I'm trying to make a script that logs the date and time, and a user's email address when a button is pressed in Google Sheets. I can get the date and time values printed but whenever the button is pushed it just returns "Logger" instead of an email address. I'm also struggling to figure out how to change which cell the value is returned in, as the sheet is designed to log many users. Here's what I have so far, any help is appreciated.
edit, I've gotten the script to insert the user's email into a specified cell. Now I'm just wondering how to make it so it inserts the date and email into the next available row.
function setDate() {
SpreadsheetApp.getActiveSpreadsheet().getSheetByName("Form Responses 1").getRange("N2").setValue(new Date());
var email = Session.getActiveUser().getEmail();
SpreadsheetApp.getActiveSpreadsheet().getSheetByName("Form Responses 1").getRange("O2").setValue(email);
Refer to getActiveUser()
If security policies do not allow access to the user's identity, User.getEmail() returns a blank string. [...] However, these restrictions generally do not apply if the developer runs the script themselves or belongs to the same Google Workspace domain as the user.
I have a python script using gspread to create a Google Sheets using a service user. So the owner of the document is the service user and not me.
How can I easily delete such a document if I am not the onwer but I have the service user details?
The Client object in the gspread library has a del_spreadsheet method. Here's the relevant section of the source code:
class Client:
def del_spreadsheet(self, file_id):
"""Deletes a spreadsheet.
:param str file_id: a spreadsheet ID (a.k.a file ID).
url = "{}/{}".format(DRIVE_FILES_API_V3_URL, file_id)
params = {"supportsAllDrives": True}
self.request("delete", url, params=params)
So you can use your service account credentials to create a Client with ownership of the spreadsheet using gspread.service_account, then call the del_spreadsheet method of the Client. file_id is the unique ID of the spreadsheet, which you can easily pull from the URL bar when the spreadsheet is open, or using the id property of the spreadsheet if you're editing it with gspread.
I am using Visual Basic to receive data from a Google sheet column using a key created in Credentials. Initially it works fine with the first sheet ID I used but I keep on getting "permission denied" if I use other ID's. Does anybody have a hint of what could cause the error?
The code creating the string used for calling the sheet looks like this
Dim sheetURL As String = "https://sheets.googleapis.com/v4/spreadsheets/" & GoogleID & "/values/" & SheetID & "!" & ColumnID & ":" & ColumnID & "?key=XXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXX"
Based on your issue, you can try to refer to this link for some possible fixes on your case: "PERMISSION_DENIED" on Google Spreadsheet REST API v4
Case solved as it was related to Sharing properties of the individual sheets. A public link will not work with VB even though it is readable in a browser unless sharing properties are set to "Anyone on the Internet with this link can edit"
I have recently opened a new spreadsheet:
I want to find 'title' which url=http://www.ettoday.net/news/20140327/339912.htm
I read google api doc and tried this:
but it didn't work.
I also tried:
but it didn't work either.
are there any way to do this kind of query?
I know this is old, but I just worked through a similar issue.
Querying a google spreadsheet via URL params requires the use of their data visualization query language (nearly identical to SQL).
Your query must be encoded then added as a parameter to the end of your URL (google provides an encoder with its document on this here).
Using your example url (notice no "/pubhtml"):
To query this sheet, you must append this URL with /gviz/tq?tq=YOUR_ENCODED_QUERY_STRING
YOUR_ENCODED_QUERY_STRINGfor your case would be:
SELECT * where B contains "ettoday"
Note #1 - I used "B" and not "url". This is because you must query based on the spreadsheet cell identifier (A-Z), not the label/contents.
Note #2 - I could not get it to work when I queried with a fully quallified URL, so I used contains instead.
After encoding that string we get:
Slap that onto your URL (with /gviz/tq?tq=) and you have:
Which works for me :)
The spreadsheets.google.com query is the old method of accessing the google spreadsheets.
The new method involves the docs.google.com query.
Here is a working one:
That was retrieved from:
query to new google spreadsheets
Some of the old query parameters still work, such as "?range=A1:B", however not all of them do. Unfortunately, I have not yet found a good reference for the new API. Google claims that all the features of V1 and v2 of the api are available in this new one, but it sure doesn't feel like it to me.
Note: the old query method still works with the old version of google spreadsheets and you should use it if you haven't converted the sheet you are using. The new method is just for sheets that have been converted.
Note2: Google forms no longer seems to work consistently with the old spreadsheets, so you will probably be forced to delete the old sheet and have the form generate a new one which will be the new version and require the new url to query it.
try this
SELECT * where B contains "http://www.ettoday.net/news/20140327/339912.htm"
More info here -> 在這裡閱讀更多
My application generates a table of data and creates a new spreadsheet document in a user's Google Drive. How can I add formatting (color, font-weight, width, etc.) to individual cells? I can't seem to find any documentation, much less how I could implement this through the google-api-ruby-client.
