShapes();
for (i=0; i < shapes.length; i++) {
if (shapes[i].getTitle() == 'rectangle1') {
shape_fill = shapes[i].getFill();
Again, as before, I would welcome any comments and suggestions.
To set background color, you need Element Operations.
The Slides API allows you to create and edit a variety of page
elements, including text boxes, images, tables, basic shapes, lines,
and embedded videos. The examples on this page show some common page
element operations that can be achieved with the API.
Following the steps specified here will do the changes in your specified shape or element. Check the example.
Well, here is my solution. If someone sees a way to improve it, I am all ears, but so far, it appears to work for me glitch-free.
First, I find the shape I am after using the following logic:
function ChangeColorMain()
ChangeShapeBackgroundColor('title', 'rectangle1', color_to_repl_r, color_to_repl_g, color_to_repl_b, alpha_value );
function ChangeShapeBackgroundColor(shape_property_name, shape_property_value, color_to_set_r, color_to_set_g, color_to_set_b) {
Logger.log( 'ChangeShapeBackgroundColor(shape_property_name=%s, shape_property_value=%s, color_to_set_r=%s, color_to_set_g=%s, color_to_set_b=%s) ',
shape_property_name, shape_property_value, color_to_set_r, color_to_set_g, color_to_set_b);
var presentation = Slides.Presentations.get(presentationId);
var slides = presentation.slides;
Logger.log('The presentation contains %s slides:', slides.length);
for (i = 0; i < slides.length; i++) {
for (j = 0; j < slides[i].pageElements.length; j++ ) {
if (shape_property_name == 'title' && shape_property_value == slides[i].pageElements[j].title) {
Logger.log('Found it');
//slides[i].pageElements[j].shape.shapeProperties.shapeBackgroundFill.solidFill.color.rgbColor.red = color_to_set_r;
SubmitRequest(slides[i].pageElements[j].objectId, color_to_set_r, color_to_set_g, color_to_set_b, alpha_value);
} //end of for that iterates through every element
So, you'll notice that I start my process by calling the function "ChangeColorMain" which also gets my global variables color_to_repl_r... which are defined in a different file of my google script project, but that's not important.
Once inside the ChangeShapeBackgroundColor(), I iterate through all "PageElements" on my slide (see the relevant for loops) and use if statements to check if I got to the shape I am looking for. Finally, once I have located it, I call the all important function SubmitRequest(), which is "expensive". You can't make too many calls in one day, or else Google blocks this function until the day ends. But not a problem if you are making less than 500 calls per day (this number might be wrong/might change).
Here are the details of "SubmitRequest()" which I was able to create by finally figuring out how to make sense of this reference page:
function SubmitRequest(shape_id, r, g, b, a) {
var rgb_color = {
red: r,
green: g,
blue: b
var opaque_color = {
rgbColor: rgb_color
var solid_fill = {
color: opaque_color,
alpha: a
var background_fill = {
solidFill: solid_fill
var shape_properties = {
shapeBackgroundFill: background_fill
var update_request = {
objectId: shape_id,
shapeProperties: shape_properties,
fields: "shapeBackgroundFill.solidFill.color"
var requests = [{
updateShapeProperties: update_request
// Execute the request.
var batch_update_return = Slides.Presentations.batchUpdate({
requests: requests
}, presentationId);
'This is what you get from Google after submitting batchUpdate request:\n%s', batch_update_return);

Actionscript. Tween all the textfield with the text inside it

In my actionscript 3 i have a textfield, which i fill with the messages (get them from the webservice). Not all the messages are visible, so every (for Example) 5s i'm moving them vertically to the top.
To do that, i'm using the Tween effect, but the thing is, that it moves only the visible text and not the rest text together (the invisible one).
When scrolling - i can see the rest text.
Image to show the situation (Sorry for my skills):
Here are some code: Function to fill messages object. Plus count how many lines every message will take to display ( so i could easilly use the tween effect (From - to))
private function getNewMsg(e:ResultEvent):void
size = e.result.toString().split(" ").length - 1;
for (var i=0; i<size; i++)
smsList.push(new smsItem(e.result[i].Id, e.result[i].text));
summ = 0;
for (var d=0; d<size; d++)
if (d >= 1)
smsList[d].Lines = textfield.numLines - summ;
summ += smsList[d].Lines;
smsList[d].Lines = textfield.numLines-1;
summ += smsList[d].Lines + 1;
twEnd = smsList[1].Lines * (-30.5);
And on timer i'm starting the Tween:
function timerHandler(e:TimerEvent):void
myTweenX = new Tween(textfield, "y", None.easeIn, twStart, twEnd, 4, true)
myTweenX.addEventListener(TweenEvent.MOTION_FINISH, tweenCompleted);
function tweenCompleted(e:TweenEvent):void
twStart = twEnd;
twEnd += smsList[twInd].Lines * (-30.5);
Found the problem. Because of my fixed textfield height, text wasn't. After made the textfields height auto size, evrything got fixed.

stop fade in out on a movieclip actionscript 2

I'm trying to stop fading in/out my movieclip.
I'll explain: I've integrated my swf in an HTML page with a dropdown list. When i choose an item from this list a javascript function it's called.This function execute a callback to a function in my swf file that fade in/out an image drawn at runtime (depending on the item selected in the dropdown list). When I choose another element I want the previuos item stops fading and the new starts.
This is my fading function:
function fadeIn(h){
if (eval(h)._alpha<100) {
eval(h)._alpha += 20;
else {
setTimeout(startOut, 500, h);
function fadeOut(h) {
if (eval(h)._alpha>0) {
eval(h)._alpha -= 20;
} else {
setTimeout(startIn, 100, h);
function startOut(h) {
fadeInterval = setInterval(fadeOut, 1, h);
function startIn(h){
fadeInterval = setInterval(fadeIn, 1, h);
function flashing(h){
var bname;
bname = "planGroup.singleObject." + h;
eval(bname)._alpha = 0;
fadeInterval = setInterval(fadeIn, 1, bname);
I tried with clearInterval(fadeInterval), but this doesn't always work, tried with my_mc.stop() but this doesn't work either.
I tried also to set a variable count that execute the fading olny 5 times, and this work unless I change the item in the drowpdown list before the function complete.
Any ideas?? Hope it was clear!
If anyone cares i solved with the Tween class!! All those functions were replaced by one line of code:
function fadeTo(clipName, fadeValue){
new mx.transitions.Tween(eval(clipName), "_alpha", mx.transitions.easing.Regular.easeOut, eval(clipName)._alpha, fadeValue, 1, true);

Drawstring refuses to stay on screen (XNA)

been fighting with this problem for a good 3 hours now, and i figured it was finally time to ask some professionals.
My problem is that i want to make a scrollbar, and I've figured out that i want to make it by using two integers and then give every item in the list an ID, and then say that all the items that has an ID thats in between the two integers are going to be shown, and then afterwards make 2 buttons that will + or - the integers so you can "scroll" though the items.
So to realize this i decided to make dummy code, to see how i could work it out.
And for most part its working, however i have the problem now, that it seems that my draw function is refreshing the screen constantly (Even though I've put in a bool to make sure it woulden), and by doing that it keeps erasing the numbers I'm listing on the screen.
Heres the code:
List<int> test = new List<int>() {1,2,3,4,5,6,7 };
int low = 0;
int high = 3;
int count;
bool isDone = false;
public override void Draw(GameTime gameTime)
spriteBatch.Begin(SpriteSortMode.Deferred, BlendState.AlphaBlend, SamplerState.PointClamp, null, null, null);
if (!isDone)
int posX = 20;
foreach (int nr in test)
if (count == high)
isDone = true;
if (count >= low && count <= high)
posX += 20;
spriteBatch.DrawString(gameFont, nr.ToString(), new Vector2(posX, 20), Color.White);
Hopefully some of you clever folks can eye the mistake I've been missing.
Thanks in advance
You never reset your counter. Therefore, the numbers will be only visible in the first frame. Add
count = 0;
before the for-loop.
Furthermore, you might want to revise your structure. If you use a List<>, then every item already has its index. And you don't have to iterate over each and every item, if you use a for loop:
for(int i = low; i <= high; ++i)
var currentItem = list[i];

Changing Shape on Button Press Action Script 3.0

Alright, sorry if this is a pretty easy question to get answered, but I looked around through pages and pages on google and couldn't find anything somewhat related. I got a lot of help, but I still can't seem to get this part of my ActionScript working. I have a program, that when running, allows me to paint random color squares on mouse click. I added a button, that is supposed to be able to change the shape being painted from rectangle to circle. I can't seem to get that button to work. This is what my code looks like so far.
var color:Number;
stage.addEventListener(MouseEvent.MOUSE_DOWN, startDrawing);
stage.addEventListener(MouseEvent.MOUSE_UP, stopDrawing);
function startDrawing(e:MouseEvent):void {
stage.addEventListener(MouseEvent.MOUSE_MOVE, makeShapes);
color = Math.random() * 0xFFFFFF;
function stopDrawing(e:MouseEvent):void {
stage.removeEventListener(MouseEvent.MOUSE_MOVE, makeShapes);
function makeShapes(e:MouseEvent):void {
var rect:Rect = new Rect(10,10,color);
rect.x = mouseX;
rect.y = mouseY;
shape_btn.addEventListener(MouseEvent.MOUSE_DOWN, mouseDownHandler);
function mouseDownHandler(event:MouseEvent):void {
At the bottom I left it blank, it seems to be the part I'm stuck on. I've tried simply setting the VAR to my "Ellipse" class I had made, which gets it to work, but only that one time when I click the button. It doesn't stay a circle and allow me to paint with the shape. Again I'm sorry, I felt like I was getting pretty close to the solution, and then I hit a wall.
Hard to understand what the difficulty is, but I'll try to address what I understand.
First, the stage mouse down event will capture your button event, so you might as well get rid of it and stick to one mouse event.
stage.addEventListener(MouseEvent.MOUSE_DOWN, onMouseDown);
private function onMouseDown(ev:Event):void
if (ev.target==shape_btn)
else if (ev.target==stage)
Or something along those lines.
Second, I don't know what Rect is. Is it a class you have an access to? This is how I'd do it without a special class:
private function makeShape():void
switch (shapeType)
case "rect":
case "circle":
private function drawRect():void
var rect:Shape = new Shape();
rect.graphics.drawRect(0, 0, 10, 10);
rect.x = mouseX;
rect.y = mouseY;
private function drawCircle():void
var circle:Shape = new Shape();
circle.graphics.drawCircle(0, 0, 10);
circle.x = mouseX;
circle.y = mouseY;
and finally, the changeShape function:
private function changeShape():void
shapeType = shapeType=="rect"?"circle":"rect";
There are better ways to go about it, but when dealing with two shape types only this is acceptable.
Of course you need to have a var shapeType:String = "rect" somewhere in your code, outside the functions.
I also think the color randomization should be in the mouse move handler rather than the mouse click. Is that on purpose?