Most of my findings date back to Google API mailing lists that state it isn't supported.
However, I found that another application accomplishes my desired result. An example of "Smartsheet" exporting a document to Google Drive:
From Smartsheet.com:
And the resulting sheet in my Google Drive:
(Feb 2017) As of Google I/O 2016, developers no longer need to export to Excel nor create a new Sheet w/the desired formatting, so the other answers are now dated. You can now format cells using the Google Sheets API. Here's a short Python example that bolds the 1st row (assuming the file ID is SHEET_ID and SHEETS is the API service endpoint):
DATA = {'requests': [
{'repeatCell': {
'range': {'endRowIndex': 1},
'cell': {'userEnteredFormat': {'textFormat': {'bold': True}}},
'fields': 'userEnteredFormat.textFormat.bold',
spreadsheetId=SHEET_ID, body=DATA).execute()
I also made a developer video on this subject if that helps (see below). BTW, you can do the same in Ruby (see its API quickstart sample) or any other language supported by the Google APIs Client Libraries.
The Sheets API provides features not available in older releases, namely giving developers programmatic access to a Sheet as if you were using the user interface (frozen rows, cell formatting[!], resizing rows/columns, adding pivot tables, creating charts, etc.). If you're new to the API, I've created a few videos with somewhat more "real-world" examples:
Migrating SQL data to a Sheet plus code deep dive post
Formatting text using the Sheets API plus code deep dive post
Generating slides from spreadsheet data plus code deep dive post
To see what else you can do with Google Sheets via its REST API or Google Apps Script, check out my other videos. As you can tell, the Sheets API is primarily for document-oriented functionality as described above, but to perform file-level access such as import/export, copy, move, rename, etc., use the Google Drive API instead.
Smartsheet utilizes the ability of the Google API to import an Excel file. The code is roughly along these lines:
DocsService client = new DocsService(<YOUR APP NAME>);
client.setOAuthCredentials(<OAUTH PARAMETERS>);
DocumentListEntry newEntry = new SpreadsheetEntry();
newEntry.setMediaSource(new MediaByteArraySource(<EXCEL FILE BYTE ARRAY OUTPUT STREAM>, DocumentListEntry.MediaType.XLS.getMimeType()));
newEntry.setTitle(new PlainTextConstruct(<FILE NAME>));
DocumentListEntry insertedEntry = client.insert(new URL("https://docs.google.com/feeds/default/private/full/"), newEntry);
// This is your URL to the new doc
String docUrl = insertedEntry.getDocumentLink().getHref();
We already had the ability to export a Smartsheet to an Excel file with formatting via Apache POI. Adding export to a Google Spreadsheet was quite simple for us to implement and it provided some additional functionality beyond what you could do via the API.
Sorry for the delayed response - just happened across this question.
The APIs only provide access to the data and do not expose any methods to add formatting.
Another option (and the one that ended up using) is to manually create a Google Sheet file, with all of the formatting pre-configured, as a template. Then, instead of creating a new spreadsheet document in the user's Google Drive, copy the template, like so:
var config = require('./config');
var google = require('googleapis');
function createSheetFromTemplate(user, templateFileId, done) {
var oauth2Client = new google.auth.OAuth2(config.google.clientId, config.google.clientSecret);
access_token: user.google.token,
refresh_token: user.google.refreshToken,
var drive = google.drive({
version: 'v2',
auth: oauth2Client
fileId: templateFileId,
resource: {
title: 'New Google Sheet',
parents: [{
id: 'root'
}, function(err, response) {
if (err) done(err)
initializeSpreadsheet(response.id, user, done);
In that code, templateFileId is the file id of your shared template. You can get this fileId from your shared template file in any number of ways, but the quick-and-dirty way is just to copy-and-paste it out of the URL when you share it.
For instance, if the sharing URL is:
Then the file id is 1234567890abcdefghijklmnop
In my case there is nothing private in the template itself, so I just shared it with 'anyone with the link' configured for 'can view', as described here:
If you need to keep the contents of the template file private, then you'll need to find some way to ensure that the account specified by config.google.clientId has access to it.
Hope that helps!
If, like me, uploading a pre-formatted Excel sheet isn't sufficient, then Google Apps Script looks like it might be the way to go. The Range class specifically lets you manipulate at least some of the formatting you were asking about.
setFontColor() and setFontWeight() are there, but I don't know of anything for cell width yet.
Importantly, I have also not yet figured out how to bind a Google Apps Script to the sheet that I'm creating using the Google Drive API SDK (Node/Javascript in my case, Ruby in yours).
It's been a while since your question, so I'm betting you've already solved it some other way. I'm also not necessarily suggesting porting everything in your app over to Google Apps Script (although I'm seriously considering it myself...), but if you or some other reader figures out how to bind a Google App Script to a spreadsheet with the google-api-ruby-client, you might be good-to-go.